STS first time!

It is still snowing. I am hating it. Every time the dogs go out my floors get soaking wet. Snow is so much work.

I have my Minestrone surprise in the slow cooker. I sure hope it tastes good.

We have one of those electrical sockets in the floor under the sofas for lamps. I got a new lamp today and we can't even get it plugged in. They make those childproof sockets now and they are so hard to get a plug in. So now we have to wait until the snow goes away to get to the store and try to find one that isn't childproof.

We watched WD today. It wasn't very exciting. I hope Darryl doesn't take up with that girl. They were both on Talking Dead. Next week looks to be better.
Carolyn I was able to record the last episode of BM. I looked at all the episodes and it was on this weekend. I think it might be easy to remember though. Ive never done that.....but I just did!!!!

Here is the test: - What Is Your Body Type? Take Our Test!

Here are my results: - Paul Becker - What Is Your Body Type? Get Your Quiz Results!

Interesting!!!!! I shall think about my results!!!!:)

The back of my knee is sore today....almost like a stretching/itchy feeling.... yes its my bad knee....and yes I ran on it hard yesterday (4.25 miles)....but damnit it felt sooooooo good!!! (CAROLYN) I know you will understand that!:mad::eek:;)
Missy I was a Mesomorph . I feel I tend to lean toward the way you are.

Carolyn I don't remember but did you do an STS w/o today?
We had our Minestrone Surprise for dinner. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. My husband loved it.

Carolyn I'm glad to hear you are doing Meso 2. You should definitely see results because my arms are so tight. I love the way they feel. I wish you had slow and heavy so you could tell us how the leg w/o's are. :p
I have only made quinoa once. I don't know why I don't make it more. I will have to buy some more. I'm glad you found a recipe you like. :D
Jean, I asked dh to pour me some chips, and out came a huge amount into my bowl. No one else would touch it after it landed on my bowl, so I overate.:confused:

Carolyn, try the minestrone. It's flavorful and so easy!
Hi Girls. It is windy , cold and snowing. I think we might have 2 inches so far. Yesterdays movie was "A cool , dry place" from 1998 with Vince Vaughn. He was certainly young then. The movie was pretty good.
Todays w/o was Slow and Heavy bi , tri, abs. I think this slow and heavy is a very hard w/o. I can't imagine what the legs portion is like. :eek:

Hi B tijg thrrr tujgdffs u tthrue iut jpijhgfd t e w m.

Missy No rotation for me. I am enjoying rotating yoga and weights every other day. You are putting a lot of responsibility on Mr. Boots. :p

Jean - Hahaha! I love your message to B. So cute :)
Hi girls.
Marie, that was absolutely adorable of you and B! He wrote some real words. So smart! (For a moment I thought you butt-posted.:D)
You're so good to get veggies in your bkfast. I rarely ever.
Great job on your sugar cut-back! High ten! We will all do it! We will all do it! We will all do it!
So what does it mean, exactly?:D No sweetie treaties? Or more than that?

Carolyn, more power back at you for not wallowing in your PMS misery.:cool: Nothing like some fresh air and then a workout to get through that.
I shouldn't complain about my stupid cold. Just wonder how the heck I would feel if I had it worse, like the flu or something. I just feel everything so damn acutely.:confused:

Missy, page 1000 indeed!:eek::eek::eek: We've GOT to be the longest thread! Ever! High five, my bffs!
Panera is so delish! I love it too!

I just finished XT Legs. Getting my oatmeal ready. My fingers are so cold too as I type!:mad:

So by low sugar I'm doing no sweetie treaties and let me tell you I'm craving hardcore right now. My only sugar will be plain Greek yogurt with cinnamon and then fruit too. Guaranteed I'll be eating dessert in FL though. My mom and sis love their sweets but don't seem to gain weight from them. So unfair!

Tonight my "treat" was chamomile tea. I added a little honey. Ugh what a joke that was. I need chocolate. Ugh! Better head to bed before I cave.
Good Morning fit friends and Good Morning to B (thanks for the message)!!!!;)

Page 1000 :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
We have to be the longest thread!!!!

I stuck with my cardio all weekend....but was so busy, no time to check in. I was trying to get all of Tims stuff ready! Then we went to lunch in Tally that was 2 hrs travel time....but well worth it....we went to panera bread....yummy! I had the classic salad with grilled chicken! It was so freaking good!!!!:p

Today Tim drove to Florida for safety training for 2 days....he will be back tomorrow....thank heavens..... I do not like when Tim is not at is too quiet! Some people like for there spouses to leave....but Im not one of them....I love my time with Tim!!! So tonight Mr Boots will be the man of the house!!! hehehe

Okay...its a new month....and Yes we are eating very healthy this month!!!!

What rotation are you doing????:)

No rotation for me. I have realized I can't stick to one.

I did pull a "Missy" today and did two workouts. Afterburn this morning while B played and then LL&A during naptime.
That sounds so good Betty! Do you buy the salmon frozen, or in one of those bag things? I am eating my yogurt. I did the first disc from meso 2. Chest, shoulders and triceps. I think I will do meso 2 and 3. I will add in more leg days though. I will see how this treats me for a while. I really enjoyed todays disc.

I have not accomplished much of anything today. I haven't left the house except for my walk. I did fold some laundry!

I am trying to bring on the warm weather. I am cooking marinated chicken, coleslaw and tortellini salad for supper!:cool:

That's awesome that you're doing Meso 2 and 3. I like the added legs days too.

Your dinner sounds amazing. DH was out studying tonight so I had a huge bunch of asparagus drizzled with olive oil and sprinkled with black pepper, garlic powder and parm cheese. Also 2 spinach quinoa patties from Costco. They are sooooo good!
It is bitterly cold out!:mad: Why can't we get a prolonged break?! It's time for spring!:mad:
Having a giant serving of baby greens with a slab of smoked salmon and some pesto dollops.:cool: See the halo on my head?:D

Jean, I've not heard of that movie. VV cracks me up.

Yum Betty! Sounds so good! And you're darn right I see that halo ;)
Betty your lunch sounds delicious! We have not been getting any good seafood since our local fish market closed.

Ok, I kid you not, I went to get a cup of tea and a very nice co-worker put a Lindor chocolate on my desk while I was gone. I did not have the heart to give it back but I did not eat it!

Carolyn, I hope it works with the warm weather! It was too cold and gray for me to walk today.

Omg that is so sweet and so tempting! Ok so I'm horrible but when I work on the Substance unit they have potlucks every Sunday. It's a rarity that I happen to be there on such days but when I am everyone makes a huge deal about, oh make sure you eat the food. Everyone just sits in the back and chows. I never take my breaks on the units since I like to walk the skyways. Anyways, they always make a huge deal that I try everything so I take a plateful and act like I'm going to eat it on my break but I don't. I throw it out. Omg I'm soooo bad. There is always an abundance of food and I never want to hurt people's feelings by not trying it but I don't want to eat it either. It's never healthy not to mention I don't know what their kitchen looks like. I know it's horrible, don't judge ;)
Good afternoon....just went to lumch with my friends I use to walk with....she told me she is getting a sad!!!! She said she also needs to start back walking because she is getting chunky! I said we all need to get back to out skinny bodies....summer is right around the corner!!!! And this chick will be wearing a bikini! LOL I got salad bar....I made a yummy salad!:p

Trying to think of what I will prepare for dinner tonight....hmmm....something super healthy! I was thinking of starting a rotation....but not sure....I have gotten back to elliptical....I realize much it really tones the legs!!! But I do need Cathe...just not sure if I want to do 5 or 6 days a week of many decisions....or do I just want to pick and choose what workouts I want to do daily.... I think we do better when Cathe telling us what to do!!!!;) Not you can tell!!!!

Spring is excited!!!! Im ready!!!!

Tonight Bates Motel is on.... Excited...but not sure if I will be able to watch or wait till season comes out as I do not have A&E..... :( I want to watch it right now!!!! I was so loving that show!!!!

Oh...BTW....are we continueing with the energy balls?????They are so yummy.... I think I might, as long as I dont cheat with any other snacks!!!!

Gotta back soon!!!!! ;)

Sorry to hear about your friend. That is so sad!

Mmmm energy balls. I was tempted to make them but I can't. Not with FL coming on Sat. If it wasn't for that you're darn right I would. A bikini is motivating that's for sure. I forgot to tell you I made my last batch with white chocolate chips. Yum yum!
Marie!:eek:! FL is Sat?? No wonder you did two workouts today!
Chocolate in tiny pieces is ok! Sorry! I'm being bad encouraging you!
Honey is a superfood. I've been having it in my morning tea for my throat.
Definitely indulge in FL!

Carolyn, no guilt with the Skinny Cow!
Good morning....I didn't sleep very good last night....but Mr boots snuggled with me all night....making me feel safe....btw....he sleeps/snuggles every night....but he gave me extra kisses last night!!! ♡

I'm on the treadmill....walking! did you like the double workout?? Its what keeps me motivated!!! But I normally do cardio (treadmill/elliptical) and a cathe!!! Double cathe....high five!!! That's awesome!!!!

Last night I had grilled chicken and roadted asparagas. so delish!!!

So hubby will be home tonight!

Check back in a bit!!!!
Oh....carolyn....skinny cow is okay in my book....much better than reg ice cream!!! I endulge in skinny cow all spring/summer.....I've never wanted cold ice cream in winter though!!!! Lol

Ladies....don't forget the evening trick....brush teeth and then you will not eat a snack! ;-)

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