STS first time!

Mary, cookies sound divine on a day like today!

Colleen, how marvy your stretches sound!

I was going to make pork chops for dinner when dh had a craving for chicken noodle soup. I told him we don't have any in the house but he located a can of cream of chicken soup and ate that. I told him that's gross (sorry, Carolyn) and promptly started prepping chicken noodle soup on the crockpot.

It is so dark out with a fine snow coming down. It would be a perfect background for Christmas Eve. Quite cold.
I never even went out for errands. Don't need anything.
I seem to vaguely remember that you used cream of chicken for soup too. Don't get me wrong; I use it in my chicken pot pies, but can't drink it like soup like dh did.

Aaaaaahhhhhh, nothing like having your hair done.
Good morning, my fit friends! The sun is out so that alone is motivating. Six more inches on the ground:confused:. And the cold goes without saying.:confused:
I just finished PRS#2 Extreme 8, the one with two bonus routines from PRS#1; those two are just soooo fun! Love them! I still don't have the workout down. I may as well have been doing it for the first time. Frustrating. Just insane how learned old routines from workouts long ago mess me up in these new routines.

Carolyn, with blonde hair, are whites noticeable?
I like your new highlights. Men are oblivious to those details. Although the other day I asked dh if he can tell when I don't put eye makeup on and he surprised me by answering yes! It's because I look so washed out without it.:D
Hi Girls. Nothing new here. I think this weather is bringing me down. I did make my cookie dough today. Tomorrow night is the cookie exchange so I will make my cookies tomorrow. We got a nice coating of snow on the lawns and trees last night. Tonight is book club. That's it for me.
Hello ladies....I have been absolute crazy since receptionist having surgery friday (gallbladder) I am so freaking busy between working front desk and trying to do end of the year financial stuff...late days and no time for computer...errrrr!!! Hopefully I wrap the rest of the end of year stuff up friday I can just sit at front desk and look pretty! LMAO!!!!

Looking forward to monday @ 5....I need a vacation!!!

Hope everyone is ready for santa!!!!

I will try to catch up on friday!!!

Oh....the cathe calendars ship today!!! YEAH!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I'd love to know too. I only buy kale chips. They are yummy!

I did a total body barre from SBF today.

Not much else going on. Busy at work.
Using one bunch of kale: de-stem, tear into small pieces, soak/wash, spin-dry. Depending on the size of your bunch, toss with 1-3 tbsp of olive oil & 1-3 tsp of salt to ensure all is coated, bake at 350 for 15-25 mins, keeping an eye out for burning. It was tasty!

Carolyn, how lucky are you with no grays!!!!!!:cool:
My knees are feeling it this week too.

Jean, have fun on your cookie exchange. I could go for some cookies right about now. I'd plow through them!:eek:
Cheer up on your weather. Think of it this way--you could be living in Boston.:confused:
For your book club, how about No Impact Man or Zero Waste Home?

I've been very productive this week!
Besides IKEA (they're too wide), any ideas on where to get inexpensive mass-produced bookcases and attaching them to your walls to make them look custom-built?
Ok, time for Downton recap program.
Dh has the flu or something. He feels like he has been hit with a tractor trailer.
The Downton musical score is just so good. It gives me goose bumps.
Top o' the mornin to ya! It's sunny and will be a smidge warmer.
Not the flu, thank God! Just a baaaaad cold.
I will be heading out to lesson, poultry store, TJ's, Costco, WF; then later a movie on the spin bike.

Thanks, Jean! I'll look at the site.

Carolyn, me a germophobe, big time! Totally OCD-circular on washing hands!:D

I did cardio from Low Impact Circuit this morning, plus abs. That one is fun.

After today I am off until Jan 2nd - Yay! And I have so much to do at home - last minute gifts and wrap everything, get food - you know what I mean.

Betty, glad it is not the flu! Hope everyone stays healthy!
Mary, that's super exciting for your time off!!!
You catching on to LICi yet? It's pretty easy to learn, no?

Didn't go into WF since the entire parking lot was full! Crazy.
Going to have my lunch then look into a movie (Amour) and a spin.
Just a quick check in....

Speaking of OCD....I am the queen....hehehe....speaking of germs though....dont use too much hand sanitizer, because you will wash aways all the germs...yes I know thats what you want to do...but it doesnt like your immune system get use to some....then you get sicker quicker!!! Sounds stupid....but I do believe its true!

Looks like I have to buy a new cell phone....and Im not happy because there expensive.....the one I want is $400....and I just dont want to spend it...but my phone is crazy and something is wrong with it...I get no to little reception....and the phone company will not replace it for free as I have tried several I am procrastionating.....trying to make it last as long as possible.....

Hope everyone is ready fro santa! Be back later! Hugs my friends!:p
Just popping in and say hi! I worked today. Usually I don't work Thursdays but had to make up for that weekend I took off. It was insanely busy but went well. It was like I was in a time warp. I looked at the clock and hours passed. It's always crazy when you wish there were a couple more hours in the the but I got everything done and all went well :)

I did AOLIH this morning. I'm headed to bed soon. It's only 8 o'clock here but I plan on getting up at 4:30 to get another workout.

My sister and her family are coming in town tomorrow from CO and then were going up to Duluth for Christmas. Everyone have a Merry Christmas if I don't chat with you before then :)
Did my 60 mins on bike and 12.5 miles. I sure watch the clock every minute!:rolleyes:

Marie, Merry Christmas to you too! It's great that time flies when you're working. Means you love your work and you get home to your guys sooner!

Carolyn, I LOVE your sister's story! So aptly put! How old are her kids?
You have dd's Xmas party AND to plan for ds'?
We buy year-round so I haven't bought any gifts for anyone this year.
Dh is better than 24 hrs ago, I tell you! He refuses to take my garlic and respiratory pills for his cold. Rather take cold medicine.:confused:

Missy, didn't you just get that iPhone last year?? Must be a lemon. What provider do you have?

Jean, Amour was sad and depressing. But a good movie (nominated for Best Movie, right?). I also watched The Company You Keep.

Good night!
Good morning.....I have a very scarey evening....I was fine....when I left work....I got home pulled into my driveway and when I got out of my car I was so dizzy I almost fell down....I stumbled inside.....and got in the bath....why I'm not sire....but when Tim got home which was about 10 min later....he had to help me out of bath tub....I felt like vomitting, passing out, dizzy....I played in bed all night....I had to start by sitting...cause if I layer all the way down I would spin..... I felt aweful all night.....this morning I'm 90% better.....I do think I have a pinched never as I have pain radiating down my leg....but that does not explain dizziness.....crazy! If I can get away from work...I will go to chiro.....hmmm....guess I'm just getting old!

Onto better things....

Marie...enjoy family at Christmas! And merry Christmas to you and your family. Hope little b enjoys presents!!!

Betty....I have a samung galaxy.... got it about 2 yrs ago.... gotta bit the bullet and order another....I'm on verison towers!!! sound just as busy as me....crunch time! Hope Nellie is doing better!

Hello Mary Jean and colleen....

Check in later....working front desk today as my receptionist is having surgury today!
Missy, that is so frightening! Was it a virus? Thank heavens you made it home uneventfully! I hope you're all right.

I think I should do GG since I've not done that in a bit, preferring LL&A more. Must. get. off.

Everyone have a fruitful and productive day!
Hi Girls. We are having spring weather and the Robins are out like it is summer. Next week will be cold again. Today I did disc 33. I love those 6 reps.
Bookclub was fun on Wednesday night. We read aloud "A Christmas Carol". We didn't have parts we just read the next line . There were 8 of us and there were a lot of laughs.
The cookie exchange last night was a lot of fun. We had 14 people who made cookies. So I brought home 7 dozen cookies. I am going to divide them up into bags and put them in the freezer. The hostess lives in a house like mine and her place looks so much prettier inside than mine. I am very minimal because I don't want to spend my life cleaning. I guess I need to get more stuff. I am starting to get to know these ladies better so I feel more comfortable.

Missy could you have had an episode of Vertigo? I had that once and it sounded just like what you experienced. I hope you feel better. We don't want you to be under the weather when Santa arrives.

Betty you are going to town on your bike. Keep up the good work. Those 2 movies didn't interest me. The 1st one someone complained that the closed captioning was slow or something to that effect. The 2nd one didn't get very good reviews. I love watching movies.

Marie have a great Christmas with your family.

Carolyn your sister is so correct the she is Christmas. That was so true. Enjoy your son's birthday party.

Mary Enjoy your time off.
Ciao bella,
I did GG Extreme. Phew, my lower body is fried this week from all the leg-intensive workouts. But nary an ab workout:confused:, sadly.
My cold sore is so grotesque, even as I apply coco oil on it several times a day. It speeds up the healing by a week, it seems. It's already scabbed. With all the OP I do and coco oil I take daily, I still couldn't keep it away. Don't mean to gross you out.:p

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