STS first time!

Carolyn, you have been getting up super early I noticed! Wassup??
I hit TJM today after being away for a whole month. Bought a few things.

Jean, we posted at the same minute earlier!
Missy, that is some gorgeous scenery! Nice extra workout!

One additional side benefit to my job: I get to talk to other humans to practice the social skills. I've noticed it on others who work, like my sis and dh, that I seriously need to practice the small talk!:eek: I tend to do it all internally so I overthink what I verbalize.:confused:

Speaking of practice, I need to tickle the ivories...
Oh yeah, I did F#2 again.
Going out to dinner tonight!:eek:
PLUS I bought Klondike bars and Haagen Dazs coffee today.:eek::eek::eek:
How utterly sweet of dh!
Your mini-vaca requires as much work as a week's or more going away. Moms have to think of ALL the details.
OMG, our 3-course meal must have been 4000 calories!:eek: Dessert was creme brulee--so heavenly! We went out for a 30-min walk after.

Why are all resistance bands sold in 3s now?? I only need one!

I'm working 10-2, I believe. Exercise before. I need to burn off some calories!:eek:
Hey all!

Having a blast in Florida :) Lots of beach time, good company and food. Loving it all!!! The weather is amazing :) Unfortunately I drank too much caffeine today and I can't fall asleep ugh. Thought I'd come say hi real quick.


Good morning!!! Got up at 5:30 to get Tim out the on elliptical!!! glad your enjoying the beach!! Those are great pics!

Its gonna get cold here too....tomorrow night into friday morning gonna be 32.... brrrr....yesterday it was 80.... I wish the weather would choose what it wants to do...this back and forth is b/s....

Carolyn...hope you have a great time!!!!

Back to my cardio....check back in a bit!!!
Good morning! It's just way too dark.:(. I'm so tired!:confused: Need to do a workout. Now. Have a great morning!

Carolyn, have a fab road trip!
Good Morning Girls. The temps are going to 68 today but then it is going to get windy and get cold. Oh well. We will enjoy today. My w/o today was "Pure Strength" ch , tri , sh. I don't think I really like this series that much. It left me wanting more. But my tris are full so I am happy.
Tonight is Social committee.

Carolyn Have a fun safe trip. I can't imagine wanting to go skiing in March when I am seeing Spring knocking at my door. I have had enough winter.

Betty Have a nice day at work. The hours are good for getting in a morning w/o.

Marie I loved your pictures. Have a great time in the sun.
Carolyn, have a great time! Sounds like you will be dumped on with snow, I hope you get there without any trouble.

Betty, I'm so glad work went well. I agree about practicing small talk. Although I find the environment contributes to it as well. I can make small talk with my team of 6 people, but yesterday we all went out to lunch and it was difficult to find things to talk about. We ended up talking about work :(

This morning I did Travel Fit. It was a nice change of pace and my shoulders are sore from all the band work.

My problem with getting a referral is I no longer have a PCP - each of my last 2 have left the practice, and the remaining dr. (whom I have never met) can not accept any new patients. So I can't get a referral from him, and if I go back to the ortho he will probably want me to get another mri. My insurance is really bad this year with a very high deductible so I have to think about everything.
Missy, you live in a beautiful area! And Marie, I can't believe how big B has gotten! I am jealous of your beach time!
Hi girls, I worked till 2:30. Did a lot of billing of customers today.

Mary, I've been trying to find another PCP for years and can't (for different reasons) and even have tried to switch within the practice (they will not allow me!). The office has this email feature which is very useful right now since yesterday I emailed asking if I need to see them to get a referral. Surprisingly my PCP responded herself saying she wants to see me first before providing a referral.
On the flip side though I called my insurance this morning and they don't require a referral! They emailed me some PTs locally and I need to check the list.

Carolyn, have a fun time doing your outdoor sports. I wish I liked it.
Take it easy on your knee in the snow.

Marie, looked at those ripped arms! You look great in that bikini, even though we can't see most of you. B is just pure adorable.
Have you heard that Collage Video is going out of business? I'm totally stunned. There's a thread on OD.
Good evening....

Betty....I got an email this morning about collage video....I just can't beleive it! They always every dvd....even cathe!!! Terrible....its the damn president...he is killing everything....our hospital is so understaffed because they just can't affored to hire people....cause people can't afford to pay there bills or they can't affors insurance...the healthcare industry is going to hell. It just absolutely terrible!

Mary...thanks....I do love this think of south ga....and think poor little towns.... but this one is pretty nice! We are know for our downtown shopping! I think it was rated in the top 10 once! It has a brick road....very charming..... I like all the country scenery. .... and all the plantations....I like old history though.... its always nice to see a old farm house or old countrt store....and wonder whatbit was like 50+ yrs ago..... I know I'm a nerd!

I came home and busted through my off to shower....

Oh tomorrow night I have a hair appt....what to do....what to do! Lol
Hi Missy, I'm here. I'm trying to wake up from my sleepy fog. Just reading the Sunday paper while eating my oatmeal. I should do some gentle yoga shortly.
A trim with layers, perhaps? That's my usual go-to.

It is snowing again, with frigid temps of 20s today.:mad: I should be doing errands since I'm not working but I am avoiding the bad snowy and icy roads.
Good morning, it is winter again! Seems like it will never end!

This morning I did random leg exercised from XT Legs - I still cannot do squats and lunges. I was researching hamstring issues on the internet and I read about a procedure some PTs use, so I searched for it and found a PT not too far away. The only downside is she is out of network for my insurance, but I have a high deductible anyways so I don't think it will matter. And she does not need a referral, so I got an appt. for noon tomorrow. It will just be an eval but I have high hopes. This has been the most frustrating injury I have ever had.

Missy, do you know your stylist well? Perhaps she could suggest something?

Betty, if I didn't have to come into work today I would have huddled under a blanket with a good book with a fire going. Enjoy it when you can!

I was very surprised that Collage is going out of business, although I probably shouldn't be. I went there to read all the great reviews but I never ordered anything because I could find it cheaper elsewhere.
Mary, great idea about the fire, blanket, book! I do need to light the fire and have a super engaging book, but I'd feel super guilty though, esp with dh working from home today.
How promising about your PT read-up and discovery! Let us know how it goes. Fingers crossed for you.
Hi Girls. Today is freezing cold with 40 MPH winds. No w/o again today. I had 2 vet appts at 10 am . I watched Bates Motel today. Lots of good stuff going on. The Following was good this week also.

Betty did you say you are reading a good book? What is it? I am reading The Book Thief. It is pretty good so far. I am recording Persuasion next Friday on the t.v..

Mary Good luck tomorrow at the new PT. I hope she gets your hamstring figured out.

Missy post a pic of your new hair do.

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