STS first time!

Good Morning. It is like a frozen tundra here. It is so cold that the snow won't melt. Luckily the sun is out. It is supposed to get windy today. We will be above freezing for the weekend. Then back to the cold.
Today I did Pyramid upper body again. That is such a tough but good w/o.

Missy Have a nice day at work. :D Is Oxygen mag as good as it was before? I will have to re-subscribe.

Carolyn did you do Nia's 100 rep squat challenge? :p Are you back to getting Oxygen mag?
It's like Siberia here, but with the sun out, it feels tolerable. Barely. With longjohns and 3 pairs of socks!:p

Carolyn, what you describe are the very personalities of ds1 and 2, in that order!!! One thing I despise is letting the youngest child do whatever he likes by virtue of us doing nothing, so I try very hard to avoid that. But. Ds2's stubborness is like a concrete wall. You cannot appeal to him with reason like with ds1. So difficult! Can you say clash of wills?
Keep to your guns next time.
My bladder felt much better on the drive to the doctor's office yesterday! I went, confirmed that it was a raging UTI (they won't treat without seeing me!), one ridiculous co-pay later, and picked up my rx just to have around. (Wait till the bill comes and I need to meet deductible. November's UTI visit was one I had to meet deductible!:mad:) This LNP told me to get cranberry extract pills. The doc last time said for people who tend to be prone to take meds. If only I had seen the NP last time! I plan to get some.
Great progress on your foot!

Jean, weren't you impatient doing PUB so soon after the other time? Nice job cranking it out.

Don't know what workout I'll do later. My shoulder has been hurting here and there.
Carolyn, get thee to the basement!!!!!!!!!!!!

I better watch some dvds. Must return them this weekend and I haven't started Silk yet!
I know! If she had mentioned cranberry extract last time I wouldn't be in this horror show!
I guess I'll have to spin if I want to watch a dvd. Just finished my leftover chickpea thingie so I'm full. Yes, it's a tad old.:eek: They're kind of hard/undercooked too.
I just dusted and vacuumed the bedroom. Boring.

Betty I'm glad to hear your UTI is clearing up.
I don't understand what you mean by " Wasn't I impatient with the w/o". That w/o doesn't stop for anything. I think it is a fun w/o.
Carolyn, I can't believe you did AB with a problematic back. I feel this workout is super tough on the back! Good luck in your appt.

Jean, I just mean that when I do the workouts so close together I get bored and impatient.
Carolyn....the chiro an fix anything....that's my feelings anyways!!!!

Just finished muscles were screaming#,!!!!! Gonna feel that tomorrow!!!!

I m so tired....these early mornings are killing me!!!

Be back soon....fixing dinner!!!!

Carolyn...I've never eaten purple they taste like regular potatoes????

Jean....have you made the energy balls yet???? I'm exits to make them this weekend.....hopefully they are delious!!!!

Hungry....must eat now!
Missy Thanks for reminding me of the Energy Balls. I had forgotten about them. You would think I am busy. :rolleyes: Anyway I just made them and they are quite tasty. I used maple syrup because I don' t have any honey. I am going to enjoy these. Keep an eye on the coconut when you are toasting it. I did mine on the stove. Once they start browning , it happens quick. I'll eat one for you. :p
Carolyn....I love beets....I must find these purple potatoes!!!! I am gonna try to grow some beets this year.....fingers crossed!!!! Cause I could eat beets daily!!!!:D

Jean....thanks for the tip on the toasting procedure....cause I am always multi tasking....I prob would have fried it!!!! Thanks for eating on for me.....I am super excited to eat one!!!! Yummy!!!!

Just finished dinner and i Ate too was homemade pizza night!!!! :eek:

Must rest up....its gonna be in the teens in the morning.....and I don't like that on e bit !!!!" :mad:
My step rotation got interrupted with AB today. DS got up at 6. I hate having him in the basement when I workout, as it's unfinished so I lugged the weights upstairs and he played while I worked out. Ok DH wants to hang a bit before bed. Check in tomorrow :)
Missy Thanks for reminding me of the Energy Balls. I had forgotten about them. You would think I am busy. :rolleyes: Anyway I just made them and they are quite tasty. I used maple syrup because I don' t have any honey. I am going to enjoy these. Keep an eye on the coconut when you are toasting it. I did mine on the stove. Once they start browning , it happens quick. I'll eat one for you. :p

Aww glad you enjoyed them Jean! Sounds good with the maple syrup. I'll have to try that :)
Thank you kindly Betty!
I just finished AB. I am loosely following the January rotation. Every time. I do that workout I wonder why I don't do it more often. It is so awesome! It mKes me huff and puff like no other! When ever we use the discs on all fours, I crumble to my knees gasping for air! I LOVE IT!
DS is home. He was very good when he saw me give him the hairy eyeball when he saw his sister home! Such a good boy. Although I am doomed the next time he gets a sore throat!
I am going to call the chiro. My back is whacked. I can just be standing there and I feel this one spot spasm. It doesn't hurt as Much as It Is annoying.

Yay for AB! Hope your back gets better soon! Call that chiro.
Omg, it is SO arctic-like out. It's downright depressing:(.
We went out to dinner, which'll take me a week to work off:eek:. Pasta and bread.

Marie, I considered LICh for tomorrow but is it too soon after PRS?? I get all the moves confused in my head sometimes.
I just love the bonus part from PRS#1, don't you??? It's so fun! And will be more so once I get it down pat. I always think of step workouts as similar to dancing. I can follow our choreography, but have you ever tried to dance like those pop artists? I can't get my midsection to move like they do!
I love that you're doing a step rotation!:D

Jean, Carolyn's right. I think the rotation was very tough. On you, on me, on many of us, so don't sell yourself short. I bet you would be able to do the rotation workouts every other day no problem. They are very intense.
UY does have a ton of strength moves in the planks and such.

Carolyn, the Downton kitchen manager used the expression 'better get a wiggle on'! so it must have roots in merry ole England.;)
Sorry dd is feeling crappy! As long as it's not the flu.

Missy, great job on LL&A!
I'm channeling you since I got weighed today and I am heavier!!! I'll call it the fattening-up-for-winter gain.;)

I always forget to add the bonus in there but I should since PRS1 is my fav :)

In my opinion you can never do too much step ;) Love it! So much variety too. Add in Step Moves or Athletic Step on easier days. I totally agree they are like dancing. So much fun. I was a dancer when I was growing up and I really think that's why I enjoy step so much :) Ummm moves like the pop artists, yeah can't do those lol. I would look like I was having a seizure. Ballet was my go to back in the day ;)
Alright off to bed. Goal is to get up at 4:30 tomorrow to workout then to work. I ate pizza for dinner and unlike you Missy it was not homemade, although it was a thin crust margarita. But still feeling bloated. Tmi but it's ttotm. It came back for the first time after not having it since before I got pregnant with B. Between being pregnant and then breastfeeding it went away for a couple years. Let's just say I didn't miss it. Feeling extra bloated and gross having it back. Ugh! Oh well! Ok sorry tmi but I know you ladies understand ;)

Chat tomorrow!
Good friday morning!!! Up bight and early and on the treadmill! Lots to do at work today.....

Marie....I would not have missed menstral cycle that I'm on b/c mine in more under control....its actually managable.....unlike before.....but still the bloating always makes me ill!!

Its 30º this morning with a windchill in the upper teens.... not my kind of weather! Errr.... our forcast is freezing for the entire next week.....tomorrow is gonna be aweful..... looks like a good day to do a sewing project!!! Yeah!!!!

Okay....gotta run....check back in a bit!!!!

Have a lovely day!
Hi friends. I feel like I'm in winter purgatory. The relentless cold and my symptoms. Then this morning dh woke with a migraine and the sweats. I was so down thinking the worst. He woke just now from sleeping it off and maybe it was just a bad migraine. I hope that's all it is.
I finally caved at midnight and started my antibiotic. Maybe I shouldn't have spun yesterday, nor drank that coffee, but by evening I was feeling super bloated and slightly burning with the urge, and honestly, I couldn't take a flare-up one more time. I'm so aggravated! Especially when I read the possible side effects of the med and I have to take it for 7 days.

Marie, I hear you on ttotm returning. How depressing is that?? I certainly wouldn't miss it! When I was breastfeeding, it wasn't enough to stop ttotm.:(

Carolyn, nice job ushering dd out. She was probably bored at home.
Good luck with Ellie and the chiro. Hope you get some results.

Missy, awesome on the doms!
I sympathize with you on the weather. Being so far south and still getting some of the deep freeze.:confused: Not fair, is it?

So I just half-a$$ed LICh. I was clear-headed enough to do it, but I've decided I DO NOT LIKE this workout. There, I said it. After those frustrating step routines, then it was this other segment of floor and step drills. Argh.

Mary, I hope all's well with you and your family.
Hi Girls. It's sunny and freezing. Today I did UY Crosstrain , UY Hardcore and about 30 minutes of mediation. I have decided I am going to do UB weight lifting one day and the UY rotation the next. I did enjoy the yoga. So we will see how this works out. My arms are so tight from the weight lifting.

Carolyn I'm glad to hear the chiro helped your back. I'm sure you are glad your daughter is back in school and you can run the roads again.

Betty Take your meds so you can get rid of that awful UTI. I don't know how you can stand it. If you hate Lich so much , why not just put it away and forget about it. You have so many more that you do enjoy.

Marie Good for you for getting up early to work out. Sorry your totm is back. I never breast fed so I don't know about those things. ;) But Carolyn is on the right track about time for baby 2. You are such a good and loving Mother.

Well I am freezing so I need to get cleaned up and get warm. UY really makes you sweat.
Wow, Jean, that's a lot of UY. Good for you!!! You even did Meditation--awesome!
I didn't like Hardcore that much. So I only attempted it no more than once.
That sounds like a great rotation. If my shoulders weren't killing me I would do more UY.
Betty that is what the 1st day of the UY rotation calls for. I wasn't that thrilled with hardcore either but the exercises aren't too hard and he doesn't do that many reps. But I would rather look at his abs when I am doing sit-ups than Cathe's. :p He really is easy on the eyes. I will see how my shoulders feel after I do more of the w/o's.

My friend is home from having her knee replacement. I am cooking them so meals now that only need to be put in the oven. I will take them to her tomorrow.

I sure hope some of this snow melts this weekend. We are supposed to be above freezing for 3 days.

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