STS first time!

I don't watch Dr Oz because I would be inundated with his great advice. I can only handle so much from info overload.
Imagine pulling out impurities with Epsom salts. So appealing!
After watching his video I want to get collagen, B3, bearberry. You see what I mean? I'll be just popping pills all day long soon! Insane!

I'm sure I've done that step portion once or twice.
I bought chia seeds once at TJM too. Now I get a giant bag at Costco, where else?:D

The sun is finally out full-strength. It's supposed to be cloudy. Very uplifting.
Never mind--sun's gone.:confused:
I put a tbsp of chia, hemp, maca, goji, mulberries on my oatmeal. I also sprinkle black sesame seeds and cinnamon. Why do you think I feel like all I do is take supplements? I didn't even mention my sporadic vitamins. Haven't bought cranberry yet either.
Incidentally, chia cleans out your system, has protein, and well, I don't need to tell you.
Both chia and hemp seeds are naturally pest- and disease-resistant so I ask you, why do they need to come organic??
Dh thinks I've gone off the deep end and overboard with my health foods.:eek:
Hi girls!

Sorry I've been MIA. Work has been so busy. No time to check in during the day and then spending time with the family.

I've been keeping up with Leah workouts. I'm so glad to be doing her BBPS1 again. It's been 5 weeks and I'm already seeing great results and my knee has been feeling great.

The gym was good in theory but I haven't been keeping up with it on the weekends. The elliptical and treadmill is what seems to work for my knee.

I've recently started talking a vitamin b complex, vitamin d3 and omega 3 supplement. The b complex and d3 seem to be helping with my energy levels. I'm really suffering this winter with my energy. I do know what the omega 3 is doing yet but I'll continue taking it.
Colleen, we haven't heard from you in ages. Glad to hear all's well. And good girl for not letting your electronic devices get your attention during family time!
Leah has served you well!
My aunt has mentioned that B Complex is super overall for the daily stresses we're hit with. I haven't taken the plunge.
I had recently ordered a new bottle of Hydraplenish. I've not even finished the first bottle I've had for a while. That's how lax I am. Maybe collagen will be the new sub.
Enjoy your yabba dabba doo time, everyone!
Good evening.....well by the time noon got here....I was running on empty.....I brought pubs home for lunch as I felt awful.....I ate lunch and then hit the bed till 4..... I then got up and did nothing....watched Dr oz.....I just love Dr oz...... I always watch it when I have the day off!!!!

I am not so workout tonight as I have no energy.....trying to make it to at least 8..... then its gonna be lights out!

I did drink a glass of wine with dinner.....he he I'm exhausted and relaxed!

I am making energy balls as I type.....its all mixed and chilling....gotta shape them in 15 minutes!!!! glad to here from you! Enjoy your family.....and rest up..... I think the old weather pulls our energy out of us too!

I take omega 3 and multivitamin..... and I keep bio freeze on hand for my hamstring! Those are my supplements this month.....

After I shape my energy balls, its off to bath and then lights out! I too take a bath nightly!!!! Its my me time!
Guys, how marvelous you're enjoying a baaaath! Do tell about your inches lost! I absolutely could never fill a tub with so much water! It's too wasteful to me! Do you guys have to pay for water?
How neat you can play Scrabble with your mom. I used to play with my CA sis but we don't bother anymore. I saw the Scrabble game for your niece on clearance yesterday at TJM; could have been missing stuff.

Rest your weary self, Missy. Tomorrow's another day.
Omg....yes I'm still up???? Why you might ask.....well....Dr Oz.....and yes I will be getting epsom salts tomorrow....I will let you know how many inches I lose....he he he.... I just love Dr oz!!!

And no....Betty....I'm on a I don't pay! I fill up my tub evey night and enjoy it....its my relaxing time!!!! I read my fitness magazines or sometimes....I take a bath in the dark....its so peaceful.... to tomorrow!
Yeah I have to pay for water!
Dr Oz is so awesome how he presents such timely and interesting info!
Sleep well, dear pen pals!
Last time I did Athletic Step was Dec 2011!:eek: Today was possibly my last. The music was horrendously lacking and kills it for me!
Good morning and happy Saturday!!!! Up bright and early and on the treadmill!!!! Gotta bust out my cardio so I can go to town and get groceries and horse grain.....I ate my 2 energy balls....yum yum, and now i am busting a move!!!!

Later today I'm doing lean legs and abs!!!! Whoohooo....that's what I want.....

Check back in a bit......
Hi Girls. Today is sunny and mid 50's. It's a beautiful day . My husband went to his 1st day at work. He goes back Mon and Tues. They are just doing paperwork and stuff like that. He gets a 10% discount and quarterly profit sharing. So get to Lowes and start buying stuff. :p The dogs don't settle down when he is gone so I will either w/o later or no w/o today.
We have to pay for water but we have a well for the irrigation system. Taxes are lower here but utilities are higher.
Hello. Not much going on. Made my huge brunch consisting of french toast, bacon, scrambled eggs.
Where did the day go?

Sorry about your knee, Carolyn.
We have dark choc pomegranate, which I haven't really touched. Bought it for when my CA b-i-l was visiting.

Jean, that's great for dh! Profit-sharing is a thumbs up! Lowe's is close, though HD is closer.

We had sun and mid-40s at least. So nice to have it mild for a change.
Betty I didn't know you could get this season already. I guess that's because it has already shown over there. I know that lady in my neighborhood has this season but hers needs to be played on a special dvd player which I don't have . I know you will enjoy watching the whole thing now. Plus you get your closed captioning.

Carolyn maybe you could watch that Dr Oz segment again and see what the lady says the product should have in it.
Carolyn, here's my midnight post. What did you find on the Youtheory collagen brand? No likey?
Our Hydraplenish has 600 mg?? Interesting. Is Lipowheat equivalent to Hydraplenish? I have so many bottles of stuff, it is insane! I even feel wacko myself! Like you, I don't want to fill my body with junk! Please pass on what you've learned.:eek: Hope you had some luck finishing your order!
I think it's very true every time something airs on Dr Oz, it starts flying off the shelves!

Jean, pretty soon after the show starts airing in the US, the dvd set comes out. I don't like it enough to buy the set so I request it from the library. I thought I did it super early last year but still others had the idea earlier and got on queue faster.
We watched Lone Ranger tonight. It was very long, but entertaining.

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