STS first time!

Hi everyone, I had the most horrific night last night. Started another uti. From midnight and for 6 hrs, I doze and woke every 20-30 mins with a painful burning pee urge. These things always happen on late Sunday night into a long weekend, right?? By dawn I started feeling better and seem to be over the worst part now. I thought back to Saturday and it must have been the spinning that did it. Without getting into tmi, I have to be more careful in the future.
Needless to say I didn't bother attempting KPC (since dh was also off). I did UY Gentle which felt great but leaves me gasping for more, but I have to stay away from planks and pushups and UB stuff.

Jean, hooray that you and dh are still together after being together 24/7 for the past 6 months!
I didn't do the baguette and sherry vinegar part of the recipe but all else was spot on.

Tonight the frigid weather begins for the week. And perhaps a nor'easter. Ugh. I can't stand it.
Checking in with CSS.....rocked it!!!! I may not be able to move tomorrow....but that's okay!!!! LOL

Betty....I sure hope you feel better!!!! Drink lots of cranberry juice and rest!
Betty I did buy red wine vinegar but I will see if I use it. I also bought a baguette. I love bread.
I hope you are feeling better. Drink your cranberry juice.
They are calling for 3 to 8 inches of snow and it is heading yal's way. Then we are getting real cold . Not even above freezing.

Carolyn I hope your plans aren't ruined this week. You guys should be able to get around with no problem because you are used to it. Hopefully the businesses won't shut down. I sure wish I had some Cate boots. :(
I'm glad to hear that Ellie's eye is healing up. I know she was tired of wearing that cone. Poor girl.

Missy You're back. :D
PRS1 for me today! How could I not have a huge smile on my face the whole time?! I just love that workout!!! I swear I'm doing step every day this week :) It's just so fun!

Glad you thought the energy balls looked good! They are addicting, be warned, but at least they're somewhat healthy right?! Of course I add extra chocolate chips to mine :p

Tired....and craving something sweet. I should probably just go to bed....that is probably the better option ;)
Carolyn, how often do you bathe the dogs? Ugh, I can picture the smell!
Thanks for the bactrim offer but somehow I managed to stave off any more days of agony! I must have gotten in and out of bed 50x last night. I sipped cranberry juice & coconut water overnight, among other things.
I recall a time last winter when you had a speech therapist appt for dd and a storm was heading your way.

Marie, I've thought of doing just step for a week too! Go for it! I certainly have enough of them! But it's tough on my knees, even with no risers now. I've yet to try PRS1, for fear and dread.
Bed is the better option!

Jean, until you brought the subject up, I never realized how flimsy my TNF (North Face) boots might be. With the heavy-dutiness of Carolyn's and Colleen's, mine are probably just for show:D. Seriously, I'm never outdoors for that long, and I wear two pairs of socks.
Be patient and you'll find the perfect pair.

High five, Missy, on CSS!

Colleen and Mary, I hope you both are feeling yourselves again.
Good morning....I'm up and on the treadmill....gotta cut my cardio in half this morning as I have to leave my house an hour early today.....psa exams still going on....errrr!!! I hate it.....but someonea gotta do it!

Marie...way to go with the step workouts....I'm not a step fan....but that's because I don't have time to master them....they make me angry at the end because I feel like I was lost and I didn't get a good workout! So...I say the heck with th em....hehehehehe

Betty....hope your uti is better if not go to the don't want it to turn into a kidney infection.....better to treat it now than be in the hospital later....I know....I hate pills....I always put things off....except uti! You will feel better after a round of meds..... I promise!

I am angry at my scale....once again its lying to me....Tim is taking it from me and letting me weigh once a week....yes I scale addiction is aweful....

As for these cold temps....I angry with that too...LOL....I want spring temps....I want to go outaide plant my garden...sit in the sun and get some vitamin d..... and hell....I want to bust out in a sweat outside....yes I know that sounds crazy....but we have had an excessive cold winter and our cold month isn't even here yet..... its going to be raw all week....errrr!!!

Okay I will quit complaining now.....its all out!

Jean and Marie....can't wait to make the engery balls... I may just have to go get the ingrediants today on my lunch break..

Gotta go, must leave here soon....check in later! Have a nice day!

Hello Mary and colleen!!!!
Good morning! Definitely in line for a big storm here too! We're homebodies and I love being snowed in.

Missy, after last time, you guys mentioned the kidney thing and I'm being very careful.

Carolyn, do tea with honey. The latter works wonders on scratchy throats.

Probably step on tap for me this morning, saving KPC for tomorrow when everyone's possibly going to be home. Step requires too much concentration.
Morning ladies

We are suppose to get up to 16 inches today. Schools are closed.

Carolyn glad your foot feels better this morning. Hope you and dd don't get sick. Dermalogica is a little pricey, but not as bad as some others. A little goes a long way and I love how bright and clear my skin is looking. I'm using the core cleansing (pre cleanse, cleansing gel and toner) I also got the daily microcleansing. Which has been working wonders for me.

Ds never got full out sick but he's been very tired, cranky and not eating well.

Yesterday and today were barre workouts. Oh the kids and I played just dance 2014 yesterday and I got quite the sweat on. It was a lot of fun.
Hello everyone! I'm feeling better today. This morning was STS #33, shoulders etc. I forgot how much I love Meso 3 and lifting heavy weights.

Carolyn, I'm glad your foot is feeling better, but still give it some time. I know I have pushed my hamstrings when they start to feel better and then I have a setback.

Betty, you take it easy too, if it continues, please call the dr.

Yes, lots of snow expected. My girls have finals starting tomorrow but it sounds like they will get an extra day to study (and argue from being so stressed). At least I can work from home.

Missy, it is good to have you back, you sound like your old self now that your class is over.

I watched Downton Abbey last night, all I can say is I really detest the Anna story, I don't know how they could have done this.

Hi Jean and Colleen, good luck with your weather too!
Hi Ladies. I guess we are all having the same weather except Missy. It is cloudy , windy , cold and waiting for the snow to begin around noon. I don't think I am working out today. I am going to clean my bathroom and then watch my movie I didn't watch on Sunday. I am also planning on making the energy balls. Then I guess I will curl up on the couch under a blanket and watch the snow fall. Life is Good.

Missy what exactly are PSA exams and who is taking them? :confused: Is this something that workers have to take? I think I remember you going thru this last year.
What is your scale lying about? Is it saying you aren't losing weight? I weighed yesterday and there is no change. :(

I haven't watched Downton yet. I forgot about it last night. I will try to watch it today.

Carolyn You have been busy this morning. Are you meeting hubby for lunch or breakfast?
Ooh, lots of posts!
Waiting for my oatmeal to cook after PRS#2. It is a fun one, especially the bonus portion from #1. But I don't seem to make any progress every time I do it because the routines are alien to me!:mad:

Colleen, how happy your kids must be! Idk if the expected 8" will cancel our schools.
How great you must feel from your skin looking so marvelous!

Jean, I remember Missy said PSAs are the mens' prostate exams for city workers.
Your day sounds so cozy. Especially in a new home! I love it!
Is your weather better or worse than in MD, in general, based on the latitude/longitude? You seem to be getting it as bad as us this winter.

Carolyn, I can't imagine not needing to bathe dogs often! Ewwww. That's why I'm not a pet owner. I hate the smell and filth.

Stay warm and safe, everyone.
Yes...PSA...Prostate-specific antigen.... the city pays for health screening yearly for there employees....we do all the men.... once over 50 you get PSA blood test along with rectal I come in early along with my lab tech....she sticks and I get all the paperwork done and put all the patients in room for the doctor. Ewe.... Im just glad Im not the person performing the exams....hehehe....dont think I would want to get up an hour early to do that! LOL

Tonight Im doing AB....YEAH!!!! So exited!!! hehehe

Jean...yes the scale either says nothing or a freaking gain....errr.... Tim said its because I have started lifting again...and I do just makes you angry! I did NOT do any Cathe workouts while I was in school, I had no time, I only did cardio (running or walking)...I sure missed the weights though.....but now I have to retrain my body. Its okay....I will get past it eventually.....:D

Carolyn...I dont wash Summer much either...she never smells but she only goes outside long enough to do her business....she stays indoors 98% of the time. I bathe her more in the srping and I take her for more walks and stuff..... She is always cuddling with us....and she smells like a princess! hehehe... but Im not sure if this is normal for a dog....she bathes herself like a cat... maybe because she was raised with 2 cats?????

Thanks for all the compliments as I am back to my oldself....I sure feel better when I am more social and exercise more....I am just hoping this cold weather goes away I can start doing more outside!

Okay...lots to back!
Yes, the zillion crazies are out shopping in case we're snowed in for a month! I only hit Trader Joe's & the egg place.
I can't believe how frigid it is! Only 18 right now! No wonder my fingers and toes are still frozen!

Missy, don't be a slave to the scale again. You have all the things in place for great fitness and eating. So true about the scale not knowing the muscle and fat gain/loss!

Carolyn, you've been doing Cathe since your twenties?? That's longevity!!! I did Gilad in my late twenties! I do like step but I feel like my feet are not as nimble as they used to be on the step. But no matter; I'll soldier on. I will NOT open PRS#1 until I've mastered #2 and LICh (and maybe other older ones too), dang it!

Stuck a load of laundry in and now I better catch up on Downton.
Hi Girls. Our community is having a chili cook off on Feb. 2. I volunteered to bring chili and a dessert. I think my chili is o.k. . It is pretty much Bob Evans recipe with hamburger instead of sausage. If any of you have a good recipe you want to share , go right ahead. Also Do you have any good ideas for dessert to go with chili? This is a pre-super bowl party.

Missy I will probably be asking you about PSA nest year also. :eek: But I do remember now that you did those last year. And I would love to be the one administering those rectal exams. :p Those men would go to another clinic next year. :p

The weather here is pretty comparable to Maryland. It seems to be more humid in summer and the heat feels different. It is hard to explain.
Jean, let us know when you've watched Downton.
I plan on starting chili momentarily, coincidentally! My recipe is nothing exciting. Cupcakes with frosting is the first thing that popped into my head. Maybe because I'm craving them!
I suppose since you're close to the ocean you would feel more humidity. The heat when it comes with humidity feels different to me.

Carolyn, I've done a few Firm tapes and found them so formulaic or something. Didn't love it like Cathe hooked me.
Funny, I was looking for edamame today. With all the commotion about GMO, I figure I should try to find organic. No luck at TJ's.
Think of it this way--eating perfectly healthy at bkfast and lunch allows you to indulge a little at dinner (esp with kids watching, we don't want to be too finicky). You're really good about getting greens in at lunch. It is nonexistent a habit for me:eek:.
Those brownie ingredients sound amazing! No guilt! I'll have to look for them. Or not! I think I know what box you're talking about though.

My movie today was Prisoner with Jake Gylenhall (sp). It was the best movie. OMG. It was about 2 1/2 hours but I stayed awake the whole time . It really held my interest. You gotta see it.
Our snow started at 3:30. Carolyn, your hit might be less than expected, judging from the news.
Actually, the only thing I like about snow cancellations is the ability to sleep late. I hate the mess afterward, I hate that my routine is disrupted, I hate the cold....
Can't believe flour is not the first ingredient of those brownies!! Sheesh.
Go in and use the rest room! Or go in your cup:D.

Jean, I'll note that movie. I watched Jake's sis Maggie on White House Down the other day. I like them both.
Betty I made your recipe tonight and it was really good. I didn't add the red wine vinegar but Frank sprinkled it on his food. I am not a big vinegar person. If you make it again you should get the baguette and make the croutons. They really added to the meal. It was a very nice combination of flavors. I really liked it. It is a keeper. Keep the recipes coming.
Awesome, Jean! I'm so thrilled! (We posted at the same time!) I did look for baguettes but my big-chain supermkt didn't have that! Only Italian bread or other non-suitables!
We're not into vinegar either.
Carolyn that movie was so good. I can't stop thinking about it.
I am watching "The Following " tonight. Did you watch it yet?
Yes the chick pea recipe was very good. I will make it again.
That is a good idea to sprinkle little stars on her pillow. You're a good Mom. :D

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