Hi girls,
Boy was I fried by ME. I was so unprepared for it being high rep, and I am SO out of shape for lifting!

OMG! It was sheer torture, the endless squats, lunges, pulses, low ends, leg presses. Pure hell. And my living room looks like it was hit by a tornado.
I haven't stepped out yet but the air seems drier--not-perfect-- but not much sun so far.
Carolyn, I hope you have Internet.

You must have the dry, sunny air up north! When are you returning?
Mary, fab job on XT. It's the best series, isn't it? The Georgetown area and school are awesome. I'm sure DD'd love it!
You gals are so good doing your workouts before work. I can appreciate how hard that is.
Colleen, I don't think I've tried Flexibility yet, but nice going pulling that out to stretch your tired muscles.
Jean, you must be packing like a madwoman. What you must be feeling, as the days of July dwindle! SO exciting! Now you have dh home daily too, which is not easy.
Marie, hope all is superb!