STS first time!

Good morning!!!

Betty....I'm so glad you are okay!!! Be careful out there!!! And rest those muscles!!!

Last night I got off work a bit later than normal...30 minutes....not much right???? Well it messed my entire evening sched up....I did not get to do my cathe workout...errr!!!!

So tonight I better get a good sweat on!!!! Lol

Be back in a bit!!!
Good sunny (temporary) morning! Ds just left for food pantry volunteer and dh for work. I better go exercise after my OP.
The 3 of us went out at 9 pm last night to shovel and snowblow. We only got about 3", amazing considering how it was coming down yesterday afternoon. The skies were already clear by that hour at night.
I'm not sure if the fall helped me use that painful muscle but I feel less restricted today. I will stick to LB stuff.
Missy, sorry your schedule got messed up. You probably need a rest day anyway. Are you still on a rotation?
Carolyn, imagine that your nasal discharge used to be the fluids under your eyes:eek:!
You gals should stop watching TF. It sounds so disturbing and too sickening. To think that humans could perpetrate such depravity on one another, whether by a show writer or in real life.:confused: I always feel that tv shows could be giving people ideas!
Checking in with slide n glide this morning. The first half is harder than I remember and really works the legs. The last half I wasn't too impressed with. Maybe that's why I don't do it too often.

Story time soon for the little man I and then a chill day at home. I'm putting my pj's back on :)
Good Morning. Today is mild and expecting rain. Today I did Xtrain disc 1 ch , bk , sh.
Carolyn you should incorporate that because she does a ton of push ups. I just noticed your comment about this disc. :eek: I heard on the news this morning that a New Hampshire family died of Carbon Monoxide and I had to google it to make sure you were o.k..
Tonight is book club. We are discussing "Martha Washington".
Marie Enjoy Storytime.
Hi everyone. I put XT Legs in the player this morning but after looking at the menu components found that I could not stomach another legs session. So I ended up doing KPC, which also has abs. As someone in another forum put it, kickboxing lengthens your muscles, which I've never appreciated.
Our sun disappeared hours ago, and now I'm freezing. It will rain later, I hear.
Ds left the Cheetos container open on the table and I scarfed down a pile.:eek: I haven't even eaten lunch yet.
Mary and Jean, discuss Downton when you're ready! Next week's episode is supposed to be 2 hrs on PBS but it's really only 1.5 or so on the dvd. I went and watched this past Sunday's to see how they filled up the extra 15 mins and it was just filled with commercials.:confused:
You opinions, please, about my shoulder. I don't want to stop using and stretching it for fear it would shrink and tighten from non-use. But. On the other hand, if it's inflamed and 'injured' am I making it worse by lightly using it? (From here on out I will not lift a weight, no matter how light, or put body my weight on it.)
Off to make more balls.
Betty, from my experience, if your shoulder hurts you should rest and ice it until it is no longer painful during your normal day. Then slowly and gently start to stretch it, and if something hurts, back off. It is easy to aggravate it when it is inflamed and make it worse. And so sorry about your fall, I am glad you are ok!

Oldest dd is on a plane to CA. My dh had enough frequent flyer miles for one ticket - he offered it to me but I don't feel I can be away right now. So since the girls are on break, we gave it to dd. She will have a great time with my 2 sisters.

I see snow out the window again. Twins made it tubing today, and yes Carolyn, it is the Amesbury sports park. Once we had a work outing there to go tubing, I had a blast.
Carolyn, I just learned the cacao nibs are over-/mispriced at TJM because the Taza website sells them for $12! So the original 7.99 I saw was more like it.

My balls are chillin';).

Mary, thanks for the advice. That makes a lot of sense.
How exciting for dd! Does she have to get back for Monday for school?

We now have a wintry mix (read: mess) coming down.
Carolyn, I haven't received my moisturizer yet but the gentleman who I've been dealing with sent me an email earlier to say they received a new shipment of the trial size. (Odd that they keep adding them in 3s.)

My energy balls came out better this time, and they even smell better from the almond butter, since I'm using one with roasted almonds. My previous jar used raw almonds.

I feel so full from dinner AND I stuffed down some miscellaneous junk food.:confused:
Here's a pic of my energy balls from today. I am not a neat freak, but it was nice to line them up so.

Carolyn, how was OP today??:eek: I've been doing it a year this week!:cool:


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Carolyn, I laughed out loud! Loudly!:D:D:D
I used my cookie scooper. I packed it in hard and released and it stayed together. The bottom of each is actually flat.
I am pretty rigid when it comes to OP first thing. I don't eat, brush, or drink beforehand. I must OP first! Because I don't want to swallow any of the bacteria fermenting in my mouth all night!:eek: Time flies as I prep my oatmeal, put away dishes, etc.

Omg, I've done nothing all week. Currently I am beached like a whale on the couch surfing and watching Olympics. I need to get a job and earn some money since I have so much time!:eek:
My pellet stove is out of commission. Needs a replacement part. Thank heavens it will warm up a tad. I could die of the cold!
Must take some supplements. Now.
Betty I have never seen such perfectly round balls. And they are so evenly spaced. Mine don't look anything that nice. You could serve those to company.
I can't believe you have been OP'ing for a year. How do you remember when you started? Where has the year gone?
I guess since Carolyn is OP'ing , I should get on that wagon.
Mary That is so nice your oldest is on her way to Ca. I know she will have a great time. I have never been there.

Book Club was fun tonight. We had 3 new people this month. Our next book is "Me Before You" by JoJo Moyes.
Here's a pic of my energy balls from today. I am not a neat freak, but it was nice to line them up so.

Carolyn, how was OP today??:eek: I've been doing it a year this week!:cool:

Yummy! Look good Betty! I have my dough chilling in the fridge as we speak. Goal is to not have any tonight. Lol good luck to me right!

I agree with and ice...20min on...20min off. Hope it feels better soon!

Ladies- Have I told you about my cauliflower crust pizza?! My mom memory is bad sometimes...especially later in the day ;) Anyways, we had that for dinner and it was so good.

Shred the cauliflower in the food processor.

Microwave about 7 min or so.

Cool til you can drain the excess water by squeezing it out with a towel.

Mix in an egg and garlic powder.

Spread on a tray lined with parchment paper....not wax paper. Apparently they are different. I used wax paper the first time and it stuck to it. I now use a silicone baking great!

Bake at 425 for around 20 min.

We topped with sauce, cheese and chicken sausage. Put back in oven til warm and then broil the last couple minutes :)


I want a energy ballllllll!!!
Good morning fit friends!!!!

Well....I have been in a bit of a fog....teying to figure out what I am doing wrong....I eat healthy and exercise daily....yet I am gaining....I can see after extensive thoughts and research....I am convinced its the damn birth control....I have been trying really hard to lose since november...and nothing....not even a pd....that's why tim took my scale away.....I just couldn't get it to budge..... so.....I stoped taking my bc last night..... gonna see if it helps....I would rather have a bad period and be thin...than be fat....I've been extremely overweight and I am not letting that happen again....

I wonder how long it takes to get out of your system.....hmmmmm....

Betty....your balls are so beautiful and big!!!! I am addicted!!!!

Weather man says its gonna rain tomorrow....:(....means cooler twmps coming...errrr....I like these warmer days! !!! Todays high is 80.... oh yeah!!!! Its 48 outside right now!!!!

Have a nice back in a bit!
Good morning! Uplifting sunshine, knowing that it'll warm up some.
Have my lesson, then I'm thinking of going into town and getting my hair cut. I just thought of it and the salon isn't open yet for me to make an afternoon appt. Depending on how late, I might not even get to yoga. How's that for resting my shoulders??:eek:

Missy, I can tell you that you are right on the money with bcp. I felt the same way. I exercised religiously, watched what I ate, and still clung on to some pounds. There is no rational way to explain how the bcp do that but it does have some sort of pull on you, plus it makes you hungrier even? I can't explain it.
Carolyn's right. Make sure you finish your pack.

Carolyn, we are all there, a nightly craving of some sweetie treatie. Big regret after I eat it. Then the cycle repeats again.:confused: What'll break the spell is the breaking of these cold snaps.
I limit myself to one or two of the energy balls. The ingredients are so first-rate! It's the other junk food I don't limit.!:confused: Hate myself after but it makes no difference!:rolleyes:

Marie, that cauliflower crust pizza is so inventive! Too bad my family doesn't like cauliflower.
Hi Everyone. We got up to 62 yesterday and the same for today. I will enjoy it while it is here.
Today I did UY Strength. That is a toughie but I feel so good when it is over. I feel like I am getting better at yoga. I certainly don't look like the girls in the video. :p
One of my neighbors invited me to lunch today at noon. I don't know who all will be there but I hope I am not the only one because I don't know her too good. I think I will walk over there instead of drive. My fat a$$ needs some exercise. :eek:
I have a 2:30 appt, so I probably won't get home till late.
Temps are supposed to get up to 40s--exciting!:rolleyes:

Jean, that's a wonderful idea to walk instead of drive! Your neighborhood is so lovely and 60s is amazing right about now!
I remember that I started OP during February school vacation last year.
Keep up with UY and you will look like those ladies! What I see is youth! Their skin looks so good! Oh, I wish I had appreciated it when my skin looked like that!

Carolyn, have you noticed any changes yet? Like smaller bags or whiter teeth??

Last night I banged the same shoulder on the wall in the bathroom. Stupid slipper caught on the rubbery part. It never ends.
Hi Girls. I walked up to the neighbors house. It was about 10 minutes. She has the same model house as I do so it was fun getting decorating ideas. There was 7 of us total. She made a nice homemade soup with pasta , tomatoes , beans. There was also a salad with greens , figs , feta cheese and Canadian bacon and breads and butter. Then her husband came home and made us capuchino (sp) and we hade cupcakes. I just find it hard to talk in a group of so many people when everyone is talking at the same time. I did have a nice time though. It was kind of cold walking home. The sun has gone behind the clouds.

I love when I go out and hear the birds singing. It so sounds like spring is on the way. Some neighbors have flowers coming up already.
I finally got home. Delays, delays, delays. While I was on the train, the conductor braked hard. Very hard. I was holding on with my right arm, and I held on so hard and my arm was pulled so hard that it throbbed for a while! Now my right arm is as equally pained!:confused:
I like my haircut. It always feels so great to take some off. Just an inch.

Jean, what a fun lunch you had! A cappuccino sounds heavenly! The smells and sound of that is music to my nose and ears!

Better get some things done.
Betty Do you take the train a lot when you go places? I assumed you drove everywhere. When I was approx. 19 , my friend lived in Salem . I went to visit her and we took the train. I think we drove into Boston to catch the train or took the train into Boston. I can't remember. It was my 1st time on a train. It was so fun. I hope your arm isn't injured. You're just having a time.
I did 4DS double cardio step this morning. The very last combo from high-intensity step I always seem to have to rewind. But I got it and I love it :)

We had ECFE today. Even less tears than last week so I'm happy about that :)

Carolyn- I'm so with you on not making the balls anymore. I must've ate half a batch today no joke. I don't even make them into balls anymore, I just eat the dough. They're so tasty but oh so many calories. I would've definitely sent back my sandwich too. Restaurants glob on the mayo. I'm sure you saved yourself at least 300 cal by sending it back. DH is used to my crazy ordering. But I figure if I'm paying for it I might as will get something I want.

Missy- You'll have to keep us posted on if it is the birth-control pills. My scale is not going down either and it's beyond frustrating. Yes I tend to eat chocolate every day but I eat healthy other than that. I wish I had my 20-year-old metabolism back

Betty- You might want to try it try the cauliflower pizza for your family. You honestly can't even tell it's cauliflower. I wish I would've invented it's but I'm definitely not that creative. I saw it on Rachael Ray one day and took it from there. I bet your hair looks nice. Always fun to get stuff like that done. I have a facial next week that I've been looking forward to since I made the appointment.

Jean- Sounds like you had a nice lunch even with the amount of people there. I'm just like you when it comes to crowds. When there so many people around I find it hard to get a word in edgewise.

DH is at the coffee shop studying. DS is in bed. I'm just hanging out watching the Olympics thinking I should head to bed soon. Goal is to get up tomorrow at 4 AM, get in work out, get to work early and finish some education that I couldn't do it home and then start work by seven. My mom and stepdad are coming in town this weekend. My mom has already agreed to get up at 4:30 in the morning with me on Saturday and Sunday to workout. She's amazing!

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