STS first time!

Hi girls.
Quick check in.
It's been crazy. We got 8 inches of snow on Monday and ice Strom yesterday. Kids only went to school on Tuesday. We've been without power since yesterday morning. Eta for our power is 11pm tomorrow night.

Hope everyone is OK.
GG this morning and boy did it kill! DOMS tomorrow for sure! I don't remember it being that hard. Maybe I'm just more out of shape than I was last time I did it. Anyways, CF yesterday. Supercuts tomorrow am before work.

Missy- Good call on the white chocolate chips. I should have read that before I went to the store to get my dark chocolate chips for them. Ok and sorry but I must agree with Jean....beets and rice...ewww ;)

I watched the very first episode of BL but never watched anymore til DH and I caught the finale. Rachel, the winner, looked terrible! I'm glad you ladies agree. She weighed in at 105. The sad part is she used to be a competitive swimmer so she could have had a rocking muscular body. Hopefully she puts on some weight. Jillian and Bob's reactions were priceless when she walked out. They were like OMG what happened to her?! They did not look impressed.

Alright off to bed. Chat tomorrow.
Good Friday morning!!! Can you say DOMS???? OH YEAH....My lower body is screaming at me!!! Tonight I am subbing party rocking step for CSS.... that's the only dvd in this rotation I don't have... I sold ot on ebay as I'm not a step gal! I like step....but don't have time to master I say No!!!

Colleen....hello! I've missed you....I hate you haven't had any power.....when I lived in florida we had a cat 5 hurrican come through and we didn't have power for 7 was terrible....hope you stay warm!!!

Okay....the last batch of energy balls..... I use honey, wheat germ, old fashioned oats, white choc chips, whipped peanut butter.... and they stay together perfectly....I think that's all....I'm on I am relying on for adding the chips for additional sugar....if this is your only is keeps my sugar cravings in check by having 2 energy balls every morning!

Brrrr....its so cold this morning!!! And I'm ready for 5 oclock and I haven't even made it to work yet!!! Hahahaha....its gonna be a long day!:-(

Time to pick up the pace.....all watmed up! Check back soon.....have a lovely friday!
I almost for the boggest loser....I didn't get into this season....but I saw the winner and thought she looked really sends the wrong message....and nbc should have disqualified her for being so underweight....this sends the wrong message to people watching the show and trying to learn how to lose the weight the right way and what they should look like in there end journey! They need rules....that they must be within normal/healthy bmi range..... just my 2 sence though....
Good morning! So tired.
Haven't decided what to exercise with yet. Legs again?? Or step. Have I even done step this week??

Colleen, I hope you guys are all right without power. It is SO inconvenient. Stay warm and safe. What a mess an ice storm is! So much damage. Hang in there. So done with winter.

Yup, the Big L winner looks ridiculously sickly! Missy, I agree that there should be some sort of guidelines. She's definitely sending the wrong message. I could see once the show got going that she is way too competitive and would go all out to win. (I don't get within 100 miles of people like that.)
My problem is that I don't get the sugar cravings till evening. I wonder how many calories are in each ball. Mine are probably closer to 2".

Carolyn, I too despise perfume or scent in anything! Plus, it's just more chemicals the mfrs add on.
I used a cookie dough scoop too, then when I release them is when it cracks open. I think chia soaks up any liquid.
Do you know I am STILL laughing out loud on your joke?????:D:D
I don't think I would like a pumpkin one, on second thought. But I will be making a pumpkin cranberry loaf this weekend, just to use up both ingredients I've had for a bit. What's a good sub for pumpkin spice? Simply cinnamon and nutmeg?

Marie, don't feel bad about the dark choc chips! They are great for you. You can use white next time.
You are so good with your workouts so early in the morning!!!
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Hello. I felt domsy in my LB as soon as I started XT Legs. Can you say burn?? Hadn't done that one in a while and I loved it, even the dreaded floorwork. I did the whole shebang with chair barre. I will say this. From my focus on LB this past year, my calf area is, shall we say, tighter and firmer? Wish I could thin it out by a third.:confused: Now I need the same for the thigh area:confused:
I ate one ball before my workout. My balls are big.;) I can't believe how serendipitous it is that I actually have choc-covered cacao nibs; the recipe called for either chips or nibs and this is a perfect symbiosis.
I'm going to eat my oatmeal, prep a chicken pot pie for the oven later, shower, then take public transportation to ds1's dean's list reception!
Dh is just about to take off from SF. I always get emotional during takeoffs and landings. I was on the phone with him and heard the whole announcement inside the plane. Wish I were going westward. Permanently.:eek:
Thinking of a rotation like this: Monday is step, Tue & Fri is legs, Wed is metabolic workouts, Thu is UY. We'll see how that pans out. Wait. Where would I fit in kickbox?:p
Hi girls. Nope no generator. Staying with family. I want to be back home. Power is still out. They are saying it will be back on by 11pm tonight. I sure hope so.
So it has been years since Tim and I have been able to meet for lunch during the week since we work in seperate today he had the day off and he meet me in town for lunch!!! We went to applebees and had a salad! :D

Tonight we are making homemade pizza after my Cathe workout (CSS) of course!!!! :p
Good Afternoon. It is 40 degrees and sunny today. I did UY Vitality. I enjoyed that one. I really like Travis and the way he has you do the moves and hold them , then do them fluidly.

Betty What yoga did you do yesterday? I don't recall you saying.

Colleen I'm sorry you have no power. Been there , done there too many times. We broke down and got a Champion 3500 watt generator. We have used it once for 2 days and wouldn't be without one. Well worth the money.

Missy Thanks for the foam roller info. It sounds like you are enjoying your rotation. I have always put Maple syrup in my balls but I need to try honey. I wonder which is healthier. They really satisfy my sweet cravings.

Betty congrats on the firm calves. It is so nice when you can see your hard work paying off. Stop using those BIG words. :p You must be so proud of your son for making the Deans list. :D I can't even imagine. :( Enjoy the reception. I hope your husband has a safe trip home.

My husband works 4pm to 8 pm today. He will be training in the paint dept. today. We will be eating dinner at 3 pm. He had to do cashier the other day and he hated that. Hopefully he won't have to do that too often.
Carolyn your new top sounds really cute. I love anything with stripes on it. I bet you have a closet full of clothes. I hope the family likes it.
Hello. Ds1's reception had crudites, sliced fruit, cookies (delicious almond macaroons). I hope he keeps his grades up so he can get a great job after college.

Jean, you crack me up! Honey is one of the top ten superfoods, and maple syrup is all-natural. So you can't go wrong with either. (That's what I like about the energy balls recipe--everything is super-healthy.) Some lady in PBS last year said agave goes straight to your liver or something because of some high fructose content or something. I can't remember! But once I heard her say that, I stopped using it! I only use maple syrup to sweeten my coffee. I have raw honey around too. (I hope none of you guys use Aunt Jemima or any of those so-called syrups made from corn syrup, high fructose or otherwise. I'm disgusted when I see people buy that! The market is saturated with such artificial products that people unknowingly buy! I hope I didn't stick my foot in my mouth again.)
I did Flexibility yesterday.
I wouldn't like working the cash register either. People are so rude and demanding nowadays.

Missy, how nice you and Tim had lunch together. We don't do that enough!

Carolyn, cacao nibs are another top ten superfood. Let's just say they taste shellish, no trace of any cocoa flavor that I can detect. I've sprinkled raw ones over my oatmeal in the past. These latest I bought last week are roasted and they taste better (not to be confused with my choc-covered ones which also came in the same box).
I hope you and your family like your top. You were drawn to it after all. I bought a striped purple and gray cardigan sweater last year and feel weird wearing it. But I do wear it.

In case y'all are wondering, superfoods are all-natural, have a dozen or more unique properties, are both food and medicine, nourish at the deepest level possible, are the most enzyme-rich foods in nature:
goji berries, cacao, maca, bee products, spirulina, AFA blue-green algae, marine phytoplankton, aloe vera, hempseed, and coconut products.
Now take this info and make some healthy decisions with them!
Hi Everyone. It is cold and gloomy today. No w/o today because my husband is working and the dogs just won't let me get in an undisturbed w/o. Maybe tonight. NOT.

Betty You seem more excited about the refreshments at the reception than about your son making the Deans list. :p:rolleyes::eek::D Hopefully there will be some good jobs for him in the field he wants to be in. I have never thought about using maple syrup in my coffee. I have tried honey and that was alright. I will try maple and let you know how it was. :rolleyes: I do use pancake syrup on my pancakes/waffles. I don't eat them that often so I don't feel bad about it. I haven't done Flexibility yet. It is day 39 on the rotation so it will be more like day 78 for me. :p Your knowledge astounds me.

Carolyn Don't feel too bad about not getting up with your husband. Sometimes you just need to sleep and I am sure he understood.
Hello ladies,

This morning started Meso 2 again. My weights were a little higher than the last time and I had a tough time with shoulders and tris after all the chest work. It felt great to do weights again.

Oldest dd has a gym membership while she is not doing any sports, so we added younger dd this morning as well. Exercise is supposed to help control blood sugar levels, I just hope it makes her feel better. Now if only I could get dh to do something!

Betty, congrats to ds on making the dean's list! Is dh back from his trip?

I found out a woman at work is diabetic so I went to talk to her. She is in her mid-fifties and was diagnosed 3 years ago. She said it is an awful thing to go through and has lots of ups and downs. Turns out her sister was diagnosed at a young age, as well as her husband, so she is very familiar with the disease. I almost wished I had not talked to her :(

Jean, I laugh when I picture you being corralled by your dogs!

Carolyn I stopped at Marshalls on my way home last night but no wrist wraps. I will keep any eye out for them.

Have a great weekend all!
Hi friends. I made crepes this morning for brunch. Speaking of sugar overload, I had too much with my meal. (Dh came home yesterday aft and landed when ds' event started but had to drop off a colleague in our town so he didn't make it.) Dh opened a new DD dk roast and I had a small cup. I'm feeling it.:confused: Remember how I USED to be menstrually affected by caffeine? Well, it flecking happened today!:mad:

Mary, that's great if younger dd makes exercise a routine. I know she's no couch potato but school sports come in spurts.
I'm guessing your coworker gave you TMI about the disease? Don't worry, you'll balance what you've learned with dd's situation. Sometimes ignorance is bliss but I'd much rather have all the info, regardless. I understand that coworker and her sister are related and would have it, but what about her husband? Is it from weight?
Congrats on using heavier weights! You're gaining strength!

Jean, I recall that your gorgeous exercise room has French doors. Can't you lock the dogs out so you can exercise?

Carolyn, how awesome that you get your own fresh local honey! That's the absolute best!
Dh loves your balls?! That's awesome again! I'm certain no one in my household would eat them. I love the fiber in the oats and wheat bran!
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Hi again girls. It is so cold. I have been under the blanket most of the day. We keep the heat at 69 during the day and 62 at night. The propane is so expensive here.

Mary That is great you have increased your weights. I am hoping the gym membership will help your daughters levels. I think so many things in life are dependent on nutrition and exercise. I hope you can get her stabilized soon. Speaking of your co worker with TMI , when my sisters husband had cancer , they didn't want to know anything. I don't think she did any real research about his condition. She thought he was healthier than he was. I think she was totally in denial and when the end came , she wasn't prepared. She even said she wished she had asked more questions and knew more. So sometimes TMI is better . You sound like a responsible Mom and I know you are doing everything in your power for your daughter. Just hang in there , keep doing what you're doing and she will be o.k..

Betty I do have doors to keep the dogs out. The problem is they start barking at everything and acting like 2 year olds. I guess I could put the puppy in his crate and see how that works. He is 8 mos old now and he is a brat. Just like a baby , everything goes in his mouth.
I bet your family would like the balls. You should offer some up for dessert or t.v. snack.
I see where Travis and his wife do retreats in Calif. You should plan one with your sister.

I am making spaghetti squash for dinner. Yal should try it.
Good Morning. It is cold and gloomy again. We are supposed to get a dusting of snow this evening. I am still in my pj's and robe. I am so sleepy lately. I think I will lay on the couch today under the blanket again. That's about it for now.

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