STS first time!

Good morning! My eyes opened at 8! So early for a weekend, and I felt wide awake! Ds is supposed to make breakfast today. And help shovel. I am not going to hold my breath!
Carolyn, cheer up! You're a stomach sleeper, right? Start by sleeping on your back. Your face and puffy eyes will thank you for it. Then, trim your hair by several inches. It won't be drastic but it'll still be similar and refreshing. Men do like long hair; it's so stupid and cliche. My dh has always liked it short and never stops telling me. He remembers when I was in high school and wearing it as short as you describe! I find longer hair so tedious to clean and dry too. (Mine is only shoulder-length.) Who has time? Plus, as soon as I start cooking, all the cooking smells glom on to my hair and scalp! I can't freaking stand it!
I know you're not a makeup girl but perhaps you can shop for a beauty balm. Match it to your skin tone and apply it like a lotion. It typically contains moisturizer, foundation, concealer, SPF, depending on the mfr.
You are young and gorgeous! It's ok to indulge in a little self-pity when it comes on. It makes you stronger. We all have those days.
I am afraid to step on the scale. I have had absolutely no self-restraint the past month or two.:eek: It shows up on tighter pants.:confused: Do you think that stops me??
I look forward to weekends but they are a huge disappointment. Dh doesn't want to do anything or go anywhere, so it's just another regular two days, but with them home!
I'm commiserating with you and I hope I haven't depressed you more!

Jean, curiousity killed the cat. I shouldn't have gone looking but I wanted to know if a season 2 was produced and when it will be out. Then, before I knew it, I was reading a summary of the first episode!:confused:
Carolyn There are also tinted moisturizers. I wear them all the time. They don't provide a lot of coverage but it helps a little. And it doesn't even feel like make-up.

So to anyone reading this , how many inches of snow do you actually have on the ground right now?
Jean, it started snowing here around 1:30 yesterday afternoon and it went past midnight, but this morning there's sun, wind, and about 3-4". Not bad.

Laura Mercier's tinted moisturizer is always touted by Martha Stewart. Idk how it rates in the EWG toxicity scale but my friend says Tarte makes a beauty balm with no parabens and other toxic stuff.

Girls, I was looking for niaminicide in a moisturizer and used EWG to search for non-toxic products. I came across this product, which I just ordered in trial size. I don't know how trustworthy the website is but I'm not spending too much if I get ripped off. enkido Hydrate Moisture Lotion - TRIAL SIZE

enkido Hydrate Moisture Lotion || Skin Deep® Cosmetics Database | Environmental Working Group

I'm so excited about this product because it is all-natural AND it has the niaminicide Dr Oz promoted! There is also a product that comes as a serum, toner, and eye lotion all in one. I have all of those separately so I got a straight moisturizer.
enkido is from Australia! But Nature-Geeks is distributing in the US.
I will let you know how it all works out, in any case.
Carolyn I say do OP whenever you can. It certainly isn't going to hurt to do it later in the day. I think you should try it at your leisure and see how you like it. Doing it is the most important thing.
How can you deal with 2 feet of snow on the ground. That takes forever to go away. I get depressed over a dusting.

Todays movie was "Nothing like the Holidays". It was a Puerto Rican Christmas movie. It wasn't very good. It was next on the list .
Carolyn, as Jean says, do OP any time of the day, the important part being that you do it. I daresay those first few days when you do it, there will be drainage!
You have the tinted moisturizer?? Apply it, lady!
So, this website. When I happened upon it a few days back, the trial was out of stock. I emailed them to see when it would be replenished, someone replied, and added 3 items to stock. I bought all 3 for the same shipping cost of 5.65. (For my sisters, of course!) I'll let you know when I receive mine and you can do the same. I don't care if it works! I LOVE the ingredients!!!
Dh is so right about electronics. It is the insidious plague of this generation/era! That being said, I love them! I restrain myself though, unlike my kids!

I finished my balls today and dh helped--they were getting dry. My TJM had a tin of those choc cacao nibs and they are now marked 12.99!!!:confused: Those two I saw are long gone.

Jean, dh and I spent a little bit of money at Lowe's earlier.:p A new bathroom faucet.
How is the job going for dh?

I do wish we could walk together, work out in the same room together (like in a gym environment), craft together, cook/bake together, and shop together!:p:cool:;)
Jean, I have tried Kiehl's products before. I have their mud mask (which reminds me, I should apply). Dh's Canadian uncle buys their products too.
How do the products affect your eyes? I'm careful about that too.
I still use my Clarisonic once a week and in the beginning I could tell the softness in my face. Over time, just like with OP, I can't tell the effect on my face any more. I have whiteheads and I can't stand seeing them in my pores:mad:. I suppose they fill up daily.
The best feeling I've ever had on my face is after I apply Syn-ake, but I'm afraid of their products being toxic, though I've never checked.
I hate that I overpaid for the Clarisonic because I should have bought an Olay one or something like yours. Ergh.:confused:
Forgot to say, school vacation is here!:confused:
Betty The job is going good. It looks like he is working in the paint dept. which is fine with him. Yesterday he mixed a can of paint and put in in the machine that mixes it up and he hadn't put the lid on tight enough and he could hear the lid spinning in the machine. When he opened it , about half the can was in the machine. So he had to clean that up. They said it happens to everyone . So hopefully he will pay more attention to what he is doing. He got his employee discount card yesterday so now I can look for ceiling fans. He only gets 10% off but that is better than nothing.
Did your husband install the new faucet yet? I bet it will look nice. I love new stuff.
The products burn my eyes and then they water and burn for about an hour. I have to be real careful of what I use. There is one Olay product I use a lot. One day I bought the wrong one and my eyes burned real bad. I have been through a lot of products.
I got my fake Clarisonic with a Groupon .
Why is school on vacation?
Jean, do you apply the lotion onto your eyelids too? Is that how they sting your eyes? I usually don't because I have oily skin and anything on my eyelids will seep into my eyes and sting!
It is February school vacation.:confused: Can you say battle over endless hours on the computer, every. single. day.??
Dh hasn't installed the faucet yet. It could be months. He also hasn't started my living room built-ins yet. I dare not nag or push. We did find a piece for my sink filtration thingie that Home Depot doesn't have and we never thought to look at Lowe's before. My kitchen sink was from Lowe's--love it.
Poor dh--call it new-job growing pains. I'd be mortified.

Carolyn, don't be a-skeered! I do one tbsp, but you can start off with 1-2 tsps, if that makes you feel less gaggy.
You're heading to your mom's so that means your sis and dh are here! How awesome is that!
You should see the attitude I get constantly from ds2! I told him I wish I could film how unreasonable/irrational he is and replay it to him in a year or two!
I asked the company when they'll have more in stock; will let you know.
I do put it on my eye lids but even if it gets to close to the bottom lid it will burn. But I do like the Kiehls .
Carolyn enjoy your family.
Good morning!! Up and on the treadmill....back to realitiy....retirement was nice....but I must go back to work!!!!!! Hehehehe

Tim and I spent all 4 days together...excwpt for half of saturday when I meet my friend for lunch!!!!

This is the book I got at books a is so awesome. ..... it give you all info on nutrient info, how to cook it, how to store it, a recipe for each food, and the health benefits of the food. Its so awesome!!!!


Hope everyone has a lovely monday!!!!

Gonna be busy for me as I try to catch up!

Be back later!
Morning girls!

Carolyn good for you for trying OP. One day I'll try. As for the new style fo for it! I did this weekend. My hair was long and straight and was hating the way it looked. I chopped it off and added tons of layers! I love it. I feel so much younger and stylist. My hair has no style before. My Dh likes long hair too but he Loves the new do.

I've been in such a funk lately. I think because I've gained a few pounds and can't do too much cardio. I decided to try a few workout. It another barre workout. P57. I started Friday and so far I love it. It's fast paced so you get a cardio effect effect and can do it every day. I sign up f ok e et he steaming workouts to get get it get it a try. A bit pricey but I'm om with it if I do it every day and it does make me hurt (knees). I've had doms for the last 3 days.

More snow for us tonight too. Last week we got about 20 inches. I am so done with winter. I'm off today for for the holiday but have tons of laundry to do.
Hi Everyone. The skies are blue and the sun is shining. Today is going to be about 35. Today I did Burn Sets bi's and tri's. My arms are so full. :D
I am going to the grocery store today.

Carolyn good for you for OP'ing. I would think you could gently microwave the CO to melt it.

Missy I will check out that book. It looks good.
Freak! I was typing a lengthy post and hit some wrong key and it disappeared. Twice!:mad: Will reproduce later. I should go exercise now. Step, perhaps. Must avoid weights.

High five, Carolyn! So proud of you for starting OP!

Hang in there, Colleen! We're all in the dumps and heavier from this endless winter. We're here to commiserate. A new 'do is just the key. And P57. I must look that up.

Missy, that book looks awesome. I requested it from the library. Did you get it for a bargain? At Amazon it's $30.
Hello, where are y'all??
Carolyn, your sis, if she's still here in a few days, will notice your OP results reducing the fluid under your eyes. Those who see you daily may not.
I don't chew on my blocks of oil, but rather let them melt in my mouth. Or, you can try leaving oil in a warm room and it will be more fluid. 76 degrees or warmer will liquefy it. Or microwave, as Jean said.
You do spit it out in the trash, yes?
My guys are so impatient and do not even attempt to understand me while I'm OPing, even though dh should because I don't open my mouth when I first wake and we've done the mumbling thing for over 20 yrs.
Twenty minutes is optimal, bu no longer. It does make noise when you pull and push oil through your teeth.

I did the longest premix option of PRS#2. Omg, it was SO much fun! I actually customized it and when the PRS#1 parts came up, I did them twice instead of re-doing some of the #2 ones. There were a couple of new-to-me routines in there. I went way longer than 74 mins. I even have a slight abrasion/blister on one side of my foot. Cathe outdid herself with this one. It is SO fab, music too!!!!:D:p
Ooh, we posted around the same time. Mini Boden???:eek: I've never seen that anywhere!
My French lentils soup in the crockpot smells divine.:cool:
How enviable that you had lunch with both your sisters and mom!!!:eek: Lucky you! Those stores are my first choice to go shopping with my sisters.
More snow tomorrow. What a pain!
Better go practice.
Checking in with knockout rockout!!! Oh yeah....I was a sweaty mess when done!!! Whoooohoooo!!!!!

Then I ate a salad for dinner! Which included: spring mix of greens, cucumbers, pecans, dried cranberries, fresh shred moz cheese, and a drizzle of honey mustard....yummy!

And a energy ball for dessert!!!!

I am now exhausted after first day back from my vacation!!!!

Oh....yes...I got my book for $19.95 after my coupon at books a million!!!! Was so excited!!!!

I will catch up tomorrow....too tired to read....

Happy birthday Cuda!!!!!
Carolyn WD was sooooooooo good this week. I thought Lizzie was going to smother Judith. Can't wait till next weeks episode.

Happy Birthday Cuda. Be a good boy for mama.
Carolyn, people mention draining during and/or after. Any I've felt was after, and that's if I notice, which is infrequent.
I'm a total skeptic at heart about MOST things, even the vitamins I take. Not with OP! My sis do it with me!
Let me know when your teeth look whiter too! It only takes a few days!

Marie, the PRS #1 bonus combos tacked on to the premixes in #2--are they included in the main workout of #1? I'm hoping I've learned part of #1 already! I had SO much fun doing the #1 add-ons today. Pure joy!:):D
Yep...I'm on the treadmill!!! Can't start my day without my cardio!!!!

12 min is better than none....right??? High fives for attempting it....I am not on board with that yet....well....prob never will be....I just don't have the extra time.....

will check back in a bit....'s a pic of some of my plants that have sprotted....tomato cucumbet and yellow squash..... super excited!!!!


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