STS first time!

I watched "The Heat" today. I really enjoyed it. I even laughed at Melissa McCarthy.
I have been watching "The Paradise". I have a few recorded that I need to watch. That is good.
I will check out The East.
Hi girls

Sorry I haven't checked in too much lately. Work has been really busy and trying to spend time with the family and all evening stuff. Time just gets away from me. I did sbf on the last 4 days. I like them a lot. Yesterday was lower body and cardio. My glutes are on fire today.

Yesterday dd and I spent most of the day together. We went to a craft fair got her hair cut and then went to to the grocery store. It was a nice time together.

Today was just hanging out as Asa family. Too cold to do much of anything. We did go to Sams club.
Firewalkers were five dollars and change. Keep watching Jean. The DOTD had her new greatest hits. Maybe other new ones will follow. I have munched all day. Only one unhealthy treat. It was a small square of raspberry crumble. Too buttery tasting. The wind is frightening at times. The trees are bending. My kids Are crabby today. Too cooped up. Betty, a whole ago TJ had a cute foam roller that came With a small massage ball $20! I almost bought it. I already have the honkin roller that the PT gave me. It is just styrofoam. Ugly! The TJ one was black with a squiggle heart design.
I've only ever seen foam rollers.
I'll need to try to remember to check DOTD.
I watched "The Heat" today. I really enjoyed it. I even laughed at Melissa McCarthy. I have been watching "The Paradise". I have a few recorded that I need to watch. That is good. I will check out The East.
I'm looking forward to The Heat and The Paradise; both are on my queue.
Sitting here reading the forums with a robe on, two pairs of socks, a blanket, the fire blazing...
Hi girls Sorry I haven't checked in too much lately. Work has been really busy and trying to spend time with the family and all evening stuff. Time just gets away from me. I did sbf on the last 4 days. I like them a lot. Yesterday was lower body and cardio. My glutes are on fire today. Yesterday dd and I spent most of the day together. We went to a craft fair got her hair cut and then went to to the grocery store. It was a nice time together. Today was just hanging out as Asa family. Too cold to do much of anything. We did go to Sams club.
Colleen, glad to hear all's well. Don't worry--we understand about your demanding F-T job, young kids, busy household, working out. We're here when you can check in.
That was nice mommy & me time with dd.
Glutes are on fire?? Envious! Been sitting on my butt today!
Hey, what's the least expensive place to buy a Clarisonic Mia 2? I'm hoping I can snag a great Black Friday deal!
Morning ladies!

I got to sleep in today. It's 7:30 here. Felt so nice. Tony and I agreed that I get one morning to myself. I have till 8:45 haha. Got to head to the basement for PRS1 now :)
Hi friends!
Marie, how lovely you got some extra sleep! That Tony is such a keeper!;) Have fun with PRS1. Haven't tried that yet.
Colleen, your SBF sounds challenging! Awesome!

I just finished LL&A. Going to have to pull out other legs workouts before this starts getting a tad too familiar. Like Jean, I'm waiting on this one to be on DOTD. It'd be a great gift for many! No dreaded moves that would scare people away and never turn back!
Tuesday I think I might try to go to Pilates. (Dh's car is finally repaired, we hope.) The last time I went in early October, it was mild. Now it is frigid. I have no idea how to dress!
Wednesday I think I'll try X10. It's time.
Colleen- Remind me what SBF is?

Betty- Nice job on LL&A! Reminds I have yet to try that one.

My morning was great thanks :) It's so funny that sleeping in is now 7:30. When I was pregnant I would sleep til noon.

Love PRS1! Always a fun one!

We have a playdate soon with a mom and boy that is five days younger than b. We met at a coffee shop. Funny how my social life has escalated now that I have b. Never awkward because we can just talk about the kids :)

Meant to mention too how crazy that we've known each other for two years! I love it! You are all great motivators :)
Hello Everyone! I haven't had time to read all the posts, you all have been busy!

I got back Thurs. night and I have been trying to catch up ever since. I can't believe it is Thanksgiving already. We are going to my brother's place at the Cape but I have to get all the food and bring everything we need down there. Anyways, the trip was good but very busy. We were supposed to get in early on Sunday and do some sightseeing but our plane had some issues so we had a 3 hour delay. We were starving by the time we got there, and then it was just go go go, long days and into the night. The people I traveled with with were not particularly adventurous - our hotel was between 2 diners and they would have been content to eat there every night. I ate with them but told them I did not go all the way to San Fran to get beef stew! I told them the last night I would go out by myself, and one woman said she would go with me but was not interested in your restaurant Betty. I found a good seafood one and we had a really good meal. And I did a ton of walking. I'll have to head back there with DH and really enjoy the city.

I did have my first PT appt on Friday. It was more of an eval, because I had my MRI already but have not returned to the doc. I told her I do not think it is a pinched nerve, and I felt like she listened to me but there's only so much she can do without a diagnosis. She gave me some stretches to do at least and I liked her. The doc seemed to think I should get all my PT appts in before I return, but that doesn't make sense because I am not sure it is my spine.

I started Meso 2 over the weekend, and I got DOMS big time! I enjoyed Meso 1 but really prefer this more.

Oh yeah, when I talked to the PT I told her my hamstring issues started when I switched my workouts to the morning. She told me morning is not a good time to do high impact workouts because when we sleep, our spines fill with fluid and are more susceptible to injury in the morning (especially as we get older). If that is the case, I will have to rethink my Cathe workouts because I don't know when I would do them.

Carolyn, sorry the job thing did not work out as you had hoped, but at least it got you thinking about what you might want to do and you might be more open the next time something comes up.

Betty, I've heard about the fried turkey but never had it and the thought of all that hot oil sounds dangerous. It must have been very moist.

Marie, I love your new pic, it is beautiful!

Ok, lunch is about over, will try to catch up later!
Good morning! Chowing my oatmeal/quinoa/millet. Planning on a 10:30 Pilates.
It is cloudy with a flurry or two. Not frigid, thankfully.

Mary, great to hear your voice! Glad you got to try some SF seafood; too bad your colleague didn't want to try Crustacean! And that really stinks about your plane delay! How great you got a ton of walking in even with all those work hours!
Go with your gut on the non-spine thing. Cart before the horse approach by the doc?? Perhaps you can reach a happy medium and do a couple of PTs before seeing the doc.
I don't recall you switching from evening workouts--must have been before we met!:D

Carolyn, you don't need to cut the grapes; they don't all need to cook down. It's nice to see some whole. I should do mine today too. Have to make the pumpkin flan tomorrow. I'm not even sure what pan I will use; I don't have a mold.

I've been purging for the past week. The house that is;). It feels great. And by no means is it all done. All the stuff will get picked up today; I only have to leave it next to my garage.--isn't that handy?
Pilates was very enjoyable! I missed it! No problem even after LL&A yesterday. I have two more classes (got a free one yesterday from filling out a survey!).
This morning I went to buy eggs from a poultry farm. Big mistake! Cars were parked on both sides of the road for a few blocks (normally none), and people were lined up from the sidewalk! To pick up their turkeys and chickens, no doubt;).
Hello....My life is so crazy busy....I am so excited for thanksgiving...just so I can have some time off.....and next wednesday Dec 4th is my last ICD10 class....yeah!!!

Today is my last day of work till next week....yeah me! What are my plans? Get back on my Cathe workouts....starting tonight....I am going to go Lean Legs and Abs....which I have never done! so kinda excited!

Carolyn...I feel like you .... I do not have the cardio endurance I once had....and I have to get it back. I also have been walking with a friend...and she is slowing me down...but I dont want to hurt her feelings....she really needs the exercise and alone time aways from work and family.....:confused: so I continue a few days a week with her.....

Marie....Enjoy your "me" time!!!!

Hello Mary, Betty, Jean!!!!

Happy early thanksgiving to my dear friends!!!!

I will be checking in daily now...that I will have some time off!!! so excited! hehehe its the little things in life!

As for the is freezing here in the south too....they are forcasting 28 degrees thanksgiving morning here.... brrr!!! Too cold for this southern girl!:eek:
My cardio endurance is not as good as it used to be either, I have only been doing strength workouts and walking. If my hamstrings ever get back to normal I will return to it.

I had another PT appt this morning. Because it is so busy I had a fill-in person, but she was really good too. We started over from scratch and I explained everything and she agreed that it seemed more like a hamstring issue than spine. Then when she felt my hamstrings she saw how tight and knotted they are, and she massaged them with different tools, along with her elbow. It hurt sometimes but felt good in the long run. She gave me some more exercises to do so I am hopeful that I am on the right track, but it will take a while.

Missy, I am so glad your class is almost over, this is such a busy time of year anyways. I am excited for Thanksgiving too, just enjoying a meal with family and not rushing around (except cooking of course).

The snowflakes this morning made it look quite festive. It is supposed to be quite messy tomorrow.

Is the compote recipe somewhere handy? It is so hard to search through these forums.

I feel like I should be Christmas shopping but I have no idea what to get anyone. We really don't need anything at this point. I try to think of thoughtful things but it is hard.
Mary, here's the recipe, a Martha one. I love how good it tastes and how simple it is. Which reminds me, I haven't made it yet:confused:
I'm curious how the PT can see/feel the knots in your hamstring, and what exercises she suggests.

Missy, how exciting that you're off for the next 5 days!!! Enjoy your home time! You so deserve it! I'm excited for you about your last day of class!
Brr, 28 is cold for here too!

Everyone, don't fret about your slightly diminished cardio capacity! Having been conditioned by Cathe, you outrank anyone! Since you keep up your mostly-daily workouts, you're a 10 in my book!

Big L watchers, this year seems so lame! I just got to the episode that the Idol guy lost 3 lbs. Seriously? He's 400+ lbs. Anyway, I hadn't heard about the Jillian caffeine pills fiasco until Saturday. Was it mentioned in an episode or in the news?

I am barely moving since I am chilly. Fire is lit, hot cocoa in my hands. Better start the compote....
Betty....I missed the week that it happened....but I did read about it in the news...I think it was on the show??? But I feel it was just a way to get Ruben back on the show....I feel the show is rigged this season... I am losing interest in the show....because of things like this!

Oh....I watched 2 christmas movies last week....but you all have to wat Christmas Lodge....its a Thomas Kinkade movie....I watched it on was the best christmas movie ever....It even had me crying!!! So good! The other movie I really liked to....Chistmas was very romantic! I am a nut about christmas movies!!!! hehehe for the hamstring...I completely understand....the only thing that helped mine was foam rolling and walking! I hope yours feels better soon!

Im so excited to try a new Cathe workout tonight! hehehee:p

Oh....tomorrow night is the night....Tim and I will go buy our christmas tree....then I can decorate it on thanksgiving!!!! It a magical moment in the Tompkins house!!! So excited!!! I just love going and picking out our tree...its so magical!!!!:eek:

it has rained all day today....nasty outside!!!!

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