STS first time!

Hi friends, just spent an hour perusing TJM. Had to return some things. This is my pattern. Buy, return. Repeat. I love finding stuff though! Found another pair of skinny jeans. Which I don't really need. Returned some denims for dh. Then found another size on clearance. No foam rollers in sight. Not the one I want anyway. It's an ongoing process anyway, the searching.
I didn't bother crossing a busy street to go to Marshalls.

Jean, what luck that Red was on!!!! You'll enjoy it.
I'll let you know if I use a tissue for DA.
How awesome for your knees that you got those puzzle mats! That should cushion all those blows! Wish I could use them but I use my LR floor so it's not practical.
I've seen Savages.

It is hard for me too to come up with meal ideas. Tonight's dinner is spag & meatballs. Not exciting at all but I haven't made it in a while. Plus I need some whole grain pasta--been eating waaaaay too much white stuff.
Missy, your chicken sounds so creative and tasty.

It's mostly sunny in the low 50s with not much wind. What a marvelous reprieve!
Time to try to gather up the Xmas decorations and put away!
Betty....Im not very creative in the kitchen chicken idea....was...hmmm its cold and I dont want to go to the store....what do I have in the kitchen to cook....and it actually for once turned out good! hehehe :eek:
Hi Girls,

Carolyn. Your Dh sounds like mine. He hates clutter. I have a method to my madness. I have stuff in a specific spot for a specific reason and then he moves it.

Yesterday was 55 minutes on the elliptical. I joined planet fitness to try out different cardio machines. I really don't know what's going on with my knee. The bike really bothers it now. It constantly clicks while riding and then is so sore for days afterwards. Dh said join the gym to see what works for my knee because he doesn't want to spend money on something that might not work for my knee. I will only go on the weekend as its too hard to go during the week. Today was ballet body.

So proud of you all keeping up with the rotation.
I hate it when dh gives a look but I don't know exactly what he's thinking but I automatically assume it's negative. He doesn't like stuff on counters either but as I've said endlessly, where is the stuff going to go?? He always says any open surface gets covered, but essentially we just move things around, don't we?? If we clear the counters then the stuff gets moved elsewhere. I always call it his displeased look. I have a method to my madness too.

Colleen, I'm sorry to hear about your knee with spinning! I know how you enjoy that! What could it be??

Carolyn, the gall of the woman giving you some attitude! A couch is easily verifiable!!! Did you talk to customer service or to the lady who sold you the furniture? Morons. The latter should be outraged on your behalf and handle the situation!

I never got to the Xmas stuff. I finally put away the laundry I folded yesterday, plus handwashed some placemats. And practiced piano. I don't know where the time goes!
It's definitely easier to do everything yourself! For example, I can't get dh to fold the tops with the front facing out! He continues to do it with the back facing inward, which makes no sense.
Carolyn, the workout makes you hungrier!
I think I've done L&G pretty rarely. (OK, the last time was May, 2012.) But I seem to recall it's traditional leg stuff. I dread it.
I just remembered that when the lady at TJM asked me if I want to donate to Joslin Diabetes, I did. I wrote 'Mary's Daughter' on the paper.

Colleen, I wonder if it's something with the barre work that's swinging the other way now for your knee?
Carolyn, I learned from your experience so don't beat yourself up!
What's this mysterious appt you've been mentioning?
Your foot sounds like it's on the road to recovery, mercifully.
I don't watch either show. Dh was intrigued by all the commercials intro'ing AH a while back but we don't want to start. He's been following The Blacklist.
I'm procrastinating!

It was super dark getting up this morning. I just want to crawl back into bed. But no! I'm heading to do L&G! Who's with me today!?:D
Carolyn, stay away from those calf raises! But listen to the song thereabouts: Wishing on a Star, popular when I was a teen and pining for boys!:D
Thank heavens this workout is only 51 mins. There's only so much torture I can take! Time for my fave, deadlifts!
Ok, gals, as far as workouts go, this one isn't too bad. It was a little fun. Sort of.:D This gem is 10 years old!
I used to skip ankle weights altogether because my legs would kill. They still do but they're so much stronger.

Now that ds1 is back to school, I'm going to go lighter on meat. Today's dinner will be a chickpea spinach Spanish tapas dish. Never tried it before, of course. Recipe for Spanish smoked-paprika chickpeas with spinach - Food & dining - The Boston Globe

Rain coming soon, but still near 50. I'll take it!
Hi Everyone. It is rainy and cool today. Kind of depressingly dark. I think I will lay on the couch and read my book "Martha Washington An American Life". It is pretty good so far. I like non-fiction books.
Today I did Butts and Guts. That music at the end when you do the stretch segment is so pretty. I am glad tomorrow is upper body.

Carolyn What you could do is make a list of all the meals you make that everyone likes and you would be surprised at how many meals you have to choose from. I used to do that and I had about 20 items on the list. I need to make a new one. But it really makes meal planning a lot easier. Every time you make a successful new meal just add it to the list.
Thanks for the Following reminder. I set it up to record. I can't wait. We watch it the next night. I haven't seen any commercials for the new season . Bates Motel starts in March.

Betty What article of laundry are you speaking of when you say
"fold the tops with the front facing out! He continues to do it with the back facing inward, which makes no sense. "
I was also wondering about the mysterious apt with Carolyn. :rolleyes:
That recipe looks real good. Let me know how it was. I might make it myself. Always looking for something healthier.
Finally! No longer me talking to myself!;)

Jean, I was searching for Broadchurch and no luck! My library network is huge and it doesn't have it! I put in a suggestion for them to order it. A fab drama for them to own since it's acclaimed. Anyway, then I came across a 3-parter called Silk, a British legal drama (with that hunk Rupert Penry-Jones, henceforth known as RPJ) that you might be interested in. I requested that one. (Did you ever get to watch 2009's Jane Austen Persuasion with that smoldering RPJ?)
I was referring to any long-sleeve top.

Carolyn, what a HUGE load off your shoulders. I felt that way too and didn't do one that long ago. But sadly, several years later, I still haven't made copies to distribute!:confused:
What a vivid image--sharp needle draining the fluid out from under your eyes. Believe me, I feel the same! Give OP a try!!!!!! I'm a permanent convert! I spend 20 mins 2x/day on it. It may not seem like a lot, but dang, those minutes sure add up over time! Well worth every minute though! Especially for the quagmire of bacteria in my mouth.:confused:

Well, I better get some odds and ends done.
Betty I will put Silk on my Netflix list or look for it on t.v.. I haven't watched any Jane Austin yet. There aren't enough hours in the day. :confused: I have always enjoyed the English shows you suggest.

Carolyn you are so right about reading something and it comes out different. After I read your comment , I reread what she said and now I understand. :confused:
I got that Nia email selling something for $20. Natasha surely likes her program. She hardly ever posts on Cathe anymore. You should give it a try. I need a dvd. I would buy it if she had dvd's.
I love the firewalkers. Did those today.
I'm still sitting here! Serves me right for turning on my computer only once a week.

Carolyn, was that a snarky comment by dh? Does he expect you to be able to do the same as him?? Me, I've never aspired to be strong, just toned. I lift weights but am so much a lightweight. I'm a total wuss when it comes to lifting heavy pcs of furniture. Hea-vy!
Perhaps your heart rate didn't go through the roof with L&G? I prefer low heart-thudding workouts when the legs are being killed by squats/pulses/lunges.:p
Do OP any time of day--it's better than nothing! I'm obsessively purist when it comes to this because first thing in the morning my mouth is so gross, so I want to swish it out! Last thing at night I don't want to leave any extra bacteria to colonize my mouth longer so I do it then too. It's so disconcerting to brush with an electric toothbrush for two minutes, floss, OP, and STILL find food in my mouth! And that's why I do it.

Jean, I can't believe mini-natty hardly posts any more! She's a huge poster! (I don't follow them though.)
Did you do the entire B&G? It's long!
I think Natasha is on Nia's facebook page. Also I think if you join there is a place also to write. I am not signing up for Facebook. I feel it is safer here.
Carolyn You are so funny. Our worker girls Missy , Marie , Mary and Colleen probably read the "no life" things we do during the day and say what the???????? You are a very pretty lady with a tight body. Just try to add another element to your daily routine to work on the puffy eyes. You probably look great. So while you are oil pulling , lay on the bed with potato slices over your eyes. When you sit up to spit , you will be more beautiful.
OMG, I need to get off! I finally finished surfing for an additional item to get me over a $ threshold at Swanson Vitamins. Something useful but not a money-waster.

Jean, I read Flowers in the Attic and some of its sequels over 20 years ago! So weird and creepy. I don't have cable so nix that idea for Broadchurch and FITA. I'll have to look for BC on Amazon streaming. It wasn't available when it was brand-new but some time has passed now.
Impressive that you did B&G without pausing!:cool:

Carolyn, I often think about how else we can talk. If we do emails then our inboxes would be awash in stacks and stacks of our posts. Can't have that! We need other ideas. How far back do you go to delete stuff? I've done it once or twice.

I'm so chilled!

Jean, I just read your last two posts. So funny!:D
Hello Hello.....This morning was my early morning..... I left my house at 7 was dark and raining....I was so rained buckets and I just washed my car was so beautiful and shinny and now its dirty....errr!!!!

You guys are cracking me up..... I do have a facebook acct but I dont use it I am hearing more and more about these stalker people...and if you post pic with gps on it can give them the actual address where the photos were me, that is so scarey! they were showing a family on the news several weeks ago....where they gave a mom a camera phone and she took pics of her children at home and at the park her kids played and they knew the actual address and scarey for me!:confused: This world is too crazy to trust strangers....heck...I dont even run or walk alone anymore cause I just dont trust anyone....the older I get the less trusting I get.....

Today....a prisioner escaped from our local jail at 7 am this morning.... he is on the run....and they havent found him yet.... they said he is a sex offender???? scarey! I just want to go home and lock the doors!

Okay....I have been 100% on with my diet proud of myself....tonight I am going to do lean legs....I am kinda excited about it! ;)

I wish we all lived in the same town....we would have so much fun!!!! I hope some day we can meet....

Any ideas on another way to communicate???? I would share more....but I dont want everyone to know my business also....(lack of trust once again) LOL

Gotta back....:p

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