STS first time!

Good morning!!!

Yes....carolyn....we need to be 100% one with diet and exercise....I started we can keep each other in check!

Its freezing here again.....errrrr....36º with a high of 55º....going down to 31º tonight....errrrr.....I want my sunshine back!!!!!

Betty....down here in the south....we have to wait till the freezing temps go away.....for plants (veg).... I have my seeds planted in the green house....but I bring them indoors on the freezing nights..... hopefully within 1 month my garden will be planted in ground!!! Yeah!!!! Last weekend we started more seeds...waiting on them to sprot...I just love watching them grow.....its amazing to plant a seed and add water....and then in a few weeks your have a plant and then it grows vegetables....amazing!!!!!

Have a nice thursday!!! Check back soon!!!
Carolyn I am not a hockey fan . I am familiar with the Zambonie but was not aware it sprays hot water. It does make sense to spray hot water because the cold will freeze the pipes. :eek:

Missy that is amazing to plant a little seed in dirt and in a few months you have food.
Hi everyone, I felt like crap from my cold overnight. I usually do. Maybe I'm just ultra-sensitive.
Having green tea with honey (the tea part is from Healthiest Foods) and my banana-blueberry bran muffin (which is so amazingly moist) now. Feel grumpy and decided to skip my oatmeal. Not to say I might not have it for lunch. Blah blah blah.

Sorry, Carolyn, I'm clueless about hockey. Though I've seen a Zamboni at work when ice skating, I guess I never thought about needing hot water for the reasons you've mentioned.
What did you guys decide for your xcountry skiing?

Jean, if Cathe's music hasn't excited you yet, maybe you've not come across some really great ones. I can think of a couple of real duds that almost ruin the workout for me. Low Max, for one.
You'll look really cute with those aqua jeans. Get out there and walk your neighborhood daily. That'll help you shed some pounds.
My soup was great! I overdid it with the pasta so I kept adding more water but it was still good. I only had a small bowl before I left for the school mtg, so I didn't have enough. This recipe is a keeper though. I've tried to make another recipe before and it wasn't to my liking.
There is nothing like the companionship of like-minded women! That club sounds so fun! You have the best stuff going on there!
I go to the movies once a year, for my anniversary. It used to be such a treat, that and a dinner. I don't think we made it out for that last year.
I thought Downton's finale was the most excitement all season. So extravagant. How satisfying about Greene. That schmuck who cheats at cards reappeared, so I had this thought that he went and offed Edith's beau because her beau was the one who called out the schmuck on the cheating.
Will you try to grow some veggies? How about patio grape tomatoes?

Travis shortly.
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Carolyn, your breakouts could be due to OP. I've read that people can experience a healing crisis. Per Bruce Fife, " Coconut oil has an incredible healing quality that can initiate a healing crisis. A cleansing reaction can occur whether you're using the oil internally or externally."' Let me see if I can take a picture of the page in the book and post it.
Sign up for the Newsletter, Healthy Daily Tip and Recipe

Carolyn Here is where you sign up for the emails.
I hope you get your acne (or whatever it is ) problem cleared up. I had a bad problem in my late 20's. It came out of nowhere. Now I have some pockmarks. My skin used to be so clear and flawless. :(

Betty I hope you feel better soon. I am glad you liked the soup.
I didn't realize that was the finale of Downton. DUH. :confused:
We aren't planning a garden. There are so many farmers markets around here.

I went to Walmart this morning and picked up some yoga socks and gloves. I am hoping they help me hold my poses. :rolleyes: I will let yal know how I like them. I was looking at all the weights and remembering how 2 years ago we were all going to Walmart to get heavier weights for STS. :)

I got some lovely wooden geese for my wall that are 3 dimensional. They look really nice. I got them from Amazon for $90 and now they are $159. Betty what program do you use to load pics on here? The house is starting to look more lived in with my walls getting filled.
Jean, I take the pic with my tablet and post it using the Cathe app, going into Advanced, as Marie taught me.
You're so lucky with the farmers markets!
I agree about the weights for STS. Good thing I didn't shell out for the 25#. I can't lift that heavy with my arm pain. And I don't know if I'll ever pull out STS again.:eek:

We haven't heard from Colleen in over a week. I hope she's all right.

I did Travis' Yoga Foundations #2. Absolutely loved it. Carolyn, I think you bought this. You should do it on an achy day.
Icing my arm right now.
Good morning! Up and on the treadmill!!!! Today is Tims last day at JD.....yeah!!!!

Today is day 3 of me being extremely good!!!! I've been doing double cardio (morning and evening)(treadmill/elliptical) gonna do that thru sunday....and monday I'm starting a cathe rotation with morning cardio. Gonna see if I can shed these unwanted pds! Gotta get bikini memorual day!

Omg...yesterday I was at front desk all today I Will be extremely busy as its end of month!

I made energy balls last night....I have to calculate the calories...gonna do that today....I will report back!

Have a lovely day! Be back in a bit!
My balls:
Old fashioned oats 300
Whest germ 400
White chips 560
Honey 325
Whipped pb 560

Total..... 2145

Quantity. ...25 (small)

Calories per ball 85.8

I made these so Tim would eat them and liked them so much this way.....that this is normally how i make them now.. .no extras....but there delish!!! Key is to only eat 1....but normally I cave and have 2. ....hmmmm....

Hi girls, sunny and super frigid, if that's even possible. What endless cold misery:mad::mad:. In both senses of the word--my stupid cold felt like H-E-double-hockey-sticks overnight.:mad::mad:
Dh finally fixed the pellet stove late last night, so he lit it first thing today. Thank God. It was more misery with an inhospitably cold living room. I swear it exacerbated my cold. Can you tell I'm super crabby from it?:confused::mad::mad:

After ejecting RK, I did MMA KB today. It even came with an ab segment, though I was all set to do CoreMax.

Missy, those cals sound great! I ate two this morning, only because it's getting old. Like I said, I'm not cutting back in subsequent meals. What I should do is have one pre-workout and one in the afternoon as a snack. Ok, MUST DO.

It has been super quiet around here.:(
Time for oatmeal. And fresh DD coffee;).
Hi Girls!!

No vacation. Just finding it very hard to get in much time get on the forums. :-(

I sound like a broken record but just so much going on between home and work. DD has been staying up later in the evening and work has been crazy busy that I just don't get a lot of free time.

Last week I was fighting off some sort of bug. Completely low on energy and a lot of stomach issues. I'm start to feel better this week. Energy is back and my stomach is getting better. I only worked out out twice last week and I'm doing good this week. I've continued with p57.

Must get back to work.
Todays healthiest recipe
Sautéed chicken breasts with mustard and terragon

15-Minute Sautéed Chicken Breasts with Mustard and Tarragon

Prep and Cook Time: 15 minutes
Ingredients: •1 medium onion cut in half and sliced medium thick
•5 medium cloves garlic, pressed
•2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, cut into 1-inch pieces
•3 TBS Dijon mustard
•1 TBS + 1/2 cup chicken broth
•2 tsp honey
•1 TBS chopped fresh tarragon (or 1 tsp dried tarragon)
•2 TBS chopped fresh parsley (or 2 tsp dried parsley)
•salt and white pepper to taste
Directions: 1.Slice onion and press garlic and let sit for 5-10 minutes to bring out their hidden health benefits.
2.Heat 1 TBS broth in a 10-12 inch stainless steel skillet. Healthy Sauté onion in broth over medium heat for 2 minutes.
3.While onions are sautéing, cut chicken into pieces. Add chicken pieces and continue to sauté for another 3 minutes, stirring frequently to seal chicken on all sides. Add garlic and continue to sauté for another minute.
4.Add mustard, 1/2 cup broth, and honey. Mix thoroughly and simmer uncovered for about 7-8 minutes on medium-high heat stirring occasionally to cook chicken evenly. This will also reduce sauce.
5.While chicken is cooking, chop herbs and add at end with salt and pepper to taste.
Serves 4
Serving Suggestion: Serve with
•Mediterranean Swiss Chard
Carolyn That ice castle is amazing. I would love to see that. Those admission fees suck. Have a nice relaxing family day.

Today I did UY Detox. His yoga is so hard for me but I feel like a new person when I am done. I liked my socks and gloves. The socks move around on your feet a bit but I will continue to use them.

Betty I am glad you got your stove fixed. Nothing worse than being sick and cold. I would have stayed in bed under the covers. :D

Time to get out of these sweaty clothes.
Hi friends, my nose has been running all day. What a colossal freaking pain.

Jean, wasn't all that wringing from Detox wonderful? I just love Travis! Good for you for keeping it up!
I know what you mean about the socks slipping, or more like grabbing, on the mat. I use a pair of maryjane ToeSox I purchased for pilates so that I can have a little skin coverage since my feet get cold easily and fast.
I would have had to stay in bed under covers for 9 days!:confused:

Carolyn, that ice castle IS amazing! Beautiful!
Do you not have an iPhone? On those and iPads you can pinch the screen and magnify. I'll try to take a close-up of the page in two sections later.

Colleen, so great to hear from you. I'm glad you're on the mend from that bug. Don't worry abour checking in when you aren't able to. We'll be here when you can and are always thinking of you.

And. I've said on this forum that daylight savings is this Sunday but it's NOT! Sorry! The weird thing is I read it in two different places, one I can't remember but the other is posted on my Whole Foods calendar!
I did AB this morning after taking three days off. I hate when I take that many days off. Thank goodness it is rare. No reason except for me being lazy. No working out came with eating too much as well. I always eat way better when I workout as I'm sure most do. Anyways, I freaking because we leave for FL next Fri. OMG I need to eat clean clean clean. Like no sugar...that always puts weight on me. I had a salad for dinner with lettuce, cauliflower, cucumber, turkey, cottage cheese and oil and vinegar. I'm usually so good when I have a beach vacation coming up but I just couldn't get motivated this time. Must be the weather. Oh well. dh tells me even when I'm at my higher weight I still look good. Although I think he's just being nice.

Working evening shift this weekend which is rough for me. Wow look at me being a complainer. Sorry ladies. I haven't checked in for awhile and this is what you get. Shame on me. Anyways, I get off at 11:30, home by midnight. Quick shower and then to bed. Did I mention I'm usually in bed by 9:30?!

So yesterday was our 10 year anniversary :) He took he to the mall and we went on rides and then ate sushi. Can't remember if I mentioned that Mall of America has a park in the center. It was a lot of fun :) After sushi we went to the Tollhouse stand and I had a chocolate chip cookie with frosting. Mouth watering now. No more of those haha!

Ok back to work. Here's to hoping the next 2 hours go quickly.
Drinking coffee and trying to get motivated to workout. I slept in which was amazing. I guess that's the one good thing about eve shift. DH gets up with DS. He is napping now so I need to get to the basement when I can. Thinking step of some sort....surprise surprise lol.

Breakfast was one egg with a bunch of egg whites added. I mixed in broccoli, a turkey sausage and cheese which I was going to skip but I couldn't resist ;)

Carolyn- Ugh hate anxiety. I get it all too often. Social situations. Working eve shift. And more. I swear I need an as needed Xanax prescription sometimes. Hope you feel better. Btw I LOVE that picture of your family in the ice castle. How fun!

Ok off to workout, I'll check in later with results. Thanks for keeping me motivated ladies. I love this thread of ours :)
Hi Girls. They are calling for more snow on Monday. :( I am just doing some cleaning today. My husband has our Chihuahua so spoiled. He holds him the whole time he is home. When he's not home , the dog wants the same treatment from me. Poor pathetic dog.

Marie Most men do like a little extra meat on women. I don't think Tony is just saying you look good to be nice. I have never seen a picture of you that made me think you need to lose weight. You are going to look great in Florida. Happy Anniversary and many more.

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