STS first time!

Carolyn- I am sooo sorry to hear about your friend! That has got to be the most painful thing she has ever gone though. With only a month to go :( That is so so sad! I just don't understand why things like that happen. No reason, just no reason!

Jean- Glad you're getting all moved in. How exciting! I think I have to get on my laptop to see the pictures. Tony is fully consumed on it right now though.
Missy and Colleen- Way to rock the workouts!

Looking beautiful in your new pic Missy!

Betty- Way to go with UY! I haven't done that in awhile! Thanks for the reminder :)
Mary- I caught a couple of the road trip classes too :) Ugh I want to go next year so bad. How pathetic though that I don't think I can be away from B that long.

Hope you had a great visit with your friend from Spain.
Oh Carolyn, it was a stillbirth? For some reason I thought the baby died before any onset of labor. So grievously sad.

Marie, adorable avatar!

Jean, I need to get on my computer to see pics too. You'll know I've seen them when I start gushing.

Good night, friends.
Oh that is so heartbreaking. I had tears just reading about it.

I hope you have a good workout today.

I was wide awake at 3:00 til 4 and then overslept until 6:30. So no without for me today. Which is fine. I looked at the calendar and I haven't taken a rest day since July 13th so I'm ready for one.
Hi everyone, it's been days since I've been on my computer. The tablet is so much handier. Still haven't looked at Jean's pics yet.

I knocked off UY Flexibility for the first time. 71 mins. I'm still getting used to experiencing and visualizing the renewed blood flow, stretching my muscles, twisting, elongating. So different to wrap my head around. I feel like I'm in the twilight zone of working out since I'm not doing Cathe.
My hamstrings are still tight and probably will always be. I can't do a standing forward bend that touches my face to thighs.
Since starting UY, I've done COUNTLESS downdogs and planks to chaturangas. My first few chaturangas today felt strong, then slowly deteriorate. As with each practice. Anyway, I'm going to try to do some form of UY 5x/wk. Want to see some results!
My haircut yesterday was so short! I was the only client at the time so my gal took her time. That was a bad thing! I don't like this cut!

Colleen, you sure do need a rest day!
What you describe of your insomnia seems more and more frequent for me. I sleep like the dead till something tells me I have to pee. Then I can't fall back asleep for nearly an hour. What usually helps, which reminds me, Carolyn, is pulling out my book and reading for a few minutes. Try that.

Carolyn, LL is worn down and grooved!;) Nice going! Your legs must be smokin'.

Hungry. Better go eat my half Chipotle veggie burrito--yum!
Thanks, Carolyn! When I look down on my upper arms they look toned; it's only when I'm with company that my arms look flabby.:p
Every time I look in the mirror, I swear the hair on my left side looks a bit longer:confused:. Good thing my hair grows fast. Thank goodness I don't have the Vancouver wedding in a couple of wks!
You hear back from doc yet? I was able to get a derm appt through a cancellation for Friday aft! I have had this thing on my scalp forever and lately it is itchy and spreading.:confused: Alarming enough on its own but then yesterday my hairstylist said I have a newish-looking one on the back of my scalp.
Are you going to a lake for vaca?

Jean, your pup Comet is SO ADORABLE!:eek: What a cute face!!! How big will he get? Both your dogs look like kings of the house!

I was joking with ds2 that breakfast today was vegan, lunch vegetarian, and dinner will be meatarian.;)

What a gorgeous day!
I lucked out indeed on the derm opening. The receptionist said the doctor is booking into October!

Good luck on your u/s tomorrow, Carolyn!

4 of us just took a small family walk.

I have been sticking with the Xtrain upper body weight workouts, but this morning had a craving for cardio so I did AB. And I just got back from a walk at lunch. Beautiful day outside!

My hamstrings still hurt so I have to be gentle with them. If I can remember to throw in some extra stretches that seems to help, but I think it will take a while for them to heal. It is frustrating to say the least.

I have to start packing tonight, so much to do to go on vacation! We leave tomorrow night.

Carolyn I hope you are feeling better. And I love Bertucci's pizza - Yum! I would not be able to resist.
Can't believe it's August!

Have yet to do my UY workout. I need to pay bills and eat lunch first. I also need to make a bday card to mail out tomorrow. And cook dinner. All by 6.

Mary, I'm sorry about your hamstrings. That puts a damper on things, but you just have to continue treading lightly.
Have a great vacation! Hopefully it won't be too hot.

Carolyn, I have definitely eaten Bertucci's before. How can you resist??
I hope all is fine with your results. Hang in there.
Awesome getting a workout in first.
Today is my oldest sister's birthday, the 6th is my twins' birthday, and mine follows that. Will be a busy week of celebrations!
Dh's bday is the 8th!

Just found out that they are having a service for the baby on Sunday afternoon. What are we going to do???? We were already leaving later than planned on Saturday. Help!

I missed the call from the dr. We were visiting the grandmother in the nursing home. I left the phone in the car. I am waiting for him to call back. Totally freaked that he didn't just say all was fine. He must have something to tell me:confused:

Omg, isn't that just the way??? The call from the doc and the service for the baby! How far is the cottage? Would you and dh both go? If not, maybe you all head up Saturday, then you come back for a few hrs for the svc on Sunday.
Maybe the doctor wants you to take something.:confused:

My brother, mother, mother's brother, nephew, b-i-l all have bdays in August! Mary, happy upcoming birthday! And to everyone's kids!

Uh oh, the blanket of humidity is seeping back in. But pleasantly not hot though.

I just finished UY CT. Loved it. Better go make dinner.
It takes us almost 2 hrs to get there. We don't know what to do. The first day of getting there is always a wasted day. We drive up in two vehicles. Dh loads the boat, parks the trailer at the public launch. I drive to the cottage in my car. He meets us with the boat. Then we drive and get his truck and trailer and bring it to the cottage. Then I have to make up all the beds and unload everything. So we really want to go up on Saturday after my family gathering. To drive back down on Sunday is the right thing to do, but it will kill an entire day. We are staying until the following Saturday but have to be out by 10:00 a.m.

Dr called. My ovaries and bladder look normal. My uterus has two fibroids ( I knew I had one, I guess the other is new) and he said that the lining is unusually thick, which is indicative of polyps. Benign. He doesn't think that would cause my pain, and definitely not the blood in the urine. So he is perplexed!:confused: He said I should be fine to go on my vacation, but he wants to revisit this when I get back. He may refer me to an urologist.

that is that.

Tough decision. Perhaps you can go visit your friend before your vacation. Oh! I see you posted just before me!
That's good news on your results, but don't you hate that there is a part still to be figured out?

Supposed to get rain overnight.
Sweet dreams, all!
Sorry you got woken by the rain. We had the rain yesterday. It's nice and sunny here today. I agree how you are n handling the service. Glad nothing is wrong but still frustrating that you don't know what the issue is.

Today was barre3 again. I'm loving these workouts. The have a special on qvc for all 5 of the dvds fir $36. good deal when they sell them for 95 on there Web site. I dome have the dvds. Just doing the on line workouts.

I'm off today and I'm getting a manicure and pedicure then I'm headed to the beach myself a little r&r for me today.

Happy Friday.
The rain has passed and it's supposed to clear to sun later. It's so nice and cool. So muggy though.

I finished UY Gentle. First time. A lot of overlap/same moves in all the dvds but I love it. I often wonder how Travis decides what moves go into each dvd. The music is fab--crescendoes or relaxes at the right time!

Good decision, Carolyn.
What craziness you'll be experiencing these next few days. Enjoy your sis and the beach. You've seen her a lot lately! Lucky you. Have a fabulous vacation.

Colleen, how awesome you're pampering yourself! You deserve it! A mani/pedi and beach sounds like just what the doctor ordered.
That sounds like a great deal on the dvds! You going to get them?? Don't get me started.:eek:

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