STS first time!

I have never watched any Jane Austen. I googled Big L and nothing came up for the spring. Maybe people are losing interest. I love Apple Crisp. That is probably my favorite dessert. I hope you don't "healthy" it up. If I made an apple crisp , I would probably eat the whole thing. When I was younger , Roy Rodgers carry out used to sell a really good apple crisp. I would get one every time I went there. Enjoy your son being home. :D
Jean, are you still waiting for Persuasion, the one with RPJ and Sally Hawkins? That's a Jane Austen.
I put the crisp in the oven. Just a little computer time right now before the guys get home.:eek:
I kept the butter and brown sugar in. I'm sure it'd taste awful with a substitute. Ironic that I never made a pie or crisp during apple season but I do it when it's practically spring.

Carolyn, your soup will be smashing!
I hope they're wrong about the storm next Wed/Thurs for the Boston area! They have been landing on those days every time!:eek:
Happy Saturday girls. Today is blue skies , sunny and mid 50's. I will be cleaning the bathrooms for a starter today. We will see what I do after that.

Carolyn How was the soup?

Betty do you hug your son when he comes home?
Carolyn I agree the soup had a flavor I wasn't fond of and the only thing I can think of is the Italian seasoning. I will make it again but I won't use the Italian seasoning. I think it is hard to cook stuff like this for children. I cook for a person who is very grateful to have a home cooked meal everyday so I am lucky in that respect.

I see people riding bikes and walking dogs. Spring is in the air.

I have cleaned 2 bathrooms. One more to go. I hate cleaning bathrooms. :(
Hello ladies,

I had a busy week last week and no time for the forums. My Mom was sick, and we spent Thurs. afternoon at Joslin. One of the appts. was with a family therapist, which I had some hope for but really didn't like it. She listened to us and didn't say much, I was hoping she could give us some tips or something. Of course she wants us to come back - I know it takes more than one session but I think it would be better for dd to talk to her alone. Other than that, dd is managing her diabetes pretty well.

I finished Meso 2 last week so this is a rest week. I also did something to cause my hamstring to flare up - so aggravating. And I don't want to go back to that ortho, he did nothing for me. It seems you can't get PT without a referral from a dr.

The sun is shining and it is a bit warmer but I did see something about a storm later in the week. Maybe it will move out to sea.

Carolyn, I agree, those sports tryouts are very stressful. Sports have gotten so competitive for the kids. Good luck to ds.

Betty, enjoy time with your ds! Is he doing anything while he is home? Funny to think of apple crisp now, I only make that in the fall.

Jean, I hate cleaning bathrooms too. You have 3? Good luck with that!
Hi girls. Sunny and mild today, thank heavens.
Ds1 wanted bacon and pancakes for brunch. With a fresh pot of coffee.
Have to run. bbl
It's lovely out, in the low 40s with a gust. Hope the full sun stays out. Spreading clouds do dampen the mood a bit. It's so nice to have a break from freezing weather though. I really hope that big storm predicted will evaporate in the warmth.

Mary, I'm thrilled to hear dd is managing her diabetes well. How disappointing about the family therapist though. Is she meant to just listen? It's good to get tips from experts and others who've gone through it but in the end your own situation is unique and you have to experience and learn from your own trials and tribulations.
That stinks about your hamstring flaring up again. Foam-roll and ice and rest, right? I need to call my insurance and ask about whether I need a referral to get PT. What are the chances I'd find someone as great as Carolyn's?

I hate cleaning bathrooms! Males splash the top of the toilet and the floors, while dh maintains I splash too, but at the opposite end!:eek:

Jean, Broadchurch must have come out on dvd. I see the library placed it on my queue.
We did not grow up hugging at all, and as an adult I became aware of it only after I had kids. When the kids are little you kiss and hug them so much more than when they get older and feel awkward. I did hug ds when he came in and do the same when we drop him back off at school for a prolonged period. I'm trying to teach them to be a tiny bit more affectionate than it was for us.

Carolyn, do you think it matters where you place the firewalker band? I like it on my fat calf part but Cathe and crew put it near the ankles.
I wish I could strengthen my knees so that I don't have pain when I do step and plyo-ish leg days.
I didn't have Italian seasoning but I used oregano, basil, bay leaves. Isn't that the same thing?
Good luck to ds. A little stress for the kids is manageable since they have very loving parents and a stable home life.;)
Carolyn, I'm now going through what you went through weeks ago researching Lipowheat.:confused: Make that x2 for cranberry extract or d-mannose.:confused:
What's this about the pull-up band? What is it??
Morning girls. Happy spring ahead!! Only 11 days until spring!!!! Yesterday sure felt like a spring day and today is only going to be nicer.

Yesterday was a busy day with soccer and errands. I did squeeze in a 30 min p57 workout. I have to say. I'm really enjoying these. They are challenging and get your heart rate up and I tend to get DOMS most days. I'm also down 2 pounds. I would like to lose 5 more.

Drinking my coffee and waiting for the family to get up.

Carolyn I think I missed where you are going for spring break.
Hi Everyone. It's another beautiful day. I love knowing it won't get dark until 7:30 tonight. :D Today I am cleaning the living room and then watching a movie. I have a "Meatball Tortellini Soup" in the crock pot. If it is any good I will post the recipe.

Carolyn Enjoy Ice Fishing. I will keep my fingers crossed that you arrive for skiing right before the storm hits. That is nice to get your children involved in all those winter activities. I have never skied in my life. I like to fish so I would probably enjoy ice fishing.

Betty I looked at my "Italian Seasoning " and it has marjoram , thyme , rosemary , sage , oregano and basil in it. Todays recipe called for Italian seasoning but I just put in basil and oregano.
Good morning, on this glorious daylight savings day! It's going to be sunny and 50. Love it.
It's noon already! Dh is getting bagels. Haven't eaten that in eons!

I know what thyme tastes like and that could be it. I love that taste and smell. Strong for sure. I can't speak to knowing the taste of marjoram, rosemary, sage, but I know the smell of rosemary.
I too have never skiied in my life. Sad considering I live in the Northeast.:eek:

Carolyn, those supplements are just enough for one month's supply.:confused: Then I have to start again.

Yesterday evening we babysat my bro's kids, the one with 3 kids (a set of twins)

Oink. I ate an entire cinnamon sugar bagel loaded with strawberry cream cheese. It was so yummy. Not to mention the scrambled eggs and other foods. Like I said, oink!:eek:
Happy Birthday Carolyn. I hope you have a wonderful day. The flowers sound wonderful that your Mother brought you. Please tell us all about getting your eye brows done after you do it. I have always wanted to get mine done.
Betty Your breakfast sounds delicious.
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Happy Birthday, dear friend!
How lovely of your mom! Now that's a gift a woman can appreciate!;)
Enjoy your birthday!

I guess it's only going to be low 40s today. But a 7 pm sunset is awesome!
The Country Cook: Crock Pot Meatball and Tortellini Soup

My soup turned out real good. I will definitely make it again. In place of the Italian seasoning I used 1/2 tsp. basil and 1/2 tsp. oregano. I also bought a bag of frozen meatballs which were delicious. The next time I will probably make my own turkey meatballs to make it healthier. So let me know if anyone makes it.

Carolyn What did you have for B'day dinner? I am not going to watch "Resurrection". I looked it up and it didn't sound very good. Also I have so much recorded on my DVR , I do not need another show to get hooked on.
I've not heard of this restaurant before, but do enjoy your day with your extended family and birthday dinner! Any yummy cake?:eek:

Ok, friends, I have news. You ready? Sitting down? I have a great story about serendipity.
On a very recent Friday afternoon, I called around to the two local businesses down the street inquiring about part-time vacancies. One answered the phone and to my utter shock said yes, they happen to have a vacancy, part-time and mother's hours, doing bookkeeping and administrative duties. And how did you hear about it?
Would you believe those are the very duties I am looking for!?:eek:
I went in to meet the co-owner the other day and she just emailed me the offer with the finalized details a couple of hours ago! I am starting tomorrow at 9!!!:eek: Me, who has not worked for nearly 15 years!!! AND. I will be WALKING a block to work! So unreal!
Carolyn, the other day when you said 'you three working moms', I was thinking, hmm, hoping it might be four!
It's at a plumbing place, and I believe I will be working 3-4 hrs on M, W, F. Eek! I'm so excited! And nervous!
I'm going to do Greatest Hits before I think!:eek: I need to concentrate and not let my mind wander, else I might trip and fall!
Resurrection looks creepy.
Betty Congrats on the new job. :D That is wonderful. It sounds like exactly what you were looking for. Your life is going to be totally different now. Busy Busy Busy. Will you be exercising after work or only Tu , Thurs ? When I was your age I was still working at Verizon full time. I can't imagine going back to work after not working for 15 years. I wish you all the luck and I hope you enjoy it and make lots of new friends. I can't believe you can walk to work. Well good for you. I'm happy for you.

Carolyn Your dinner sounds good. I can't wait to hear how you like the Fit Bit. I was looking at those also.

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