STS first time!

Just checking in quick to say hi and let you know I did at Athletic Training this morning. Hope everyone's having a great day. Hope to check in later :)
Thanks Betty. That looks good. I will make it next week.

Carolyn what is a "twit" shirt? The Wire Haired Fox Terrier won the Westminster Dog Show. Don't you have a smooth haired?
Carolyn, looks like 9-12" in your path tomorrow. Jean and Colleen, how many inches of snow for you gals?
I've been grazing all day...nothing bad...just small snacks to keep that metabolism going. I have got to get that scale to go down. Florida is right around the corner. I would feel fine in a swimsuit right now but I'd like to feel great especially considering I was at my "great" weight before the holidays. Maybe I should be working out twice a day or something. Ugh! Ok I'll stop talking already lol.

Women's halfpipe is on. Did anyone see men's last night?! I felt so bad for Shaun White. He got the most air and had the biggest tricks but those two little mistakes didn't allow him to place. I was bummed!

Carolyn- Good job on your eating. That's hard to to have any bars. I think I'm addicted ;) Thanks for posting that recipe. I saved it and will definitely be trying it.

Betty- Mmmm your lasagna sounds good and healthy too!

Colleen- Happy belated Birthday! Your cake sounded delish!!!

Missy- I envy you and your morning treadmill workouts. I hope to have one one day :)

Hi to everyone else! DS is wanting my attention.
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My lasagna was ok and nothing to write home about since I'm a beginner when it comes to making them. My sauce was a bit tart. Does anyone add a little sugar to temper it? I usually do in spaghetti.

Marie, if only I can stop having that serving of PopCorners chips every afternoon!:confused: Oink. If there were a cupcake in the house right now, I'd be eating it! Chomp chomp.;)
I haven't been totally vested in the Olympics, I'm :eek: to say. They haven't been holding my attention because they spread out the events, as usual. So I end up missing them. I haven't caught much figure skating at all.
I do recall liking Athletic Training.
I've been thinking about selling my disliked Cathe workouts on eBay, but I've never sold anything before. I even consider selling STS.:eek:
Better go ice or roll my arm.
Good morning! About to put in UY of some sort. Glad that I don't have to go out for my usual Costco and etc run. It is snowing the lightest flakes and so far there is a thin coating of snow. We will possibly get it all, sleet, rain, back to snow.

Carolyn, do you take two Hydraplenish a day?
What a bummer ds dropped his iPod in the toilet! That's the inevitability of those devices! And they are so darn expensive! Like the phones. Of which I very badly want one. I've only got a dumbphone right now. I want to hold off for the rumored larger screen but it's SO far away!
I can't believe you couldn't fall back asleep.
Good morning!
They called at 6am to cancel school, that seems late. The HS buses are so early, alot of people must have been up already. Just light snow right now, hard to tell how much we will get.

I did step from 4ds this morning, felt like moving around a bit and the music is fun in that one. We had open house at the school last night so I got home late and was tired this am.

Sorry to tell you Carolyn, my dd dropped her phone in water and we tried the rice thing, it did not work. I hope you have better luck. I agree Betty, these electronics are so expensive and do not last.

Colleen, happy belated birthday! That cake looked delicious!

Missy, enjoy your long weekend with Tim.

Jean, good luck with your weather. Sounds like a movie day.
I had no idea there's more than one cable channel showing Olympics! Are you watching in real time, then?
Two pills twice a day! I don't think I could take more than a split two, if pressed. I feel SO guilty taking all these pills.:confused:

Mary, did you go into the office? Dh is working from home.
We have school. I wonder what the conditions will be like at dismissal times.
I can only do LIS from 4DS. I get so frustrated with HIS so I've never mastered it!:mad: Never liked them so short either. Complain complain complain.....

I just finished UY Flexibility. I probably shouldn't even have done that. There were a lot of planks, cobras, dwf. They did not help my shoulders. And it was too soon to do it again, even one week later. Oh, and I've never achieved nirvana doing yoga. Probably never will. Even my breathing never matches!
I have absolutely no willpower. Dh brewed a fresh pot of DD so I will have a cup, even though it's dark roast.:eek: Drink/eat now pay later has always been my operating motto.:eek:
OMG, keep it in the rice!!!:p
The caffeine is, shall we say, menstrually bad for me. Weird, I know!
And I add cream and maple syrup.:eek: Guilt is my middle name.:rolleyes:
My shoulders actually feel less in pain. For now.
The ONLY thing ds2 ever, ever wanted was a smartphone. We caved but he's a freshman. (Mind you, I don't even have one.). He got ds1's old dumbphone in 6th grade.
Better go look busy.:p
Are you kidding? Every time he comes downstairs, I'm on my tablet!
I have laundry running, after making egg salad and tomato soup for lunch.
Hummus and crackers are healthy!
How clever, your descriptions!:)
I am working from home today, I knew it would get bad later. So dh thought it would be a good day to drop my car off for regular maintenance. It wasn't bad dropping it off but we had to pick it up this afternoon - what a mess the roads are! Luckily there are not many cars out.

My kids are bored today, so I suggested exercise. One actually did a Cathe dvd! I didn't want anything too complicated for her so I pulled out kickbox from sts cardio, she liked it but said she prefers machines at the gym. At least she was moving. Carolyn, I remember when my girls wanted to exercise with me, I did not get too much done and tried not to get too frustrated!
Good Evening. Nothing new here. We only got rain and a lot of wind. My backyard looked like a river. I stayed in pj's and robe all day. I got caught up on a show I watch "Best Ink". I watched it on demand. Just a lazy day.
14 inches Colleen...Oh wow! I wonder if that's traveling this way. So far we've have a couple inches. It's a heatwave in MN at 25 degrees.

Mary- How fun that you guys did Cathe. I have a feeling ds will join me in the future. When I do workout with him around he dances around :)

Carolyn- Oh ugh! Shoveling. What a good workout though. Darn right you deserved that chocolate.

Jean- Sounds like a nice relaxing day :)

Hi Betty! Nice job on UY :)

I did PRS2 this morning. We had ECFE today. Ds has had trouble when the moms separate lately. He just cries and reaches for me when I leave. Breaks my heart :( Today he did better though. Still tears but less according to the teachers.

Just chilling now. We did a bath early tonight. We made peanut butter play dough. Man was that a crumbly mess. He had fun though :)
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Our snow turned to sleet sometime in afternoon and now it's more like rain pinging on windows. It's a slushy mess. Dh snowblew earlier. Ds and I never went out.:eek:
Carolyn, I can't believe you don't have a snowblower. After dh's slipped disc and subsequent surgery we bought one. I don't know how we lived without it. We live on a large corner.
Watching men's skating. Good night!

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