STS first time!

Hola. I didn't enjoy PRS#2 as much today since my head was all muddled and I didn't have the time to rewind all the PRS#1 stuff. These step days and leg days, neither are my friend. Tough on the ole knees and hips. I'm so bad because I never stretch at night.:eek:
I need to do research on PT, I know. My arm is no worse nor better.

Carolyn, those fares are insane!:eek: Going on school vacation weeks are like that though. Infuriating. Keep checking.

Missy, I don't mean short hair. Is shoulder-length too short for you? I hate it when my hair gets past that. So much work as it is.

Fennel does have a licorice flavor. For some reason I'm not that keen on that. Anise is the same.

I only use quinoa as part of oatmeal breakfast and rarely make it for dinner nowadays. You try cooking it with broth instead of water? Gives it more flavor.
We have the lightest snow going right now. Just a coating expected.
Time to make the balls.;)
Good afternoon.....and hello colleen!

Betty....yes...shoulder length is too short! My husband would kill me if I went that short! I did it once...and he had a fit! He says long red hair is sexy! ????? If he says so! Lol

Can't wait to go home and workout with Cathe! Not sure which dvd I'm doing....but I hope it leaves me drenched!
You guys just crack me up!:p:D.
Scary what these big corporations put in our food in the name of feeding the masses.:confused:
What Subway hype?
Wow, that's some mega doms:eek:. Not till Friday you don't; legs are still resting. You're not out of shape! You're working it differently!
My Dixie cup doms are still present!:eek:
I'm all done with my cacao nibs. Bummed! Only had half the amt.
Made my balls. Oddly there are 3 or 4 fewer, even though I used the same cookie scoop. The batch is still nice and sweet because of the maple syrup.
I just ordered a steak bomb sub and cheese pizza!:eek::confused: Better go make some veggies.:rolleyes:
Carolyn I hope the bath helps with your DOMS. We had salmon, sweet potatoes and broccoli for dinner. It was yummy.
Oh poor Carolyn. I do not envy you. I know how you feel and you can keep it. Those STS leg days are so painful. Maybe all these DOMS will help lift your rear. :) You need to try to do those discs more often just to keep yourself in that sort of shape. I am really amazed you are in such pain considering you do legs every other day. Well I hope tomorrow is better but I think you are going to be like this for 3 days.

Betty what kind of veggies did you make? I have been craving pizza lately. Was it good?
Busy day over here.

Carolyn- Thanks for mentioning that hat. I'll have to look for one. I agree...the less sunscreen the better.

Missy- I must admit I kind of dreaded the second workout. I just wanted to get it over with. But....I was so glad I did it. You are a rockstar for doing that everyday.

So even though I did dread the double workout I did it again today.

Imax3 this morning. Then DS and I cleaned the house. It was so cute. I gave him an empty bottle and a rag and he followed me around cleaning. During his nap I did GG. Ugh they better be great with these killer workouts I've been doing ;) I also packed today. So much to remember. Some final touches tomorrow on the packing and cleaning. Work Fri and then we leave at 4:30am on Sat. Eek! Can not wait!!!
Carolyn, you're right about the nibs!! Totally forgot.
Our news never mentioned the Subway fiasco!
I remember a long time ago feeling like that after doing a brand new Cathe. Can't remember what it was though. I hurt for days, and taking the stairs or sitting was major zombie moves. Don't you love it??:eek:
Dark chocolate chips are allowed! You had so few!
I was lazy, and the pizzeria down the street reopened under new mgmt after the old one closed without any warning.

Marie, that sounds absolutely adorable! He's going to be a modern man, cleaning! Love it.
Have a blast in FL! Don't worry about how you look. I bet you look smashing! We are Cathletes, after all!;):p:eek::rolleyes: Remember how you must look to the average person. Ripping gorgeous!

Jean, I certainly loathe any type of plyo legs too.
I made spinach--cooked. I don't like them raw and you can't stuff down the equivalent in raw.:confused:
The pizza was good, actually. Different bread than I recall having. Ds and dh only ever want cheese pizzas anyway.

Colleen, it's great to hear from you more often. Your dinner sounded so great. Healthy!:cool:
Good morning....I'm up and on elliptical this morning. Last night...I was exhausted and I disnt feel very good....not sure why???? I was nauseated?????? Hoping I'm all better? My tummy feels okay right now.

Its raining buckets again....hoping for the rain to stop and some sun....but I think its gonna rain all day! Yuck!

Carolyn....foam rolling is wonderful for those sore muscles! I just love my rollers!!!! hubby always wanted just cheese or pepporoni pizza....but every since we started making homemade....he likes veggies on pizza. We no longer buy pizza out....that way its healthier! Yeah!!! My tummy just can't handle the grease....and we don't have have any good pizza places anymore. They closed!

Hipe today and tomorrow go by quickly....I'm ready for friday!!!!

Marie...enjoy florida! Where are you going???

Be back soon!
Carolyn- I'm so with you on the spinach. The texture of it cooked just grosses me out. Way to go on your 7 chocolate chips. You have so much willpower. Once I break them out it's all downhill.

Betty- That is so nice of you to say. My eyes got all watery reading it :) You're so sweet and thank you so much. I do need to remember all of that. You have such a great attitude about body image and enjoying life....sweets and all. I envy that! I told my mom about you because she has the same outlook :) I think a lot of us are so hard on ourselves. We all really look great but seem knit pick the bad parts of our body. We shouldn't do that.

Missy- Hope you're feeling better. I wonder what the nausea was all about. Saltines and ginger ale ;) That's what I was always offer my patients. Smelling ginger sometimes helps too. If not then I break out the meds. I'm the type of nurse that tries all the options before the medications. It's funny how so many just roll their eyes at the aromatherapy option though. Medications have so many side effects though. I forget you are from Florida right? We are going to Anna Maria Island. It's 3 blocks from the beach and I'm beyond excited. We are renting a house that has a pool. Bring on the sunshine.

Colleen- It is great to hear from you. You peaked my interest with those p57 workouts. I'll have to check them out.

This morning I am I did Party Rockin Step 2. I also did core one. During nap my goal is CSS although I'm already dreading it. I'll check back later to let you know if I did it or not. Mentioning it always helps me keep myself accountable.
Marie...I'm not one for meds either.....I'd rather suffer that pump my body full of drugs like most people do! Santa maria is about a half hour north of where I came I've been there! Beautiful! Enjot the sunshine!!!!

It has been raining since I woke up....and still coming is so nasty outside!!!!

I love spinich!!!! Cooked or raw....yum mm y!!!! Spinich cooked I drizzle italian dressing on .... to add a little flavor...cause its kinda bland tasting!

Lots to do...bbl!
Marie enjoy Florida that sounds Devine. I could use a good dose of sunshine and the outdoors. I want spring!!

Today was p57 classic volume 1. Good hour workout.

I like spinach. Cooked can taste strange to me. I like It better creamed!

Carolyn how's the doms today?

Betty How was the pizza?
Hi Ladies. Today is windy and 40 with sun. Todays w/o was UY Mountain pose and Pranayama meditation. My husband is at an Environmental club meeting but I stayed home to get my w/o in. Seeing as I am on Mon thru Fri , I want to make sure I get in as many w/o's as possible.
I watched Bates Motel. I thought it was great. I think this season is going to be very good. I loved when that girl blew that man's head off. I wonder if we will ever get to the point where Norman kills his Mother.
I thought The Following was very good also. I felt so bad for Emma when they cut her wrists. I wonder what this group is up to. Every week they bring in such unusual characters. I just have to keep watching to see what is going to happen. That Mother has everyone against her. She is really going to get it one day.
I have 3 packages today coming from UPS. It's like Christmas around here. :D I have been doing a lot of online shopping. I got 3 pair of peddle pushers yesterday.

Marie You're so lucky to be going to Florida. I hope you have beautiful weather while you are there.
Bates Motel thought..... do you think when norman kills her...he stuffs her like he is doing with animals????? Just a thought????
Hi gals, it's sunny and frigid. Love all the posts! This morning was my lesson, then TJ's. I need to get a gentle workout in today. I hate not doing it first thing.

Marie, you are so kind, thanks.:eek: I think it's infinitely better to want to improve yourself! Just think of how interesting and flexible a person is who does that. Much preferred to a rigid one.;)
You are so lucky to be heading to FL! In yesterday's evening national news they interviewed a man from MN who loves the endless winter.:confused: They showed scenes of people paraskiing (can't remember the exact word) in the Great Lakes. It looked fun but I wouldn't last but a few minutes.:D
Though I try, I can't stomach ginger, but I really do believe in it. Especially smelling it. I don't agree with hospitals giving ginger ale though. You're sick and drinking soda. That makes no sense to me! And it bugs the crap out of me. Have you seen the food they provide? Jello, pudding, all stuff that does not promote healing!
We are divided in our household about spinach--two of us like cooked, two raw. I really dislike eating it raw, especially in large quantities.:confused:
I think CSS is a short one so go for it!
I'm so ready to open PRS#1 but don't want to confuse myself.

Carolyn, I definitely feel deadlifts in my hams and glutes. I can't feel my back working at all!

Missy/Colleen, I actually prefer deep-dish pizza but yesterday's pizza had a bread that was better than the usual flat pizza bottoms.
I've rarely had creamed spinach. How do you make that?
I don't take meds either. Hence why I haven't popped any ibuprofen for my shoulders.

Just after I ordered the sub and pizza, a news segment came on that said eating cheese and meat in middle age will kill you sooner.:eek:
Will be making a shrimp sausage gumbo recipe I saw in this Sunday's Parade magazine, minus the okra.
I just had salad greens (can't eat that stuff fast enough--took two wks of me and dh having it for lunch), half old sweet potato, an egg, sunflower seeds, pesto. Plan on being hungry later so then a ball.
Time to walk dog. I'm freezing! Then yoga.
Hi everyone. We went to Rite Aid , Concord Pets and Safeway. Then I came home and opened my boxes. I got a distressed blue pitcher to go on my Sofa table. I also have a lamp for that table that almost matches perfectly. I got a sofa cover and a shoe rack. I'm also expecting a set of 700 TC 100% cotton sheets. I hope they are nice. I love nice sheets. I am spending money like I have it. I think I am over budget for March. :eek:
Everywhere you go around here there is water. In the community there are ponds all over . Some are man made , some are natural. We have one across the road and they put a Wood Duck house yesterday. I sure hope it brings some ducks. We can see it out our window.

Missy my husband thinks Norman will stuff his Mother. He thinks it is the whole premise of the story. Good thinking young lady.

Betty I have to disagree on the cheese and meat killing you sooner. My Mother is 95 and I don't think she has ever had a healthy meal in her life. You should see the grease we were raised on. When we were little we would put lard in a frying pan and cook hamburgers. Then we would take a piece of bread and dip it in the leftover grease and put our hamburger on it. We called it "greasie bread" and it was delicious. I think there are too many things that can cause you to die to worry about every single thing you put in your mouth. I don't think my mother has ever has a meal without meat.

Tonight I am making a lasagna that you make with biscuits. My friend keeps sending me recipes that you make with biscuits. I have eaten more bread in the past 2 weeks. Some of the recipes are good , some not.

Carolyn That was horrible about Mikes father. That why I say she is going to get it bad one day. Everyone hates her. I would love to see them all take her by the arms and legs and just pull until she is shredded. :mad:

I need to make more balls.
Jean... I have a wild imagination....due to all the soap operas I use to watch! LOL

As for the healthy/unhealthy... there is no way we can "know" exactally what we consume unless we grow/raise all our food....and that is just not happening! So I say make the best choices and indulge sometimes...and then we will know we did all we could to be the healthiest we can be! ;)

I cant wait to go home... this rainy day has taken a toll on me!:confused:

Speaking of energy ball....I want one! LOL;)
Quick check in cuz I'm too tired to type. I skipped my afternoon coffee today cuz I have had trouble falling asleep lately. That shouldn't be a problem tonight ;)

I did CSS :)

Eating a Zone Perfect bar right now. I just needed something sweet!

"See" you tomorrow ;)

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