STS first time!

BTW....Jean....I do NOT think WTF....I giggle at yall sometimes cause I picture myself doing some of the things yall do....

I am also doing something absolutely crazy! Like....I just took up sewing....yeah.....Im serious! :confused: (like I have time for another hobby) hehehe
OMG, Jean! I just watched DA and I am SO DISGUSTED!!!!!!!! And furious!!!!! I am sick over it. Mary, let us know when you've watched.

Missy, that is super creepy! I didn't know that these smartphones can do that. I always decline if my tablet asks to allow location.
Lock your car and home doors!

I was doing well with my eating today until after my soup and almond butter ww english muffin lunch--I went and had some chips. I always regret it after. Why doesn't that ever stop me???

I've pretty much done nothing today! I hate these cold, dreary days when I'm not motivated to budge.
Betty I didn't know you don't have cable t.v.. Since I am home so much , I need a good source for t.v.

Hi Missy. I'm glad to hear from you. I too show something on t.v. where someone took some pics and you could tell exactly where they were. That is scarey stuff.
I hope they hurry up and catch your prisoner. I hope you don't live close to the prison.
I am impressed with you sewing now. Are you making anything in particular?

Carolyn I don't get the hash tag thing either. It's a pound sign.

I was watching t.v. and kept falling asleep. So I guess I took a little nap. It is still raining and gloomy.
Betty Who was the guy? I couldn't tell. Is it that nasty guy that was in with the other maid last year?

Is the laundry all put away?
So much to read! First of all, Carolyn and Betty, thank you so much for the donation to Joslin! I hope they find a cure for this some day.

Carolyn, you made me laugh. I've seen pictures of you and you are in no way hideous!

I went for a walk today at lunch, in the pouring rain. It was warm though. The walking path here at work is not completely clear of snow/ice, so I stepped carefully in spots. Just me and my umbrella - it felt great to get outside and get some air!

I watch DA last night and I was disgusted as well. What a horrible thing to happen to Anna. Even though we didn't 'see' it, it was a horribly violent act. How will they recover? Jean, the guy was that visiting butler/footman for the house party. And Lord Grantham is proving to be a silly snob, will he never learn, he cannot manage money at all!

I have a facebook account but barely use it. Mostly I am nosy, reading about other people's activities.

Missy, I used to sew, long ago. It is a great hobby, what kinds of things will you make? And I hope Tim will be home with you tonight.
Jean, I don't remember the nasty guy from last year--isn't he that despicable Barrow? Anyway, the man you're asking about is a stranger, a visitor.
I am still reeling with disgust.:mad::confused:
My laundry was put away, and even most of my Xmas stuff. The ornaments and things to go in the attic will have to wait. It is rainy so that means it's super damp up there. (We also have some major fog rising out of the ground.)

Carolyn, it may be the firewalkers. Do some hip stretches. When doing firewalkers, do you widen and stretch those bands far? I do just a little past hip-width, and don't even hunch too low because it's uncomfortable.

Dh and I joke all the time about why not call the pound sign a pound sign. We like to hold off against the tide of technology charging toward us. (Pun.)

Missy, I'm impressed that you're taking up sewing too. That task causes me anxiety. I can sew straight lines like for curtains but if you ask me to sew for things like clothes, forget it.

Everyone doing Ch & Tris tomorrow? I'm going to gloss over those tricep dropset pushups. My new thing is to avoid pushups. They are the source of my arm pain and diminished functionality!
Mary.... I can only picture one of us walking in the rain with an umbrella! :p

As for my sewing....I did a john deere apron...its too cute.... Last weekend I started sewing a bikini....I got the top and it is perfect....I have the bottoms 1/2 done.... after this my next project is a blanket of Summer(dog)...she asked her momma to sew a special blanket for her...LOL I got some really cute fabric at Hobby Lobby over the weekend.....I just need to get some batting....and I will be on my way to frustration probably! LOL :confused: I will take some pics once I finish my projects! This is my new winter hobby as I hate the cold temps! So I will stay indoors!

I do live far away from the prision....the cops think he is heading north and I live east!!!!

Carolyn....maybe its just a pinched nerve.....hopefully it will work out! Fingers crossed!

Betty....I too do not have cable tv.... I live on regualr tv and youtube and netflix and huluplus.... much cheaper! We canceled dish network probably 1 year ago....and we do not miss it!

Be back after I get home and do my workout....I still have several patients no telling when I will leave the office....fingers crossed by 5:30! ;)
I see a problem that I don't know if yal see. I can't get past the post from Mary. I can only see the posts when I do a reply. I guess I should log off and log back on.
I made Taco salad for dinner. I ate too much. :(

Missy I wouldn't know where to start to make a bikini. I can't wait to see pics. Take a pic of you in the bikini . You're so cute. :D

Betty How was dinner? I am terrible with names but he was the dark haired servant who went into the military and came back . He was in cahoots with that maid that left the show. Him and her were always outside smoking together or whispering in the corner. I can't wait for next weeks show.
The recipe came out delicious. We all got full from one serving. Doesn't feel like a 'hearty' meal because there's no meat but it's all a mindset.

I don't understand why Ch & Tris are up again so soon after Saturday. Why wouldn't we do B, Sh, Bi first.

Carolyn, it's got to be the sleeping on your stomach. I try not to sleep on the side of my face but I like to. I find it so uncomfortable on my front that I never do it.

Jean, you're describing Thomas Barrow, that sneak. It wasn't him. It was the valet of Lord Gillingham. Why, oh why, did they do that?? Makes me sick to my stomach.
We watched The Heat tonight. Lots of Boston scenery but I hardly recognized them! Really looking forward to Gravity with Sandra Bullock.

Good night!
Good morning! The sun is out and helps unfurl my dormant motivation. Will be 50s too--imagine!:)
I'm so happy the workout of the day is a calm, no jumping one! I might throw in an abs section today or with Friday's UB. Supercuts has it, right? I'm skipping FT on Saturday.
Yes, you're right we did Ch & Tris first. Can't remember anything!
OMG, today's workout kills! I'm resting between routines:confused::D! This still after I skipped ALL the pushups!
Get thee outdoors! I did Ab Circ Med Ball. Love that one! I don't feel like there is enough ab work in this rotation. Mine are so saggy too!
I have twinges and sore things all over, a sign of the toughness of all these workouts pasted together. On their own they're fine but day after day, it takes a toll.:confused:
Good Morning everyone. It sounds like we are all having the same weather. Sunny and nice out. My husband is walking one of the dogs . The landscapers were here doing something in the flower beds. Come on Spring. :D
Today I did GS Ch, Tri. I counted and she does a total of 72 push ups. And like you said without hardly any break. I was able to do a total of 25 knee push ups. My shoulders are weak. That is a tough chest w/o. I did do the band exercises because I hate seeing people with flabby , waving triceps. My triceps felt so full when I was done. The sequencing of these exercises and the count really make me weak by the end. She really takes everything I have in this GS series.

Betty Thomas Barrow looks like the guy who raped Anna. Same dark hair and facial features. That's why I got mistaken. I wonder if Anna is going to get pregnant. You know that always happens. I just wish I could remember all these names. I don't really have a desire to watch Gravity. Let me know how you like it. I am going to make that recipe maybe next week. It sounds good.

Tonight is Book club. We get to discuss that boring book . It is funny because everyone had a hard time reading it and hardly anyone has finished it. I am going to make some nut balls to take tonight as a snack. I hope they turn out good.
My husband has a job interview with Lowes tomorrow. I sure hope he gets the job and enjoys it. He is too young to be sitting around here all day . We are getting on each others nerves. Cooped up in this house all winter is too much.

I am making a spaghetti tonight that you cook all of the ingredients together in one pot. I will let you know how it turns out. My friend says it is good.
Good Morning.... I am cracking the wip.... Carolyn get your butt outside and get moving!

This morning....I did my morning treadmill routine.... looking forward to this afternoons workout.... I will let you know what I do... Im thinking Cycle Max....

My whole body is yucky looking.... gotta lose 10 pds....

Jean...your too sweet.... Thanks from the bottom of my heart! :)

As for my bikini....I have to finish it this weekend! It is a maroon (redish) color.... it was a trial piece.... my goal was to make it look half way decent so I can improve....but the top came out perfect! hehehehe The botoms I made a scrunch butt bottom....My butt looks best in a scrunch butt style.

I will post pics of the bikini after I finish it, but not on me till I lose this flab on my tummy.... it is my motivation outfit at the moment!

Today....I have been really choc!!!! (so far) (but its not even lunch time...hehehehe) :confused:

:eek: be back!
I would think that is to thicken it up? What are you making?

I made my Nutball cookies. They are so good I feel like I need to w/o again. :eek:
I take it I didn't motivate anyone to add on abs?:D Too bad.;)
I need to practice now that I've got two loads of laundry going. Tonight's meal will be this with shrimp (first time):
Jean, your recipe sounds great. Too bad this week I already made spag & meatballs.
Everywhere I go there is temptation. The cakes and pastries at the store were calling out to me. I have to remind myself sugar is such a poison....
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Today's workout was great for the triceps, one of the better ones, I feel. I'm conscious of them flapping too but I think I can't get rid of mine unless I starve myself for several years.
Anna should have let her husband kill the man because think about Bates' future anguish. He would rather be sitting in prison after killing him than the alternative. Last night I was flipping through tv and would you believe I saw the ending (where Anna walks alone without her husband) again?? I repeat: I'm so disgusted.
Betty You really like those Boston Globe recipes. I admire you for trying new stuff. I am such a picky eater. I wish Anna would have told him what happened also. Every time a couple is happy on a show , they have to put in something to break them up. No you didn't motivate me to do abs. If you keep doing them everyday I'm sure we will follow. :p I always walk past the bakery at the store and look and smell but never buy.

Carolyn what crockpot meal did you make with tapioca?
Carolyn, I'm trying to figure out what fumes are with your carrots and peppers! My kids would never snack on that and be satisfied. I wish I could start all over with my kids in utero and going forward with the healthy eating knowledge I have now.

My lower back feels twingy and I bet it was from yesterday's deadlifts. I felt my back burning for most of them--it's from fatigue more than anything because we do these deadlifts all the time and I'm conscious of my form.
I think I'll do the other UB tomorrow since I go out early to food shop. Come the afternoon I won't feel like jumping around like a madwoman and sweating profusely.

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