STS first time!

Good morning! It is showering out, about 40. Last 'mild' day then the frreze begins, just in time for my CA sister's visit. Oh, they'll hate it.
Doing FT or SC shortly. We'll see. So many options and then I end up with something diff.
Last evening my throat started feeling weird. I am SO angry. Prob a slight cold.:mad::mad::mad:. Me who sprays everything down and washes my hands fifty times a day.:mad:
Merry Christmas Eve eve
I should be starting exercise too! Instead I'm sitting here. But I'm all changed. Just need to pop dvd in. Do I do LL&A? I'm so tired of legs though. Idk. Will work out today and tomorrow, then a rest except for two Pilates classes.
My throat feels no worse, which is a good thing. I popped some stuff already.

My sis lands very late tomorrow. As in, by the time they get their rental, Santa will be passing by...
Your sis will miss the holiday flying crowds. That's great.

Better tear myself away.
Hi girls! !

Sorry I've been MIA. It's been crazy. Friday night DD had her sleepover party for her birthday last month. We had 9 girls over for the party and 6 (including DD) spend the night. They were all really good. Saturday we had a party for my MIL birthday and then we had another party last night. I did work out Friday and Saturday I went for a walk. Yesterday I was way too tired to workout as the last few days caught up with me.

I hope to workout later today. Right now I'm at at the orthodontist with DD her retainer is really lose so I had to take her in to get an emergency adjustment.

Merry Christmas! Gotta run. BBL
Hello....its lunch time! Its been crazy 4 hrs to go.....I can do this!!!!

I am planning on getting back on track too....starting right this second!!! No more bad food....except my Christmas cinnamon rolls....hehehe

I'm still waiting on my calendar.....hmmmm......

We should all do a rotation keep us on track???? Anyone interested????

Be back...patients are rolling in!!!
Idk about a rotation yet. I'm too scattered!:rolleyes:
I ended up doing FT, which I haven't touched in a while!!! Subbed burpee pushups for dropset pushups. Disliked a lot of the ab stuff today for some reason.
When ds1 went for a haircut, I went to TJM like a crazy last-minute shopper, just to shop.:eek: We had Chipotle for lunch. I'm stuffed! Going to wash the floors now.

I agree about no more bad food! Applying it might have to wait for the new year's though!:p
45 mins left, Missy!

Carolyn, good for you on AB. I have a dread for that one. Must be the disc stuff.

Rain is still coming down. Raw chill. Most of snow is gone.
DD had really been wanting a sleepover party and I finally gave in. They all got aline very well but I have no intention of allow her to have another one anytime soon. Today I did one segment from Leah and two from SBF. I'm too also trying to be really good about food but it is so hard this time of year. I wish I could join you guys in a rotation.

Marie your Christmas pictures are so adorable. That Santa is amazing.
Good Evening. Today I went to the grocery store. It was pretty crowded but the lines were short. I have been scanning my pictures onto my computer so I can put them on disc's. I hate to throw away real pictures but I have almost 10 boxes of photo albums and no place to store them. They just sit in these boxes for years and no one ever looks at them.

Missy I was thinking of doing a 3 mos Xtrain rotation. I will be finishing STS tomorrow but I can do that again. Just let me know which one you want to do. I'm glad you made it thru today and can now relax and enjoy the holidays.

Carolyn Do you get Elliot Hulse's emails or watch his videos? I do both and I really find him entertaining. I learned about him also from Natasha.

Betty You need to do a rotation with us. You can do it. Think about it.
Oh ladies I need some support. My youngest dd has not been feeling well lately, so I took her to the pediatrician yesterday. They did some tests and immediately sent us to Boston. She has type I diabetes. We spent the whole day at Josselin yesterday, and I have to take her back this morning. It is overwhelming to me. She is actually handling it ok and started right away injecting herself with insulin. We have to watch all her food, her blood sugar levels, and more that we don't even know about yet. I had to get her up at midnight and 3am to check her levels. This is so scary. And the thing is, it will never get better.
Anyone have any experience with this? My only experience is very bad - my brother was diagnosed with type I at age 47, and he died at age 49. I am making myself crazy. Lack of sleep probably isn't helping. Sorry to be such a bummer.
Happy Christmas eve my friends.....

Mary...I'm here for you....calm down.....I know this is a lot to process and very scarey....the most important thing is to educate yourself and her about all of it...the good and bad..... the most important thing is to manage it with a healthy lifestyle....eating and exercise....and never forgot that part...because that's when problems arise! We have many many patients that have type 1..... and learn to adjust there lifestyle to it and live a healthy happy life! Hugs....and I'm hear for you....if I can help in anyway please ask......

And as for a rotation....just name it and I will do it.... I think this will be fun...and it will give us motivation to stay fit" hey...maybe it will even make us eat right....Lol

Be back in a few....gotta run to publix!
Oh, Mary, ((((hugs)))) to you and dd! Breathe. Breathe. I'm sorry you and she are going through this! I've not any experience in this; a couple of people I know have type 2. Dd is NOT going to die from this. You and she will be able to manage it. She's already taking in stride--so proud of her! Don't forget, you already have much of the foundation in place for eating right and exercising.
Missy's words are so comforting: read up all you can. You'll see that it's manageable.
We're here for you! Talk to us anytime.
Carolyn, well put! Joslin is a first-class place. Mary, dd is in excellent hands. My heart is with you today.
I did the KickMax low-impact premix. Loved it! I must remember to do that one more often! It is kb moves then standing leg with chair. Not quite barre-ish, just leg conditioning drills.

Carolyn, I went out last night to Costco and supermkt and it wasn't bad at all! You cracked me up when you said the rest of the world was out there with you. Ugh, I can imagine.:confused:
I'm sure I'll be going out several more times to these stores this week for various things, depending on what we end up doing.

Need to get some stuff done. Everyone's home today and the kids getting up so late makes me so angry! It totally screws up my day!!!:mad:

Mary, you hang in there.
Hi Mary. I just read your post. I am so sorry. My dad was diagnosed many many years ago and is in the best health. Im cant imagine how scared you must feel fight now. You and you DD are in my thought and prayers.

Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas eve!

We baked the peanut butter cookies with Hershey kisses and I made a gluten free pumpkin bread. Yummy.

I did two upper body segments from SBF. My arms are fried!

We go to 4:00 mass today. Need to finish getting ready.
Good Evening Ladies. Today I finished STS with Disc 36. We went out tonight and got Chinese food. We do that every Christmas Eve. I have eaten at 3 different Chinese places here and still can't find anything really good like in Maryland.

Mary I am so sorry to hear about your daughter. I don't know a lot about it except diet and exercise. My daughter had a friend with type 1 and she always started her day with a glass of orange juice. I am sure it will all work out good. You are a good Mother and take great care of your girls.

Everybody I hope you enjoy your families and have a wonderful Christmas.

Merry Christmas everyone.
Merry Christmas Everyone. I hope everyone had a lovely day. I cooked a turkey and all the fixin's for my husband and I. It turned out delicious . I am so full.

Carolyn I hope your Grandfather in law will be o.k.. I remember my Mother had bad pneumonia about 2 years ago and we didn't know if she would make it. She's still kickin'. Please let us know how he is doing.

Missy I hope you got a lot of nice presents today. :D

Betty I know you are having a ball with your sister.
Hi everyone, hope you and your families had a merry day.
We stayed in, all 8 of us, which was blessedly stress-free. I know it will get chaotic in the upcoming week plus. My side's Xmas is at my bro's tomorrow night, and dh's side is at my s-i-l's Sunday (it was my turn to host but I realistically couldn't do it till Jan 11).
We baked Christmas cookies, and prepped a smoky split pea soup for dinner. Dh had a bad migraine the entire day, which was alarming. The pain never abated even with Excedrin and staying in bed all day. If it doesn't improve tomorrow, need to call doc.

Carolyn, hope your g-i-l is doing better. Stinks to get old! I hope he is a tough old bird, no disrespect.;)

Jean, what a wonderfully delicious Christmas dinner! It's pleasurable to just stay in and eat, don't you think?

Missy, hope you were giddy with joy at the presents under the tree.

Mary, hope your heart is lighter today.

Colleen, hope you enjoyed your family Christmas.

Marie, hope you, T, and B had a fab day!

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