STS first time!

Wow, no one's around! Enjoying your nice summer Friday, no doubt. Have a great weekend, everyone!
Hey friends....I know I haven't posted in days.....omg...time just of way from me!!!!

I will catch up later..... I've just been busy doing yard work all weekend....and I've been at front desk since Wednesday last week....I've got several more weeks at front desk..-.I am just exhausted after a Day of work when I work front desk, because I try to do some of my work plus that job and by 5 o'clock....I'm mentally exhausted.

My hamstring is getting better, that I stopped running.

It is hot as hell here with massive humidity.....yucko!!!!

Off to do my last barn back!!!!
Good morning, friends! What a gorgeous morning it is. Feels like fall!

DS2 was off bright and early to a tennis camp. He is NOT happy. Same attitude as Nature's Classroom--I'm going to die, why are you putting me through this, etc. Oh, the digs they throw at me!

I decided I'm going to do XT this week. Yoga is great but not enough of a calorie burn, and I'm going to take advantage of the cooler weather. Mary, I'm going to look into the 30-day rotation. Hope you're having a fab time in Chatham! The weather is incredible!

Carolyn, hope you're having a fab time too! How was the service?

Missy, great news on your hamstring!
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Hi everyone,
Just finished XT Ch/B/Sh with Core #1. Eating my cereal now (I totally forgot to prep my oatmeal). I think I might have done this disc only once or twice before.:p

Colleen, how did dh's cake come out? You talented girl, you!:cool: I don't think I would be nearly as industrious as you, Mary, and Missy if I were working full-time. Or like Marie, working with a new baby. I wouldn't get nearly as much stuff done, much less work out. But I would fit in Cathe somehow. Kudos to you gals always.

Colleen, I did notice feeling stronger doing the XT pushups today after all this UY. I will loosely follow the 30-day strength rotation and see where it takes me.

Jean, how's everything?

It seems GLORIOUS out! Time to shower and get started on lentils soup on the slowcooker.

I'll just keep babbling to myself until someone else chimes in.;) Incidentally, I don't think we've ever had a day with zero posts.
Omg, today is a 15!

Finished prepping my soup, hung my laundry outside, started another load, did some weeding at high noon (THAT'S how nice it is out), busy, busy. I'm channeling you, Missy!
Carolyn, you are gorgeous. Look at those buff killer arms!:eek:
You have a beautiful family too. The lake looks nice. Are you at Winnipesauke? That fish looks like a keeper. How fun!
I'm glad you spent some time with your friend. My heart goes out to her.

Hope I logged 10,000 steps today. Felt like it anyway. Can you tell this weather just energizes me?:D
Carolyn. You are beautiful and so toned. I'm glad you got to spend time with your friend.

Betty Good job on xtrain today. The weather was perfect today. Beautiful.

I did ride today and barre3 on both Saturday and Sunday. Today was super busy at work.

Have a great night.
Betty the cake came out perfect. At least that what everyone said. It was pure torture since I can't eat gluten. First cake I've made in ages. I Love to bake. It was a almond flavored pound cake with vanilla buttercream icing. Actually dh liked it so much he froze the leftovers.
Today was barre3 again. I think I know why I like these workouts so much. They are very controlled movements where I can focus on my form without compromising my joints. Like today they did sumo full sumo squats that got my heart rate up but it was such a controlled movement that it was effective without being painful in anyway.
Hi ladies,
Quick checkin from the Cape since I never had time to get here before we left. It was rainy here on Sat. but the weather has been gorgeous ever since. Been getting lots of walking in, yesterday my fitbit registered 16000 steps - that's a little over 7 miles. Feels great.

Betty, I hope you enjoy the 30 day rotation, I really did. I did notice I felt more physically tired, I probably needed better nutrition and more rest.

Carolyn, gorgeous pics! You do have beautiful family, and the scenery is gorgeous too. Glad you were able to spend time with your friend, I cannot imagine having to go through that.

Colleen, keep doing the workouts you enjoy, they seem to be working for you. I forget, did you preorder the new Cathes?

Today my girls turn 14, can't believe it. And Carolyn, your DH and I share a birthday! Hope everyone has a happy birthday!
Good morning, ladies!
I just finished XT Bis & Tris. I'm going to stick with it 5 days this week, so Legs tomorrow. Carolyn's arm is giving me motivation to get it looking sculpted like that.;)
I definitely felt stronger today doing the tricep dips with one leg in the air. And I was able to use the weights I marked when I did these workouts months ago. Well, for the most part.:p

Mary, I was thinking of using my pedometer again just to get me moving. (This weather is soooo motivational!) 16k steps! High five! So awesome!
I haven't gotten to the point I feel hungrier or more tired yet, though I was thinking about it yesterday.

Colleen, that's wonderful you like the Barre3. It certainly dovetails nicely with Leah's program. I was reading your Bellicon post and it makes me want one to jump on. But the cost is prohibitive and I don't need another piece of equipment in my living room. It's already clogged up with the bike, step, weight rack.:confused:
Your pound cake sounds divine!

Carolyn, I did see a rainbow for you Sunday evening.
You have the most fabulous weather for vacation. I'd love to hike in this.
Now that you mention it, I do remember you mentioning Squam Lake last year.
I hope you have better luck with Internet tonight. In Quebec City, we had the most atrocious wi-fi in the hotel. I was having a nutty too!
Hey Carolyn, that's great you had some me time. Hope you got some reading done. I read reams and reams of books a year. Well, maybe not THAT many. A lot, anyway.
The tshirt sounds like a perfect idea! Would you believe I never saw On Golden Pond? Back then I thought, it's about old people.
I definitely am paying the price when I was dragging my feet those brutally humid weeks. So I got in a short walk the past two evenings.

Have a great evening, everyone!
What book are you reading Carolyn? I love to read but go in spurts.

Barre3 had s much better production quality than leah. They don't do voice over and the instructions and form pointer are excellent. The also always offer modifications. The usually have three people on the set. With at least one doing a modification. The majority of the moves are multifunctional so you can easily get a cardio effect going as well.

Today I did barre3 and got in the rebounder for about 10 min.
Uh oh, Colleen, stop enabling!;) Did you order the dvds? You must look so awesomely toned!

I just finished XT Legs. Remind me to skip the floor part.:confused: All that high-rep pointing and lifting. So old-style! Don't like them. Every time I do this I never get to barre. Next time I'll skip floor and do barre.
:eek:Good Afternoon.....

Long time no post for me....I have been crazy with work! Please understand....I have missed you girls so much.

After today, I have 5 days left at front desk...and then I come back to my office....and I am counting down the days! LOL

I had to go to the GYN doc today....I have been having problems....alot of abdominal pain, nausea, and pain with intercourse, also the unusual black nasty stuff prior to my period.... I have a uterine infection/ I am on antibiotics for 10 days...then I go back to get checked...which will be after my next period...if the spottyness doesnt stop....they will then try me on a medication for 1 month to see if it helps....:confused:

Hope everyone is good...

I have been researching the Barre3....I see we can buy it thru QVC right now for $36 and $6 shipping....vs $95.... I am seriously thinking about it! hehehe

I also was looking at Booty barre by Tracey Mallet???? Any thoughts on that one???

Check back in a few....

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