STS first time!

Happy New Year, my friends! It is in the 20s and a sizeable snowstorm is on its way.
Sis, sil, and I did mat Pilates at noon today. Have never done that before. Felt good to do something anyway.

Need to look up the January rotation. My problem is that I have 2 rest days, not Cathe's 1. At least it's not 4 rest days:p.

Going out for Chinese with the entire extended family, since we probably can't go out tomorrow night with a snowstorm.

Ds2 starts school tomorrow so it's going to be a huge rude awakening getting up so early after mostly past noon wake-ups.

Have a nice evening.
Where are all the ladies today? Lost power due to snow? Having fun playing in the snow? We are expecting 2 to 4 inches. The temps are going to be in the single digits. I went out today and made sure I was stocked up so I can stay in my warm house.
Our potluck was really nice yesterday. There were about 50 people and lots of good food.
I am hoping to start the Xtrain rotation tomorrow. I just hate cold weather.
Well I hope you all are warm and safe.
Carolyn I am glad someone enjoys having a lot of snow.
I did look at that rotation and I don't have a lot of the dvd's it calls for. Other than that I would do it. My Cathe collection isn't very extensive. But I will enjoy hearing how you like it. I don't know why you don't do all of her rotations. You have a lot of her stuff.

It is raining here now. I think snow id beginning around 4 am.

Betty does your husband have to go to work in a blizzard? When we worked at Verizon , we were expected to be at work everyday.
Hi gals,
Our school was not cancelled today! They opened it up for one day in a two-wk vacation close.:confused: Ridiculous because it's cancelled tomorrow! Our storm's worst part is supposed to be now.
Sis and I braved the snow this morning and drove to my bro's Y to do TRX with him. Tough! It's UB-heavy because you hold yourself with your arms a lot. Looks like this: Bodyweight Training with the TRX Home Suspension Trainer | TRX
Dh went to work, ds1 went to work (both left work early), ds2 was at school, so the rest of us had Thai for lunch on a spur-of-the-moment. After, we went to the bakery next door. Oink.
Then we made 2 turkey pot pies, 1 with a semi-homemade pie crust, and 1 with a puff pastry topping. Both new for me. I usually use the Pillsbury kind.

Carolyn, you're so funny! CouchMax!
I think I will start the rotation on Monday too. I will just skip the Sat & Sun parts. It seems like there are no rest days.:eek: I didn't read it very far though.
You and Marie might be horrified at how little I like to clean!:eek:
When does your sis leave?

Jean, I hear ya. Hate the cold. Can't believe you have single digits! The 8 of us are settled in for a long winter's night. My sis and family are leaving late tomorrow afternoon.
Betty TRX looks so interesting to me. I think I would like that. Good for you for trying new things. I think I will see if we have TRX around here. It sounds like you and the family are eating some good food.
Enjoy the snow ladies.
Carolyn- I'm in!!! Let's do it! I've never done a rotation before but I've always been interested. A few concerns as I look at it. 2 upper body days freak this cardio girl out! I tend to get big arms when I lift and I don't really like that look but I'm going to give it a go. Not to mention I feel like cardio melts the fat more than lifting but I really should mix it up. I don't have the following and am thinking I can just substitute the following...

Abs circuits- core one or two

Gym Style Chest and Triceps- Is there an STS DVD that's works these 2 muscle groups? If yes I'll do those. If not I figure I'll skip both Gym Styles and do STS upper body x2 days to work all upper body muscle groups...probably Meso one since that was my favorite!

Legs and Glutes- Great Glutes maybe?

Kick Max (leg conditioning drills)- This is on the one the compilation Hardcore Extreme DVD that I have :)

Other than that I have them all :)

What about week 2- X10 in it's entirety eek lol!

I'm excited! It will be great to have a check in partner! My Monday is usually Sat so I'll probably start then :)
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Jean, you should consider getting the straps. They need to be hanging on something highly secure, like a beam. You need room to use it, so I don't think a door would work, from what I've experienced in two classes. My bro wants to get them. It's not for me though, but I'm glad to hear you like it.

Carolyn, thanks! You can credit my sis for being the nudge. She asks me to try so I do.
My eating has been overboard too. Back on track come Monday!
KickMax is mostly kickbox, then she's got conditioning drills with a chair.
Too bad your sis left so soon.
Can't imagine doing all of X10!:confused: There is some high impact.

Marie, don't let the 2 days of UB freak you out. You'll be burning cals in your sleep. Try it for a short period and see. You're young with a baby and that also helps you tone and torch!
Hi ladies!

We got about 5 inches. Boy is it so cold and windy today.

I wish I could join the rotation with you girls. I've actually sold off some of my cathe. Every time I go back to traditional weight lifting and cathe cardio my knee hurts for days. I should try a supplement to see if that helps but I haven't

I've restart leahs BBPS1 system so I'm going to stick with it for now. I'm also going to mix in walking. Today was day 2.

Carolyn how was shovel max?

Oh I got got a planner and I'm writing everything I eat. I need to get back on track. I maintained during the holidays which made me happy but now it's time to loss the 5 pounds.
Hi girls, it's frigid with weak sun but to me the snowstorm seemed weak. In reality we probably have about a foot.

I will have a lot of laundry and cleaning this weekend after sis & family leave. Sad when they leave.

Just hanging around till departure time. Too much snow cleanup all around to go anywhere, plus too darn cold.
I think you could probably do a bit of turbo barre instead of the leg conditioning drills Carolyn. Not sure how long those are but assuming 15m. It's been forever since I did that premix. I know you don't like TB though. You probably already sold it ;) Change of plans...I'm starting Monday. I want my rest day to be Sunday. Starting eating good then too. Good plan on writing everything down Colleen. I should do that. I hope you're right about burning calories when I sleep Betty haha! I trust you and Cathe ;)
Hi Everyone. We got 6 inches of snow. It was so windy and cold today. I hate when we have to take the dogs out because the snow makes such a mess when they come back inside. I still haven't exercised. I am so ashamed of myself. Hopefully tomorrow. I did do some much needed cleaning today. Seeing as I have a new house you would think I would be cleaning everyday but I hate cleaning , putting away laundry and cleaning the bathrooms.

Carolyn Good luck with the ice rink. I couldn't imagine how to make one. That is so nice to hear that you put puzzles together with your children.

Marie You should be o.k. with the UB 2 days a week. Can't you just lighten your weights if you think your arms will bulk up?

Betty Did your family leave yet? Was your family raised in Mass. and your sister moved to Ca. for work?

Colleen I need to get a planner and jot down my food also.

Missy Where are you?
Can you say frigid??:confused:

Jean, you're spot on. Sis graduated, took a Boston job, transferred to its CA office, and met dh within 5 months, a native Californian. They both get cold here.
I'm exactly with you about cleaning! Those very things. I don't mind doing laundry; hate folding and putting away. Loathe cleaning the gross bathrooms.

Carolyn, that puzzle sounds so much fun!
While my family gets together in a big group, we try to play Five Crowns, a card game similar to, OMG, I can't think of the word right now! Senile! That's one thing we're consistent on playing.

We cleaned up a mad storm! Vacuum, wash floors and bathrooms, 4 loads of laundry and many more....

Sis just landed.

Good night, all!
Hi Everyone. I started the Xtrain rotation today. I did ch, sh and back. I forgot how hard it was.
The sun is shining and the temps are supposed to reach 32 so hopefully some snow will melt.
I'm freezing!:mad:
Jean, high five for starting the XT rotation!
I'm very excited about Downton but I don't know if I'll watch. I'm thinking of waiting for the dvds. For the close captioning. Or maybe I'll record and watch AND wait for dvds.:D
Marie ID YOU HAVE A "Bumbo" seat for B? They are the cutest things.

Betty I could not wait for dvd's while a shoe I like is on t.v. I think you should record , watch and wait for the dvd's. We need to discuss it weekly. is absolurely freezing here in south I can only imagine yalls temps......omg!!!!

Weather is predicting to be in teens tuesdsy....brrrrr.....this is too cold for me.....brrrrr!!!!

I love jigsaw puzzles.....tim and I just did one too.....too cold to do anything else!!!

Carolyn....have fun on your Ice rink! Sound cold but fun!

I am trying to be good again more night snacks! Hehehe

I started the lis rotation yesterday!!!!

I did get my phone!!!! Yeah!!!!

Be back....its workout time!

Btw....I am using my fitbit tracker....and tracking my food log on there free website....started today....hopefully it helps!!!! ☆★☆★☆★☆★
Jean, I already set the dvr. We definitely need to discuss it weekly! Idk which day I'll watch it though. Will you see it live?

Carolyn, you're obsessed! How fun is that! Fish the pieces out of Cuda's excrement:p
My eating needs to be reined in!:confused::eek:

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