STS first time!

Good morning.....

Carolyn....zuzka is very high energy....with lots of burpees.....and lots of plyo stuff.....jumpy!!!! I stopped doing her workouts at the moment....due to my knee....

Went grocery shipping this morning.....I am hoping to wash my car this afternoon....the skin is bright and sunny at the moment!!!! Yeah!!!

Be back soon!!! you use your rebounder a lot? If so how do you like that????
Hello! I have been fine, the week just got away from me. I stuck with the XT Strength last week, so I did 4 upper bodies in one week. I found it good but tiring in a different way from doing lots of cardio. Yesterday was a rest day and today was Ch-B-Sh.

It feels extra hectic because we leave next weekend for 2 weeks, and my twins bday is over vacation and I am still trying to figure out what to get them. I ordered a couple of things today but I'm not sure they'll get here in time, oh well. I will have to shop after work this week.

I just caught a bit of the 2:30 online Cathe class, it would be fun go work out along with it but my computer is not in my workout area.

My best friend from high school is visiting us today with her family, just waiting for her to arrive. They moved to Spain 20 years ago and only come back every few years. It is a gorgeous day so we can sit outside ( I still had to spend most of today cleaning anyway).

Hope everyone is well!
Carolyn, I hope you got back to sleep! They do say that the light from computers/ipad etc. is bad for sleep, so try to resist the urge to get online when you wake.

I had fun with my friend, she is one of those people I will never lose touch with. She brought her son along, he starting at BU in the fall, a really nice young man. And my friend, when home, goes to a gym around 3 times and she said they walk everywhere, and she looks great.

I did Athletic Step this morning for a change of pace, that one is really high impact. Glad when it was done.

Happy Monday!
Good morning my friends. Why is it that Mondays come so quickly?

Yesterday, Tim and I I did some massive yard work.... It was so hot and humid outside when we got done we were literally drenched in sweat. We also went to sonnys barbeque last night with Tim's parents, it actually wasn't that good. I really feel it's because we cook so many of our meals at home and when we go out to dinner it just doesn't do anything for us anymore. The only restaurant that we go to anymore that we enjoy is Mexican. Lol

Today I'm going to be extremely busy at work. I worked up front / front desk, Thursday and Friday last week. Today and tomorrow I will be in my office trying to catch up from last week and get the month closed. I'm starting Wednesday I will be at the front desk for two and a half weeks. I will need a vacation after that! I am just not a people person. Lol

My workout for the weekend we're YouTube work out, Jessica Smith. You should totally check her out. She has a few DVD's out and she's actually a personal trainer. I did the first workout on Friday evening and Saturday I had lower body doms.... Sunday it was even more. Which you know I love.... I am going to do some more of her workouts this week and see what it does for me. I'm trying to find some alternate workouts to do that are easy and knee.

Gotta run be back in a bit. Hope you all have a wonderful day.

BTW....Carolyn...hope you went back to sleep.
Hi girls, just finished UY Balance. Totally didn't remember I did it before:confused:. Wobbling all over. Not a good feeling.
The HUMIDITY! I can't take it. It has permeated every pore in the house and it is just so uncomfortable. Mercifully it's not hot.
bbl after I make my oatmeal.
So crazy today....working thru lunch...but thought I would quickly check in!

Carolyn....The workout I did was 35 min....Jessica is a kickboxing workout. If you follow form work your glutes a bunch! I actually had clute soreness for 2 days....that is what I loved so much...who doesnt want a nice firm butt???? LOL :eek:;)

View it and let me know what you think....shes not as hard core as Cathe, but I enjoyed it for a change! :p

Kickboxing, Kickboxing Classes, Free Kickboxing Workout: Kick Butt Kickbox (fat burning cardio, abs) - YouTube for hamstring was doing so much better....with stretching and using the foam roller....yesterday...I needed something at the barn, so I quick ran up there...which is like 1/8 of a mile if that....and today my hamstring is so tight, its aweful!!!

I told Tim, I am just not a runner anymore....Its gone....this pain is just not worth it! He said, I told you, you need to just stick with what is working. And running does not work. I would have walked but I was in a time I will jump on my bike.....lesson learned!

I am getting old! LOL
Hi girls

The weekend was busy and went by too fast. Saturday I did a barre3 workout and yesterday I went on a 8 mile bike ride with DH. Today was another barre3 workout.

Carolyn I hope you sleep better tonight. Did you call the doctor about your bladder? Did you find anything else for DHs birthday? My dhs birthday is on Thursday.

Missy I've done Jessica's walks before. I do still use the rebounder. It is a great alternative for cardio. I tend to do less indoor cardio in the summertime and do more walking and biking outside.

Marie I can't believe b is 9 months.

Mary, sounds like a great time visiting with your friend. You sure did get a lot of ub in last week. How's the hamstring feeling?

Betty good job on keeping up with UY. Are you noticing any gains in terms of strength or flexibility?
Hi everyone,

Crazy busy.
Missy, I like your new avatar. I think I've watched some other of Jessica's workout before. Ballet/barre maybe?
Jean, I hope you're in your new home! Hooked up yet? Looking forward to hearing your 'voice' again.
I watched some of Cathe's roadtrip stuff, bits & pieces. That Jessie young man is there. How awesome is that.
Carolyn, I do agree your insomnia is hormonal, related to your cycle. Have you gotten an appt for your bladder?
Mary, that's SO awesome your friend moved to Spain and has been there for 20 yrs and you are still besties. What part of Spain? My s-i-l just said yesterday Barcelona is so beautiful and she liked it more than Italy. DS1 visited Malaga for a weekend recently.
Colleen, I feel that going from plank to chaturanga is getting a bit easier but I can only do so many. I love how stretched I feel when I'm going through each dvd. Can't say I've seen any noticeable definition though; may be due to me not doing it 5-6x/wk. I'm trying. One hr+ with all that's going on is hard. I already feel like I don't want to start each weekly rotation over again. Impatient.
I so need a haircut; the humidity is making it frizz like I stuck my finger in a socket. Going tomorrow.
Good night, friends!
Mary, ds noticed how fat Americans are when he came home from Germany. People do walk everywhere in Europe, or ride trains. Ds gushed about Germany's train network. Our MBTA could use some improvement.
Good Morning....OMG...Jean---precious...I just want to love on the puppy....hugs and kisses to your new family member!!!

I did my morning cardio....but it was only a slow walk as my hamstring is still very tight. :(

At work with lots to do....check back later....

Carolyn...dont wait too long to go to dr though....better treat it as soon as possible....what are your symptoms????
Morning ladies.

Jean I can't wait to see your pictures. Congrats on being moved in. You sound like you are in love with your new home. I am so happy for you. congratulations!!!!

Carolyn call the doctor.

Missy stretch out that hamstring. I hope it feels better soon.

Today I rocked out ride. It felt so good. Haven't had a Good cardio session in a while.
Good morning, everyone!

It's a gorgeous, non-humid day! Hooray!

Jean, it's so great to hear from you! I can just visualize how in love you must be with your new home and neighborhood. And what a great way to start your new life--with a new pup. You will make plenty of friends and walking/biking partners soon. Enjoy!

Colleen, way to go on Ride. A good contrast to Barre3.

Carolyn, do try to get an appt in before your trip. Bring the kids if you have to.

Missy, foam-roll that hamstring. Funny, I jogged to my neighbor's Sunday night (all 50 ft) and was praying I don't twist or pull anything.

I only had time for UY Mtn Pose. The kids have annuals in a bit. Enjoy your day.
Omg! Carolyn! The one you walk with, the one who just had a baby shower? Omg, my heart breaks for her.:( Sending her cyber hugs, comfort, and support
Carolyn, oh, I'm so very sad for your friend.
Glad you went to the doc. Hope everything is all right.
I need to go to a dermatologist myself.
Carolyn I am so sorry to hear that your friend lost her baby. I am sad now and I don't even know her. I cannot imagine what that must be like. My heart goes out to her.
Colleen It's good to hear you did Ride. You used to ride a lot more . Keep it up.
Betty It sounds like you are enjoying UY. I am glad the price finally got to where you wanted it.
Missy I like your new avatar. You look real pretty.

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