STS first time!

Colleen...I can completely understand....knee pain is aweful....we all have to make adjustments for what our bodies can handle!!! I am doing the low impact right now with spinning and I seem to be doing better! Also, I stated with the foam roller and adding extra stretching every other day....:p

BTW....On my way to work today....I bought a new toaster....yes, my toaster has seen better days....It makes me angry several days a I finally bought a new has the lift lever, so I dont burn my fingers everday!!!! I would literally cus my toaster daily, it either burned my fingers or burnt my toast....:mad: but, not no more...I am the proud owner of a new toaster!!! YEAH....can you tell im excited??? I will 150% enjoy throwing my old toaster in the trash!!! hehehe

At back soon!
Hi girls,

Just finished UY Mountain Pose & Pranayama/Meditation. Had no idea what to expect but it was interesting. My brain is still conditioned to think of Tuesdays as off days so I figured I could throw in a not-too-heavy session.

Carolyn, I didn't know that you can eliminate lisps. Always thought of it as a permanent condition.
Have fun at the beach. Hope you'll have umbrellas at high noon.

Colleen, I'm sorry to hear about your knee, but I agree with you. Having your insight, I am now more aware that Cathe=knee pain.

Missy, have fun doing TBT. I should have pulled that out instead of ME the other day.
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Colleen...I can completely understand....knee pain is aweful....we all have to make adjustments for what our bodies can handle!!! I am doing the low impact right now with spinning and I seem to be doing better! Also, I stated with the foam roller and adding extra stretching every other day....:p

BTW....On my way to work today....I bought a new toaster....yes, my toaster has seen better days....It makes me angry several days a I finally bought a new has the lift lever, so I dont burn my fingers everday!!!! I would literally cus my toaster daily, it either burned my fingers or burnt my toast....:mad: but, not no more...I am the proud owner of a new toaster!!! YEAH....can you tell im excited??? I will 150% enjoy throwing my old toaster in the trash!!! hehehe

At back soon!

Missy, I totally understand what you're describing! I don't have that headache with my toaster but it is 25 yrs old. But dh won't let it go! He would notice if I gleefully chuck it into the trash!
A cousin mentioned a foam roller last yr but I haven't looked into it. It sounds good for our body.
Betty....our toaster was OLD too....but about a month ago....after I toasted my morning toast...I layed the bag of bread on top...and yes..the plastic melted all over the it was aweful looking...but Tim, said we cant get rid of old faithfull....the plastic just adds memories....whatever....I got a new toaster....after several weeks of discussions about it!!! LOL

As for the foam roller....I used it last night...and it felt amazing! I think I need to incorporate some rolling with my cool was like a massage!!! :eek:
Today's workout was Low Max. Long but great! Really gets those legs good :)

B had swimming lessons today. He just loves it! Always splashing. During the dunks under the water he did great! Proud mama!

He is sleeping in my arms right now. Crossing my fingers I can transfer him to his carseat without a wake up. Time to make a Costco and Target run.

Have a great day everyone!
Glad you had some quality time with dh this morning. Completely understand needing that time together. You are rocking the leg DOMS lately. Any luck on n finding information for ds and her lisp. Yes it is hereditary. Dh had problems too and so does DS.

Today was another barre3 workout. I've been stretching everyday and icing My knee at night. It slowly improving. At least I know know what triggers the pain.
Hi girls,
Omg, I can't take this unrelenting heat and humidity.:mad: It is so depressing me.:(. I cannot function.
I just finished UY CrossTrain. I am only on day 8 of 108!:rolleyes: I kept looking at the clock.

Colleen, I just checked out Barre3. Cool!

Carolyn, awesome on your doms.:eek: You've been getting a lot!
Nice you got some alone time with dh. Having your own business is definitely demanding.

Mary, where are you? How are you holding up in this heat?

I feel a bit freaked out reading a thread about someone who got vertigo doing UY??:confused::confused: Any thoughts?

Time to eat. I'll try a salad.
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Sorry I have been mia, this heat is just zapping all of my energy. We only have a/c in the bedrooms, so as soon as I leave my room in the morning I feel my energy draining away. No pickup and go at all!

I have been doing the LIS series mostly, yesterday was TB lower body and today was S&G. That one is not too hard but with the heat I was drenched in sweat. Maybe it is better not to try AB for a while.

Carolyn, how about alternating disc 1 with the Burn sets one? I love the weight workouts from xtrain. Hope you do not have a UTI.

Betty, I had seen that thread about UY and vertigo, I did not know what to make of that. I have not experienced that at all.

Colleen, glad you are enjoying the barre workouts. I admit I have been modifying my Cathe workouts lately, its not worth making small pains bigger.

Oldest DD is returning home tonight from volleyball camp, I have not seen her in almost a week! I doubt she will be excited to see me but I am still looking forward to it!
Good morning! Still bleary-eyed as I eat my oatmeal and type. I want to hit the stores early before temps can melt my car on the lot.:confused:

Mary, I feel for you. Do you mean to say there is no a/c in your workout room? Omg.
Even though I might be in an air-conditioned room or house, just looking outside and knowing it's 90s out zaps the life out of me. I have zero motivation to do anything. It's quite depressing.
I am also trying very hard not to run extra electricity so not to tax the grid further, so I haven't really done any laundry or such.
I know what you mean with dd. DS1 is finally coming home Sunday night! I'm sure he won't be excited to see his parents but we miss him so.

Carolyn, I really hope you don't have a uti. Have you been drinking cranberry juice? And I'm sure coconut oil can help if you take some.;)

Jean, your area is experiencing this heat too, from the looks of it.
Hope to see your pics soon.

Stay cool, everyone!
I'm going to see about the whole 108 days. I will follow it until....?? Idk. Till I get bored or Cathe's stuff comes. A couple of the discs don't get pulled out till the second trimester.
I like CrossTrain. You do sweat some. I like the continuous flow of it. There sure are a lot of planks going into cobras. But my arms aren't killing me today like the first time I did it. Carolyn, you should try it out for sure.

My living room where I work out is not air-conditioned either but with fans blowing upstairs' conditioned air down, it's acceptable. On yoga. Probably not with something intense.

Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest yet. I dread it. Stay cool.
Hi gals. Been trying all day to post.

Good job on the workouts today. Today I did a 10 minute core from Barre3 then 30 minutes on the spin bike.

Carolyn I hope bowling goes ok for ds. Good girl getting in extra core work.

We have central air but even in this heat my workout room gets warm, but I don't (or won't) complain.

Betty and Mary enjoy time with DD and DS when they get home.
I am headed back down to do core. I feel like a fatty. Just when I got done with my yogurt, grapenuts, and blueberries, I engulfed ds's crust from his grilled cheese.:eek:

Good for you, Carolyn! I had originally planned to do a Cathe core after food shopping. Let me digest my salad, and I'll get one in. Thanks for the motivation.;)
Hello my friends....been nuts all day.....working front receptionist is out today!

Due to all these the ins world.....they are changing to icd9 codes to i just registered for a class at the college....classes start aug 21st....i go 1 night a weeks....on wednesday from 5:30-8:00......thru dec 4th.....i am not crazy about this....but what can i do??? Its part of the medical world!!!

Last night i did tbt upper body, and tim and i walked the dog to the stop sign... half mile!!

Tonight is back in a minite!!!
Betty I was considering doing the UY rotation as well but I'm liking barre3 right now. Do it for however long you want.
Ok, I got Ab Circuits Pilates in. Works mostly lower abs. So dang hot that I can't believe I did anything! Anyway, my abs seem beyond help. Last night in my smoothie, I added some vanilla bean ice cream. I figured, What the heck, it's summer!

Check out this contraption:
Can't have one of these at home!:D Both my CA sis and s-i-l are trying it out. Looks neat, doesn't it?! Tempted to go try it out. (If link doesn't work, google using keywords Lagree Fitness Megaformer M3)
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Omg I cleaned my kitchen pantry today! It was jammed packed, and I had know idea what was in there. There was a lovely stench coming from the potato bin:confused:
You can not even imagine the outdated stuff in there:eek:
I am ashamed at how much I threw away.
Now it isxso organized:D

I guess the bowling place was closed so the boys went to see Despicable Me. Then they stopped by here to pick up a swimsuit. They went to the other boys house for a swim. After they left, I paniced and realized I had no clue who was there to watch them!! I know the family, but still. Lucky for me a storm moved in, and they only stayed an hour.

Oh, if only I had a pantry! And some summer storms!
Dh is just back from CA, bringing a little bit of my sister and her family back, with stories and such. We port stuff back and forth across the country:D.
I would have had the same panic about ds and pool. Oh, the worries of being a mom.;)
Carolyn, sleep well!
Good night, my friends. Maybe tomorrow we'll hear from Jean.

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