STS first time!

Good morning! Having my oatmeal. It is chilly, dark, and cloudy but it's still early yet.:confused:
Carolyn, how about going to that TJM that has the exercise equipment?? Have a great time shopping!
Mary's trip is not until next month, she said. (Mary, are you going to Passed one on way back from airport. And try Crustacean Restaurant in SF for a meal.)
I believe my sis & I will be doing yoga later. Then I don't know what else.
Have a great day, everyone!
Good Morning my friends....Yesterday....I got so busy....I never made it shopping....but we ARE DEFINATELY GOING TO DINNER FRIDAY NIGHT, and then shopping. Tim is actually trying to lose a few pounds....he has been walking on the he needs new shoes....I will definately go to tj max....

Did anyone preorder the calendar? I did last year and loved it....I think I may.....hmmm.....;)

Today it was really chilly this monring....40...brrr.....thank god for heated seats in my car....LOL....not sure how I lived without them in my truck....hehehehe

Saturday I have a 5k walk.....and its suppose to be cold!!! Yuck!

I am craving some hot choc......but didnt have any at home....better put that on my grocery list!

today....I am planning on doing the kickboxing workout???? has anyone done that one????
Good Morning my friends....Yesterday....I got so busy....I never made it shopping....but we ARE DEFINATELY GOING TO DINNER FRIDAY NIGHT, and then shopping. Tim is actually trying to lose a few pounds....he has been walking on the he needs new shoes....I will definately go to tj max.... Did anyone preorder the calendar? I did last year and loved it....I think I may.....hmmm.....;) Today it was really chilly this monring....40...brrr.....thank god for heated seats in my car....LOL....not sure how I lived without them in my truck....hehehehe Saturday I have a 5k walk.....and its suppose to be cold!!! Yuck! I am craving some hot choc......but didnt have any at home....better put that on my grocery list! today....I am planning on doing the kickboxing workout???? has anyone done that one????
Hi Missy, I have done Rockout Knockout once. It was different from her other kb stuff, so that's good. My only dislike is too many jumping jacks, like Hard Strikes.
You are getting some cold temps! Yikes. Both my sisters have heated seats--they are so cool! (pun)
I totally get your hot choc craving! Been wanting that (or some hot coffee drink), my robe, and some snuggly socks and blanket around me.
I've never gotten Cathe's calendar; I don't think anyone else has mentioned doing so.
Glad you have time off to gather yourself.
Sorry to be mia, just been super busy. This is the last week of regular season volleyball, so there has been lots going on. 3 nights of volleyball, then underclassmen go to each sr. girl's house and decorate it while we give them hot chocolate and cookies, then last night was parent dinner after the game. It has been non-stop, but oldest dd is having a great time. The girls actually bubble wrapped the car she drives so she had to cut her way out so she could get to school in the morning.

I have been doing upper body workouts but getting tired of them. I am waiting for my hamstring pain to settle down again. I think my problem is I feel good so I try to go back to my previous level of workout, and damage it again. ugh.

My trip to SF is mid-Nov. I hope we can get to that restaurant Betty.

Carolyn, I hope you had a good day shopping with your Mom. You always seem to score something good.

Missy, glad you are feeling better, you sound a little more chipper today.

And I caved and turned on the heat this morning. It was chilly! And I went for a brisk walk at lunch, it seems like it changed so suddenly!
Oh and Betty, I am going to Salesforce but it is a conference so I think they pretty much take over the city. It will be huge. Our hotel is in Union Sq., seems like a good location.
Quick check in to report that I did LLB this morning :) B and I had storytime today. Love my days with my boy :) Tomorrow starts my Fri, Sat, Sun work week. Hope to be back later for personals. Have a great rest of the day everyone :)
Hello..... I have been so busy...trying to catch up....OMG.....

Mary....I completely understand the hamstring issue....that is why I stopped all workouts and was just walking....that is what helped me heal mine....I had to continue to increase mileage to stregthen it....I am doing a 5k saturday...but not competitively....I do not want to hurt it and set myself back.....

I am just now starting to incorporate Cathe again...slow and steady.....I did lean legs and abs and had DOMS for 2-3 days.....I havent done glutes yet....was going to today....but dont want to be in pain saturday while walking...LOL I was gonna do glutes yesterday....but I lost track of time...and had to go to class last night since I missed the week before....

BTW...its been a week since my baby left me.....time heals, but never forgets.....I am a better person today.....I love my baby and she will always be in my heart....I miss her bunches...but I am now at peace and I am blessed to have had her for 6 1/2 years....the disease she had normally cats dont make it to a I am definately blessed for sure! :)

Carolyn....I think it is cute....wouldnt match my house as It is all cherrys/browns/ creams..... but I can see it with cute baskets....:eek: I would definately go back tonight!!!

Do you ever buy Kyodan fitness apparel??? I just love it.....thats why I always hit the TJmax everytime I go out of town....the closest one to my house is 45 minutes....

Has anyone started christmas shopping? I am almost done...hehehehe :eek:

I also turned my heater on this take the chill out of the house...I know my cold is not cold to yall....but I thought it was freezing....southern girl doesnt like cold weather.....LOL

Be back,..... :D
That's really nice, Carolyn! You going back?? Did mom buy an exercise bike??

Missy, I see Kyodan all the time! At TJM/M. My sis has a headband of theirs. I don't have anything.

Mary, that conference sounds big. Union Sq is nice.
Take it easy on hamstring then. If you're bored of UB, do some UY?

We went to my first studio yoga session. It was 1.25 hrs but a bit slow and easy. I knew what the moves all were, at least. The headstands I've never done before.
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Maybe I should have gotten a recumbent one! I'm so lazy. Oh well. Too late. Didn't want one anyway.
This afternoon I had a yen for a cupcake. Well, more like its frosting. Lo and behold, walked by a place later. Indulged. Oink.
Going to the outlets tomorrow. Wish us luck. Niece is coming down with something, so hope it's not one that keeps her at home.
Good morning girls.

I am off today. Sitting here drinking my coffee. I did barre3 today.

Betty I hope you are able to go shopping today.

Carolyn yum pumpkin muffins. I made my own recently. They were yummy!

I need to get then kids ready for school.
Third Pilates class this am, then outlets! Have a nice day!
Colleen, enjoy!
Carolyn, that muffin WOULD go great with coffee. I wouldn't be able to resist!:confused:
Good Afternoon Girls. I didn't do any w/o's yesterday. I just laid around and read my book. This morning I did "Ballet Body Lower Body". OMG That was the weirdest exercise dvd I have ever done. No music , no voice. Just her doing a w/o. I didn't understand what you were talking about with the queuing. I didn't like that I had to keep my eye on her to know when we were done. It was a hard w/o. I was misting with sweat. I couldn't do all of the reps. But I think I will keep doing it on leg days and hope I get better. And I will put on my own music. I don't think I would have bought it if I had of known there was no sound. Oh well. I think it was a good price.
Today we went to the Ocean and browsed some stores and got Thrashers Fries. We also got a library card. We have a lot of Outlet stores here and I haven't been shopping there yet. I need to look at what stores there are.

Carolyn Have you tried the DD pumpkin coffee? I always buy that in the fall.
I can't wait to hear how it went at pottery barn.

Missy Good Luck with the 5K walk. I have bought 2 of Cathe's calendars. They are really nice. They usually have pictures from the latest DVD series. I was debating on getting one this year.
I haven't started Christmas shopping.
Carolyn we were posting at the same time. That is too bad that you didn't have a good time at pottery barn. I think decorators think we should love all of their ideas. I remember my decorator looked so shocked when I didn't absolutely love something she showed me. Well let us know what you go with. New furniture is so fun. I have a gold carpet in my living room and I am shocked that it isn't filthy yet. :eek:
Tick tock. Tick tock. Just waiting for the clock to strike 3:30 so I can punch out. I did X37 this morning and got out on 2-25 minute walks during my breaks :) Love me some fresh air walks. It's cool but not freezing. Hey Missy- it was 48 today----warm for good ol MN lol ;) It's been in the 30's so I'll take the 40's anyday :)

Carolyn- Chocolate chips cookies sound so dang good right now. I had a Skinny Cow Cookie Dough ice cream bar last night with a handful of dark chocolate chips. I swear I need some sort of chocolate every day or I'll go insane. Do cravings ever go away?!

Jean- Good for you for relaxing yesterday! Sounds just lovely. The other night I took a bath after B went to bed. Candles and all. Tony was at band. The house was so peaceful.

Betty- Good job with pilates. Any changes yet? I have never done it before except I guess the random ab moves that are considered pilates in Cathe's DVD's.

Colleen- Enjoy your coffee and day off :) Sounds relaxing!
I didn't hear anything. I guess I better turn up the volume.

I too require sweets every night. I didn't used to be like this.
Hello gals.
Bought a few things at the outlets. Might have bought more if not for the suitcase weight limit.:D
I had sweets today, a choc chip cookie. I'm trying to cut back, but it's hard as we know. Sometimes I need it nightly too.
Jean, there should be cuing from Leah. Was your sound off? Try it again. They are indeed strange moves.

Marie, no noticeable changes since I AM EATING SO MUCH! We had a hard workout this morning, on the plus side!
Your bath sounds lovely!
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Well I put the dvd back in and verified that the volume was up. It was on 23 so I don't know why I didn't have sound. Anyway this time I heard music and queuing. So don't ask me what happened. I think it won't be so bad next time now that I know there is music and some instruction. It was kind of boring with her and I doing a w/o with no music and no talking. :rolleyes:
Carolyn- Enjoy that bath. Sounds like the perfect Friday night to me :)

Glad to see I'm not alone in my sweet addictions ladies! Enjoy every sweet bite :)

Speaking of eating, B is just a chow hound lately. He is definitely going through a growth spurt! For dinner he had some rice, beans, and ice cube worth of squash, a broccoli cheese patty, one string cheese and a half a Chobani. He would have kept going but I cut him off after that. He's in the bath now with a soon to be bedtime. That means some dark chocolate chips and Parenthood on Hulu for this mama :)

Enjoy your evening everyone!

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