STS first time!

Just dropped off ds1 at his dorm. Times like these I'm grateful he's local.

Jean, now that you know, maybe you can do Tabatacise with some light weights. I also recall using the step--are you ok with that? I really don't remember much about most videos:p!
Will have to think about the sub for Plyo Legs. There's one workout but I can't for the life of me think of the name. Maybe it's CLB I'm thinking of! I'll keep looking.
No workout for me today! Eek! Sleep was much more needed. I swear I'm so sleep deprived sometimes. I don't wake up in the middle of the night thankfully but I feel like the 6h I get at night is not enough. I tend to get an energy surge around 9 and then am up till 11 or so. Tomorrow I should really get up at 6 to workout because we have storytime at 9:30 then are going to my friend's place to visit her and her month old baby :)

So tomorrows workout, I'm scared sh**less!!! I'm going to try and do the whole thing. I'll be on track with you ladies too then since today was apparently my rest day. I'm just skipping that second upper body workout. Ok and I wasn't even sore from bi's and tri's. Apparently I need to kick it up a notch!
Just dropped off ds1 at his dorm. Times like these I'm grateful he's local.

That must be so hard! I know you're so proud and it's so great that he's at that age and succeeding but ugh I can't imagine not seeing B every day. I joke with DH that I never want him to leave home.
You read of my travails with my resistance band? I now have 4 useless pcs of band where it was previously one. I need to get a new one.

Get one :) They have a ton of exercise equipment on sale at Target this week. Oh wait when does the ad end? I forget. It may be too late but regardless you need one ;)
Mary- You are so amazing! I complain that I'm tired but I shouldn't when I hear that you get up twice a night to check DD's blood sugar. I hope they get under control quickly and you and the dr come up with a plan. It does sound like it's coming along well though. I'm thinking they will put her on a long-acting insulin such as Lantus. Most people take this in the morning and it controls blood sugar levels for 24 hours. More than likely she will also be on a rapid acting mealtime insulin such as Novolog. I'm assuming that's what she is using now. Does she give herself the injections? If not now I know she will soon become very comfortable with it. I did some of my nursing clinicals at a high school and I was amazed at how independent those kids were with the management of their diabetes. They would come in quick before lunch and check their blood sugar and give themselves their insulin. Took less than five minutes. I know everything will work out just fine. Thinking of you both!
Ok sorry for the fifty million posts. It's easier to do it that way on my ipad.

One more thing....

Missy- I miss you! I'm going to Facebook you now :)
Good morning....its me...the long lost Missy!!! Been so busy with I worked front desk for 3 straight week while my recwptionist had surgery.....I've done nothing but do dr chores and research hospital charges on top of coming in early to do these city psa exams 3x a week..... I have this on my sched for the next month.

Finally those aweful temps went away....we had a day that was 16 and our high that day was 28.... it was aweful!

I have been trying to squeeze in a workout here and there in the evenings....but some nights I just come home and crash after dinner! I haven't lost a single pound...but I haven't gained either...yeah! Hopefully I can hit my workouta hard this week???

Jean and marie.....I LOVE my foam roller.....I bout one that they actually use in therapy.... the brand is optp pro roller, I have 2 one soft and one regular....I use them both depending on how sore my muscles are. They really helped my hamstring when I was rehabbing it.

I will go back and try to catch up....

Hello to all my friends!!!!
Hi Girls. I survived Tabata. I was ready to quit after Tabata 1 but I soldiered on and finished. I thought I was going to break the pause button. :p I told my husband it is pathetic that I have to rest after 30 seconds of cardio and he said "you are doing pretty good for 6/10ths of a century. " :confused: I am soaking wet. Today I am going to Walmart and the grocery store. I am going to see what Walmart has in the line of foam rollers. I watched "Downton" last night and didn't need a tissue.

Missy I am so glad to hear from you. :D I want you back to doing an hour of cardio in the morning and a dvd at night. :( You were such an energizer bunny in the good old days. I know work and school are taking a lot of your time but write when you can.

Marie if the next rotation is heavy on step I won't be doing that. I am so uncoordinated. :confused:I have tried so many times and I just can't get it. I envy you girls who love step because it really looks fun. :)
Carolyn we posted at the same minute. I also do jumping jacks when she is in the air. I feel as long as I am doing something cardio I am o.k.. I did pretty good with Tabatacise but I just need to catch my breath longer than 10 seconds and my legs get tired of going up and down.
Oh. My. God. I did X77. I did NOT enjoy myself. I don't want to feel shredded all week so I modified, modified, modified! I don't like hi/lo normally, and the cardio blast (and ALL of it) was so much jumping. So many stinking pushups woven throughout! So many airborne jumps! Unlikely I'll do the entire program again. But I finished it. Workout Mgr should show a zillion calories burned for this one!:D

High five Carolyn and Jean! (You two posted at the same exact minute.) Jean, your husband is funny!

Time for oatmeal. And a fresh cup of DD coffee!
Way to go Betty. :D We are doing so good as a group. It makes me do the w/o's . Before this I was doing something every other day. I am so glad I have you girls to work out with everyday. :eek:

Carolyn I need some new food ideas. I don't mind cooking but I hate trying to figure out what to cook.
I forgot to tell yal that I got some puzzle mats for my exercise room from BJ's. last week. I got the multi color. I want to get another pack. They are pretty nice.
I keep forgetting to tell yal stuff.

Yesterday's movie was "The Savages". It was pretty good.

I recorded "Red" on the t.v. yesterday so I will let you know if I liked it.
Howdy friend s!!! LOL

I'm sitting in my car at lunch.....I have a few minutes till I go back.....and I'm exhausted.....why am I so tired????

Jean....I sure hope to get back to the cardio am and cathe pm workouts.....I do miss my energy!!!! And my cathe body too!!! Summer is coming so I better get back there soon....

Hoping to do a cathe workout to night!!!!

Speaking of new receipes....I roasted a chicken and took one breast and pulled it mixed in with whole wheat shaped pasta some peas and shredded cheese and crumbled 2 pieces of bacon and baked for 30 min.....oh I sprinkled black pepper and paprika ontop..... it was delish! I served it with applesause.....yummy!

Okay....back to work I go!!!

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