STS first time!

Good morning my fit friends!!!! I'm up and on the treadmill.....gotta bust out some cardio before my trip to Walmart....yes...I must go to that aweful place....errrr....

Carolyn...I completely understand.... I always wear suppers too.... I could never leave the h ouse if I didnt....or I would have a massive leak....yuck! My monster is coming today or tomorrow....I can feel we will be bloated and misrable together!

Last night I did flex train and I can definatwly feel it today....not too sore to move just the perfect feeling.....

I am trying to figure out what rotation to start there a rotation with the newest dvds or com combined with low impact or xtrain???? I'm just loving these new dvds....I think if I continue with them my lower body will get back to where I want it..... I think it is helping my hamstring get stronger....

I will buy the epsom salts at walmart this m I will report back tonight!

Yesterday..... I put up my small greenhouse that I start my seeds in....tim and I planted a few plants....yeah....I know its very early....but I want my plants to be ready for mid march early april.... we planted a few different type of tomatos, cucumber, and squash......hehehehhe So excited!!!!

This weekends craft/fabric project is a wreath....I started working on it as soon as its complete I will post a picture.....its starting to look pretty!!!

Okay...time to speed up this cardio back!

Have a lovely sunday!
Today I did Yin Yoga. OMG that was hard. I know I will get better at it as I do it more. I have my Yoga high now. Travis says Yin is the fountain of youth. He said that healed his knee injury. Right now my right knee feels good. It has been hurting for 2 weeks. I hope this yoga fixes all of my ails.

Carolyn Enjoy fishing and skating. It sounds like a nice family day filled with friends.

Betty What is for brunch today?
Good morning! This morning I did CSS, it felt great! I think after this week I will repeat Meso 2, Cathe had some rotation using STS and then following with Meso 2 and then Gym Styles. I am really likeing my shoulders now but they are covered with sweaters so I need to keep going until spring/summer!

I already did my BJs run as well, everyone was stocking up with junk food for the super bowl. I can't even pretend to be interested! At least with the Patriots out of it I don't have to watch.

Betty I know you've mentioned it before but I can't find it - what coconut oil do you use?

Carolyn, blueberry muffins and coffee, I would be in heaven!
Good afternoon! Love all the posts!
I'm so jealous of your blueberry muffins, C! Can smell them from here.
I had the same stuff from yesterday's brunch for today. The bacon and french toast were leftovers but the scrambled eggs were fresh. Coffee was unsatisfying. I use a French press to do DD decaf but the flavor's just not there. Dh thinks it's because making just one cup doesn't work optimally. Once I finish the decaf, I won't buy any more. Tastes off somehow. Makes my head feel the slightest bit tight or something weird. I was waiting all week for dh's fresh pot of DD yesterday and he ran out of DD and mixed in some decaf french vanilla:confused:, a flavor I used to love but now I can smell how artificial it is. It was so disappointing.
You want to talk tmi? I can't tell you how many Supers I have used in my lifetime, ok? Tampons, too. I'm sure I've outbled the lot of you. Collectively.

Mary, that's so impressive with your shoulders! Soon the warm weather will be here and you can show them off! This UB rotation is doubling to keep you off your hamstring.
I buy a coconut oil from Costco. Have you checked to see if BJ's carries an equivalent? If not, I started out with one from Trader Joe's, a preferred one, actually, since it comes in a glass bottle, not plastic. But it is small by comparison. Might I also add that coco oil also helps diabetics?
I think about going to the market today but then the thought of fighting the Super Bowl crowds scares me off. Don't you hate that the game is on so late? It should be at 5 pm or something. When the game's on would be the perfect time for me to watch the Downton dvds. Except I don't have another tv. Maybe my computer.
My shoulder throbs at night in bed if I just lift it to stretch overhead. Perhaps the med ball/weight I used in Ab Circ made it worse. I have not been able to lay my shoulders flat on the floor or bed in either stretch or goal post positions. I have an itch on my back where my bra hooks right now and it hurts to try to reach it. Waaaaaaah!
Good dark morning, friends! It's early for me to post! Dh is at the airport, flying to CA. He gets to be in my desired destination till Friday! If I could up and move there I would feel I've died and gone to heaven. I love it there. And just hate the cold and humidity here. But I'm not deluded about the problems of a state the size of CA though.
I ended up watching the rest of the Downton season! Insane, I know. 4 episodes. I enjoyed it so much more this way, on dvd! Their set is just absolutely gorgeous! ALL of it! Will watch the special features later.
I will look into Ponds, Carolyn. Have you gals heard of EWG's skin deep database? Check your products in here: Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database | Environmental Working Group
After I ate my Klondike bar, I felt disgusted with myself. Why do I crave?? I ate it so late too.:confused: Your dessert sounded SO delish! Would have felt no guilt with that one!:D
I will pull out CSS with step soon.
Carolyn, you are so funny! I always wake up with an oil slick on my face. Just my lucky lot in life!:confused:
Dr Oz has probably mentioned retinol in another episode.:D
I have tried to watch Chopped and can't get into it. I do love Top Chef though.

Jean, high five on Yin. It can't be the first time you've done it?? I don't know how true what Travis says is but I'm all for it.
Hi Everyone. It is raining and cold today. It will be a mess letting the dogs out today. I got up early today so I could get my w/o in before my husband went to work. I did Pure Strength Ch , Sh , Tris. My arms are so full when I get done with that w/o. I have already done 2 loads of laundry and changed the sheets on the bed. You can get so much done when you are home alone. Maybe there will be a nap in my future. :D
Yesterday was our community chili cook off. There were 8 pots of chili. I didn't win but that is alright. The prize was a box of different hot sauces and a gift certificate to buy more. I would have just given that away. I didn't eat much "food" there but I had 4 desserts. :eek: Then one of the neighbors had a bunch of us over for super bowl. I was starving when I got there. She had these nice sandwiches on hard rolls. They were so good. Then I had 3 more desserts at her house. :eek: Oh well. It was a lot of fun yesterday and we met a lot of new neighbors.
I do not like decaf coffee. I only drink one cup a day and I want it to taste good. My sister drinks half decaf/half full caf and that stuff is nasty. Every time I go to her house I have that crap. I should just take my own.

Betty hope your husband has a safe trip to Calif. I hope he has good weather. One day when both of your boys are in college , you can go with him.
I can't believe you watched the rest of Downton. Are you saying there are only 4 more shows for this season? That's not enough.
That was the 1st time I did Yin. Even though I have had the set for awhile , I just started doing it 2 weeks ago. So I have hardly done any of them. I must say my knee does feel better since doing Yin.
Good Morning....I posted a long post this morning....but it didnt post.....:mad:

So lets try this again,..... yesterday i started my period too....and I had some massive leg cramps, so I took at nap around 2:30... then I got up at 4.... We had Tims parents over for dinner last night....I made a chicken pot pie, rolls, and a side salad. I am not a huge fan of pot I ate more salad....:) I then rested afterwards....

Tima nd I had to do barn chores and go get after stacking 20 50 pds bales of hay.... I was sweaty...yes it was 69 degrees outside and kinda warm...its a huge tease does this every year....and then....the cold comes right back even colder...errrr!!!!

I am at work now....and I wish it wasnt monday....I need another rest day! LOL BuT i feel like this every monday!

I am no help in the beaty department....

Jean...thanks for the rotation...I am starting that one tonight....yeah!!!!

Check back in a bit...

oh...btw...what supplements/vitamins do yall take? I take a multi vitamin and fish oil.... but I was wondering if I needed anything else? :D
Carolyn Do you have Drill Max or 30/30? Maybe she would like those. Have you thought about talking to your son's teacher and see if she is aware of anything going on in school? It is so hard being a child in todays world. I really feel bad for kids with all the bullying and sexual abuse. Not that that's what happening to your son. I just think it is a tougher time for children than when I was coming up.

Missy I only take a multi-vitamin. My Dr. said there is no real evidence that fish oil does anything for you and it is a waste of money. So I stopped taking that. It seems like there is so much medical info coming out that you can also take too much of something and do more harm than good. So I just take my multi and hope for the best.
Jean...I do feel that way about pills....thats why I dont take much...I was just wondering with all the weight lifting we do....I do not drink any milk...I eat cheese though....I want my bones to be stong.... I take the fish oil (omegas) for menstral helps with endometriosis.... I actually take the one a day gummy multi vitamin...hehehe...its like eating a piece of candy every morning....hehehehe :p
I just finished CSS plus Step. I didn't enjoy as much as you, Carolyn! Not at all. I had to modify all the pushups and burpees, and there were a TON! How on earth are you sore in the abs from this? Must be the stuff I modified! I have to stay away from pushups, and even weights. I used 3# today. Bad girl.
It has started to snow ever so slightly. Big storm on Wednesday too.
Carolyn, how many snow days are built into your school year? Ours has 5.
Get thee to the basement!

Missy, I have a multi, carotenoid, Hydraplenish, Cal-Mag, Spirulina, Vitamin A, garlic, zinc. I take none of these regularly! You should consider taking a calcium supplement for your bones. I'm surprised your doc doesn't tell you that. (I'm preaching yet I don't take it regularly myself.) I stopped buying fish oil because my hemp seeds have Omega 3s.

Incidentally, I used to be menstrually super-sensitive to caffeine and that's why I've always avoided it. I'm getting used to it now, here and there. Another weird thing for me.:confused:

I love the house to myself too!
Jean, that is correct about the episodes. The penultimate one will be just over an hour, and the last will be just over 1.5 hrs.
Your day yesterday (and today) sound wonderful!

Carolyn, that first YouTube exercise looks bad for the knees!:confused: And it bugs the crap out of me that the woman has her hair hanging over half her face like that! Hello, tie it up in a ponytail! It's not cute! (Oops, sorry if I insulted anyone who wears your hair like that!)
I haven't watched the news yet so I didn't hear about the Brandeis students. Sorry for your worry and glad your niece is safe.
Betty...would you believe I only go to my gyn....for my annual....I dont normally visit an internist....I mean...i do come in everyday....but I dont see them for health....only if I have a problem...which is pretty rare....(knock on wood) I try to treat myself... I also, try all the natural stuff....hehehehe:confused::eek::);)

I am bad!!! I know!:D
O.K. Betty . You are showing off your intellect and using BIG words I have never heard of before. :p Penultimate - Next to last. I had to google that to see what on earth you are talking about. :eek: You really should be a working woman. You are probably very smart and could contribute to some wonderful company in Boston. You even speak Italian. ;)
I saw my part-time Italy neighbor yesterday. Her niece is getting married in Tuscany in June. She said it is so hot there in June but she has to be there to help with the wedding. Don't you feel sorry for people with such problems. :confused: They don't have a lot of air conditioning in Italy. Just fans.

Carolyn that youtube video didn't look very fun. You friend can keep that.
Good afternoon....

Carolyn....CSS always gets my abs too....its the discs for sure!!! But ot is one of my favorite w/o.

It is 75º and overcast....headache weather....yuck! I always get headaches in overcast you????

I am counting down till 5.... I'm gonna go home and do my workout and then cook dinner...cause if I eat first I will never get back up off the couch.....hehehe I really tired today! Must be my monthly monster trying to kill me!

Why oh why do we have mondays....they are no fun!!!

But I got my daily dd fix.... unsweetened tea. ....oh yeah!!!
Aw, shucks, you gals are embarrassing me!:eek:;) Thanks for the compliments! I can write well but can't speak well. Chalk it up to not getting any language skills as a child. You know how they say to talk, narrate, chat to your child? Well, I never got any of that.
You guys are up there in intelligence in my book.:cool: And remember, there are all kinds of intelligence.
You cracked me up, Jean! And hold on to that thought--I want some company to appreciate all that I can offer in a lucrative part-time job. Nearby and plopped in my lap. One can only hope.....
I hear that Italy is scorching in the summer too! Yikes. Keep those insights of Italy from your friend coming. It is good for my overly-romantic view of it. Like I know that they don't have a/c. Electricity is so expensive there.

Missy, I think it must be the barometric pressure that gives you the headache.
I too only go to the gyn annually, and an internist only if I have problems.

Oh, and Carolyn, I have plenty of salty language too. The under-my-breath, no-one's-home kind.

I must be insane. I went out in the snow, which is coming down and sticking. Imagine a big storm on Wednesday. Dh won't be here to snowblow! I'll have to shovel!:eek: I've been going out less and less to help out these past couple of years! To the tune of not at all.:eek: Bad!
Ok, need to eat and then do the bills.

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