STS first time!

Betty I assume that you are streaming Netflix on your t.v. Could you explain how you do that. I am thinking of switching to streaming instead of getting the discs.
Jean, you would need a smart tv to be able to stream. But you won't be able to watch many new movies. With discs you get whatever movie you want, but there's a paltry choice of new movies with streaming (whatever they offer).
However, you would have a whole library of things to select from, including television, but not everything is available. Hope that makes sense.
Hi All. Today is sunny and going up to 65. Tuesday night they are calling for a wintry mix. I will probably do more cleaning today and then watch this weeks movie.

Betty Thanks for the info. I know I can stream on my t.v. , we need to get an HDMI cable. I did read that the selection on streaming isn't as good as the dvd selection. That is pretty surprising. I think I have to hook my laptop to the t.v. via the HDMI cable. That seems like a pain. I am going to try it out next week with HULU and see how I like it. I was thinking of adding the streaming to my Netflix and keeping the dvd also. I need to look and see what is available first.

2 lb. Chicken tenderloin chunks
1 cup pineapple juice
1/2 cup brown sugar
1/3 cup soy sauce

Combine all together, cook on low in Crock-pot 6-8 hours...that's it! Done!
Serve with brown rice and you have a complete, easy meal

Here is an easy crock pot meal. I am trying it this week.
Hi everyone,
We were out all day! It was mild again, low 50s, thank heavens.

Jean and Carolyn, both recipes sound amazingly easy!

It must feel so good to clean and declutter. There's nothing like that feeling!

Marie, those muffins are so incredibly moist. The only thing I omitted were the sunflower seeds. I subbed avocado oil for the butter too.
Banana-Blueberry Bran Muffin Recipe | Real Simple Recipes

ttyl. Need to get a few things done before the end of the night.
Good morning!!!! Up and on the treadmill!!! Getting ready to tackle this monday!!! Yesterday was a spend time with my hubby day!!!! It rained all day it made it a sleepy rest day.....I actually layed in bed and took a short nap....then we had tims parents over for dinner.

Jean...if you don't have a smart tv that has the apps and you don't want to hook lapti p up to can buy a roku has netflix app on it and you just plug it in tv and then you have turns your tv into a smart tv. They are about $50. We have smart tv in living room....and I bought roku for bedroom so I didn't havw have to buy a new works great!!!!

Be back in a bit!!!!
Hey, where's everyone??
It's sunny, windy, and to hit the 30s today. The polar vortex is moving back:confused:.
I just did GG Extreme. Making my oatmeal.

Carolyn, your kids are off this week. Colleen, how about you? Maybe it was last week for you guys since you haven't checked in.
Does collagen help the thickness of hair? I mean individual strand thickness rather than thinning scalp hair. Now that I'm older I notice the strands are so sadly thin. Not to mention disappearing eyelashes.:confused: Waaah.
Good Afternoon. Today is 45 and windy. I went to the pet store and grocery store today. Tonight is the Environmental Club meeting. My husband arranged for someone from the Power company to speak tonight on how to save money and not use as much power.

Betty Have you ever tried WEN shampoo?
WEN® Hair Care | Hair Care Products | WEN® by Chaz Dean Official Site

People rave about it and the women on this forum seem to like it.

Carolyn You have really been on a roll organizing. I need to get some shoe racks for my closet.
Where is everyone else??
Jean, I've definitely heard of Wen and even have been tempted, but I've held back.
Have you seen We're the Millers? Did you laugh your head off like I did??:D
Super windy here. Blowing through the house.:mad:
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Betty I haven't seen "We're the Millers". I added it to my Netflix.
Yesterdays movie was "Another Year". It was an English movie about a happy family with some miserable , pathetic friends. It wasn't very good.

I hope our group isn't breaking up so some of the groups.
Jean, I've seen that movie. If I remember correctly, the friends sucked the life out of you.
Does dh have any ideas to save power? I love the idea of that club! The reaching impact is big when you can share it with others. I do little things to save energy or water every day. Every little bit helps.
Betty I love how you can remember the movies that you have seen. The friends definitely sucked the life out of you. I wonder where I got that movie idea from. I get a lot of ideas from the previews at the beginning of the movie. I have to look everyone up and see if I remember it. I have gotten movies twice thinking I haven't seen them. DUH.
We were closing off the heat registers in rooms we don use but we heard that wasn't doing anything. I try to keep the lights off all day and turn off the t.v as soon as someone leaves the room. I will let you know if this man has any good ideas.

My friends son and DIL had twin boys today. They are not identical. She had IVF. She was a month early but the boys seem healthy. One weighed 4.9 and the other 5.3. That to me is very exciting.
What a coincidence on the IVF twin boys and girls!:eek:
Carolyn, it feels empty on here when I don't hear your voice!
Too bad the plans fell through with your friend who had the loss; it would have been good for you two to be together.
That's SOME willpower! I rarely go out for ice cream in the winter. Make that never.
I do like Jennifer Aniston too. She 99.9% of the time makes bad movies but this one was great! Her beauty is just unreal!

Jean, it took me a bit to remember the movie, and I don't remember specifics. I see so many movies that I have to look them up too, so don't feel bad.
I get ALL my movie ideas from previews.
Need to go watch a movie!:eek:
I didn't sweat:eek:. Just finished UY Gentle. My shoulders have never been worse. I've cut back these few weeks and it ironically hasn't helped. Need to start my own PT.
Hi Everyone. Right now it is snowing but I don't think it will amount to anything. The new house across the street is getting their shrubs planted today I think. They are all sitting outside. It is freezing cold and I don't know who will water the stuff after it is put in. The people don't go to settlement for 2 weeks and I don't think the irrigation system is on. You would think they could wait a few more weeks to do that.
The Environmental meeting last night was good. The power guy was very well spoken and everyone had lots of questions and seemed happy with him. He just said stuff like don't close off unused rooms or close off vents. Make sure the curtains are open in winter and closed in summer. If you have a heat pump don't keep changing the temperature more than 2 degrees because the system has to work real hard. Just stuff like that.
Tomorrow one of the ladies is having the stitching club over to see her antique ornament wreath that she made. She is going to give us ideas on what to start collecting so in the fall she will show us how to make our own wreath. So I am going to go to that. (even though I don't stitch).

Today I did UY Yin. That is so hard holding those poses for 3 minutes. I feel so accomplished after yoga. My shoulders were bothering me a bit.

Carolyn That is such a coincidence about the IVF twins born yesterday. One of the boys has thick dark hair and the other has light thin hair. She sent me pictures of them all bloody and that white stuff all over them. I hope to get some nice clean pictures today. :D
Walking Dead was so tense this week. I couldn't wait for it to be over so I could lose that feeling.
Bates Motel starts next week I believe.

Betty we recorded "Falling Down" on t.v.. I might watch that today. I haven't seen that in years. I just love movies. I could watch one everyday.
Hello ladies,

I've been in a funk with this never ending winter and nothing to look forward to.

Betty, so sorry that your shoulders are not getting any better. Are you icing them? Might be time to go to the dr.

Jean, it does seem odd they would plant while it is snowing and no one lives there. Maybe with the cold temps they won't need as much water? I agree, yin yoga is tough, some of the poses are very uncomfortable and I am usually watching the time during the last minute.

I watched most of DA last night, but I was confused and dozed off in the middle (or maybe I dozed off in the middle and then was confused). So it takes place a few months in the future, but nothing has really changed? I won't say any more in case you have not watched it all. I still haven't watched the ending myself.

Workout wise, I am completing week 3 of Meso 2, it is a toughie with double wave loads.

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