STS first time!

Ugh, I got some kind of stomach bug on Friday. I was at work and felt worse and worse all day, couldn't even look at food. When I got home I went to bed and didn't get up until Sat., then napped off and on all day. I am feeling better today and no one else here got it so that's good.

So no workouts, but I did watch the lastics dvd. I learned something just from watching the intro, she has lots of good information. I was hoping to actually do the workout this weekend but looks like I will have to break it up over a few days. I noticed she doesn't really do a warmup so it's not something I want to do first thing in the morning.

Missy, congrats on your weight loss! I do think most of it has to do with food, and making small changes can have a big impact.

We are going to a friend's later to watch the football game. I really don't want to go, I may need to take a nap, but if I don't go I will feel anti-social. And I won't be able to eat any of the food either.

Carolyn, I hope the aches have subsided a bit. I can't remember, do you have a foam roller? glad you are feeling better. ....the tummy bug is no fun!!!! Make sure you rest up!

I sewed a rag tite bag this weekend..... I will take a pic.... be right back!
Hi friends, I'm all right. I couldn't believe my eyes when I looked at 10 and saw so many posts already! Love it. Had to still get ready then to go out for a lunch buffet with my extended family. My cousin who had moved to Hungary about 8 years ago, married, divorced, moved to Asia, married, and is back briefly for a visit. When we got home I took ds to a sleepover and headed to get all my library goodies. Then I had to practice. Love my piano time, Colleen! I'm finally sitting down.

Jean, do not do DM if your knee hurts! It's exactly what I was talking about--this rotation is throwing workouts together for us we might not otherwise do so closely. Both my shoulders are hurting this weekend so I'm not getting within a mile of GS UB any time soon!:confused: I'm definitely doing KPC Monday. No equipment to think about.
That is so nice of you to do the dinner for your friend's husband! Where on earth do you buy sauerkraut? Ds1 was spoiled in Germany with it and he says it's not made as well here.
Stay away from Little Debbies! Can you say processed food?:D

Carolyn, I LOVED your analogy about soap operas! Funniest thing ever!
This morning there was light snow coming down. It WAS pretty. We had about 2-3". The sun came out earler and it was nice.

Missy, is John Deere fabric sold?? That is such a cool tote! You are the most industrious person I know!
I'm so shocked you sold all your spin stuff! But I understand.

Mary, so sorry to hear about your bug. I totally can empathize watching dh going through it recently. I'm so happy it wasn't that long for you! Rest up and drink fluids. You can watch at home in the peace and quiet. Patriots are going to lose!:(
I hope Monday is a holiday for you.

Colleen, that book sounds really interesting! It goes against everything we've believed! Calorie in< calorie expended=weight loss. Let us know whether it has merit and we should read it.

Y'all make me want to get Lastics again.
Betty....glad you enjoyed family time!!! Yes, they sell john Deere fabric.... at hobby lobby or Joann fabrics.....but I bought those 2 patterns on eBay! I did like spinning, but i every since I hurt my hamstring, I could never do it without massive I had to sell!!!!

I am thinking of doing an evening workout....but this recliner is so comfy and my leg is very sore.....hmmmm....what to do????

I just finished cooking dinner and the dishs are done, lunches and snacks prepared for tomorrow....:) I going to get up??????:confused:
Carolyn....I'm still sitting

I also feel like eating the entire house!!!!

You better make an appointment soon....don't let the pain get any worse! :(
Hi all

Mary sorry to hear about the bug. Hope you are feeling better today.

I'm enjoying a bath as the kids and Dh watch football.

I'll let you all know about the book. I just got it yesterday so I haven't gotten very far. Yes it completely goes against what we have been used to hearing.

I tried some new face products that I am loving. It's called dermalogica. I went to my local ulta a few weeks ago because my face has been blah. Well they have a whole dermalogica counter there. The rep recommend products for my face and a bought a sample pack. There was also a woman there who was getting a facial that was 45 and looked amazing. She has been using there products for 10 years. Im trilled with the prodcuts so far. My face has looked the best it has in in a while.
Missy That bag is too cute. It looks like a happy bag. :D You are so creative. Just lay back and relax in your recliner. You earned it. But don't eat anything. :eek:

Betty You had a wonderful day. It is so nice to hear you enjoying the piano.
I didn't get to watch my movie today so hopefully tomorrow.
I'm done with this routine. I think I will do something upper body tomorrow.

Carolyn the band in back of my knee has been tight and painful all day. Isn't that what you had surgery on last year? I sure don't want surgery. I will rest it for as long as it needs and then stay away from Cathe. :rolleyes:

Mary I hope you are feeling better. I know I would have stayed home. I hate football. We have it on here. It doesn't bother me though.

Carolyn go brush your teeth. Did you plan any goodies for you and the children for tonight.

I too am thinking about Lastics. I do have it on my Amazon wish list.
Hey hey ;)

Crazy week over here. Busy busy doing not sure what haha! Worked the past three days so my workout those days were two 25min walks each day during my breaks. Not ideal but better than nothing I guess. Must hit it hardcore tomorrow. DH is off school so I'll be able to get a good workout in no excuse.

Ok so I realize I'm bad at following a rotation. I've just been doing whatever I desire.

Missy- Love that bag! You are so creative!

Mary- Feel better. Do nothing and feel ok about it.

Colleen- That book sounds interesting. Excited to hear more.

Carolyn- That darn foot what the heck! Hope it feels better soon!

Betty- I love that you're playing the piano. What a great hobby to have!

Jean- Yay for DH! Very exciting!

Ugh can't stop thinking about food. This is bad, very bad! Have you guys ever made these?! They are sooooo good! I see them in my future.
Omg....Marie....I am so printing that recipe....I am laying here in the recliner trying not to eat....and I read the ingredients....and my mouth is watering!!!! It looks so yummy!!!!

Don't feel bad for not following a rotation....I haven't either....I have just been doing what I want!!! He he he

Enjoy your day off!!! As I will be back to work....errrr!!!! I need another few days off....;-)

Good night my fit friends!!! Must get my beauty sleep! Lol
No guilt, my friends! Just enjoy every decadent bite! Put it in perspective--we all exercise 5-6 days a week! We're allowed the indulgences!
Nighty night!
Good morning and happy monday!!! I sure hope this day goes by quickly..... I know we shouldn't wish our life away....nut lately I just want to be home.....maybe I need a long bacation...I just hate to takr off when its cold..... its 34º this morning....brrrrr!!! It sure has been a freezing winter and its not even feb yet....errr!!!! Watching the news as I walk on the treadmill....the weather man said this is the warmeat it will be all week.....predicting mid 20, s all week.... why????

So....last night my butt stayed in the recliner and I shared 1 peanut butter reeces cookie with Tim....I wanted more...but I said no.....I was bad but good!!!

Betty....I like your theroy.....indulge since we exercise 5-6 days a week!!!! That theroy makes me smile!!!!

Carolyn...don't feel bad about your brownie and ice cream....Betty said we could have it!!! LoL

Okay....I must pick up my pace...check nack in a bit!!!

Have a nice day!
Good Morning. Today is cloudy and 50. We are getting snow tomorrow. :(
Today I did Pyramid upper body. That was hard. I did the same weights as Cathe. She must not have been as strong back then. :p
My husband has left for work so I am all alone. :cool: I am going to the grocery and drug store today. We have been together almost 24/7 for 6 months. I am not going to know how to act by myself. :rolleyes: I am sure I will be doing more cleaning when I am alone. It is hard to clean when someone else is home.

Marie I am going to make those balls. I put all of the stuff on my grocery list. They look so good.

Missy I'm glad you're back. :D

Carolyn How is your friend that had the stillbirth?
Good afternoon.... I too added all the ingrediants to my grocery list.....kinda excited to make them.....

This morning has been extremely busy! Hope the afternoon goes by fast....

What workout to do tonight???? Hmmmm......
Betty My beans are soaking to make that recipe you posted last week. Any tips you want to give me since you have made it?

Marie I got all my stuff to make your energy balls. I will let you know how they taste.

Frank went to work today but it was only for a drug test and signing papers. He starts on Sat. Feb. 1 and will only work weekends to start. That is fine with me because once Summer gets here , you pretty much stay home on the weekends because of the vacationers. That's all I know for now.
Carolyn....its so nice to hear that Ellie is doing so well......Yeah!!! As for the workout, I have been there...but its least you did half of it! :D

Im hungry!!! :mad::confused:

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