STS first time!

Marie, I noticed you switched to referring to B as ds! Welcome to the club!;):D
Thought of you when I stumbled through AS earlier.
I could never give up my half & half and sweetener in my coffee. That's why I only drink it occasionally. Looking forward to dh's fresh-brewed pot tomorrow.;)
Super job on CF!
Minus 16 is soooo depressing! But it's cozy to hear you'll all be inside all day.

Yeah I was feeling left out so I figure I'd join the club ;)

Nice job on AS! I'm determined to teach my mom step. She used to do it back in the day but Cathe step is way more complex. I took her count by count through the warm up and first two combos awhile back. She's awesome! I told her she will be an expert before she knows it. Oh Carolyn btw my mom is 60. I can only hope I'm in as good as shape as she is when I'm her age. I'm getting her very addicted to Cathe. She texts me every day with which workout she does. She loves X10 :)

I want more coffee...already drank a half pot. Just finish a Zone Perfect Fudge Graham protein bar. Thought it would cure my sugar craving but I'm already thinking energy balls ;)

A friend and her baby are coming over soon to play. B, I mean DS ;) is sleeping. Hopefully he doesn't sleep right through the playdate.

Ok it rambling about my boring day. Sorry!
Happy Friday Missy!!!
Woo hoo for the DOMS! Love me some DOMS!
Your weather is insane. I ams surprised I haven't heard my sister talk about it. Although she did say that she bought a down jacket!

Marie you are amazing if you actually got up at 4:30!! Nut job! When my kids were babies I slept as long as I could! That would be the day I got up early to workout!
You go girl!
Sorry your period is back. You know what that means! Time for baby number two! Wink wink!

Wink wink lol! Love it! Soon enough :) May 2015 when DH graduates we will start trying. I'm excited. DS just loves babies :)
So I just half-a$$ed LICh. I was clear-headed enough to do it, but I've decided I DO NOT LIKE this workout. There, I said it. After those frustrating step routines, then it was this other segment of floor and step drills. Argh.

No worries on not liking it as long as you don't quit doing step altogether ;) You're the only one who does it besides me!
Hi Girls. It's sunny and freezing. Today I did UY Crosstrain , UY Hardcore and about 30 minutes of mediation. I have decided I am going to do UB weight lifting one day and the UY rotation the next. I did enjoy the yoga. So we will see how this works out. My arms are so tight from the weight lifting.

Marie Good for you for getting up early to work out. Sorry your totm is back. I never breast fed so I don't know about those things. ;) But Carolyn is on the right track about time for baby 2. You are such a good and loving Mother.

Aww thanks Jean! You are so sweet! It is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Just love him beyond words!

Nice job on UY. I need to get back in that groove. I was doing that stretch at the end of CF today where you sit and twist your back. Umm yeah so twist. Not good! I always felt awesome after UY. I still haven't done all those workouts. So is there actually a meditation video that leads you through it or do you just do it on your own? I never looked I guess.
Betty that is what the 1st day of the UY rotation calls for. I wasn't that thrilled with hardcore either but the exercises aren't too hard and he doesn't do that many reps. But I would rather look at his abs when I am doing sit-ups than Cathe's. :p He really is easy on the eyes. I will see how my shoulders feel after I do more of the w/o's.

Easy on the eyes is right ;)

I was trying to remember what Hardcore was but now I do. I didn't really care for it either especially since I did it after I was all relaxed from yoga. Oh well!
Marie, you're so lucky you and mum are like-minded! She's so awesome!
You have a lot of company coming over.
Time to walk the dog. Neighbor's that is!;)
Perhaps they changed the formula recently? I stay away from either, but especially aspartame. (I don't even do whey. The one protein powder I tried was vegetarian, and maybe it was ColleenK and Jean who take it.) I don't understand why mfrs think they have to sweeten everything up! The sugar in yogurts is my pet peeve! Why didn't they just start out putting a slight amount of sweetener? Now people are addicted to this high lever of sugar. So diabolical!
I just watched clips of LL & CTX KB. Who are those women aside from Rhonda and Brenda??:D Cathe is so thorough, no matter how new or old her workouts are!
Great idea to have cherry juice with your protein powder. Sorry it's bland!
Fish frozen right when caught sounds the best.

Jean and Mary, I watched Downton.
Good evening. I went to Home Goods and Marshalls today and didn't see anything I couldn't live without.

What kind of fish did you buy? I always buy fresh caught as opposed to farm raised. Fresh caught is supposed to be healthier but it is more money.

Betty I will watch Downton tonight . You are so well rounded in your exercise. You do so many different things.

Marie I am ols enough to be your Mother. :D

I have a meditation video . It is pretty interesting.
Carolyn, don't touch the sweets!!!
Ketchup on fish?? Haven't heard that one!

Whaaaa, Jean?? You left those stores empty-handed?? Good for you!:cool: You just finished a move and know not to buy more clutter!

I'm stuffed!! Oink.
CF sounds good. I haven't done that in a while. Does it have only light weights? I'll have to do it one of these days, depending when I feel like it. Marie just did it yesterday.
Never ketchup on any of those items you mention, only tartar sauce!
I'm not sure exactly what in AB kills me but I always feel shredded for days afterwards. Definitely the Dixie cups give awesome glute doms but idk where the knee pain comes from.
I will keep with my plan of LL&A. Not too sweaty:p
It is absolutely freezing with that stinking gusty wind.:mad: At least it's sunny.
Now who's blah blah blahing??
Waiting for oatmeal to cook. Just finished LL&A with Barre. Don't like the floor work (on GG either). Can't do that many reps.:confused:
Guess what I saw in the light of the sun today? Some triceps!:D I have triceps now!!!:cool: Wow, that GS one is great. It looks like a band from back to front. I don't yet see the tricep U Cathe describes.

What kind of shoes will you get?

Need to make a quick run to store later and continue vacuuming plus wash floors.

So flecking cold.:confused:
Hello....I was on the treadmill this morning...but I had to watch the weather as we have been issued a winter storm effect today at 12 till tomorrow at 12..... tonight into tomorrow morning they are predicting winter mix of rain and possible light snow flurries....yuck! Cold air go away!!! They are more worries about the ice than any snow....gonna be a yucky one....

Today I had to come in early so my cardio was cut in half! :confused: I will have to make up for it tonight with Cathe!

Yucky weather this year.... this month has been the coldest in 20 years.....and I am not a fan.... a friend of in an old farm house and there elec bill was $550 (his wife called elec company to see if there was a mistake....they said NO)...OMG....I would panic....ours was $200 (the higgest it has ever been, but at least I was warm)hehehe:D

I dont eat fish, so Im not sure about the ketchup on fish.... but I use to eat Hot Pockets (Peporoni) when I was a kid....and I would mix ketchup and mayo to dip it in....hahahaha....:eek:

Gotta back soon....its a mad house around here.....lots of sickness!
Hello all. Today is so cold and just kind of a lazy day. They are calling for a few more inches of snow tonight. I hope they are wrong.
Today I did Pure Strength ch, sh , tris. That's a pretty tough w/o. My triceps are so swollen. :p:cool:

Missy I heard about the wintry weather you are expecting. :( I hope you get around safely. Ice is the worst. Our fuel for heat is liquid propane and it is quite expensive. Last month our bill was $350. :eek: I hate to see what it is this month. I am hoping for the best.

Betty Isn't it exciting to see triceps? I love mine and I love to work that part. I wish the rest of me looked as good as my arms. :rolleyes:
I watched DA last night. Let me know when to discuss.

Carolyn I will watch The Following tonight. I did catch up on the beginning of last weeks show.
Good luck finding shoes. I can't wait to hear what you get.
If the roads are will be a cluster f*** around here in south GA....LOL

When I first moved to GA....everytime it rained these people....drove like slow started light raining and on the brakes they were....I was so use to driving in downpoors everyday living in south fl....hehehehe

Carolyn....all the nurses around here wear them....there not very pretty....but they say there comfy! Tim nught me new shoes for christmas and I love them,.... Brooks Ghost...they are so comfy!

Betty...I wish my arms would pop.... I am working hard at that! Congrats.... ;)

Im hungry....I am having a salad for lunch! Yum!!!

Be back!
Oh....I got these book in the mail yesterday.... Living Skinny in Fat Genes.... I started reading it last night.... sounds very interesting....I will let ya know when I finish.... My mom is obese, and all the women on my dads I thought it would be interesting....
No workout for me today. Can you believe DS slept til 9:45?! It was insane and I loved it. I told myself before I went to bed last night that I was going to sleep in til he did. I picked a good day for it. Of course I work up at 6 and then 8 but went right back to bed. I feel soooo rested. I haven't slept like that since I was pregnant. DH is off school again today because of the cold so we are having another pj day. Love my family!

Carolyn- I had to laugh at the ketchup and fish thing. DH puts ketchup on everything! Ick ick ick! I've never been a ketchup fan but we always have it in the house because of him. I told him your kids put it on fish and he said Mmm sounds good. Oh lovely haha!
I caved and had a brownie. Hey, it makes me happy. So there. I can live with it. It wasn't that big.
I could rationalize most anything! Ha.

Good for you for having a brownie Carolyn! I had ice cream last night and it was NOT the lower fat stuff. It was delicious!
Yay for the triceps Betty! I love seeing new muscles pop out! What a great feeling :) All that hard work of yours.

Missy- I feel ya on the heating bill. At least I was warm. Ours was the highest it's been. We keep our place at 72 :) Toasty warm!

Carolyn- I LOVE my Danskos. I have two pairs. One plain black and one crazy iridescent purple blue pair. They are my fun ones ;) They are so comfy and my back never hurts after 8h of work. are too funny!!! Well now I am addicted to energy balls....I have 2 every morning before I get on the treadmill. ...hehehehe.... I told Tim...they give me energy....that's why there called energy balls....hehehehe

I'm so ready for friday already....

Okay....back to work I go.....

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