STS first time!

It seems like people are liking Cathe's new dvds. Today I've been reading some reviews. So much so that I'm very tempted to start with Rockout Knockout! You know how KPC is my all-time fave! But, I might stick with LL&A tomorrow, RK Tue, GG Wed...

Oh no! Me no touch dead animal! Waiting for animal control to call back. It has rained some more on it.:( Thank heavens it's cool out. I wish I could see someone driving around looking for its lost cat.

Carolyn, the high level of knowledge you have on working out the different body parts! Forget it! I don't know nuthin'. No wonder you're having an affair:D;)!
Now why did you have to go and describe that scrumptious dessert?? Omg, it sounds to die for!!!!! There's been coffee ice cream in the freezer calling me to come and make a frosted mocha.:confused:
When I go out to eat, I pig out! Forget about getting a salad. I don't eat out enough so I make the most of it. Hence, muffin top, no?
I remember you went to PP last year or so. Was it with ds? As I said last time, it's far for us.:p I used to love going on field trips with ds' classes.
I was hallucinating last evening that my love handles have diminished since starting Pilates. But who really knows?? A machine sure works you out much better though! I will check my body fat content on my sis' scale when I get there in a couple of weeks. That's one of my things, to weigh myself and check bf on that scale.
That's :D how you were breathing so hard you couldn't hear the music on PP. Dh just got on the spin bike today! It has sat untouched since early summer!
ok, tell me if you think this is bitchy....
A couple of years ago I gave my jogging stroller to the neighbor. These are the ones with the zillion grandkids that come over.
Since I gave it to them, I have seen it sitting in one place or another in their yard. OUTSIDE in all seasons. I can't tell you how it eats me up inside. I gave it to them so that they could USE it!!! I wanted it to be loved by someone again. Well, I couldn't take another minute of seeing it treated like this. One of the kids just came over to play. I asked her if it is used by anyone. She said no. I said that I would appreciate it if she would go put it down the bottom of my driveway so that someone who needs it can have it.
DH thinks I was wrong. He called me an Indian Giver.:confused:
What do you think??

I'm with you! I would totally have experienced the same thoughts and feelings and done the same thing!!!
Hi All. Today I went out and finished pulling out trees and weeds. Then I cleaned up and watched my movie with a bowl of popcorn. Todays movie was "The Big Wedding". It was pretty good.

Betty That is sad to hear that the cat died. Can't you just throw an old towel over it , pick it up and put it in a trash bag? You'll be fine.
That is so funny how you acted like you were jealous Carolyn was on another forum. You girls are so witty.
I meant to tell you that I looked at the video of the Pilates that you do. What I do is a lot more beginner than you. There is definitely no sweating. I guess I need to put in my level 2 dvd. That is a lot harder.

Carolyn I also agree that there is nothing wrong for taking the stroller back. If they are not using it and not taking care of it , then by all means get it back. There are lots of people who would put it to good use.
I too don't eat out much and take full advantage of eating what I want. The first thing I look at is the dessert menu.
Ooh, Jean, I'm looking forward to that movie! You should have seen how many crappy movies we started on Netflix last night and aborted within minutes!:confused: There is so much crap in there! I don't watch anything starring nobodies either. We don't get the new movie subscription; we only get the archived old stuff with very few new things.
Pilates on the megaformer is fun! I was watching youtube clips of probably LA studios and, man, if my studio had that many people, I'd be very wary of germs too. Bare feet and sweat all over the machines!:eek::eek::eek: My studio, since it's so new, has very low traffic volume. Everything is still new and clean. Like I said, we wipe down after every class and have to wear treaded socks.
Get thee back on the reformer!
I always save room for dessert at a restaurant too!;)

Carolyn, we haven't been friends for that long but I don't know how I recall you going to PP in the past year! Ds might have been in fourth grade when we 'met'??
November 29 will be 2 years we have all been together.

So in order to see the big wedding , do you have to wait a few years for it to get old?
Jean, hardly many movies make it to the Netflix library. I get mine from the library.

Carolyn, the stroller must be moldy/mildewy from the exposure to weather??
You know Betty , I never think of the library. My husband used to check out cd's and record them. He has a lot of free music.

Carolyn I am so shocked to hear you say you are bored. Are your children available to play a game with?

We are getting rain tomorrow and Tuesday with 30 mph winds. Then we will be back to fall like weather.
Dh has been watching football and golf all afternoon.:confused: Can't you tell I'm bored too? Been glued to this forum.:rolleyes:
Your kids sound so cozy. Makes me want to curl up too.
Need to look for the spaghetti carbonara recipe. We burned the bacon this morning so dh made another pack. Figure I'll use some of it for the pasta.
You crack me up! Come on over for spaghetti! I'm missing Parmesan and Romano cheese for the recipe though!:confused:
Get this! Are you guys familiar with Harry Potter? A game called Quidditch? We saw people playing it in a field when we were going to lunch. DS and DD saw them as we passed by. DH and I never heard of it. DS described it as a so cer game with hoops you have to shoot the ball through, that are on poles. All the while the people are on brooms! DH and I are like "okie dokie crazy kids". Low And behold, On our way home we stopped to watch. Certainly they weren t flying on brooms, but they did have them between their legs! It was a riot!
Omg, LOVE LOVE LOVE Harry Potter! Quidditch has become a college sport! Though I don't know how I'd be able to keep a straight face playing that, seriously!
My husband watches anything sports. It doesn't bother me as long as he does what I need to be done. I think after so many years together you get used to it and come to expect it. I always watch my movie at 1 on Sundays and then find something else to do.

We had left over pot roast, potatoes and carrots. Nothing special.

I am having friends over Wednesday for a cookout. Her favorite cake is Red Velvet so I have been looking for a good recipe. I think I am going to make "Grandmother Paula's Red Velvet Cake". I will let you know how it turns out. I don't think I have ever had a piece of that cake before.

I am not a Harry Potter fan and have never heard of Quidditch.
Ouch! I slept wrong. I have the worst neck pain. Boo hoo This totally throws a wrench into my w/o choice. I was going to do LL but there is no way I can put a barbell on my shoulders. Maybe B&G? I can't belive how dark it is out at 6:00 a.m.
We are shrouded in fog! As if it weren't hard enough to get up normally. More rain expected.
Sorry about your neck pain. That just stinks! You can just skip the barbell?
Wicked foggy here too. Very slow going for me this a.m. Soooooo sleepy. LL uses the barbell for everything except step ups. I think I will do B&G with SC. Gotta get dd ready. Bus comes soon and we are both under blankets on the couch! Plus side is the weather girl said sunny tomorrow!
That's so adorable you're under blankets. We have no time to do anything before school because ds sleeps until the last moment. Barely finishes bkfast. I think I'll do RK since I remembered I should lay off the weights. Sunny rest of the week, we're promised!
Good Morning. It is cloudy today and we are expecting rain. Today is Home Depot and grocery shopping. I am hoping to get home before it starts. We haven't had rain in a long time. Tuesday is sunny and rain the rest of the week. I had to change my cookout to tomorrow. So I will be cleaning most of the day and tomorrow also.
Have a nice day everyone.
Jean, I'd rather clean your house since it's so new.

Freaking animal control! Now the guy is on vacation till Thurs! The police dept said we would have to bag it and put it on the curb! Dh is not going to like that.
Hi ya friends!!

Carolyn. Img. I need to get PP asap! The pie sounded oh so yummy. Ask for that stroller back!

Betty so sad with the cat. Hopefully animal control will come out today.

Saturday I did barre3 and then I did yin yoga before bed.

Yesterday dh and I went for a walk while the kids rode their bikes at the park. I also did 10 miles on the spin bike. Today was barre3.

Last night I had a calgone take we away. I had to escape. The kids and dh were driving me crazy. I ended uo going upstairs and taking a long hot bath. Just what the doctor ordered. I'm not sure what's going on with DD lately but everything is a battle and no matter what we do she can't be pleased.
Colleen, a long hot bath is just the ticket. Soak and drain your troubles away! YY is a good combo with B3.
Did you know girls have hormones coursing through them all their lifves? I thought it was only during puberty.

I just did RK. It is more in the spirit of HS with all those darn jumping jacks. I like it somewhat. Need to get those new moves down. I love how it's 50+ mins, unlike KPC which is 68 or so.

The sun is peeking out, surprisingly. I need to start baked beans on the slow cooker. The original recipe which I printed out is for 4 hrs in the oven. I said no, that's way too long to have the oven on. So I searched for a crockpot one.

Trying to muster up the courage to bag the cat but I don't think I can do it. It'll have to be dh.

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