STS first time!

Missy I am watching Unique Sweets" and they are doing "Sublime Donuts" in Atlanta. If you haven't been there , it looks worthy of a road trip. OMG. These donuts look out of this world. :D
Hi friends,
Having a ball right now.:D Dh is about to try one!
After brunch I prepped all my ingredients to make split pea with ham. God, if you could just smell it right now! It is divine!
Then I had to practice.

Jean, I watched that. I like Kristen Wiig. That boytoy is from Glee. He sure can sing!
Don't feel bad for taking it easy. You're retired! That's why you eat right and exercise in your youth so that in your golden years you can relax and do nothing and there's no guilt. I wear my robe over my clothes when home for that extra layer of warmth.

Carolyn, I always take my pills with food in my stomach. I did hear Dr. Oz say that too. I don't know why the collagen can withstand being on its own. Speaking of which, I've not taken anything yet today.
I tennis-ball-rolled my arms last night. Must do it again. I think it helped a little.
Do you ever worry about the ice not being frozen through??:confused: I'd be a basket case. Snow-shoeing sounds so fun. If I were an outdoorsy person, I might try it. If I buy the shoes, I might just wear it once or twice.
Starting prep on a pumpkin-cranberry double bread loaf, to use up those two ingredients. Otherwise, I'd just sit on my duff. I feel industrious!:p;)

Dh just says my ball is all right. He'd never say he loves something.
My loaves are in the oven but would you believe the recipe only calls for 2 cups of cranberries and I still have more left over?? It smells great! I hope it tastes good. It calls for 3 cups of sugar and I opened a new bag of coconut sugar. After I poured it all in I looked at the back of the bag--it says contains coconut?? Omg, if we taste pieces of coconut somehow, it will not go over well!:confused: I made this for dh to have with his coffee!

Omg, Carolyn, that guy shouldn't be coaching! He is conveying the wrong message!:mad: Teaching the kids the wrong way! Un-believable! Ds would have won the game for them! What a colossal a**ho!e!
Don't feel bad taking weekends off exercise. Then your family can see that exercise isn't all you're about!
Do you go farther north to find a pond/lake with 13" of ice?? That's thick!!!
How exciting you can look forward to sis coming soon! For me it's once a year, if that.
I ate like a sow yesterday. Today, I feel more under control. Waiting for ds to come home from a playdate. Dinner's late for us.
I bet I could walk over all the snow in my neighborhood right now with snowshoes. Would I need anything else besides the snowshoes themselves?
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Aaargh!!!! The stupid recipe says 70-80 minutes so I set it for 70. If I had just read the first comment below, I would have seen that the reviewer said to do it for 60-65 minutes!!!! So aggravating! Every time I make a banana bread this happens too! I overbake it!:mad::mad::mad:
Mmmmm that recipe looks good Betty! Speaking of yummy, I just ate 3 energy balls. Ugh I couldn't stop. I think I need to quit eating so much sugar. I eat Chobani almost everyday. The fruit flavored ones have about 20g of sugar. Eek! I should switch to plain and add cinnamon. I did give up coffee creamer. I can hardly believe it! Coffee I will never give up ;) If anyone has ways to deal with sugar cravings let me know.

Loving the Olympics! Snowboarding and figure skating is my favorite.

I did LL&A this morning and went on 2-20m walks during my breaks. Tomorrow I'm thinking Rhythmic Step :)

Oh forgot to tell you all....the other day DH and I made a pizza crust with cauliflower and egg. It stuck to the pan and wasn't as crispy as we were hoping so we are still perfecting it but it was good!

Alright time for ore Olympics then bed :)
Good morning my fit friends!!! I was swamped this weekend....well most of it. I DI'd my workots and am feeling much stronger now that I'm back to lifting heavier weights!!! Yeah!!!!

I always wanted to watch the show Bates Motel....but I don't have satalite I didn't get to last year....but the entire series is on yes....I have watched episode 1-8 out of 10 episodes this weekend....hehehehe...2 to go..... I true s so good!!!! Omg, I'm addicted! I will watch the last 2 episodes tonight....hehehe

Tonights workout is xtrain low impact hiit!!!!

I will try and catch up I'm on the treadmill right now! Check back in a bit! Have a nice monday!
Good morning! Having my ball. Will probably do step today. And abs.
I was thinking of going to buy up the two choco-covered cacao nibs tins that I saw sold separately at TJM but I wonder if that's a good idea because I'm adding extra sugar that I don't need??:eek::rolleyes::confused:

Missy, we are almost all caught up on 5 seasons of Breaking Bad via Netflix. You might like that. You can say it's addictive. (Season 6 is out on dvd only.)

Jean, I picked up The Paradise. I will start watching possibly today. What an odd name for that show though.

Carolyn, it's fab that you don't have to get all this extra equipment to go with the snowshoes because that would be a deal-breaker for me. I already have snow boots and snow pants (which I've never worn) so I just need to find a killer deal on snowshoes. And by then winter will be over.:rolleyes:
Please take a nap. You make me feel nauseous hearing how little sleep you got.
My bread didn't taste too pumpkiny, which is a good thing. Dh and I don't love pumpkin.
Carolyn, the only reason I noticed the tin is that my clearance Taza chocolate gift box had one in it (and a tiny bag of plain roasted ones). When I went to the food aisle I happened to spot the duplicate (it was marked 7.99). It was two weeks ago so I doubt I'll find any more.
I also highly doubt I'll find snowshoes. If there are any, it would be size 15 or something!
You really should get some sleep. You'll be refreshed after and be motivated to work out. Put on your exercise clothes before your nap.:eek:
Must. Go. Exercise.
Carolyn, I would speak to that coach about what he said to ds. That is completely unacceptable and goes against everything a coach should do, especially at his age. My kids are older than yours and have played competitive sports for a while, they tend to figure out where they are in relation to other team members, and don't need anything spelled out for them. I really can't believe he said that. But get some sleep first, you will feel better, and you probably don't want to be in a rage when you talk to him :cool:

I have been toying with the idea of snow shoes this winter but they seem so expensive and I don't know what to look for. I have never seen them in a discount store either.

I did legs and glutes this morning. I still have doms from sts on Sat, esp. triceps!
I did Rhythmic Step this morning! I just love that one :) Betty- do you have that one? Happy to hear you're doing step today. And abs. I should work mine more. Going to FL in 4 weeks and the scale is not budging....frustrating! DS is eating a second breakfast. The kid just chows lately. I had my eegs and cheese and am enjoying some coffee. Storytime at the library later.

Missy- Nice job on the treadmill this morning! Nothing like getting in a morning workout. Helps me get through the rest of the day.

Carolyn- Bummer about last night. Nap for sure today. Hate not getting a good nights rest. Feel better!

Mary- Nice job on LandG :) Got to love those DOMS. My are talking from LL&A yesterday.
Good Morning. It is 29 degrees and cloudy today.
Today I did High Reps upper body. I think I will get cleaned up and go to the grocery store. I haven't been out since Friday.
Yesterday I also watched "Guess who's coming to Dinner". I have never seen that before. It was pretty good.
I watched Downton last night. It is going to start getting good now. Mary even had some fun.

Carolyn I feel exactly the way as everyone else with the coaches remark. I hope your son is doing o.k. after that. You really should talk to the couch. That is not good for a persons self esteem.

Missy I'm so glad you are on board with Bates Motel. The new season starts in March but I don't know when.
Marie, I do have RS. Can you say aggravation??:mad: I get so frustrated when I do that one! To quote Jean, I had such a rare high doing Greatest Hits today! It's the elation of giving it your all because the music is so fun and you know the routines! I opted not to do the premix with AS :)mad:) but rather with DM; it was 7 mins shorter! I tacked on Core Max with Med Ball. Love how controlled those routines are.
B has another growth spurt! Don't you love how at every pedi appt the doc measures and weighs and you can see how much he's grown?

Mary, how is your hamstring? L&G has the traditional moves that I dread, as does GS Legs, but I should do them more.
Ooh, those tris must be rippling!:cool:

Carolyn, you're a glutton for punishment. You better give in to 40 winks when you get super drowsy from lunch!:rolleyes:

Jean, we've got sun today, gratefully.
Don't feel bad that you've not gone out for days. I think I'd be able to subsist in that gorgeous house (and community) of yours for days too just loving being in it.

Missy, yay for lifting! Burns calories while you sleep!;)
Ugh can't stop eating today! Oranges after my eggs. A taco salad with lettuce, red pepper, pico, cheese and ground turkey. A handful of chocolate chips and pecans after that. Just ate two energy balls. Good thing that was the last two or I'd still be eating them. Thinking of making another batch. Long boring day makes me want to eat. Wish it was summer. We'd walk to the park. Too lazy to bundle b up to go anywhere. Ok I'll stop talking to myself now ;)
Omg Carolyn speaking of missing posts. I had to page back to see what the coach said. What an a$$!!!! Seriously I would have freaked!!!! That's horrible! I'll never forget the time when DH's mom freaked on a wrestling ref. We were at DH's brothers wrestling match, this was like 12 years ago, and the ref made a bad call. His mom actually went down to the wrestling mat and swung her purse at the ref and started yelling at him. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, especially considering it was one of the first times I had hung out with his family. We all joke about it now. Now that I'm actually a mom I can see where her anger came from. Not that I'd go that far myself. But you would do anything to defend your kids. I'm glad your DH is going to talk to the coach. What he said was totally uncalled for.
Betty- That's exactly why I love step! Dancing around getting all the steps right. I always have a big ol smile on my face and a natural high when I'm done with those workouts.

I do love the doctors appointments for that exact reason. I always wait to hear the percentages. He has been averaging the 10th percentile but at this last appointment his height with was in the 40th and his weight the 28th. He's a growing boy :)
Feeling just like you Marie--can't stop eating. My stomach feels all puffy yet here I stuff more in.:confused: Oink.

Carolyn, I'm shocked at the cost of that tin! I wasn't even going to list the price in my post initially. Would you have bought it for 12.99? Not me.:p
Your pillows score--that's the excitement of the search and the discovery! How fun!
Oh, your willpower with the Merrell dress! You can wear it when you have friends and family on the boat??

My arms were throbbing overnight whenever I lifted them overhead and stretched a little. Icing tonight. Good lord, between my forearm and now my biceps area, I've never had injury pain before this!
I was so sleepy this afternoon. zzzzzz.....
Love how the days are getting a minute longer every so often!

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