STS first time!

Good afternoon.....I had to go to Hell-Mart today for the office....OMG...that place is aweful....sorry if yall shop there....but I would rather pay extra and get it elsewhere so I dont have to deal with the people in there....its not the store....its the people....there aweful!!!! I just have a hard time dealing with that....first of all....they are all walking around on a mid monday morning still in there freaking pjs and free gov money....which I am working for....err......:mad:

Okay....thanks for listening to me vent!

Where is everyone????

It is beautiful out at the moment....75 degrees.... it was really cold this morning, 40's....hehehehe

Be back.....;)
Hi Ladies. No w/o today. I had a 10 am vet apt . Then I came home and finished cleaning my house. I had invited the new neighbors over to see my house. They were here for a construction meeting so they came over when they were done. They won't be moving in until February. They are real nice. So now I am just sitting around.

Missy It's good to hear from you. Enjoy your new craft desk. It sounds really nice. Don't open until Christmas. :p

Betty What are the Chocolate Crinkles ? Are they a big hit at Christmas?


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Oh, Enova is just a canola oil brand.

Carolyn, breathe!

I am eating like an oinker. Must be ttom.
Oh I love chocolate crinkles. My mom would always make them at Christmas.

Carolyn did you order the couch and love seat? Sorry your day was so crazy.
Betty What kind of chocolate do you buy for the cookies?
Which recipe should I use? They are both different. Plus you have a recipe in plastic plus one on a card. I'm confused. :eek::confused:
Carolyn my new neighbor to be loves Pottery Barn. She buys all her furniture there. She also loves TJM , Marshalls , Home Goods. She is going to teach me to shop. I told her to bring her husbands credit card. She said she never pays full price for anything. Sounds like you.
Jean, sorry to confuse you! Do you need to make a lot? Like 4 dozen? Then use the last recipe with butter. I learned this year that canola is a processed oil so I personally would select butter now. Haven't made them this year. I buy Baker's Chocolate Squares (in a mostly flat box with eight or so 1 oz squares) at the supermarket. Looks like this:,grocery,249

Carolyn, you had a wacky day. Rest up!
A leather recliner would be heavenly! I want a leather loveseat set which can recline.
Carolyn, I LOVE dark gray! In CA at a seoond-hand store I bought a pair of Talbots suede work shoes (new) in that color just in case I get a job someday;).
Jean, we'll get you to be a TJM/Marshalls etc shopper yet! Yay!
Good morning! It is very cold! I must say I LOVE my new combo water heater and furnace! It is so instant on in both functions! So awesome!
A couple of errands, then home to start tomato soup in crockpot, then some sort of UY perhaps.
Sniff, sniff, last week at this time I was already airborne eastbound.
Hi everyone. It's a beautiful day in Delaware. The sun is shining and it is cool but not bad. No w/o again today. I had an 8 o'clock drop off for 3 dogs at the groomer and then went to the grocery store.

Betty I will use the butter recipe. Thanks.
What on earth kind of job would you get that requires work boots? I picture you as a desk job person.

Carolyn I'm glad you bought the right stuff. I have done the same thing and thought I ordered the wrong stuff. How many months till the furniture is delivered?
I ordered 2 chairs and a rug Aug 30 and still don't have it. She said it would take about 2 months.
Morning girls,

Carolyn that was a good deal with the points.

Today was barre3. Any kids off from school today? Only DD is off today. I feel like I'm coming down with a cold. Eyes are constantly tearing up and I'm tired.
Good morning....checking in with an hour of run/walk on the treadmill this morning!!!

It was a tad chilly this morning...50's... high of 77 today....just perfect!

I had a dream last night that we moved north and I was freezing....I said I cant work....its too cold...I must stay indoors till summer....hahahaha...too funny!:eek:

Busy at work as usual.... Be back later!
Missy I feel the same way in the winter. I hate going out in the cold and I hate cold weather.

I got a call from the furniture store and my chairs and rug will be delivered on Saturday. I am so excited. :D
Oh You Nasty Nasty Girl.
You didn't tell us that you were getting hardwood floors. Now that is exciting.
What kind of wood and color? Is your husband laying it or a contractor? That is going to change the whole look of your house. Will this only be in the living/family room?
That does seem unusual that 2 pieces of furniture from the same group will be in at different times. Your place is going to look so pretty.
I love ripping up carpet and pulling out the tacks. I wish I could come and help you.

My chairs and rug are for the bedroom. All I need is that and drapes for the bedroom and some art work for the walls in every room. Art is expensive. And I am not just talking about oil paintings. Anything for the walls costs so much.
Loathe the cold outside right now. I should pull out some gloves!:eek: Missy, that's a funny dream. That's how I feel every fall & winter.
Colleen, I hope you're not coming down with something.:confused: Rest up and get some Vit C, honey, tea in your body.
You ladies with the PB furniture to look forward to: thumbs up!
Carolyn, new floors!:eek: So awesome.
I do really like GS; should do more often. I love slow.
Took me forever to blanch and peel tomatoes we got from the garden into the crockpot to make tomato soup. I went to vote, and now I need to eat and then do UY. Ds will be home in half an hour.

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