STS first time!

Good afternoon!

Clean eating....yes...thats what we struggle with....I habe been good all week....I have not dined out at all....all home meals and boring....LOL....but it is what will do the trick. The scale is not reflecting that...but I hope it will soon as bikini season is coming....clowly...but coming.

These cold days are really making me grumpy! I hate it! errrr!!!! :mad: I want warm temps and sun shine! Im white as a ghost....I scare myself when I look in the mirror Im so white....I mean im never that dark due to my red hair....but its some color! LOL

BTW....Im stating to get my green thumb itch....its almost garden season....March... is when I put up my greenhouse to get my plants started for april planting excited once again!!! ;)

Tonight I think I want to do a cardio based workout but toning involved....hmmm.... my lower body is quite sore....hmmm.... what to do...what to do????? This is why I should be on a rotation....I need to look into that....I was going to start LIS, but I got crazy and didnt get too....I may still start it....

Carolyn...I sure hope your back feels better....apply heat and rest! Our body needs rest!!!! I know I forget that from time to time....

Hope everyone is having a wonderful friday....I counting down to 5 oclock....I want to go home! Tonight we are having grilled bun...with sliced tomato and sea salt fries.... they are my cheat food this week! yummy!:D

Be back....gotta run!
Carolyn.... Do you need new shoes? Or do you think its just the neuroma???? I sure hope you feel better!

Do any of you eat peanut butter? I love it but I try to stay away....but I do like to eat apples with it or caramel rice cakes or pretzels..... so when I went to publix today at lunch I got the whipped peanut butter....Im excited to try it as it is 50 calories less..... :eek: OMG!!!!!

hehehehe.... its the little things that get me all excited! I am a food nut....I LOVE to eat....thats my weakness.... I will exercise my ass problem....but I just love to eat....hehehehe I am always thinking about food..... Im starving too!!!!

:confused: Will I make it till dinner or will I cave?????
Carolyn, you poor thing! Is there a treatment for your neuroma?

Missy, funny you mention PB! I'm just thumbing through a pb cookie recipe. I love pb but don't eat it much; instead I do almond butter. But I'll make this recipe anyway, since it looks so easy. I think freshly whipped pb is THE best!

I'm hungry again, so I've just made my first soy mocha. It tastes way better than one with almond or coconut milk, and it has a little bit of protein.
Carolyn, Teddie is local, from Revere! I have yet to try it! The cookie recipe has no flour, only pb, sugar, egg, vanilla, and jam!
I love avocados!

I don't know what's come over me today! I've been SO productive! Must be the mild day with sun. In the same vein as Missy having an itchy green thumb, I tried to stir my compost pile. I can barely move it. It's so frustrating, a combination of being not very tall and the pitch fork being thick and heavy and not very long. It's all in a round, black container. It's supposed to roll but it's now way too heavy for that.
Betty I was looking at flourless chocolate chip cookie recipes today. I found one for PB choco chip cookies that I am going to make . It sounds like your recipe w/o the jam.

Carolyn next week is supercuts, cardio leg blast , afterburn and 4ds kickbox. Plus of course the 2 gym styles.

Nothing new around here.
We watched Red 2 just now. It was awful.:p I dozed off uncontrollably.

Carolyn, try this yoga sequence before bed to help you sleep: Before-Bed Yoga Sequence
An avocado closer to firm is preferable.
Ds is a rocker in the making;)
Now that you mention it, I need a ladder for the compost bin, but even so the pitchfork is heavy and thick, as I told dh, which he ignored.
High five on hardly any starch!

Next week's rotation I only like 4DS Kickbox, and then only very little. It's one of my least favorites. The workout is like she filmed it rushed and unplanned. I might do KPC on Monday and alternate step and kickbox the rest of the week. Even though I love GS, they were killing me this week.

Jean, I hope dh gets hired.
I'm picking up Silk tomorrow.
Lowes went pretty good. They just asked him a few questions like what would you do in this situation and have you ever had a situation like this. Job related questions. He went back today for a 2nd interview with a second person. He should hear something in about a week. They have 85 positions to fill. I don't know why he wouldn't get one. I think they only offer 20 hour jobs which is about all he wants anyway.

I can't wait to hear how Silk is. I have it on my list too.
Happy Saturday Girls. It is sunny , windy and cold. I woke up today with a pain in my left side lower back . Is that kidney , liver or lung? Anyway I hung out for a few hours and then I knocked out GS bk , sh , bi. I tried to talk myself out of working out but I just had a rest day on Thurs. so I really didn't want another one so soon.
My neighbor is babysitting for her son's puppy so I am going over and play with him for awhile. I think he is a Schnoodle but I could be wrong.

Carolyn I bet your son's room looks so nice. It is so fun to get new stuff for the house.

My computer is restarting in 4 minutes so I better end before I lose my post.
Hi friends! Just had a huge breakfast. Well, it's more like brunch. I made crepes, which were delish. I ate four of them!:eek: With sausages and a hash brown, a fresh cup of DD coffee, and fruit. I'm stuffed:eek:. Oink. This will last me till dinner with a snack in mid-aft.
It is snowing big, fat flakes right now. A couple hours ago it started as rain. It's very pretty.

Jean, a Schnoodle??

Carolyn, in your words, what a steamin' deal! How exciting! Post a pic when they are hung. Bamboo is so renewable too! I love PB decor. Our entire house has cellular shades. When their strings break, dh fixes the string. They will be around forever. I would love the ones that do both top down and bottom up, and would change the MBR to room darkening (which dh disagrees with).
I'm surprised it's not snowing there!
Would an Ace bandage help stabilize your walking? What's the long-term plan for babying your foot?

Colleen, Mary, Marie, how are you?
Jean, that link I posted last night shows the Legs Up the Wall pose helps the lower back.
Carolyn, try the whole sequence for your insomnia.
I better move around and burn off some of this food. Perhaps I'll get on the spin bike later.:p
Hello! I was on the bike for an hour! I'm freezing now. Just watching bad movies on Netflix all day. Dh doesn't want to go out in the snow.
Hi girls. Frank got a job at Lowes. WOOHOO. He starts Monday at 10 am. That's all I know. I hope he gets a 10% discount. ;)
Today I went to the neighbors and saw the Schnoodle. He was too cute. I love puppies. Then she gave me a tour of her house. They have a lot of nice things I would like to have. There are so many things that I want but I am just taking my time until I find the right stuff.

Carolyn that sounds like such a fun family day in the snow. What was the soup today? We had salmon , mashed sweet potatoes and peas.

Betty Good for you for getting on the bike. Your stomach is smaller already. The pain in my back was more internal like an organ. I think Supercuts was rough on me yesterday. I have it again tomorrow but I am not doing it. I will have to figure something else out. Maybe Drill max.
Jean, congrats to dh! I don't think you've ever said his name before! Maybe he might get 20%. It's great that he's starting so soon! I LOVE home improvement. If only dh would, let's see, remodel the kitchen, tear down a wall, add a mudroom and/or change the kitchen door, put in hardwood floors and crown moulding, well, you get the picture.
I love puppies too. If only they remain that cute. Just like babies!
Thanks but my stomach looks even bigger, especially since I ate like a pig and feel like a cow.

Carolyn, that sounds like such wonderful family time. Three hours is amazing! I'm glad your back is all right.
What's going to be tomorrow's soup? I want some.
Good Morning. I don't know what w/o to do today. My right knee is hurting.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Carolyn Did you wear your cute Cate the great boots in the snow yesterday? I can't wait to get a pair of those.
Morning my for friends!!!!

I tried getting on. The forums yesterday and never could....errrrr!!!!

I have news......I sold my spin bike yesterday and then I sold all my spin DVDs within minutes of posting them on eBay!!!! Every time I used the spin bike it causes my extreme pain in my bad leg.....I thought it was all healed and then I did Cycle max and now my leg is killing I got ride of the temptation of spinning!!!!

I'm walking on the treadmill right now and my leg is hurting....looks like I better get my foam rollers out!!!

The good news is I weighed and I am down 2 PDS.....whoooohooo!!!!

Jean.....omg.....if me or Tim had a job at lowes I wouldn't have a paycheck...that is my second home!!!! Sometimes I go there at lunch and just walk around.....Tim will ask what I'm doing if I call him.....he says oh my.....what have you found for me to do????? Hehehe

Carolyn hope you aches feels better as my are screaming at me right now!

Be back.....gotta foam roll and cook a healthy breakfast and then go to publix!!!!!
Morning ladies!!

Happy Sunday. I'm reading a new book called the calorie myth. I just started but it talks amount how to exercise less less a less ad eat more. It talks about how calorie in and calorie out doesn’t work for our bodies. Interesting read so far.

I did ballet body 3 times this week. No workout yesterday and I hope to get to the gym sometime today for cardio. I was off this week. I wasn't feeling very good so took it easy. Ds had had a fever yesterday and woke up this am with stomach pain so I was hope he does get get a stomach virus.

DD is practicing piano right now now and it sounds so nice. Betty how is piano going for you?

Jean congrats on Frank getting the job.

Carolyn. How's the back and foot feeling after all that time outside yesterday?
Missy Congratulations on losing 2 pounds. You had a great week. Sorry about your leg. How did you sell your bike? I'm thinking about selling mine.
Carolyn You made me laugh out loud. :D I can just picture you going to Betty's to watch soap operas all day. :p That's a hoot. I wouldn't mind if my husband went to a friends all evening for football. When you get older , things don't matter as much. Plus we don't have young children. I bet you can whip up some delicious brownie sundaes and a puzzle. Does your son have any interest in football when his Dad isn't around?
My knee just started hurting yesterday. I think it is all of these crazy Cathe w/o's we have been doing. I am only used to upper body stuff.
Those soups sound good. We are getting a cold spell this week. I should make something in the crock pot.
I used to have a snack at bedtime every night. I would take a Little Debbie cake and some chips to bed to eat while I watched t.v. At the beginning of the year I went cold turkey and now I really don't crave it anymore. It is a horrible habit to get into.
I think today will be another rest day because I don't want to hurt my knee anymore.

Missy Congrats on the weight loss. I was planning on weighing the 1st of the month after doing this rotation. I would be happy with losing a pound a week. So if I lose some I will let you know. ;) If you don't hear anything that means I lost nothing.:(
That's great news that you were able to sell your spin bike and dvd's. Better to sell it than have it taking up space.

Colleen I hope you and your son are feeling better soon. You're lucky you can work from home or take off when necessary . Enjoy your book. I love reading.

My friend is having her knee replacement replaced tomorrow. Her husband likes Sauerkraut and Pork Chops and she never makes it for him. So I put 4 pork chops and a bag of sauerkraut in the slow cooker yesterday for him. I will be taking it over to them today. That will give him something other than t.v. dinners to eat while she is in the hospital.
Collen....I posted my bike on craigslist.....

Carolyn....I too struggle at night.....last night I caved and ate some rice cakes with pb.

I sure hope all our aches and pain are gone when we wake up tomorrow!!! Fingers crossed!!!! re so thoughtful....

Be back....

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