STS first time!

Wow, Missy! The weather extremes are setting all kinds of records! I saw last night's weather map with a toasty 27 for Dallas! Insane.
Do you have natural gas in your area? Electric heat is soooo expensive!

Wow, Marie! 9:45 is heart-warming! Love it! Stay in together and be safe and warm.

Carolyn, my CA sis has a pair of Danskos. Somehow they work.
I only take ketchup on my fries, tots, and hash browns. Anyone put it on eggs? Ds1 does.
You mentioned collagen a little while back and it has piqued my interest. Coincidentally last week at Costco I rcvd a sample to try. Later I saw that same brand in Whole Foods, which made me more apt to try it. It's called youtheory. Does anyone take collagen or has heard of the brand? Would love to hear more about taking collagen.

No guilt, ladies, on your sweetie treaties.:p;)

Back to work..... in the south have electric....central heat and air..... my electric bill is not too bad....but thats because I have a newer house and its small....cant imagine having a huge house and having to heat and cool it! More like, I would not want to clean it! LOL

I am cold....just thinking about this b/s weather we are having....where is my sunshine????

Counting down till 5 oclock so I can go home and get my Cathe oN! ;)
Carolyn, I hear you on the b!itches and people!
You can post the question on OD, ok?

I waited until there was hardly any daylight before I started vacuuming. Can you stand it? Procrastinated......
I bought Klondike Bars!:eek: Will eat tomorrow. Tonight's a smoothie.
Ha, that's my motivation too!:rolleyes:
Hair too? I could use new growth that's not white hairs:confused:!:mad::mad:
Good morning my fit friends!!!

Just had my energy balls....and now on the treadmill!!! Whoooohoooo!!!

Have a lovely wednesday.... gotta work...but gonna make the best of it! LOL
Hi ho. Dark morning with the finest, finest powder coming down like confectioner's sugar. It will be just a dusting. Goes without saying it's cold.:confused:
I've been so tired the last two days. No doubt from cleaning and buzzing around.
Thinking of RK shortly.

Missy, how are the roads?
Just got to work....went outaide...the deck was frozen solid....slide halfway across covered in ice.....and now its raining ice.....brrrr....its raw outside!!!
Just finished Rockout Knockout with Bag. So much fun! Tried to put my all in it since it defines and tones and has cardio. Really, concentration on your moves adds so much more. I had trouble figuring out how to stand when doing the phantom bag, whether to mirror or face Cathe. My punching bag was my UTI.:D

Carolyn, do tell us what you eat for bkfast so we can live vicariously. I'll have 4 slices of your crispy (not fatty) bacon.:p;) Hey, I'm not ashamed. I'll eat wads of bacon if given the chance.:eek:

Missy, I watched the weather map last night of Georgia. It was chaos.

Plan on doing my whites today. Hair, that is.;)
Carolyn....where is your sister...Atlanta??? I saw Atlanta on the news today and some people just parked there cars and walked home....some spent the night on the rd and some it took up to 11 hours to get home....omg....i would have paniced!

Today our high is 34 and is so raw outside....hoping the roads are NOT yucky when I leave today.... the city prepared all the bridges and overpasses with sand the time I came through this motning....all the sand was washed away in the I drove over the bridges in the middle where there still was sand....our deck was a solid sheet of ice...tim almost busted his butt this morning....but luckily he didnt....brrr....this is so unusal for us....and I dont like it....:confused: are too get those whites taken care of! HEHEHE :p

I am hungry....what is for lunch? I want something warm.... I thinking a hot sub....hmmmm.....
Good Afternoon. Today we have 5 inches of fresh snow. Yuck. I hope it is gone by Monday. Today's w/o was UY Strength. That was a little difficult. I am really enjoying this yoga. I feel more relaxed during the day. I like this rotation that I am doing now. I am looking forward to mild weather so I can incorporate walking and bike rides everyday.

Betty I love Klondike bars. Which ones did you get? I like the crunchy ones.

Missy I am glad you made it to work safely. You should take a picture of you outside in your bikini with a pair of UGGs on. :rolleyes: Hopefully you will have a safe ride home.

Carolyn The Following is so bloody and violent this year. Those twins are like the creepiest. I do love the way they pose their victims. I'm glad they didn't hurt that little boy.
Hi friends. Ahhhhh, my hair feels younger now. Those whites burst forth like water through little holes in a dam.

Carolyn, that's one great workout. I've never done it much before this rotation, maybe once or twice every so often. I need to give it more air time.
I'm glad I don't watch The Following. It sounds sick and would fill me with dread. And I loathe sex crimes. Can't believe Law and Order SVU has been on for so long. So many sickos in society.
Whaaaa?? You only had an omelette?? You are too good! When I think of going out for bkfast, I want to gorge on eggs, bacon, hash, hash browns/tots, toast/french toast, etc. Oink. (That's because I don't get to go out to eat a lot.)
Banks nowadays have stupid people working for them! I had been going back and forth with an asst mgr at a local bank over the simplest issue yet she can't give me a straight answer!:mad: My MA sis is an exceptional retail banker. She's so great at what she does but is hobbled by horrible mgmt! She works late nightly and Saturdays and can never catch up. Quality of life? No. Not there.

Jean, there were so many Klondike bar options! I've really only had the plain vanilla inside with a thin layer of choc outside (which is yummy enough), so I picked the dark choc one. Full fat, anyone?:eek:

Missy, I can't believe the news images of GA. Your governor will remember to stagger the releases of school and business closings from now on!:D Those poor people stranded overnight on highways and such!

Hi Mary! Thinking of you!
Ok, I turned my food filter back on and I only had half the Klondike bar.:p Determined not to eat when ds2 gets home at 9 either. Only fruit. Iron willpower and iron lock on the mouth.

Carolyn, my new insurance is expensive in terms of co-pays and meeting deductibles! Dh says there's no difference but we had zero on both previously. Ouch, hitting you where it hurts--in the pocketbook!

Colleen, Carolyn's right. We do miss hearing from you. Hope all is well.
So much for lock on mouth. Ds offered me a qtr of the K bar since he didn't want to eat a whole one. I obliged.;)
At least I'm keeping it clamped otherwise. I could start munching and then not be able to stop!
Good morning..... its frozen here....and I have to go in a hour early again....errr.... I have my yearly gyn appointment excited...hehehehe...sounds good anyways!

Its 28º....brrrr!

On the treadmill....getting my early morning cardio in....well half of it today!

As for insurance.....everyone's insurance is going up....its insane....they pay less and less and charge us more and more....

Colleen....we do miss you! Hope everything is okay!!!!

Check in later....gotta get a move on as I have to leave in a half hour....errr!!!!
Betty....don't feel bad about the treats...I mean you have triceps (sexy).... we all indulge...I mean I did yesterday!
Good morning! Sunny and high 20s later. So sleepy.
I plan on doing UY Yin this afternoon.

Jean, I love that you're enjoying your rotation. What do you think of all the planks and chaturangas in UY? Really complements Cathe UB. Or tires you out. I haven't done a power yoga one in a while, ever since my forearm started up. Now that pain has moved upward to my bicep/shoulders.
Carolyn, so awesome you went to bed so early! Close to midnight for me again.:confused:
Kittery trading post? Have fun. Don't you hate how Maine has tax on everything? More than Taxachusetts even.
ITA on the blubber belly! Every day I look down and think what's causing it to stay so big/bloated?? I've been doing my cardio lately. Ah, must be the eating. Trying to clamp that down.
Hi Girls. I am really feeling yesterday's w/o. I think I am taking another rest today. So far I don't mind the planks and chaturangas. I just need to perfect my form and make my movements more fluid. I love watching the people in the dvd's doing the moves. I feel more calm during the day on yoga days. Kind of like a high.
Today is full sun and going up to 32. It was 5 degrees this morning. My dogs feet got so cold outside that they start limping. Then we rush them in the house. How do dogs survive that have to stay outside all the time?

You guys really should make some of Marie's energy balls. They are so good and they help with the sweet cravings. I usually have on in the afternoon and one before bed. I gave some to my friend and she even wanted the recipe. They are easy to make . Just pull one out of the fridge when you need a sweetie treatie. :p

Enjoy your w/o's . I really need to do some cleaning.

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