STS first time!

Good Morning!!! At work again! LOL

Yesterday the sky fell as I was leaving work....deove home in the rain....took Summer outside to pee under the umbrella as she is miss priss and will not go out and get wet...LOL....spoiled is she???

I didnt get to workout last night as Tim and I has to go to sears and pick up and go home and install new washer and dryer at his, once that was done between rain...I cooked dinner and rested. My monthly monster also stopped by to visit again!

We went to bed and it was pooring....I woke up at 4 am it was still pooring...and then when the alarm clock went off at 5:45 is was still pooring! Good Lord...we have had enough...this is damn right depressing.....Its wet, rainy hot, humid....what is this? We cant even enjoy summer. This is so unusual! Finally around 7:45 it stoped, but the weather man said more rain is coming.....

I laughed so hard about Leahs queing..... The total body DVD is okay....It is right one...but the others I cant say the same for....When I do Leahs workouts I always just grab the total body is really that we are so use to Cathe's quality DVDs that most are!!! LOL :eek:

I am working hard at cleaning up some old balances on the today I am on a roll sending people to credit bureau....hehehehe :eek: I know that sounds cruel....but after 3 statements, a letter, and 2 phone calls.....if you cant even send in a dollar....well this is not a free clinic. We all pay for our groceries when we go to the store dont we???? hehehe Thats how I look at this....I help the one that need help and are willing to work with me....but all these others that just lie....well I done...lie to the credit bureau....;)

As for tonights workout...I am feeling like Im doing trisets!!!! My alltime fav!!! Or one of them....I am hoping to be able to do HST again.....

Carolyn...have you donr HST since your knee surgery? Is it doable???

Be back soon.....
Omg, Missy, that is a depressing amount of non-stop rain. The veggies must be drowning in water.:confused:
Your job is very varied. Collections--that's a side that most people don't see. I don't envy you having to deal with PEOPLE daily. It can be downright, shall we say, interesting?::D
You hit the nail on the head--other dvds ARE cheaply made. Like they were too lazy to dot all the i's and cross all the t's. I would never leave something incomplete like that.

I broke down and turned on the a/c for an hour to dry off the downstairs. It is very comfy right now. As long as I don't open the windows, it'll be fine. Upstairs is another story.:confused: Carolyn, I proposed getting a dehumidifier recently and dh said, why bother? It's like dehumidifying the earth since the windows are always open. But I see the value of getting one and placing it in a single room. Whatever. It's hellacious without one.

I forgot what Yin Yoga is about, having done it only once before. I didn't sweat one whit! We dove right into a 3-min awkward hip pose (I can't do it properly yet) without warming up. But it's all gentle so there wasn't anything too concerning, unless you count not being as flexible as everyone. This dvd is all about deep-stretching the hips and knees and back. I don't think I'll ever be able to lay my chest on my knees while doing a seated forward bend.:confused: The poses are held for 3 to 5 minutes. Can you say discomfort?? It's supposed to be producing hyaluronic acid, the fountain of youth, so I'm all for it. I need to try to do UY 4-5x a week at least, but I never seem to.
Betty...You are absolutely garden is suffering from all this rain....the tomatos are roating before there even near ready....the rain is killing my veggies....all of the veggies are suffering...:mad: I truely feel like we live in the rain forest!!!!

How do you girls live without a/c.....I run my all day... even when Im not home...I leave it at 77 when at work and bump it to 75 when the winter I run the heat nonstop too....the only time our machine is not running is in the fall when its not hot nor cold....which is maybe a month.....I guess its just a different area....but people in the south would die without central heat and air...there are a few people without....but its is very few.... Tims grandmother lives in RI and she does not have a/c either....I could never understand it!!! Please educate me.....

I have aweful menstral cramps today.....the first day is always the worse...:confused:

Its almost lunch time...and I am starving today????

Be back! do you do those old workouts? I am sure they are awesome...its Cathe....but the hairdo's....OMG!!! Too funny!;):p:eek:
Carolyn, I'll have to contradict you on the heat and humidity in the Boston area. We get our share every summer, but never like so far this summer!:confused: It has been relentless, and every time the prediction is for the humidity to lessen, it's so brief or it doesn't happen. You are more up north and it's probably more comfy. On the really bad days here, it doesn't cool off at night at all. Like I said, I HATE summer.
I looked at the LL clip. Yikes, way too much of all the stuff I loathe!

Missy, I guess it's not extreme enough to warrant running the a/c 24/7 here. Otherwise, I'm sure I would; it's nightmarishly uncomfortable to me! Funny you say that in the winter you leave the heat on all the time. We get SO much colder and don't do that!:D
I'm with you on the old/dated workouts! I can't do them, looking at their clothes and hairstyles!
When I say I leave the heat on....I mean when I go to work I set it at 65..... so it doesnt run too much....My babies dont like the heat nor the cold....prob my fault as I have spoiled the winter....Boots sleeps under the covers with me...snuggled....its like sleeping with a baby in the bed. last night with all the thunder...he got scared and woke me up....and I snuggled with him till he feel back asleep...yep, he is my little baby...he has been my infant since we got him....he was only 6 or 8 weeks old and he was in my hands all the time....I carried him around the house from room to room with me...and he still loves to be carried. Tim calls him a girl....but I tell him it is okay to be a momma boy...LOL

I dont like the heat or the cold....hahaha I am always complaining about the weather....hehehehe
Hi girls.

So sorry the last two days at work have been so busy. I had all day training yesterday and half day today.

I've done Barre3 workouts the last two days. I'm enjoying them. I'm trying to decide if I want to do these for a while or go back to leah.

As for leah and her cueing I've yet to do her dvds. I've only done her downloads. I know they aren't the level of Cathe but I enjoyed the results.

Missy I really leaned out while doing her periodization program.

Carolyn I was just thinking of cuda the other day and was wondering how he was doing. Did you decide on a couch? Will you be getting a new carpet? I hope you get some sleep tonight. I'm sure ds will be fine.

Betty I hope the humidity let's up soon. The kids are enjoying camp. It was an adjustment for then but they are doing so many fun things. Ds has been hard to drop off but that's just him. It breaks my heart because he just keeps saying huggy mommy huggy. When I call later to check in he's perfectly fine.

I'm getting my hair cut and colored tonight. I've had to reschedule twice so my hm hair desperately needs it.
I am letting ds off the tight leash. He was invited to a sleep over down the street. In a tent:eek: There will be five boys total. Then they are going to a water/amusement park tomorrow!!! Dh and I thought about it long and hard. I expressed ALL of my concerns to the mother. I think I scared her! Lol!! We gave ds a cellphone for tonight. I told him to call us ANY time if he wants to go home.
I probably wont sleep a wink tonight!!
He really wanted to go. He is going into middle school, so he needs to be able to make choices sometime. Gulp.

I can easily get passed Cathe's hairdo. I am seeing great results in my legs from this one. There is no turning back now!

We saw two baby dear in our backyard today. So sweet!

Carolyn, high five for letting ds go. The more you let go, the more they come back. In theory, anyway. DS1 would run away asap if he could!:D I love how close you guys are. In retrospect, I wish I had known how to lavish more affection on my boys, esp #1 since he is a bit 'cold'. Any advice?
It's brave of you but he needs to take baby steps, as do you;).
I saw baby deer on the side of the highway, maybe in NH, on the way to QC. It was so cutely small!
Lucky you finding that LL works for you.
Tomorrow I need to hit Costco when it opens so I'll have to do UY Detox (I think) when I get back, since I don't get up early enough to allow a 60-min workout, a shower, bkfast.
Betty, I was the most neurotic new mother. I hardly let anyone touch him! Only dh and I. We smothered him with love. He is his fathers son. Kind and full of emotion. I have tried to nurture his sensitive side, where most parents would probably tell him to toughen up.:(
We are all very close. I hope it doesn't change. I realize he needs to slowly spread his wings. Hence the reason he is not under my watch right now. You have no idea how hard this is for me. It is a work in progress;)

What all do you by from Costco? We only have Sams and Bj's up here.

Ahhhh! It is cool, breezy, and drier! Thank heavens! However brief, I'll take it.
I LOVE this statement: Kind and full of emotion. I have tried to nurture his sensitive side, where most parents would probably tell him to toughen up.:(
I love kind and sensitive! In a man that's so attractive!!! Dh too often tells his sons to toughen up, and he especially doesn't like to see crying. I try to soften that up. But still it is not enough. I'm sad that I didn't know earlier to do that. At 20 yrs old, ds1 is very hard to change; even at 15 he was already hardened to his destined personality.

Costco is like BJ's. I think the latter seems 'friendlier' but we only have a membership to the former, which started with dh's work colleagues. Out in the west coast, the Costcos my sister shops at have better organic selections.:mad:

Sleep well, Carolyn!

Jean, I hope all is going according to plan this week! Hi to Mary and Colleen!
Brrrrrrr! It is darn right chilly under this window! LOVE it! (said in my Dragon Tails voice)!

No phone calls! So I assume he wasn't stolen in the night. Seriously, these are the things I fear most.
I am bummed it isn't warmer so they can stay on the water park side. He is not into scary amusement park rides. I hope he can make the right decision when it comes to knowing what he can handle. He will find out quick enough I guess.
I will be prepared for an overtired emotional wreck tonight.

My chest feels sore this a.m. from pub the other day. I was going to do hc, but now I am unsure. My thighs feel much better, thank goodness. I think I may attack my glutes specifically. Then throw in bis and tris.

Hope your work day is less stressful today Missy and Colleen.

Betty, want to meet for coffee? And hit a few stores?! ;):p:D

Hi everyone! Brrrrrr! It's 64 degrees and cloudy! Incredible! Love the break!
Today's not a good day for the water park side. Ds must be having a great time!
Carolyn, that sounds like such fun! We would have a blast! Love cafes, love shopping. I'm sure we'd meet at TJM or Marshalls!:D
Most people would jump up and go. Me? I have a pathological fear of driving, especially to places I've never been and on highways.:eek: My own little personal torment. I'd do great in rural areas with very few cars. But I'd probably have to drive major highways to get there.:D
Seriously though, if you're serious, I'd marshall up the courage. See the pun?:D
Question: with your fears, how do you not pass it on to the kids? I experience what you describe but there's a fine line between feeling it and not voicing it aloud. I'm sure ds2 picks up on it; he's so fearful of everything, but that's him

I must remember that I need to do UY..
Hi girls,

Betty and Carolyn. You two should totally meet up. How far apart you?

I might be up in CT for work in a few weeks.

Today I did Barre3. Loving these workouts. I'm feeling slight soreness in my core, legs and bi.

What a beautiful day today. It felt like a fall day.
Hi girls,

Betty and Carolyn. You two should totally meet up. How far apart you?

I might be up in CT for work in a few weeks.

Today I did Barre3. Loving these workouts. I'm feeling slight soreness in my core, legs and bi.

What a beautiful day today. It felt like a fall day.

Hi Colleen, I'm guessing Carolyn and I are about 1-1.5 hrs apart. She has come as far as the Burlington Mall with a friend before, which is the town dh works in. I practically lived there Saturdays when I was a teen and college student.
Wow, you had a sunny day? I totally didn't know we were going to get rain! It started heavy around 4ish. It's staying till noon tomorrow!
I did UY Detox today, at 4 pm, mind you. I really like this one, all the twists and wringing.
Y'all who talk about HoCo being bad on the wrists, I suppose UY is tough on them too. We're on our hands a lot!
I've had to drive to Hartford for work another lifetime ago. It is a large state, but PA is bigger, no?
You gals see the latest post on X10? Cedie's hair is soooo long! It's never been that long!

I wonder why Lorraine hasn't been in the recent videos. Or has she? I hope they haven't parted ways. Maybe she's busy or moved away or something.

I watched the clip of LL. Who are those people in the back??:D I know Rhonda, and the back left is ?Hope? I don't know who the other person is.

Missy, any rain today?
Morning girls. Happy Friday.

Carolyn. Wow what a long couple of days for DS. I can't believe they are both still sleeping. I would of been irritated with the not knowing when they would be home. I'm so regimented....

I hope you feel better maybe some stretching or yoga today? Or Maybe a light spin???

Today I did barre3 again.
Good morning. For some reason I am welcoming the cloudy sky.

The mother called at 8:30 last night, to say they were heading home. She was going to stop and get them something to eat first.
Now mind you, my kids usually go to bed at 9:00 in the summer. Dd was begging to stay up and wait for big brother. It takes an hour to get home, plus stopping for food, and dropping everyone off at their houses. He got home at 10:15!! He was wiped out to say the least. I can't wait to get all of the details. We heard some, but then sent him off to bed. They are both still asleep.

Yesterday I aspirated some of my saliva and went into a terrible coughing fit. I pulled a muscle on the side of my ribs, into my back. I am not sure what I will do for a w/o now.

Where is everyone?

Good morning, everyone!

Carolyn, do you have Foundations? Or maybe BB Core? Lastics? Try something gentle and stretchy.
If only my kids would go to bed at 9 in the summer. We're way past that now. It's midnight or later. I too was very regimented with their eating and sleeping schedules when they were younger. So important!
Your ds must have had a lot of fun and felt quite grown-up.
I am loving this cool weather. It is soaked outside, still drizzling.
Off to do Vitality;)
Just swinging on through to say hi! Hanging out with B while he's taking a bath. He just loves the water, always splashing around. His latest trick is blowing bubbles in the water. It's so cute.

He has his 9 month checkup today at 2:30 so that's my excitement of my day lol. Tony's off too so we'll be going for a family walk later.

Hope everyone is having a great Friday :)

Good luck finding a present. I'm sure you'll find something he'll love. Have a great time on your trip. Always fun to get away and get some family time in :)
Hi everyone,

Not much going on.

Marie, I can't believe Breckin is 9 months! Incredible. I used to love well-baby visits, esp the ht and wt stats. A great pedi who is just as excited adds to the enjoyment.

Carolyn, hope you had luck finding a gift. It's super hard after a while. Dh never wants anything. Not a thing. Things don't excite him.

Hi to Missy, Jean, Mary. Jean, I hope all is going swimmingly this week. Very soon you'll have a new address! Good luck getting your new pup. Can't wait to see new pics of him/her. Mary, haven't heard from you in a bit; hope all is well.

Enjoy your weekends too!
Quick check in to let you know I am still alive! Just been crazy at work. I had to work front desk for the past 2 days. My receptionist has the awful upper respiratory infection and is running fever so I told her to stay home. Next week hopefully I'll be in my office for 2 days and then my other receptionist goes on vacation for two and a half weeks I will be working front desk. As for exercise I tried a new workout yesterday on YouTube, the instructor's name is Jessica Smith I really enjoyed the workout and today I have a massive doms in my upper body. Which is incredible. So today I did a spin workout.

I'm just really glad that today is Friday!

Yesterday was the first day in 25 days that it did not rain. But this afternoon thunderstorms did come in and it rained for about an hour. So now it's nice and humid outside. I really hope that tomorrow is sunny and warm so that I can get some chores done outside.

Its just me and my animals tonight at the house my husband went fishing with some buddies at work. So I'm just relaxing in the recliner with the dog on my lap.

I will catch up on personal tomorrow I'm just absolutely exhausted. Have a wonderful evening.

goodnight my friends. :)

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