STS first time!

Oh Carolyn I can so understand with DD. Mine is the same way today. We've all been together for the last 5 days and I think she needs some time with friends. We have about 8 inches of snow and will get another 5 or so tonight.
Ooh, lots of posts!
Waiting for my oatmeal to cook after PRS#2. It is a fun one, especially the bonus portion from #1. But I don't seem to make any progress every time I do it because the routines are alien to me!:mad:

Stay warm and safe, everyone.

I did PRS2 today as well! Love me some step :)
I am eating the yummiest salad right now. Mixed greens and spinach with tomatoes, Edamame, (can't spell that!), a can of tuna, and honey mustard dressing!
See what I mean...I do great all day and then I ruin it with night time.
I bought 4 boxes of those brownies!:eek: They were 2 for $5 so I had to!! The only ingredients are pure cane sugar, unbleached wheat flour, dutch cocoa, egg whites, cornstarch, wheat gluten, salt and baking soda. You add 2/3 cup of vanilla yogurt. I use nonfat greek plain. SO GOOD!
Look for them...they are in a pink tall skinny box. No Pudge Fudge Browine.
Now I want one!!!:p

Yum! I want those brownies now please! I'll have to look for them! I'm the same way...I do awesome all day. We had a nice healthy dinner....that Costco salad and a butternut squash bake. I was waiting for DH to ask for meat and carb but he didn't. Oh wow! Ok but now I'm craving chocolate and energy balls lol!
My movie today was Prisoner with Jake Gylenhall (sp). It was the best movie. OMG. It was about 2 1/2 hours but I stayed awake the whole time . It really held my interest. You gotta see it.

Sounds good! I'll have to see it. I love him and his sister Maggie! They are such good actors!
Our snow started at 3:30. Carolyn, your hit might be less than expected, judging from the news.
Actually, the only thing I like about snow cancellations is the ability to sleep late.

Sleep late?! Aww one word....jealous ;)

I shouldn't complain though, B has been sleeping til 7. I got up at 6 today and he woke up with about ten minutes left so I brought him downstairs and had him all snuggled up with pillows, blankets and his bottle and he watched Cathe and I workout. He is such a good boy :)
Good morning....its freezing!!!!

All these movies make me want to stay home ans bundled up in the recliner....but I can't! :(

Hope everyone is warm.....Betty....I feel the same way...I hate the cold!

Last night I was so busy....I didn't workout. tonight I will for sure!

Tmi....but I'm gonna tell you anyways....I got so stressed yesterday about my scale...I started spotting....what the hell???? Its not time for my period.....errrr!!!! So today I didn't weigh...omg....this is new....I'm gonna try and break this scale addiction. .... I think I can, I think I can......

check in later.... :)
Hi Girls. Today is another lazy day. No w/o. We got about 5 inches of snow.
I watched Downton last night. I am so sorry that Anna is moving back into the house. Her husband is so hurt and confused. So is the guy that raped Anna, Mr. Gillingham ? He is the butler of Mary's new boyfriend? Isn't his last name Gillingham also? I get so confused with all these names but I know who the characters are. How about Edna trying to blackmail Branson. I am so glad she got booted out.

Carolyn The Following started about 20 minutes into the show . It started when everyone was getting stabbed on the subway. I didn't realize Clare is dead. Last nights show was creepy. Those twins were really creepy. I was laughing when they were talking and dancing with the blonde they had killed. I think this year looks to be good. I am re-recording this weeks show next week so I can see the 1st 20 minutes.
Hi there. Got extra shuteye but woke to a flareup of my symptoms again. I muddled through KPC first (with a million pauses), and now am still toughing it out while I wait for doc office to call back. I should have been more vigilant yesterday.

Our snow wasn't too high but school was cancelled. However. It is frigid.:confused: I can't stand it. Dh is home too.

I can't imagine watching a show about a serial killer. They are so sick. And I think the tv producers make them extra sick.
Jean, I noticed that too, that both the valet and his employer are named Gillingham. What on earth?? But isn't Lord G so sweet though? Mary has reverted back to the way she used to be in season 1, rigid of face and emotionless, so drab all around. I remember thinking that when I first started watching.
I can't believe we've heard the last of Brathwaite. I guess I didn't put two and two together when she snuck into his room last episode. Or maybe I forgot all about it since I was so upset about Anna. So I was shocked when Branson and she were discussing pregnancy possibility.
Do you ever feel ridiculous just watching how they need someone to help them dress and undress?? I could never! It's absurd.
Lord G is very sweet. But I am not a huge fan of Mary. She is so stuffy.
I was thinking why do they need to have someone dress them. Can you imagine standing there and having someone help you put on your shirt. I wonder why way back then they felt like they needed that.

That's all for now. I am thinking of staring the 108 day UY rotation. My joints are so sore from lifting and jumping. I really need a more joint friendly w/o. I also think it is time to realize I am not a young girl anymore. I never thought this day would come. :(
I did Low Impact Step Challenge today. Continuing with step rotation :)

We met some mama friends at a coffee shop this morning. They have a great playroom with tons of toys for the kids.

Off to Target soon.
Good evening..... I just finished lean legs and that one!!!!

Gotta eat chicken is almost done!!!! Starving!!!!!! :confused:
Omg, it is SO arctic-like out. It's downright depressing:(.
We went out to dinner, which'll take me a week to work off:eek:. Pasta and bread.

Marie, I considered LICh for tomorrow but is it too soon after PRS?? I get all the moves confused in my head sometimes.
I just love the bonus part from PRS#1, don't you??? It's so fun! And will be more so once I get it down pat. I always think of step workouts as similar to dancing. I can follow our choreography, but have you ever tried to dance like those pop artists? I can't get my midsection to move like they do!
I love that you're doing a step rotation!:D

Jean, Carolyn's right. I think the rotation was very tough. On you, on me, on many of us, so don't sell yourself short. I bet you would be able to do the rotation workouts every other day no problem. They are very intense.
UY does have a ton of strength moves in the planks and such.

Carolyn, the Downton kitchen manager used the expression 'better get a wiggle on'! so it must have roots in merry ole England.;)
Sorry dd is feeling crappy! As long as it's not the flu.

Missy, great job on LL&A!
I'm channeling you since I got weighed today and I am heavier!!! I'll call it the fattening-up-for-winter gain.;)
I thought of Carolyn also when she said "get a wiggle on". I thought Carolyn made that up. :p
Well wishes to your daughter Carolyn.
I'm finally back....omg...I got sucked into my oxygen magazine I got in the mailbox today!!!!

Betty.....we will lose our "winter" feathers....together....hehehehe

Carolyn....I hopw your little one feels better!!! Sending get well wishes and hugs!

I never have much time for tv these days....I look forward to weekends in hope I can watch some tv!!!

This winter swason is very depressing.....I am ready for spring....its going in the mid twenties tonight.....again....:(.... and I have to go to work an hour early tomorrow.....why oh why do we do these damn psa's in the winter time......errrr!!!!

Better go to bed.....exhausted....and I need my 8 hrs of sleep!!!! Cutting it very close tonight....better get a wiggle on as Carolyn would say!!!! I too thought that was a Carolyn expression!!!! Is just so cute! Good night my friends!
Good Morning.... are too much! I use to beg to stay home too and I always got my way! hehehe

I have been at work since 7:20....:confused: And I ready for a nap now!!! It was 28 degrees this morning and I almost frooze to death! errr!!!!

What workout shall I do tonight???? Hmmmm.....

BTW....I already ate my morning snack and its not snack time yet....I am really gonna be starving at lunch now!!!!!! Why am I such a food monster???

Well....Have a lovely thursday...lots to do! Just wanted to check in! Bbl!:D bout TBT lower body???? And I am starving....hehehehe....counting down to lunch time....cause I feel like I could eat my arm...LOL :confused:

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