STS first time!

Hello Everyone!
I did Bis and Tris from xtrain, plus core #2. I guess I have been neglecting my core lately because it was screaming during that workout. I never realized there was a strength-only 30 day rotation for xtrain - it is only in the workout manager. I'm not doing any lower body these days while I am waiting for my hamstring to heal, but I am intrigued by the thought of doing multple upper body workouts in the same week and cutting back on cardio. I might give it a try, thinking I will build up the weights and then we go on vacation for 2 weeks and I won't have any weight workouts.

Carolyn, wow for DH's grandparents and being independent. That would be my hope for all of us. I hope GM has a speedy recovery.

Betty, I am excited for you and DS's return! My DD has been surprisingly pleasant since she has been home, and stayed home with us last night when her friends wanted to do something.

Jean, this is a new and exciting chapter for you!

DH is off to CA for work, will be a busy week. But the weather is so much better, I hope it stays this way!
My house won't let go of the heat either! I am so hot today! But the air blowing through the windows is so awesome!

Mary, thanks for turning us onto that rotation!!!! Didn't even know it exists!
Where's vacation?

I've already talked to ds1 on his phone, which had been disconnected while abroad. 1.5 hrs before he takes off from JFK.
My boy is home:)! He was so beat at the airport but now he's gotten a second wind after eating and getting on his beloved computer.;)
Late night for all of us, so I'm still oil pulling.

Carolyn, it was quite warm today. My house has barely cooled. But it did take 7 days worth of accumulated heat to get here.:confused:

Jean, LOVED the pics, the french doors, the appliances, the fancy chandeliers, the fact that your kitchen sink faces into a living area, your sunroom/3-4season porch, the colors on your walls, I could go on! Good luck this week!:)

Mary, what part of CA is dh going to?

Marie, your mom is so awesome, so impressive to work out with you! You guys are amazing.
You must be going through sister and niece withdrawal.:(

Missy, my Italian zucchini plant produced a viable zucchini! Through nothing that I did, that's for sure! It just came out. Earlier in the month, one the size a little bigger than a jalapeno shriveled up.

Good night, my friends!
Hello....sorry I was MIA yesterday....had so many outside chores to squeeze in before the damn rain...and yes it rained again....I had massive barn chores as I have not been able to do any due to this rain. We went and got 20 bales of hay and just barely made it before the sky fell.

Jean....I just love you house. It is absolutely beautiful!!!

Male sure you post pics of your gym when moved it! I am so excited for you to actually move in!!! I remember when we moved into our house the most fun was putting everything where I wanted it. That made it feel so real!!!

Betty...This rain is hurting my garden. My tomatos are not enjoy all the rain. But, what can I do. Its almost time to start our fall garden. Normally we start planting for fall in Septemeber....just around the corner!

I just ordered my 1cd10 books for school. I spoke with the instructor as she called my office today complaining about my doctor....yes, she works in medical records for the hospital...and one of my doctors is a procrastinator....and he hasnt dictated 10 discharge while on the phone I asked her a few questions....she said there will be lots of homework....she will supply us with a workbook...I also asked if this will get us 100% ready for the change, and she said it is a start, but not 100%. This is going to be a huge change for the medical community....and I am not looking forward to it!!! But at least I am trying! LOL

Carolyn...I hope you feel better! Hugs my dear friend! make sure you make an appointment....the sooner the better! Dont wait till you are in alot of pain.

Checking in with treadmill this morning. I am feeling like doing the ab workout with Leah knee is a little sore I am going to rest it tonight, so why do work my abs!!!

As for the foam roller...I am enjoying it!!!!

Be back soon!:)
Good morning, gals!

I feel the humidity back. It's pure agony. Since I opened more windows when I awoke, the house is just one sticky flypaper:confused:. Not too hot, mind you, but I couldn't enjoy UY Strength.

Missy, I might pull out BB Core tomorrow too; we'll see. I'm not sure how long I'll last with the UY rotation since I'm itching to do Cathe strength, now that Mary and Carolyn make it so enticing. I certainly can't imagine jumping around with intense workouts in this heat/humidity.

Carolyn, awesome on a flatter stomach!
Take care of that UTI. I had several vicious ones in my late 20s, long before I ever knew how to take care of them.

Mary, good job on taking steps to heal your hamstring.

I realize I'll never get the results you gals get from working out MOST days of the week.:(
Its pooring buckets here again.... :(:mad:

It NEVER rains like this here in the is normally so dry that we are begging for rain.....strange strange weather this year!!!!

Betty...I didnt realize how much I missed my weight workouts, till I started doing them again...and I was like...OMG...I LOVE lifting!!! HEHEHEHE
Ugh on this humidity again! I opened the windows last night because it felt so much better, but the air was thick again this morning. I did Hiit DWP this morning, if I am going to do cardio I guess it should be intense. And I did a short walk at lunch with my walking buddy, can't do much in this humidity but it felt good to get out for a break.

DH is out in LA for work. And my vacation is the annual visit to the cape, my 2 sisters will be there the whole time, and one niece will be there for 1 week. I think my other niece will be missing, she is a first year lawyer in a firm and they work her like a slave.

Missy, sounds like you are having very strange summer weather. We have not had much rain at all, weatherman keeps saying thunderstorms and we never get any, but the humidity has been really bad.

I really love the xtrain weight workouts, they are very effective and not too long.

Carolyn, hope you can get to the dr, when I have something nagging at me like that I can never get my mind off it.
Hi girls

Carolyn sorry you didn't v sleep well last night. I would get in to the doc on the uti. I get one about once a year. Last one I waited way too long and it took me longer to recover. Did you do ll today?

Betty I hope you are enjoying quality time with DS.

Mary, the xtrain rotation sounds good. How is your hamstring feeling?

Missy wow the class sounds involved but it will be worth it in the long run. I hope your tomatoes survive. It's been so hard with all the rain this Summer.

Jean I still need to get on the computer to Checkout your pictures. Good luck with the settlement. Can you post a picture of the puppy. I'd love to see it. Is it s boy or girl? I don't recall what you said.

Marie so cool that you and your mom workout together.

Yesterday I did a barre3 30 min workout and today was 30 min on the spin bike.

Hi everyone,
Partway through the day the humidity lessened, but in the evening it's back.:mad: It's so uncomfortable! Tomorrow will be worse so I'll have the a/c on, I'm sure!

Carolyn, high five to your kids! And exciting for you to be replacing your couch. I love sectionals, especially the part that has the chaise! I'd love a new leather recliner loveseat. I'm so tired of droopy, saggy cushions with ill-fitting slipcovers. I can never convince dh to change anything. If it were up to him, we'd have the same furniture set our entire lives. I didn't know what the heck to buy when it's your first set!

Ok, my waistbands are feeling a bit snug this week.:eek: Could it be barely moving last week?? Is yoga not burning enough calories?? In any case, the XT strength rotation is looking sooo attractive right now. I will try the couple of UY discs I've not done yet and start the 30-day one soon. Might be first week in August.
I do love all that elongating and twisting of my body, but I'm impatient not to lose my fitness level. Plus I'm reading all these articles promoting more strength over cardio and I'm sold.;)

Mary, sounds great to have your Cape vacation and your sisters to look forward to!

Missy, I too have noticed all the rain you've been getting! I wish we could get some of that!
Good morning friends!!!

Carolyn....I was much leaner when I ran too....I enjoy spinning but it doesnt lean me the way running did, or maybe its because I dont spin as much as I ran???? Hummmm..... but running and joints dont mix well in my body! My knee is feeling much better. I think it was from all the barn chores over the weekend.....lifting 50 pd plus bails of hay....its a workout in it self!

As for BB core....last night I pulled out BB total body, but only did warm up, core, lower body, and cool down. It is awesome. The core section will have the abs screaming the entire time. I do like it! and the lower body is easier on the knees! I wish she had more dvds vs downloads as I like me old fashion!

How is your UTI????

As for the damn rain...its raining again!!!! I wish this rain would stop....I feel like I live in the rain forest! Tim and I havent been able to rise our bikes in a week due to the rain! :(

Betty...If all I did was pants would be past tight....I have been walking 45 minutes every morning and trying to get in a workouts several night a week, when my knee allows it...and I am still struggling to maintain. I have gained 11 pds since I hurt my knee....and I watch what I eat and still workout... Its BS!!! But, my knee is starting to come I am hoping....I can go back to double workouts soon! And I know how hard it will be to lose those pounds but I will succeed....I am not letting my knee win this battle! I may not run outside anymore...but that doesnt mean that I am getting fat...

Colleen....when you switched from Cathe to Leah....did you lean out more? I think thats what you said.....I cant remember as I have a bad memory!!! LOL

Hello marie!

Mary...we are getting stuck with the rain and humidity! It is aweful!! I hope you get some rain soon! I will gladly send it your way! LOL How is rowing??? work...and I gotta run...BBL!!! Have a nice Tuesday!:eek:
I woke at 4 something for a while and couldn't fall back asleep easily. Now I'm so tired.
We finally have some light showers! Heard them start while I was laying awake. The humidity is pure hell.
DS1 hung out at home yesterday and relaxed. He and I like Chipotle, so we hit that for lunch.
You know my avatar? I used to have this entertainment ctr holding all my dvds, spread out nicely like in my pic. A few months ago, dh moved it. Now my stuff is in a much smaller ent ctr that takes a contortionist to get into, and not displaying ALL my Cathes. I have been wanting to fix it for a while because it's infuriating, but I haven't done it yet!!!:mad:
I've got to get started on BB Core. Only did it once before:confused:
Hello Everyone!

It would have been a great morning to sleep in, it was so dark. Carolyn, can't believe you couldn't get back to sleep!

This morning I did XT BS Ch, Back and Shoulders. I loved this one, and I think these BS workouts complement the regular XT strength workouts perfectly.

My hamstring was doing well, but then I pushed it too hard yesterday with the Hiit workout and walking so by the end of the day it was bothering me again. It hurts right where the hamstring meets the glute. I have been doing Cathe barre workout for lower body and that doesn't bother me, I'll have to stick with that one.

Betty, I felt the same way when I was doing just UY, it was a nice break from Cathe but I felt like I was losing gains so I stopped after a month or so. UY is still a great set of yoga workouts, now I try to mix them in with other things.

We are not all in the same house when we go to the Cape. My brother's property has a guest house in the back, so we stay there and everyone else is in the main house. We go to the main house for meals and chatting but have our own space too, it works out great. There is some tension between my 2 sisters and I am hoping they've worked things out better this year.

Have a great day!
Oh no!!!

This was my summy last night....


She was pulling lots of toys out of her toy box.... she was in a playful mood!!!!
I was just listening to the radio.....the weather person came on saying we were fixing to get hit hard with thunderstorms....they also said....the last day we got no rain was June 26th....that is absolute craziness!!!!
Hi gals,
We got some heavy downpours earlier. Of course I was driving at the time! Would have been super cozy to be at home. Oh wait, it's rumbling again. Fingers crossed.

Missy, I can't believe the amount of rain you've gotten! June 26!
Your Summer wanted to play catch or tug-of-war.

Carolyn, why did Cuda do that? Angry at something? How has his behavior been since you started the training?
How on earth did your g-i-ls manage on their own at their age and with grandma with dementia? Even more impressive!!!
You'll need to pick up a rug at Jordan's too.
Do you take power naps? Try a 10- or 20-min one.;)
Thanks for the UY encouragement. I did also manage a 30-min family walk last evening. Just need to get off my butt and move!

Mary, that's awesome you have your own little guest house to stay in in Chatham. We usually all squeeze into one place, all underfoot. But that's quality intensive family time.;)
So sorry about your hamstring! I do find HiiT so high-impact myself. Heal thyself with strength-training. Are you able to do deadlifts? For some reason I love that exercise.

I could only manage half the BB Core because I ran out of time. Needed to pick up my sis & nephew from an appt. Then we went out for a delish Thai lunch and got caught in downpours. We waited it out and were able to not to get drenched. However, we sent my kids to get the umbrella in the car and they were drenched.
Leah's workouts frustrate me so!:mad: Her ballet arms confuse the heck out of me, and the stupid absence of proper cuing or mistimed cuing drive me nuts. By the time I position myself accurately I've missed half the reps:mad:. Can you tell I am more impatient when I'm hot and crabby:D?
Carolyn, your posts are so entertaining!:D
I have the same jet engines loudness when the a/c and fans are on. It is deafening, I complain to dh (*w h i n e*).
You know Cuda best. He did you a favor.;)
I really do like the uniqueness of BB Core; I just am so irritated with her lack of proper cuing. I bet I'm unevenly repped on each side of my body:eek:!
Which two of Leah's did you try already? I don't remember you ever saying you tried them.
Don't feel guilty about the ice cream. You exercise every day. I've been there with dh. After all, it's summer! (Those sugar cravings come out of nowhere too.)
Now I remember about you doing BB! I've got spotty memory to boot! I find UB very hard with all those planks and whatnot. Can't deal with them in this humidity. And Lordy, it's sooooo humid. I could burst a vein thinking about it.
Hope you get some sleep tonight, girlfriend.

Hi Marie!
6 1/2 hrs straight. I will take it. I got to have coffee with dh atleast.
Oh my thighs!! My quads are soooo sore! I am not so sure I can spin today:confused:

Great stretch of sleep! My sleep was disturbed for the past 2 hrs, first with dh getting up super early for work, then with ds1 getting up for work.:mad: It's ds's first day back at work since Feb. Remembering school and summer vacations, he tends to get up at the last moment while we would wake and wake him, preparing his bkfast, and packing his lunch. I decided I am not going to do it!!! He can haul his butt up. Then there is also the matter of him not missing the bus to the subway station. I heard every noise!:mad: The windows are open so I can hear all the buses and trash trucks going by. It will be W, Th, Fr for the rest of summer. There goes my sleep peace.

I'm looking forward to Yin Yoga shortly. At the risk of being a broken record (I guess I'm way past that;)), it is just SO uncomfortable with humidity seeping out of every pore of the house, not to mention me:mad:

Carolyn, what exercises are in LL that has you sore for so many days? I'm curious now. You know how I hate those traditional ones though, like weighted squats, lunges, pulses, low-ends:eek:.

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