STS first time!

Good Afternnon my friends! Class is over....last night was it!!!! Yipee!!!!

I am so receptionist is still I have been at front desk all week.....I am so far behind....its crazy! is Ellie????:D
Mary, that's so outrageous that he prescribed those meds to what amounts to essentially masking the pain. He wasn't that vested in finding the problem! Based on how knowledgeable Carolyn's PT is, I'm convinced that you'll find a solution through that route. You should go to Carolyn's PT!:D My sis and both my s-i-ls are using PTs too for arm/shoulder/knee problems and, hearing C's and their's and other's experiences, I feel like those PTs sure know their muscles/anatomy.

Girls, I've always LOVED the piano. I took lessons for a very short time while ds1 was a few yrs old, during my work lunch hour, no less. I only had a tiny plastic keyboard back then, so between having a little child, a part-time job, and no real piano, I stopped. In the intervening years, my kids played for over 10 yrs, overlapping. Ds2 refuses to do anymore while in high school, and I didn't want to see my piano languish, so I pulled out the Xmas carols I play every year for many years. I am not musically-inclined and am very slow at it, so I am too embarrassed to use my kids' teacher, who used to come to our house. I'm using the twins' teacher in the next town, for a FRACTION of the cost. She's patient and great with kids. There. Now you know probably more than you'd ever want to know.:D

Finishing my lunch, then I think I might do UY Yin. I need to stretch. Hmmm, I should at least take a look at UY Mtn Pose--has anyone done that??
It's cloudy and therefore cold in the house.
Mary, when we meet I think we can all easily identify Carolyn, Colleen, Marie, Missy. Then we can figure out Jean next. So it's just between you and me that will keep the crowd guessing for a bit!:D
I just did UY Flexibility. It was marvelous! Felt so good. I feel like the last time I did any UY, my biceps weren't hurting yet. I just have to remember to stretch my arms every single night.
Hi Girls. Today we met with our State Farm Ins agent and went over our accounts. He gave us advise on what we should increase on our house and auto ins.. I think he really wanted us to come in to talk about life and long term care ins.. There's always a gimmick. I don't know where the day goes but it sure flies by. The weather was so mild today I didn't even need a jacket. We rode our bikes down to the bay and the water was so calm.

Betty We do get snow here but not much. I think the average is 6 inches. The taxes are lower here plus there are no sales tax. How exciting that you are taking piano lessons. I can understand not wanting the piano to just sit there. Maybe you can get your son to play with you after you learn some. Yal can each do one side of the keys. I can't wait to hear all about it. I wash my face every night with my fake clarisonic. I can see no blackheads now. :eek:

Carolyn That dream you had is so funny. I never dream stuff like that. Yal would know me because I am as old as your Mother's . :p Do you have a theme for your son's B'day? What kind of cake are you making this year? We had meatball subs for dinner. Do you ever make spaghetti squash? I make that now instead of noodles.

Mary My Dr. suggested a cortisone shot for arthritis in my shoulder. I said no thanks. Some people really want that month of no pain.

Missy NO MORE SCHOOL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOHOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Carolyn have you ever considered doing the Nia Shanks w/o that Natasha is doing? I think it costs $34. I sent her a PM to see if it is downloads or dvd's. I so am not a download person. Natasha seems to love this program.
Carolyn, what's wrong with spag & meatballs? I made that last night.
I do feel very stretched. UY did its job nicely.

Jean, I have heard about spaghetti squash but have not tried it. Good job since it's so healthy!
I must break out my Clarisonic. (How fab that your blackheads are gone! OMG.) I don't think I can wait three more weeks if I wrap it up.
I very much like the piano teacher and am excited to be learning. I'll do Christmas carols this month then in January I'll start Bach.;)

Is anyone watching the live Sound of Music? Carrie Underwood's voice is ultra-amazing!

I can't remember what else!
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Good morning! It is so dark and cloudy, but calm and mild, around 50 for now.
After just now looking closely at the exercises for GS Legs (yup, all dreaded moves), I'll do B&G soon. Just because Carolyn loves this one and has done it so much in the past.:D I rarely have.
How old were you when your dad passed away, Carolyn? That was a sweet remembrance, what you walked down the aisle with.
It has been a long week.
Carolyn, {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}

I got Low Impact Circuit yesterday so did a bit of it this morning, it was fun! Another PT appt later, wish I had taken the day off.
Hi Girls. Today I did Disc 25. I feel like I need a nap. Today I am going to make a batch of Chocolate Crinkles to make sure they come out o.k. before I make them for the cookie exchange. I also plan to clean the bathrooms. Tonight is happy hour at the comm. center. The temps here are 65 degrees. It is going to get colder and rainy as the day goes on.

I did not watch The Sound of Music. I hate musicals.

Carolyn I am surprised to hear The Redskins are their fav team. Are you making a football cake? I haven't heard from Natasha yet as to if Nia's program is downloads.
Carolyn, how are you not burned out on legs?? I'm sick of it and sore from other leg-focused stuff this week, and probably should not have done B&G today.:confused: I chose the 48-min premix, and would you believe it omitted deadlifts, my fave? Subbed in db squats and/or lunges, which I loathe. I do this workout so infrequently that I won't remember to sub those myself next time.
How sad that your dad and you were so young. My dad died 15 yrs ago and he was a young 61. He missed out on so much too. Sniff sniff

Mary, great job on LICi. I hope you get some more satisfaction from PT today.
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Jean, from what I understand, Nia's program is all on paper, no downloads, so you could use your own music.

How do you get on her email list?
I did Afterburn this morning :) B was a good little man and played next to me the whole time. It was so cute, he would hand me the discs, even when they weren't needed of course :) He was also trying to hand me the weights which of course he couldn't lift. He actually can lift the five pound ones though which makes me a little nervous so I always stop him. Don't want to get a hernia or something.

Sitting in the car now while B is napping. At 10 o'clock we have a Spanish sing-a-along and dance. Should be fun!

Class yesterday was so much fun. The first part was what they call circle time. We sang songs and read books. Then the parents separate from the kids. Yesterday was the first class so we actually just stayed in the same room with them but moved into the corner. A parent educator discusses a new topic every week. This week was toy selection. Then we get back together with the kids. They had a snack next. It was so cute to see B sitting at the table with all the other little kids eating his snack. I got all emotional inside. After snack we did activities. They had different stations set up and we would just go to whichever one we wanted. One of them had a couple buckets of snow. B was all over that one until his little hands got too cold and he started crying :-( Then we moved on to painting a Christmas tree. The paint was made with the dreft detergent and water. They also had a little felt project set out. After that we did circle time again. Then we headed to the gym and let the little ones run around and play with balls and ride in the cars and scooters and such. The class is 2 hours long and just flew by. I'm so excited for next week.

Sorry for the long post lol. I tend to get carried away when I talk about B. Alright gotta get movin into the playdate. Have a good day everyone :)
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Carolyn- That is so sad about your dad! I'm so sorry! That must have been so hard and I'm sure still is. Sending hugs....
Jean- Mmmm those cookies sound good :) I hate musicals too for some reason! They just drive me nuts.
Mary- LOVE LIC :) Glad you thought it was fun! Good luck at the PT.

Missy- Yay for being done with school! What a relief right?!!!!
Lift Like a Girl

Mary Here is the link to Nia. Near the top right is where you sign up for email.

Marie What a fun time you and B are having. :D You are finding some nice programs in your area to do with him. He's a lucky little boy.
Marie, your class sounds awesome! So informative, and you meet many people too. I wish I had done more when ds1, actually both kids, were little. (I was so afraid. You are so enlightened.) Especially a music class! That sounds fun. Poor B didn't like his fingers freezing.
Are you kidding?--Love your long posts.

Jean, your bday is coming up! It's the big one, right? Might there be a surprise party in there?

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