STS first time!

Jean, ColleenK told us about Hydraplenish--it contains the hyaluronic acid Travis was talking about in Yin Yoga, the fountain of youth.
I'm waiting for that movie. Not that keen on Cate Blanchett. And her sis is the woman (Sally Hawkins) who was cast (miscast, in my opinion) with RPJ in Persuasion.
I love antiques too, especially well-made furniture. I saw a program last week that said Camden, ME has a road lined with antique stores. Brimfield (MA I think) has the fair. I've never gone antique shopping but I would be in heaven!
I hated the Three Stooges. Is that blasphemy??
I'm so happy you like that tapas dish. Next time I need to soak longer, plus get a baguette.

Mary, it is indeed overwhelming the number of products there are. I used to think we are lucky we have so many choices, but now it's choice overload. I use the EWG Skin Deep database to find out how toxic my considered product is before I buy.
I agree that Sunday's Downton was exciting. Want to read more analyses on the show? Downton Abbey Season 4

I need to buy the oats for the energy balls. You guys are making me want to make them but I've been slacking on getting the supplies.

Carolyn, that was a healthy lunch and snack!
School cancelled yet? A bunch of NH places have already announced.
Thanks for the name. I'll look it up.
Is that Olay a moisturizer and serum duo?
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Ds and I had the best day today. We always have fun but today was extra cool ;) I did PRS1 this morning then we met some friends and their kids at the community center pool. He loved it!!! He is such a little swimmer. I have to get him back in lessons. When we got home he took a 2h 45m nap...longest nap ever for my usual hour napper. I did nothing except for sit on the couch eating my salad and then a couple energy balls, which I'm glad you're all enjoying btw, and watched Parenthood and Rachael Ray. Loved it :)

I did Afterburn yesterday and before that was CSS Sun, Sat, Fri and Thurs. It's such a great workout for before work. Speaking of which, work was amazing this weekend. I trained to the mom baby postpartum unit. I couldn't even believe I was getting paid for it. It was so fun teaching new moms about breastfeeding and such and giving those little babies baths. I want another baby :) It was so fun!!! I have to train two more shifts and then I can float there...hopefully alot ;)

Vitamins.....I'm so bad at taking mine lately. Usually I take calcium and a prenatal. I'm just about done pumping but will continue with that just cuz it's even better than a multi.

Well time to hang out with the family. Chat with ya soon. Have a great evening everyone :)
Hello there glad you enjoy work!!!! It sounds like you really had a nice day. I just love CSS always gets my abs.....

I just finished xtrain Bis and Tris.... I had never done that DVD.... can you believe that? Tomorrow is cardio leg blast!!!!

Now sitting in living room with Tim and the kiddos.... its almost bath time!!!! Yeah....its the little things I enjoy! Lol

Have a nice night!
Missy Your wreath is lovely. I would put that on my door. You are so crafty. I couldn't even make the bow. I can't believe you have never done xtrain bis and tris. I guess you weren't doing the xtrain rotation when it 1st came out.

Marie Your job sounds wonderful. I love the baby dept at the hospital. I am so sorry I didn't become a nurse. It sounds like you had such a nice day today. You seem to be totally happy. :D You're very lucky.

I guess I will buy some hydraplenish.

Are you guys getting any snow tonight?
Ha ha, are we getting any snow tonight?:D 8-12" Waiting on phone call from school!

Carolyn, we have the same trash pickup day. I just took out mine, which I never have to do when dh is here.

Marie, how enviable your work rotation is! Oh, newborns. I can smell and nuzzle their preciousness.
You did CSS all 4 days?? Ewwww.;)
B slept long! You should have napped too but you don't know starting out he'll be down for that long!

Missy, that's a gorgeous wreath! How long did that take? What did you put on it and how did you affix them?
I can't believe you hadn't done XT bis & tris before. But easily skipped if you pull out XT BurnSets often.
I'm thinking XT Legs on Friday. Found some shorts on clearance today (organic cotton, anyone?) that cuts across the fattest part of my thighs.

I had to pick ds up from his club tonight so I hit the market beforehand. You know, a snowstorm coming? The run for bread, eggs, and milk?? But it wasn't that bad. I didn't need any of that stuff but I managed to pick up the oats. And ds wanted green split peas (in crockpot this week for the ham we have).
My sweetie treatie was some white choc squares we rcvd at Christmas. I had salty at dinner so I craved sweet. Wild horses couldn't tear me away.:confused: Ugh.
Still waiting for our cancellation call!:confused: Even the weather guy says it looks like closings everywhere.
Carolyn, I don't know that song!:confused:

Missy, I just looked closely at your wreath. Are they tiny bows covering all over? If so, did you buy them like that? I don't care for country decor but do the bows come in different styles? I could see myself doing something like that. many moons ago I started a red bead wreath. I never finished it. It entailed pinning and gluing each bead. I didn't have enough beads or time. Prob need hundreds more. I never leave things undone. Hate that it's not done.
Good morning!!! Happy wednesday!!!!

Jean....when xtrain came out I was trying to heal my hamstring injury....I didn't fi llow the xtrain rotation.... I did very few of the I was in lots of pain... But...I do love lifting.... so I think I will definately enjoy this rotation.... which I do love because I like for my workouts to be planned...cause when I just choice I tend to do the same dvds over and over!

As for my is a 13 inch wreath. The bow I made out of burlap wired ribbon. I took 3 different fabric patterns....and cut (34) 1.5 inch stripes, then cut the stripes into 6 inch pieces (1.5x6). I then tied each strip on by one on the wire wreath, alternating takes the longest to cut your fabric. I started this project on saturday afternoon. So, your could actually choice whatever pattetns/colored you want. As for me, I'm very these plaids worked perfectly!

had my 2 energy balls and now hitting my cardio....hope everyone stays warm....our weather is crazy right now.... its warm and perdicting rain....cause a cold front is that's what the weather man says....but he normally is never right! Lol

Check back on a bit!
Carolyn...awesome on B& always was an awesome workout to hit those glute muscles! Rock out AB.... we all know its one of my favorites!!!:eek:

At work...its a very gloomy day....overcast and drizzling....yuck! Where my sunshine????;)

Where is everyone?
Hello friends! Didn't get the call until 6 am. Was downstairs looking outside at 6:15 am and noticed my car dome light was on. So I had to go shut it off! Good thing I saw it--what if my battery died? Dh's car is parked at the airport. Don't know how hybrids work but the battery level seemed all right when I started it.
Went back to sleep and woke up at 10! Just lit the fireplace and am oil pulling. Need to make prep my oatmeal now. Then some Cathe. Maybe step?
I loathe snow days for everything but the sleeping later.
Carolyn, I would have eaten both the French toast and blueberry muffin!
I prefer large cups too! Mine are 16 or so.

Missy, did you follow a pattern? I might try something like that! I wish I had known to ask for a pic of all your supplies before it became the lovely wreath.
Wish I had me some energy balls so I could sub that instead of my almond butter before I work out.:p Will make them today!

Missy, I can picture your wire wreath. Did you use a rotary cutter for you fabric? How much of each of fabric did you buy? A half yard or less? I need all your specific instructions!
I'll have a purpose!!!

Better start my workout!
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Betty....Here you go....

Panacea Products Box Wire Wreath Frame-12 in
Panacea Products Box Wire Wreath Frame-12 in at

I used a 2" Burlap Wired Ribbon
(3) differnt fabric patterns.... 1 yard each....3 yards total.

I did cut the fabric with a rotary cutter!

I cut all my stripes at once....3 different patterns.... I sat them in a row, the wire wreath has 4 I just kept in order, tied one after another (alternating patterns), so the wreath comes out perfectly! Does that make sence?
Just finished X53 (step, low impact, f-b circuit) and Core Max with Ball. Loved them both! X53 is like FT and such, and the ab work is just my pace, nice and slow, so you can really feel yourself working it.

Missy, did you end up needing that many yds of fabric? I only want enough to use. I have excess fabric from old projects.

I need to remember to ice my upper arm nightly. My inconsistency only hurts me:confused:.
Cooking my oatmeal now. Hurry up. It's past 1:00 and I haven't eaten.:confused:

Carolyn, how's the snow? We have about 8" or more so far, maybe? Hard to tell.
You said the Lipowheat is non-gmo and natural? Report back and tell us of your improvements. I need to finish the old Hydraplenish and one more new bottle.:confused: But next time I need to order stuff, I'll get it along with cranberry extract.
Betty.... I used over 3/4 yard of each yes 3 yards is needed! :)

What am I going to eat for dinner tonight? Tim wants tacos and I am not a big taco fan? Hmmmm.... what can I have?????? Something yummy and healthy!
It looks like a foot of snow for us right now too:eek:. Ds and I are waiting for the snow to end, so it will likely be nighttime when we go out. I especially want the sleet to be over first. Don't want to be soaked through while we're out there.

Missy, I have yet to look at your wreath link but I will.
Good Evening girls. Today I cleaned the half bath and vacuumed the house. I did my w/o late and got done at 4:30. Today was UY Detox.
We played 3 games of Canasta and I won one game. It was fun.

WOW. You guys got a lot of snow. I would be so sick of snow by now. We are getting a lot of rain. Tomorrow the sun is supposed to be out. Betty you are going to sleep good tonight after you shovel . Carolyn you probably burned more calories shoveling than doing Cathe.

Betty "Wild Horses" Is from 1971 Mick Jagger and The rolling Stones. It is like the best song ever. I realize you were probably only 7 then :p but if you heard it you would recognize it.

Carolyn I don't think $250 is that much for a rug. I am assuming it is like an 8 X 10?
Good evening!!!!

I got off a few minutes early today.... 4:30..... so I rushed home and busted out Cardio Leg Blast....I was absolutely dripping in shirt was drenched.... I just love when my workout makes me look like I got caught in a rain storm....makes me feel like my hour was successful!!!!

Dinner tonight, Tim had taco salad.... I had some rice and beets which a small piece of grilled chicken....yummy!!!!

My new batch of energy balls are chilling....must shape them in a few....I made them with white choc.... I will report back soon!!!!

Now resting my legs as they are fried!!!! Tomorrow is crossfire!!!! Whooohoooo!!!! I'm loving this rotation!!!!
OMG!!!!!!! OMG!!!!! OMG!!!!!

The white choc with NO coconut..... to die for.... this could be bad..... okay....portion control.... I can do this....

Hi friends, we had a very late lunch and realized after 4 that we should head out to do the snow before it gets dark. Ds' trial-by-fire snowblowing went very well after we had major difficulty starting it. We couldn't get it started, even though dh was on the phone instructing us. Turned out he was telling us one wrong thing. It took about 1.5 hrs, and that's with my neighbor coming over and offering to do the sidewalk-width part of the driveway. We were fortunate that it wasn't too cold like in all past storms. And I measured 8.5" with a ruler. By the time we finished it was dinner time. Needless to say, I didn't get to the energy balls!:( Where did my day go???

Missy, if I put in white choc chips, I might never stop eating them.:eek:
Fab job getting CLB in!

Jean, Detox sounds great. I need to look at my notes but were there a lot of planks and such? My shoulders can't take them.
Today I was looking at YogaWarrior365. Talk about having a wandering eye.;):confused::eek: I can't find any site that shows clips of this. It's a very new program from the same company as UY, Udaya.
How did you know I was 7???:p The song is not coming to me. It's blasphemous of me to say it but I don't care for the Stones, the Beatles, loathe 60s hippie music. But give me the Bee Gees and I'm in heaven!:D Disco! Yeah!

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