STS first time!

Congrats, Carolyn!
Do you use Evernote on your tablet? It's a handy way to keep recipes electronically. My sis just started me on it in Oct when I was out there. So now every time I come across a keeper recipe, I clip it and save it in Evernote. It's versatile that you can edit.
I would venture to say arrowroot is better than tapioca. Neither of which is an ingredient I keep at home.
I'm envious that your kids are such great veggie eaters. Ds1 was complaining of veggies every night; he was only half joking.
My recipe tonight is definitely a keeper. I just happened to have leftover heavy cream and 2 shallots. I subbed spinach for rabe, added mushrooms (which ds hates) and shrimp. I love the firmness of farro and I feel so virtuous eating it! I would probably halve the parmiggiano though; it's such an overpowering flavor.

Jean, I hope you enjoy book club. I don't like non-fiction that much, especially historical or biographies. They're yawners. I love self-help books though. Has your book club read Outliers? That would keep you discussing.
I just watched the BigL last week that my dvr cut off so idk who was voted off.
Good evening friends!!!! Tonights workout was cycle max and medicine ball abs.....Betty you got me to do abs!!!!

My evening cooking meals.....Tim had taco salad and I had ...... well....I threw together stuff....browned lean beef with sauted onions and green peppers, with red pepper flakes and black pepper....then I sprinkled a tiny bit of shredded cheese and chopped up tomato....with some beets on the side with a splash of vinegar. It was actually pretty good.

Sounds like everyone is cooking some new stuff..... yum yum!

Off to bed as I have to get up an hour early tomorrow! Good night!
Oh no, Carolyn, how did it happen with dishwasher??! Heating pad and rest. Feel better. Don't worry about workout. Today can be your rest day.

Gwyneth's trainer was quoted on a morning show as saying spinning bulks up thighs. But we knew that, don't we, ladies?
Good morning. It is cloudy , cool and gloomy today. I am so tired. My husband wakes me every morning around 3:30 snoring. It is so annoying. I might have to change bedrooms. So I am thinking of a rest day today.

Carolyn I am sorry to hear that you threw out your back. I hope you are feeling back to normal soon. You need to teach the children how to empty the dishwasher. ;) I was so young when I was doing dishes. We didn't have a dishwasher either. My sister and I rotated washing and drying. Well just rest so things can heal.

Book club was fun. There was 10 of us there and 4 didn't like the book. We laughed a lot. My cookies were a hit. One of the books we are reading this year is "The Goldfinch". It has 771 pages. I don't know if I will make it thru that. Why on earth would anyone recommend such a large book to read in a month. I hope it is January's book because we don't read a book in Dec. so I will have 2 month's to read it.

Betty I saw that article yesterday about Gwyneth's trainer saying that spinning bulks up the legs. I thought it made them smaller . Look at the guys in Tour De France. Their legs are thin.
Carolyn Take it easy out there. I hope I never have back problems.

Betty I watched "Red" today. It was good but that isn't my kind of movie. They are so unrealistic. Too much killing and fighting. But I am sure I am in the minority with how I feel.
Carolyn, the brownies sound delish. What did you sub with yogurt? Oil or butter? I'm so craving sweets right now, including a fresh-brewed cup of DD coffee, which I don't have. I might make a single decaf one shortly. It's the half&half and maple syrup my body doesn't need.:p
I thought you threw out your back by lifting the dishwasher.;)

I woke feeling achy in my shoulder area, thinking I won't do the rest of UB, but I think I'll muddle through it. If you were make a goal post with your arms and lean flat against the wall, my left arm doesn't reach the wall because it hurts.

Jean, a book that size would take me months to read! I only read about 15 mins before bed since I can't last much longer. The worst part is I can't remember what I read night to night.:confused:
Too bad you didn't enjoy Red then. I thought it was amusing!

Same weather here.
Good afternoon my fit friends! Its only 45º outside....brrrr....ita was 29º this morning when I left my house at 7am..... too cold for me!!!!

Its been a busy day today.....looking forward to going home. We are having cube steak and veggies for dinner! Yummy!!!

Btw....remember last summer when I was hell bent on going vegatarian....well I didn't....but I only buy farm raised meat.... I just went to publix (green wise) and they had some beautiful new york that's what we will have tomorrow....yeah!!!! I haven't eaten anything nad today either....I'm on a roll.....

Tonights workout is ab!!!! Oh yeah!!!!

Back to work I go!!!!

Btw....I'm having my daily dd unsweetened tea!!!! Its a must!!! My little addiction!
Kind of gloomy today, but I did get out for a walk yesterday, it was gorgeous. I have been doing Meso 3 but only upper body, and splitting each into 2 days, so 4 days total. I feel like I am able to lift the heavy weights without getting as fatigued, but for the past 2 days I have been starving! I am trying not to fill up on the muffins and candy around me at work. All it takes is a taste of one and I can't stop.

Been a tough week with dd. She came down with a cold over the weekend and stayed home from school 2 days, but it seems to have elevated her blood sugar levels. Just when I thought things were getting more manageable, they are completely off again. We have a call in to the dr. to see what is going on. I hate feeling so out of control.

Missy, a bikini does sound like a tough sewing project. Wasn't the fabric tough to work with? I learned to sew in home ec class in jr. high - I really think they should offer that class again.

I need to fit in an ab workout one of these days, that one always get neglected.

Oh, and I ordered the lastics dvd, I am hoping it really helps me stretch out. I feel stretched with UY but those workouts are more vigorous, I really just need some stretching.
Mary....did you give her any cold medications....if so...did you get the ones for diabetics?

As for the material....spandex/lycra.... it wasnt too bad to work with.... i will have to post a pic of the bikini..... it actually turned out pretty good.... I did learn I have no patience....and I had to stop and put it down and walk away several times....LOL.... the red hair came out...LOL

Carolyn...did you get in with the chiro? I hope so.....

I have had a day here at the office and I really need a stress reliever workout....cant wait to get home.... I may need to tackle my punching bag, that is after I bust threw AB....prisioner squats here I come!!!! I am gonna let Cathe kick my butt! I need it today!:D

Jean....if I tried to read a long book like that it would take me several years....I am so tired at night....I try to read my fitness magazines and just fall out after a few pages!!! Tim will come to bed and I will be sound asleep with the magazine laying on the bed! LOL

BBL! :eek:
Mary, wow, your lifting is making you ravenous. Ah, STS!
Good for your iron willpower. That's all it takes for me as well, one taste.
I'm sorry for what dd is experiencing. I wouldn't have guessed that a cold can upset the blood sugar balance! Is she eating differently with this cold? Any cold meds?
How exciting you have Lastics to look forward to! I could use a rigorous stretching and am feeling achy and fatigued. This imposed rotation is doing a number on me! I will try other things next week. I'm tired of GS and the metabolic workouts. I've got a yen for kickbox and step;)
I just finished GS B, Sh, Bi. I hate exercising late in the day and when it's cold and dark/gloomy. My head gets lost in a netherworld.

Missy, enjoy AB! I'm glad someone looks forward to it.
I can't believe you sewed a bikini top--so awesome!
I can't stand that I snack again when ds gets home at 9 after his club:mad::mad::mad:; he usually finishes his dinner then and dh and I eat with him so we can keep him company.

Carolyn, I hope your back pain has vanished!

SuperCuts tomorrow; it has been a while. I must get to bed before 11:30. Since school resumed I've been going to sleep close to midnight.:confused:

Sweet dreams, all.
Good morning!!!!

Omg....Betty....11:30... that's the middle of the night for me! I go to ned ay 9:16....9:30 at the latest! I must get 8 hrs.... I stuggle in the late night snacking....sometimes when I want to be real good....I will brush my treeth....and then I don't eat after! Hehehe

Thank god its friday! Looking forward to 5oclock! I've haf enough of my job this week....I wish I could stay home today but I can't!

I'm on the treadmill as I type this..... can you say multi-tasker!!!!

My lower body had doms....whoohoooo!!!!

Be back later.....have a lovely friday and stay warm!!! Its a terrible 31º here this morning!!!!
Carloyn...definitely call chiro.... since it is don't want to hurt all weekend!!!!

I wode up with a stiff neck....errr!!!!
Oh brother, Carolyn! Take it easy though. Maybe some UB?

I just did SC (skipping the pushup/situp combos) and core 2. It is frustrating that I work out 5x/wk and don't see my body firming up. Thighs and muffin top, especially. Argh. CLEAN eating is the key!:confused:
See now, I feel the forearm issue flaring up. Rest dayS, bring it on!
Happy Friday . The sun is shining and it is cool. We are supposed to get real cold next week until February.
Today I did Supercuts. Not too bad. I CANNOT do the "Alternating Sit outs".
Can anyone else do them? I was able to do 4 sets of situps/knee pushups.

Carolyn I hope your back heals soon. You sound like you need a day on the couch under the covers.

Missy I remember those work weeks from HELL. I hope your day goes by quickly.
Jean, I've not spun for a month now. First it was the time my sis was here, then we've been in the rotation. If I think of it, I will get on in the weekend. Ds1 got on willingly but we have to threaten ds2 to get on. Dh gets on nightly before bed.:eek:
I can do the alternating sitouts, but I didn't even bother with the situp/pushups. My tailbone is already weary and so are my arms killing me, so to do them would be arresting any healing. I can probably do a few, but never as fast.

Carolyn, good for you for trying B&G successfully! Keep holding that core in and perhaps that will heal your back.

I got my practicing out of the way, for once. I can never seem to get to it when the sun is shining. In the dim afternoon, the ole eyes are more tired.
My stomach has been growling! Must be these workouts. First time this week I feel it. Cumulative efforts! I'm going to eat then hit the attic while the sun's warming it.

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