STS first time!

And lately I'm constantly using merchandise credits at TJM/M.:confused

Both my sisters are tall and narrow in the hips, while I'm petite and curvy in hips. I prefer your look. What I wouldn't give for several more inches of height;)
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Good Morning my friends!!!

Last night I snuggled in the bed with Mr Boots and we watched a christmas movie.... A Christmas Kiss..... it was so good! I just love christmas movies!!!! :eek:

This is my favorite time of year.....looking forward to getting our christmas you know Tim and I always get it either day before, thanksgiving day, or day after..... I just love go and picking out our tree....its just magical!!!!

Is anyone else in the christmas spirit yet????
Hi Missy, nope. Not in the Christmas spirit. But I do LOVE the old-fashioned Christmas movies. Love them. There's magic in them! Can't be recaptured.
I just finished PRS#2. I was at a disadvantage thinking that since I'd done it once before, it would be fine. Nope! It tripped me up more. It's a fun one though. My only gripe is that the cool-down before the stretch is seriously inadequate.
I am not in the Christmas spirit yet either. I have been in the mall and Christmas music is playing and I just want to get out, it is too early!

I did LL&A this morning. Wish I could get back to doing cardio but everything seems to aggravate my hamstring issue - I feel like it is getting worse.

I leave for SF on Sunday very early. At least we will have the day to poke around.

The woman sitting next to me at work has been talking non-stop on the phone all day, I cannot take it any more, so loud I cannot even think!
Carolyn, that sounds like a marvelous opportunity. Just dip your toes, and if it doesn't work out, then cut back! You are calling the shots! The best part? You love this kind of work!
I am so envious of you! I want someone to look for me like that for a p-t job!!!
I need to talk it over with dh some more. He is all for it. Whatever makes me happy he says! I am racking my brain trying to think of how I would fit in my exercise! Upper body work wouldnt be necessary since grooming is a killer arm workout. But I dont want to lose my groove. This would be good for me to not be so fixated on working out. I have really let it consume me. I mean really! I am sitting here trying to think of a schedule to fit it all in! Thinking out loud! What would I do about vacations or summer vacation with the kids?! This is where my excitement ends. I dont want to miss those times. And if they are home sick they need mama! :confused:
Carolyn, the vacations, summers, sick days are exactly what used to give me a lump in my throat. You can probably not take on any dogs on those days?
I'm confident you'll find a way to fit in a workout, but that's the other thing that gives me huge pause when I start working again. It sounds almost perfect.
Carolyn, good luck to dd and YOU! She'll have a blast and not get much sleep!
I can get how you'd feel elated about the prospect and then deflated the next moment (after you think it through too much).
Hi girls, lunch with my BFFs then babysitting my bro's kids tonight. Have a great day! Somewhat mild today, so that's fab!
Busy day packing, laundry, and DH's birthday. We're going out to dinner and making it an early night, I have an early flight in the morning.

Carolyn, that part-time job sounds perfect for you. It would be a great way to ease back in and do something you love. I understand about wanting to be there all the time for the kids too, but talk it over with your friend, maybe she can be as flexible as you need her to be. Good luck!

Have a great week!
Mary, safe travels! Have a great week in SF! Don't forget Crustacean Restaurant (Dungeness crab & garlic noodles) if you can. It's a dressier place, not casual, not super fancy.
Happy birthday to dh! Enjoy your night out!

Carolyn, the twins are 7, the youngest 4.
How far would the 'commute' be? That's important too.

Jean, wassup?
Good Morning Ladies. I have been so busy. Today I did disc 15. I haven't worked out in a week. It is very foggy today but the temps are mild. My family left on Thurs morning. They seemed to have a good time in spite of the weather being lousy. Friday the current builder in our community had a Christmas Open house at the model. The booze was flowing. It was a lot of fun. I met even more people there. Then when we got home I attempted to make a Pumpkin Roulade and when I was rolling the cake it broke. I could have cried. So I got on Youtube and watched some videos on how to do it properly. Saturday morning they had a State police come to the community center and talk about how to keep our property and community safe. Then right after we had an HOA budget meeting. Then I came home and made my pumpkin upside down cake and another roulade. It rolled perfectly and I was able to have a nice dessert for our Thanksgiving . Last night was our community Thanksgiving dinner. It was so fun. There was about 50 people. There was so much food and I am still full. I sold the 50/50 raffle tkts. I thought that would be a good way to have some one on one time with people I don't know. So it was a great time. Today I am going to do some light housework and then attempt to watch The Hedgehog again.

Carolyn That is surprising the med student wanted to see the PI on your sons private area when it was all over his body. Good for you for saying no.
That was funny when you said Betty's liking LL&a would make me go out and buy it. If you see it as DOD let me know. :D I bet your shoulders look great. I love defined shoulders on women. I wish mine were more defined. I find that sexy.

Betty I am glad your UTI is better. What I do if I get one is after it is over I mix a bottle of half cranberry juice and half water and drink it all day for about a week afterwards.

Mary Have a fun, safe trip.

Missy I have watched 2 Christmas movies so far. I get the the spirit on Thanksgiving day.
Jean, your week sounded like so much fun and entertainment. Amazing! It is so different than in your old neighborhood!
Thanks for the cranberry juice tip. It's going to have to be a permanent addition to my life.:confused: I have to be proactive. My last pill is tonight.
I hope you enjoy the movie. You might shoot me regarding the ending. I was so dismayed and angry. But it was a wonderful story.

Carolyn, the job sounds like the perfect scenario. I'm so excited on your behalf!
Oh yeah, the floors too!
The kids were fun! When they were younger, they never really warmed up to my bro's side of the family for some reason! I was exhausted only because my bro & s-i-l didn't return till nearly midnight and I was falling asleep watching tv.

Mary, hope you're soaking up some SF scenery and enjoying yourself.

It was a cloudy day, but mild. Showers started just before the sun set.
Carolyn, I think it is so awesome that you used to have your own business! Whichever way you end up grooming dogs, it's great that you love what you do!
Betty I was able to see the movie. It was real good. I was sad at the end when she died. She was just becoming happy. It got such good reviews I just had to watch it.

Carolyn You will do great in the working world. From conversing with you online , you have a very outgoing and comical personality. You seem to stay so busy during the day , I can't imagine you wanting to work.
Worked Sat and Sun and got workouts in both days after work :) My mom was in town watching B so Sat we did Turbo Barre which she loved. We did the lower body premix. The whole thing is tooooo looooong! Today I did HiiT 30/30.

Friday I had a telemetry class downtown. It's all about heart monitoring. After I finish my third class next week I'll be able to work the cardiac unit. Must study lots this week. So much to know. Missy I feel like you. I like my free time to do things other than study but I must do it to do well in this class! Bummer right haha!

B is amazing but unfortunately has been sick with a cough and congestion. Runny nose too, poor pumpkin. He is getting better though. He learned what a dog says today :) Proud mama moment :)

Carolyn- That sounds like a great opportunity for you! Seems like you really enjoyed doing it. I say go for it :)

Missy- Yay for class being over soon. What a relief!

Betty- You would be so proud of me ;) I've been really into coconut oil lately. I use it in cooking and on my face and body. Lips too :) It smells so good! I got a huge container of organic unrefined from Costco! Tomorrow morning I'm going to try it in my coffee. I think I remember you mentioning that.

Jean- Sounds like a busy weekend. Pumpkin upside down cake.....mmmmmmm!

Mary- Have a safe trip!

Hi Colleen!

10:40 here and I'm not even tired yet. Probably shouldn't have had that latte in the way home from work ;)
Hi girls,

Last week was so busy. This week should be better. I've done SBF Lean in 7 the last 3 days. I've been so sore! I feel every muscle in my body. Lower body Saturday. Upper yesterday and lower again today. I'm loving it so far. I enjoyed barre3 but I realized I was taking it easy on myself. Haven't been this sore since doing Leah.

Carolyn I can't wait to hear how your meeting goes.
Hi girls,
Crazy day! I started Flex Train at 8:10 and it has been non-stop ever since. After Cathe, I ran to shower, then meet friends for a 2-hr brkfast, and then picked up some veggies. No sooner did I get home than my neighbor asked for a walk, so I just got back! It is mid-60s and sunny today. Gorgeous!

Marie, I too love your avatar! You look gorgeous and Breckin SO adorable!
High five on the coconut oil! I'm so proud of you! It is so good for everything! I too get the one from Costco. I wish it were in a glass bottle but, oh well, you can't have everything.
Great to hear from you! Your career seems to be very interesting and challenging to you.

Colleen, congrats on starting SBF! Doms! How awesome!

Carolyn, will the floors be finished by today? That's exciting! You doing hardwood? What kind?

Jean, glad you saw the movie. I felt so sad that the character couldn't just continue with her new, happy life. She was so lonely before. And her suitor felt a spark immediately. It was so romantic. Why did they have to kill her off??

I need to get some work done on the computer before the daylight disappears and I can't see anything.
Carolyn, is it tomorrow you're walking with your future employer? If so, good luck!!!
I have all the same reservations you have, esp about free time, time to work out and cook, commuting time--all normal. You'll sort it to your advantage.
Hi friends!
Just finished BS Ch, B, Sh! I decided to try UB, even though my forearm is not perfect. I feel that bicep work would strain it. So, it went well. We'll see tomorrow. I am lifting lighter overall, for good measure. Lifting light will still give you muscle definition, right? That's all I want. I'm no Popeye and will always be weak.
Gusty and cold today. 40s

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