STS first time!

Jean, how on earth did you do AB after CLB?? I was dying without having worked out since Thursday. High five!
There's no rest day until Sunday, so you better just take one when you need it or if you hate that day's workout.

Mary, sounds like things are falling in place slowly. The best you can do is to take it one step at a time. Your meeting at school was reassuring. Don't worry about the workout aspect if you can't find the time. Even stretching is so beneficial.
What's up with the JB flights??
What does dh do? Will he see new Apple i stuff?:D

It was 60 degrees earlier! I got in a 30-min leisurely walk with my neighbors.
Betty I had no recollection of what was on AB so I just did what they did. My legs were not happy campers. I probably won't be able to walk tomorrow. Are you going to exercise 6 days or just 5 with this rotation?
Jean, I'll be sticking to 5 days, so I'll miss the Saturday ones, which appear to be all GS arms. Which I love. I'll have to do those instead of something in the week.
You haven't lost your touch if you kept up with AB.;)
I haven't had a chance to watch Downton yet.
Omg you guys I feel so guilty! I didn't start today. DH had the day off school. All MN schools were closed since it's horribly cold here. We did nothing but chilled in our pjs all day.

Mark my words..

I'm starting tomorrow!

AB and core one. Ask me to hold me accountable.

Tracking my eating tomorrow too cuz I've been horrible!

Ok so I'm thinking XTrain Burn Sets to sub for Gym Style upper body. What do you guys think? I haven't done those yet so I'm not sure how they compare.

Happy to see so many people doing the rotation. I'll be one day behind but I will be joining :)
Hello Everyone!
Figured I could post while I am eating lunch at my desk. I think it will be good to get back into a routine. I am glad we had an extra 2 days off last week for snow, it gave dd a little more time to adjust. Her blood sugar levels have been all over the map, and the dr. adjusts her insulin doses every few days and we have to be super diligent about checking and correcting. We have to keep checking her at midnight and 3 am, then again at 6, so she really hasn't been getting up until 10. It was tough this morning, so dark and foggy. She must be getting used to all the finger sticks because sometimes I can check in the night without waking her up.

That said, I was very nervous for her to go back to school today. I drove her in and met with the nurse first thing this morning. There are 10 diabetics in the school, so dd was glad to hear she is not the only one. The nurse was very nice and supportive and said the teachers would be too. It will just be time until this becomes our normal.

I have not been managing much in the way of workouts. I seem to have a short attention span. Like yesterday I did a warmup and my hamstring stretches in the morning, then in the afternoon I did about 30 minutes of an sts disc. That's the way it has to be for now.

DH is supposed to leave today for the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, but jetblue has cancelled all flights out of Boston. He still has to figure out a way to get there but it would be nice if his trip was shortened.

Congrats to you all for doing the new rotation!

I'm glad the nurse was so supportive! It will be hard at first but I promise you everything will start to feel more normal soon, once her sugars and insulin doses are in sync. Then you'll just have to check before meals and at bedtime. Thinking of you and your family. You're an awesome mama!
I just noticed that tomorrow's w/o is Gym style legs. There is NO WAY I can do legs again tomorrow. I can hardly move now. I think I will have to do one of the upper body w/o's.

Betty I am planning on watching Downton tonight. Let me know after you watch it.
Jean, tomorrow should be your off day then:cool:.

Marie, those are comforting words for Mary and us.
What a nice way to get family time--too frigid to go out. I'm watching the news about your arctic cold and it makes me feel so, idk, desperate for warmth!
Good morning! My glutes and back of legs are totally domsy. Idk if I can do legs justice today....
I just did GS B, Sh, Bi. Sweat-free! I love the slow and controlled approach! It went by so fast. Maybe I should do Ch & Tris after I eat and do a few things. So that I'll be in sync come Monday again. I'll do GS Legs tomorrow.
The dratted polar wind is blowing right through the house.:confused:

Carolyn, the rink looks amazing!
I love GS too and that's why I was tempted!
I always do double-leg roll-ins because single leg never feels right and now I'm ever mindful of getting a hamstring injury.

Staying in from the frigid cold.... Eating up all the leftovers.

Here's a pic of the cards I made for my nieces and nephew.


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Good Afternoon. Today Comet got me up at 4:55. :mad: We dropped 3 dogs off at the groomer at 8 am and then went to the grocery store. Then we came home , put the stuff away and then went to the pet store and stocked up. Then we went back and picked up the dogs. I actually came home and worked out. :p I did GS Ch,TRI. That was a tough w/o. I have never dome that one before. My arms are so weak now. I am not looking forward to GS legs. :( I am playing Canasta tonight with the neighbors so I think I might take a nap. It is like 15 degrees and very windy today. This weekend is going to be in the 60's.

Carolyn How exactly did yal make the ice rink? Is there a plastic liner under the water? That is a beautiful landscape that you live in. It looks very peaceful and tranquil. You need to go out there and meditate and do yoga.

Betty Those are nice cards that you made. Do you have all of the supplies like a cutter and all that? I am not a crafty person but I could probably do it if I tried. I used to take classes at Michaels. I took cake decorating and calligraphy. I am sure the children will love them. I like how you put their ages on them.
I did it :) I got up at 6 and did AB and Core one. Felt so good but man was it tough after taking way too many days off. Eating bad didn't help my cause either lol! I had a nice healthy breakfast of eggs with cheese, I need my cheese, and a piece of gluten free toast. Snack was an orange. Lunch up soon. I'm going to make chicken sausages with a salad for dinner. I'm sure DH will want some carb too so I'll make him brown rice and quinoa mix from Costco. Speaking of, the salad is from Costco too. Check out the pic.

Carolyn- Thanks for the tip on BS. I'll be subbing those. Love your ice rink. Reminds me of when I was a kid. We used to always go ice skating. How cool that it's right in your backyard though. The kids must love it.

Betty- Love those cards! You are so creative. Like Jean, I'm not crafty. My mom and sis are but me, not so much!

Jean- Way to go with GS! I just love that we are all doing this rotation together. That is motivation for sure!

Missy- Switch rotations ;) Haha! You rock!


High ten, Marie! You impress me!
I don't think I've seen that salad mix at my Costcos. I'll keep my eye out.

Thanks for the compliments, guys! Dare I say I'm not crafty or creative at all:eek:. I need to see samples and ideas. I don't copy them but use them as a basis. And it takes me forever. I started card-making several years ago and I'm not sure I've gotten any better but what comes out is pretty neat.
Jean, I have Sizzix supplies including the die-cut thingie. At one point I said no more buying. I could just keep buying but truthfully don't use the stuff that often. As I've said in the past, I dread the time it takes me to make them. I also have a few Stampin Up (rubber stamping) supplies.

Carolyn, nice approach to creating the rink!
Since you didn't see my post (they were close in time) it could be that you started your post before I finished mine. I tend to start one but edit ad infinitum and I notice the final product retains the original time stamp.

Guess what? I did GS Ch & Tris too! Crazy. Idk if I've ever done two full workouts in one day! Loved the tricep work! It was methodical and effective. My tris are still nonexistent, sadly.
Jean, we can't talk about Downton until Mary has seen it as well. I still haven't watched yet.
DD had been saying since about last summer that she was very thirsty, but I thought that was because she started running then to prepare for cross country in the fall. And I never saw her guzzling down drinks. She also said she was peeing more, but I thought that was because she was drinking more. When she said her vision was blurry, I knew that was a definite symptom so that's when we went to dr. But symptoms are thirst, peeing more, irritability, losing weight, and blurry vision. Hope your dd just needs to have her eyes checked.

Betty, those cards are fabulous, do you buy special paper somewhere? I also am not crafty.

Marie, thanks for your post, it did make me feel better. I am starting to feel like each day we are one day closer to getting this right.
Carolyn, I plan on GS Legs tomorrow; I simply was too achy to do it today. Thursday & Friday, I haven't decided which days for CCC & FT/KM.
I'm sure it's just vision change for dd.

Thanks, Mary! I buy cardstock, which is rigid paper, but the 'embossing' you see on the surface of the card comes from a plastic embossing folder that you cut paper down to size to stick in there to press the image out.
I wouldn't have put two and two together with those symptoms, even though I've read that all those signal it. I'm glad it was caught though. Dd is on her road to equilibrium for her body.

Stay warm, all! Brrrrr:eek:!
Good morning. It is arctic-cold but sunny. The wind seems to have died down some but it'll only get to the 20s.:confused:
Legs on tap for today but I am still feeling domsy from AB.

Carolyn, ds2 has insisted on buying lunch at school since 6th grade. What kind of soup do you pack? Do you make it?

I better get started on workout. I want to do some errands.
OMG, it's the leg workout from hell! I've never done this before, which explains why there are no notes. My Knees are still shredded from AB. Taking long rests....
Omg, the genius of the first half of floorwork! She's never repeated that anywhere else. (Ds1 needs to work on his butt. It's too big! He can tighten it with the glute raises on the ball and high step:D.)
While doing the outer thighs with the band, my band snapped in half.:confused: Then when I continued with only a half, it snapped in half again!:confused: What a pain!
What a killer workout. I'll not likely pull this one out again.:confused:
Carolyn, idk how you did this one the day after AB. High five!
I think I may do CCC tomorrow since FT/KM involves legs. My sched is all twisted too.

I do know the soup Nazi episode. How lucky you are that dh is so great at making soups!
Loved Ch & Tris yesterday.

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