STS first time!

Hey all-

Sorry so long time no check in. Been busy doing I don't know what lol. We had a wedding last weekend. It was good but a very long 10 hour drive to Missouri. I felt so bad for B. I mean that's a long drive for an adult let alone a baby. He did ok though. I was working it with the workouts before we left and then didn't workout for the two days we were there and then we got back and my laziness kept on going for another 3 days. I hate when I get out of the groove. Back at it now though. I did CF yesterday and PRS2 today before work. Going to keep the groove going for tomorrow and get something in before work. Not too much else going on. We have a busy week coming up with lots of fun mom/B time :) Love my mommy time :)
Hi Ladies. I just got home from a bike ride . That is my exercise for today. :p
We have blue skies and cold temps but it is a beautiful day.
My furniture arrived at 10 am. My husband said the bedroom looks like a magazine. It is so pretty. I wish you were all here to see it. I will try to post a video later so you can see what a wonderful job my decorator does.
Then we went to the grocery store to buy all of the food to make my meals for my family. We are having Beef Stroganoff on Monday and Lasagna , garlic bread and coconut cream pies on Tuesday and Wednesday. My mother will help me make the pies. My grandmother used to make them when I was little and there is none other than my mothers and grandmothers.

YUM YUM YUM!!!!!!!!!!! Sounds so good, you're making me hungry ;)

Can't wait to see the video. Sounds beautiful!
I need to workout but I am lazy lazy today. I love having everyone home, but I lose my schedule. I suck without it.

I checked out athleta. Nothing I need!

Have a nice weekend everyone.

Enjoy your lazy day! I've been eating like a cow today! Oink oink....ok more like a pig lol.
Rest day today, I did LL&A yesterday.

Oldest DD's volleyball team is in the playoffs, they won a tough game last night and will move on to the North finals on Sat. night. It was so stressful watching the game last night, because the teams were evenly matched, but I so wanted them to win especially since it is her last season, and they are a great bunch of girls.

Congrats to DD! That is exciting!

I have to try LL&A still. I loved GG!
Oh almost forgot to mention...

For all you chicas doing Nia's program..

Natasha...aka Mini-Natty from my other check-in said she would love to answer any questions if you have them. She is LOVING that program!
Jean, love the colors and the chairs! I'm jealous, I don't even have room for a chair in my bedroom.

Just sitting and drinking a cup of coffee, enjoying the quiet before everyone gets up. In a bit I will do STS #8 for back and tris.

DD's team won North finals last night, so on to the states! So happy for them. Unfortunately the game is in Bridgewater, quite a ways from here, so they won't get as many fans to cheer them on.

I had my mri yesterday, that was weird. The first few minutes I felt a little panicky, and I needed to keep my eyes closed and think about something else. Then I was ok. I don't go back to the dr. until early dec.

I totally understand the staying in vs. going out on the weekends. I often feel like we should go out on friday night but I am usually too tired from the week. But if I was home all week I would definitely push to go out.
Mary, congrats to dd! Exciting times!
I believe I would panic in an MRI machine as well. Nice job gathering yourself. Here's wishing you a fruitful PT appt.

Jean, I too need to go on my computer to watch your slideshow. On my tablet it doesn't work.
Have you seen Olympus Has Fallen? Wow, what a riveting, exciting movie!

Carolyn, how adorable about Polly Pockets. Do your kids watch Arthur? I'm still so fond of that show that I record it every year when new episodes come out.

I did a bunch of raking today. My forearm feels sore but I'll ice it later. I iced it for the first time the other night!

Veteran's day holiday tomorrow so ds will be home. You kids too, Colleen?
Carolyn, I hope you didn't permanently injure your shoulder.
Speaking of not being able to see clearly, my eyes are going too! Or maybe my contacts are getting old.
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Hi girls.

Rest days the last two days. I got up yesterday to work and and 5 minutes later ds was up. I felt guilty because he wanted to snuggle with me on the couch. So no work out but it was worth it!!! Yesterday was dd party, it went well. A long day.

Today I was tired and didn't feel like working out. I ate really well until I decided to make some gluten free brownie. I couldn't have any of the cake and every time I looked at it I was craving sweets. I ate way too many brownies. Warn out of the oven and oh so good. Even dd and ds liked them.

My kidd have school tomorrow.

Carolyn I hope your shoulder is OK.

Jean I can't wait to see the pictures once I'm on the computer.
Good Evening everyone. This morning the puppy woke us at 5 am so I got up and put all of the dogs out for bathroom duties and then I just stayed up. I did some cleaning and laundry and made my Beef Stroganoff. My movie today was " Hedgehog". I don't remember if Betty recommended that. Anyway it was in French with no subtitles so needless to say I didn't watch it. I took a 2 hour nap. I was really tired.

Mary Congrats to your daughters team for winning the finals. I guess you have a lot of driving ahead of you. Now is this it for her for sports until she goes to college?
I have had a couple of MRI's and it was panicky in that machine. The open ones aren't so bad.

Betty I haven't seen that movie. I will check it out.

Carolyn That is too bad you have to live in disarray for another week.
Good morning! Did TB lower body plus abs this morning, that ab workout is really good. My kids are off today so the house is very quiet. I tried to take the day off from work but we are kicking off a big project today with people flying in, so I could not.

I had my first PT appt scheduled for this Wed. but because of DD's tournament I had to change it. They are really booked and with my travel next week I could not get another appt. until next Friday :(

Betty I decided to make your chocolate crinkle cookies but I did not read the recipe the whole way through so did not see that the dough needs to be refrigerated for at least 4 hours. Oh well, I will finish them up tonight.

I loved Arthur! I tried to get my kids to watch it long after they wanted to. My fave was the blizzard episode.

Colleen, snuggling definitely beats a workout. I only started working out in the morning when my girls started sleeping later.

Jean, oldest DD may do a sport in the spring, but she wants to take it easy for a bit. My other 2 will keep us busy in her place!
Good morning! Need to exercise. Maybe step
Mary, nice job getting the workout in. I appreciate how hard it is so early in the morning when you need sleep.
So nice that your kids are sleeping in. Kids are so stressed in high school, it seems.

Ok, somehow, I seem to have gotten a UTI, for the first time in over 25 yrs. Not as vicious though. I'm so baffled! Have not done anything different. Well, maybe I was underhydrated this week, but that's normal too.
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Mary, I have this bad habit of not reading recipes all the way through.
Sounds like some delish warm cookies this afternoon;).
Arthur has a new season this week;).

Carolyn, I iced my forearm with peas. What a wonderful way to do it. Got it from you gals.
Hi everyone. I did Rockout Knockout earlier. Am hanging in there with the UTI. Dh will bring some cranb juice home. In the meantime, I'm taking coconut oil, a garlic pill, drank coconut water, water.

It's nice and sunny today, so that's helpful to motivate. Sometimes those gloomy November days can be very depressing. We're supposed to get seriously cold on Wed & Thu, into 30s.

Jean, I'm sorry about Hedgehog. Are you sure there were no English subtitles? Look to see if you have the feature to turn them on. I had to do that.
And omgoodness, your bedroom is gorgeous, as is the furniture. I love the seafoam colors of your wall & rug. I noticed that cute rocking cradle in the corner. Is that an antique toy?
Hi Ladies. I have been cleaning and cooking all day. I made my lasagna today. My family got here at 2 pm . We had stroganoff for dinner. I am so tired and now we are going to attempt to crochet. I am hoping to watch Walking Dead tonight also.
That cradle was made for me by my Father in Law. And my Mother in Law painted the flowers and birds on it. He made it for me about 22 years ago because I had a doll collection. When my 1st Grandson was born , he made a cradle for my daughter so the baby could sleep in it. I hope she still has it and passes it along to her grandkids. My In Laws were very talented.

Betty I didn't send the movie back . I want to put it back in and get my husband to see if he can figure it out. I really want to see it because it got a lot of good write ups. I also put that other movie you suggested on my Netflix list. Thanks for all of the ideas. I hope your UTI clears up soon. They are horrible.

Carolyn I so admire you for doing all of those leg and butt workouts.

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