STS first time!

Hi girls.

Carolyn I am so sorry about ellie. Poor thing. I hope her appointment goes well today.

Back to work today. Had a nice break. It was relaxing. Yesterday I did some baking and we put up the outside lights and decorations inside. The tree will go up this weekend.

Missy. You tree looks great.

I had a rest day on Friday and SBF Saturday Sunday and today.

My eating has been way off. Eating too much junk. I can really feel it in my thighs. Time to recommitted to eating better. I hate feeling this way.

Carolyn. What's up with your knee?
Good morning!

I did portions of LL&A this morning. I am supposed to be very careful with lower body workouts, my PT does not even want me to do fast walking :(

I was lazy yesterday, I think it was the weather. I actually headed out to the mall to do some shopping, but it all looked like too much stuff so I turned around and headed home. We have so much stuff already and really do not need anymore. Of course my girls would disagree with that.

There are some great deals on Cathe today. I don't have most of the old ones but I think the hair styles would be distracting for me. Does anyone have Low Impact Circuit? What do you think? I am thinking I really need to focus on low impact going forward.

Winter sports start tonight at the high school. Of course they are not at the same time so I will be driving constantly - ugh.
Good day, girls! It's a gloomy, damp day here, but at least it'll be about 40.
I just finished GG Extreme. I was dreading it but it wasn't as bad as I feared. Perhaps LL&A was too recent in my mind. I hope I can still do Pilates tomorrow. I hate when I'm too achy to get the full benefit and do the full range of motion.
Mary, I definitely would be distracted by the old hair and old clothes:confused:. I don't have Low Impact Circuit. Wait. I do! I just checked out DOTD. It's a fun step one with great music, and it's not that old at all. Boy, are there a ton of deals today. S&H seems like a steal. But I am not going to buy any more!
Hi Ladies. It is cloudy and humid today. I did disc 24 today.

Carolyn I haven't watched WD or TD yet. That will be tonight. I hate when they have these 2 month breaks. I am assuming it was good so we can discuss it tomorrow. Good Luck with the vet. I hope they see some improvement.

Betty I would think you would be used to football by now with all of the years you have been married. Do you only have one t.v. in the living room? I always watch my movies while football is on. I especially hate college football on Saturdays.
Carolyn, I have High Reps, another I don't really care for. Like I said with STS TB, maybe I should try this with lighter weights and fresh eyes.
That's good news for Ellie and you. But don't think it of it as 10 more days. Think of it as 1 more day, then another, then another...:p Is Ellie a calm dog?
Did you have a nice meal at your mom's?
I'm sure you developed a shelf with all that work, that if you were twenty yrs younger it would show prominently.;)

Jean, humid??:eek: What is that?? It is raw here and my hands and feet are freezing. Instead of sitting and reading by the fire, I figure I'd better get on my computer and cyber-Monday peruse.
I'm so :mad: I never looked at eBay for the Clarisonic.
We do have other tvs but the fireplace is in LR where football is watched. It doesn't bother me most days, but yesterday, it was on ALL day. It just gets under my skin and is SO irritating!

Colleen, don't beat yourself up about the eating. It's that time of the year and it's SO difficult to avoid all those sweets. Plus you are so dedicated and fit. Gluten-free helps too, no?

Mary, happy upcoming bday to oldest dd! At least she can drive herself to sports and such? And maybe drive the twins when she can?
I have High Reps and STS TB, but hardly ever do either one. High Reps is exactly that, low weights with endless reps. I like STS TB better, it uses heavier weights and more compound movements with emphasis on lower body, but it still moves more quickly than I like.

Betty oldest dd can drive, but she is the only one not doing an activity! She will drive herself to work and hopefully help out when she can.

My DH watches football as well but he is in the minority in our house so he has to go to another room, thank goodness.

Carolyn, great news for Ellie!
Have I mentioned my aches and pains? Besides my forearm, which was feeling better until I used 8 lbs today in GG, my bicep area in both arms have been painful. It's difficult to put on and take off a coat, say, or remove a top:confused::confused:. I think this came about from too many darn planks from UY, although I've stayed away from the everything-but-stretch ones more recently to keep a close eye on it. Anyone know how to rehab?

Mary, you're right, STS TB is too fast for me too.
What work does dd do? Ds1 worked at a supermarket.

Anyone do any cyber shopping today?
Carolyn That is great news about Ellie. I know you were happy to see your regular vet there today. I have "high reps" but I haven't done it in a long time.

Betty I have been doing some Cyber shopping but haven't bought anything. I really didn't see that great of deals. I wonder why you are getting all of these aches and pains lately? I know I have a few when I work out but I am quite a bit older than you. Maybe you need to cut back to 4 days a week instead of 5. You didn't seem to have any pains when you were on M,W,F rotation.

Hi Missy. I guess you are back to being swamped with work and school.
Good evening friends....yep back to craziness.....the day after a holiday is always hell in the Dr office..... didn't leave work till 6 tonight!!!!! Wednesday is my last day of school!!!! Yipeee!!!! glad to hear the good news on Ellie!!!!

Hello everyone!!!! Will catch up in the morning.....I'm exhausted!!!!

Going to bed! Good night!!!!
Jean, you're perceptive--I used to think the same thing of y'all who worked out 6 days/wk. Here I am following suit and ramping it up and feeling the pain. The thing is I don't kill it though.
Now if I could cut out sugar altogether, I could get a lean body.:D
Hiya girls

Carolyn. So glad ellie is doing better. Poor thing.

Today was SBF upper core. Lots of plank work. It felt good. I enjoy her workouts. The program I am doing is one day lower body and cardio the next upper body. Today was upper (30 minutes) and I added on 20 minutes on the spin bike.
Betty. I know the eating is the hardest part. They say abs are built in the kitchen but then how much fun would life be without sweets? All in moderation.

Funny. Dh told me last week I look better with a few extra pounds. I tend to agree but I don't like how my thighs look. My clothes still fit but just a tad tight in the thighs. Yuck!!
Good Afternoon has been anotehr crazy day at the office....I am at the front desk again as my receptionist is still very sick....errr.....I am so far behind its not even funny!!!!!

Hoping this afternoon goes by quickly so I can go home!

Colleen....thats to funny....some people tell me I look better at the size Im at now...but I like the way I look I am still gonna work hard at getting these 10 unwanted pounds off!!!! But the holidays are not helping....I like sweets! LOL

Yes...abs they say are made in the kitchen and thats why you cant see mine!!! hehehehe :eek:

Gotta run....back to work I go!

Check back later!!!! Have a nice afternoon!:)
Hi friends, I went to Pilates this morning. The instructor did a ton of LB, so two days in a row for me! However, I let up too easily on the burnin':confused:.
I decided to go to M/TJM to shop around. Didn't find anything, which I guess is all right. Don't really need anything! I went to get me a veggie burrito at Chipotle after--YUM.
The sun came out and it is mild and past mid-40s already. Grateful!
I apologize in advance but I need to rant. I went back to the ortho today with my MRI disk, and he looked at it and didn't see anything wrong. When I had my first appt. I told him my hamstrings were painful, and he thought it was my spine or a pinched nerve, so apparently the MRI he ordered was only for my spine. So now he says I should get another one for my pelvis and come back in a month. What the heck??? This has been very expensive, both in money and time, and I am not sure I want to go back. I have another PT appt. tomorrow so I think I will ask her what she thinks. This is very frustrating!
I apologize in advance but I need to rant. I went back to the ortho today with my MRI disk, and he looked at it and didn't see anything wrong. When I had my first appt. I told him my hamstrings were painful, and he thought it was my spine or a pinched nerve, so apparently the MRI he ordered was only for my spine. So now he says I should get another one for my pelvis and come back in a month. What the heck??? This has been very expensive, both in money and time, and I am not sure I want to go back. I have another PT appt. tomorrow so I think I will ask her what she thinks. This is very frustrating!
Mary, what an idiot! UN-Believable! I'd be furious at the waste of my time and money! I don't know what he'll find with a pelvic MRI. It's the back of the legs. The PT would likely be more knowledgeable and give you rehab exercises.
Party Rockin Step 2 this morning. Love my step :)

B and I want to storytime late afternoon and then came home and put back on our PJs and just played all day. Love those days!

I have High Reps but I can't remember the last time I did it. I think remember liking it though because it was total body. Maybe I should break it out tomorrow.

Mary- How annoying about your ortho. I would be super frustrated as well. Sorry to hear about that.

Missy and Colleen- I'm with you girls as well. I've had people tell me I look better at a slightly higher weight. Of course I hate hearing that because I like the way I look and feel when I'm thinner. Right now I'm up about 5 pounds. My chocolate addiction has gotten the best of me lately. I'll start hard-core after Christmas. :)

Just got B to bed. DH is at band. Time for this mama to watch The Mindy Project on Hulu. I just love that show. Have a great evening everyone!

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