STS first time!

Hey hey!

Missy- I've been watching BL :) Can't wait for tomorrow's episode. That show is so motivating. I was all emotional during the first one, just so proud of those people for taking that step. And congrats to you for coming in second :) You rock at those races!

I did Greatest Hits today. Fun stuff :) Then we had storytime and later swim. In between that we went to Costco and I spent under hundred dollars which is a record. Addicted to that place :)

Off to bed for me. My gym is calling my name early tomorrow before we head to Halloween Toddler Tuesdays at MOA :) Can't wait to see all the kids dressed up. I myself though agree about Halloween. I hate dressing up and the candy everywhere is just evil ;)
Good Morning....happy Tuesday!

Marie...enjoy halloween with the kids!

Carolyn...good luck at the gyno..... hope your knee is feeling better!!!!

I was crazy this past weekend and yesterday I worked front I was super swamped! Looking forward to friday and its just tuesday...OMG!!!

This saturday I have a 5k run I am going to attemp! Yeah!!! O f my legs bothers me I will walk though!

I am almost done christmas shopping! hehehehe :p I have bought all of Tims gifts except one....which I cant buy till close to christmas because its big...and I dont want to store a huge box in my house for months! I only have to get Tims mom a few items and Im done!!!! yeah! I will get to enjoy the holiday season and not be in the massive crowds!

Looking forward to lunch as I am starving! LOL

Be back!

Hello Jean, betty, and Colleen!!!!
Hi girls! Sitting in airport waiting for boarding time. My airline is in the international terminal so it's blissfully calmer here.:D

Missy, sounds like you don't have that many to buy for, which is awesome. I hate how commercialized Xmas is. Good for you for nearly finishing! Smart girl, you get to enjoy the holiday season.
Good luck with your 5k.

Jean, I will look at the clip when I get home. I am curious about Tonique.
Lazing around is necessary for your sanity.:D
I am indeed bummed about my vaca coming to a close but it's time to get home.;)
Betty----your right.... I dont buy for that many....I just Tim and his parents. I send cards to everyone we have an presents, shipping cost too much these days. I send gift cards and or money to my 2 aunts! I do make my christmas cards....which take I must start working on that soon. I went to the hobby store several weekends ago...and got some reds and greens cardstock.....

So much to do at work little time! OMG!!!
Have a safe trip Betty

Goodluck on your 5k missy.

Carolyn hope the doctor went ok today. How's that knee?

Today was barre3

Jean I've done tonique before. Those are hard!!
Hi girls, woke up with ds and dh then went back to sleep for a couple of hours, even though I went to bed Boston time. Now it's my CA waking time.
Had a smooth takeoff, flight, landing yesterday. Very pleasant all around.
Had several long minutes of indecisiveness on what workout to do. My forearm is a bit rested but I didn't want to jump right in with UB. Idk. I might do FlexTrain right after I hang the laundry.

Mary, I'm sorry that your hamstring is not improved. I hope you get some answers and treatment.
The darkness is so hard in the morning. Topping it off with some sprinkles today. I don't know how you gals get up at the crack of dawn to work out. Just a few more mornings like this and there will be time change. But we'll lose the daylight at the end of the day.:confused: Do the workouts you like. Anything is good.

Carolyn, I'm sorry that your journey for your knee hasn't been what you hoped for. Don't think back on your surgery any more. It can't change anything.

My house was so ridiculously under-insulated when it was built. I'm not even sure it was insulated at all. I hate it. When dh changed all the windows years ago he added insulation to pockets of wall surrounding the windows but that still leaves a lot more on the first floor. My second floor is fine.

Better get going. Laundry, exercise, eat, shower, walk the neighbor's dog, food shop.... It's just a dreary day.
Don't mind me--it's the usual depression that settles in right after I get back from CA.;)
Hi friends

Carolyn dd is going as a soccer player and ds is captain America. Sorry about your knee. I think at this point ita about finding what works. As betty said you cant look back.

Welcome back Betty

Jean good for you starting sts again.

Mary im glad you are getting your hamstring checked out.

Today was barre3.
Good Afternoon friends......

First the vet not jean said, sometimes earlier is better....take it from us....we lost our babies....dont want anything bad to NOW.....

Okay....Mary....when is your appointment and are you going to an ortho? I hurt my hamstring in late February and it is still a mess???? But I keep putting it off too!

As for the new workouts....I am embarrissed to say I have only done 2 of them, as I have no time right now....its terrible....but I only have 6 weeks left of this school crap and then my life will go back to normal....last night I was trying to finish my homework on commercial of biggest loser....yes...I could not miss my show! Priorities!!! LOL

I am hoping to try a new workout tomorrow I think I do not have anything planned....fingers crossed....I just want to go home and go in my gym, close the door and have me and Cathe time....I know you understand....I am just not myself without my hard workouts!!! I actually do miss them.....

Tonight is class :mad: Id rather be working out!

Not sure if I told yall....but the new B/C the gyn put me on....Im on month 2 and I like them so far....last month I did not have the black discharge one week prior to period and my period was only 2 days! yeah!!!!:eek: glad you are working out again....

Betty....we can complain away...Im here to listen...what are friends for?

Okay ladies...gotta back later!!!!

Hello Colleen......
Hi gals, thanks for cheering me.
Ended up doing FlexTrain. It's a very likeable, no-dread workout, but today I kept looking at the clock every few minutes. My forearm was sore at the beginning, and I think it's from pulling my 48-lb suitcase yesterday!
Missy, it's fab to hear your voice again. I've only done about 3 of Cathe's new ones, so don't feel bad. The wrappings are still on.
That's great the BC pills are working! I loved that being on them made me regular and lighter. But it was never 2 days!:rolleyes: Lucky you!!!

Carolyn, I hope that Cuda has ejected that bracelet. It's toxic plastic.
I hope you got some sun and that the parade was fun!

Colleen, those costumes sound nice. I was at a Halloween party the other night and there were refreshingly different costumes. Not the usual stuff, ya know?;)

Jean, my family is indeed very glad to have me home. You know, for the cooking and cleaning, nagging.:p
Way to go getting back into the Cathe groove with STS!
Mine was always a full 7 days too.:confused:
Wow, Big L cut back to a hour! I'll have to see how that works but I'm glad for my butt.:eek:
I thought I was going to do X10 but I looked at the box and didn't feel like it, nor did I feel like wrestling with the plastic wrapping.

Mary, let us know how your appt goes. I'm interested in what the doc says.

Marie, I hope B's double ear infection is a thing of the past.
Costco? Do they carry a lot of organic stuff? My stores have a paltry selection.:mad::mad::mad:
The other day my sis was prepping some veggies from the farmer's market. They were so incredibly fresh!!! It's so unfair.:mad:
Good morning! I'm eating my oatmeal and feeling sleepy. I plan to go to the warehouse and pricey organic stores. I'm going for a walk this aft with a neighbor so I wonder if I'll have time for UY. I'll try. I haven't even set out my one Halloween decoration, a scarecrow for the front door area.
I stayed up all the way to the end of the game. Past it even. What excitement for Boston!

Mary, your daughter has an admirable work ethic. I hope she feels better soon. It's a vicious circle.

Carolyn, can you do a moderate-pace walk?

I hope the sun comes out as they say it will. It's supposed to be very windy at some point.
Happy Halloween! All the kiddies will have fun.
Milk that rest day, Colleen!;)
Going for a walk shortly
Just finished UY Flexibility. Glad I squeezed it in. It was 60 mins that I could just afford, but no longer. Was wobbling all over. Only second time doing it.
Question: as one ages, one's balance gets quite unstable. Can balance be improved with practice?
Need to finish my cafe mocha and go up to attic to get the candy bowl and plastic light-up pumpkin. Then need to start my smoky split pea soup. Rush, rush, rush.

Marie, hope B is delighted with tonight's festivities!
Hi Jean, that's the healthiest oatmeal you can buy. Nice going! Add dried or fresh fruits, cinnamon, a drizzle of maple syrup or a sprinkle of brown sugar for some ideas. Almond slivers, chia, hemp seeds...--you get the idea. It's good for you so stick with it.
That is so nice of you to take time-lapse photography like that. My dh & I would have done that for you. We did that for a neighbor building a house, but too bad they moved out after a couple of years.
An hour ago I did a quick setup of Halloween 'decor'. Now my smoky split pea soup is simmering. Love it.
Oh, I walked for 45 mins before UY.;)
Jean, I believe brick makes a house even colder! I live in what was originally a plain ole ranch built for returning WWII veterans. We added up & doubled the space; it's now a garrison colonial.
I envy your tight and cozy. But you watch out for radon in tightly insulated homes.
Morning girls. Happy Friday!

Carolyn I made my oatmeal the same way last night. Except I used pink lady apple. I also added a few slices of bananas this morning. Yummy!!! I also used steal cut oats. I cooked them overnight.

Todaywas barre3.

We got tons of candy too. I didn't have any candy! Of course not being able to eat many kinds helps alot!
Good morning, girls! Oh, wait. It's past noon! Just eating my oatmeal/quinoa/millet now. Had a late start since I went back to sleep for a couple of hrs after dh & ds left.:eek: I did LL&A (Carolyn, abs section is indeed very similar and has some duplicates from FT). Amanda's face looks somewhat gaunt.
Those are great ideas for toppings for oatmeal. I have another, Jean: honey (did you know it's a superfood??). Speaking of filling one up, I'm always surprised when I feel hungry again after I eat oatmeal. But a respectable amount of time has passed; it's just time for the next meal.

Colleen, my arm is the same, thanks. Everyday I use it on a workout or something else and it doesn't seem to improve. I used 3 & 5 lb weights on FT & LLA to ease up on it.
Just thinking aloud but, I need to get back to legs 2x/week.

Mary and Colleen, such willpower with the candy. High ten! I'm with Carolyn. I ate a KitKat; the day before I had some choc that ds1 brought home from Germany. Just was feeling like sweets.:rolleyes:

It is periodically gusty here too. Dark, sprinkly at times. Right now there's a passing downpour! We sure need it!

I love Thanksgiving. Both sides of the family have different days for the meal (Saturday before and Thursday of) so that it's so much more enjoyable.
Earlier my Internet was down and I couldn't figure out why I couldn't get on Cathe or read my email.

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