STS first time!

Jean, I'm reading The Innocent by David Baldacci. A similar writer is Lee Child, whom I've mentioned to you before. I need to look into the Book Thief because I've been hearing about it and the ?movie.
What channel will Persuasion be on??
We have the same gusts, with frigid air!:mad: Freezing!:mad:
With ds1 home, we have been indulging in so many rich foods. Just had him make a frosted mocha, coffee ice cream with espresso grounds and choc syrup. I forgot to buy the whipping cream so my stomach thanks me (lactose and muffin top!)!
Betty We have Verizon Fios and the channel is SonyHd. That drink or ice cream sounds good. I try to stay away from stuff like that.
I've got my chick peas soaking .:p
Here is a better pic...


I tried to delete the first one...and couldn't...errr.....I thought it looked bad....oh well!!!!

I'm so white from this horrible winter....that I look fat in everything that shows skin....errrrr..... and its freezing once again....34º this morning....why oh why??? I just want sunshine!!!!

Be back in a bit!
Missy, your hair looks so pretty! Very flattering.

I took a rest day today, this week has been tough with the time change. Happy Friday everyone!
Good sunny cold morning! Chowing my oatmeal.
Missy, your hair color looks different in both pictures? I like the length and cut. Very nice! You do NOT look fat!

I did PRS#2 with #1 combos. It's not fun when you're rushing through and have no time to rewind.;)

Jean, I've got to remember to make that recipe again. Kudos to you for not buying canned chickpeas. It's even more economical to buy bulk.

Mary, good luck at noon!

Carolyn, you guys sound like you're having such a fun time!

Work at 10. Rush rush rush...
Good Morning. Today is calm , partly sunny and 50. So much better than yesterday. Today's w/o was UY Cardio.

Missy You look so pretty. There is no way that you look fat. Your shoulders are very toned. I love toned shoulders. Walk with your head up high.

Carolyn How fun to be swimming when there is snow on the ground. Now That is something I would enjoy. It looks like a lovely place you guys are at. Have a wonderful time.

Betty Have a fun day at work.
Good afternoon....

Thanks is beautiful scenery Carolyn!!!

Thanks for the compliments!! Means a lot!!!

This afternoon...I'm working front hopefully time will go by I am ready for 5 oclock!!!

Check back in a bit!!!
Betty the next time you feel a cold coming on drink this:

Peel and grate about 1/2 oz of fresh gingerroot or cut 4 slices each the size of a quarter. Bring the ginger to a boil in 2 cups water , turn down the heat , simmer 20 minutes. Strain and drink a cup every few hours. If you can handle a little spice , add 1/8 tsp of cayenne pepper to one cup of your brewed ginger tea to help clear your sinuses.
I worked an extra hour today since the kids had things under control at home. Sent ds1 to get some groceries, and ds2 walks the dog on Fridays.

My sis called in late afternoon for a spur-of-the-moment M/TJM run. I probably spent all I made this week already.:p

Carolyn, what beauty surrounds you!

Jean, thanks for that tip. If only I can stomach ginger. I know it's so good for you but I can't like the taste no matter how I try.:confused: I'm going to copy it though.

Going to watch the movie I Give it a Year.
Betty I just added that movie to my Netflix. The preview looked pretty good. How was it? I have 80 movies on my Netflix and I only get one a week.
I just finished it. It was hysterical. A British couples/relationship movie.
Boy, it'll take you forever to see all those movies! I saw several more in the previews I want to request.
Have a great night.
Hi Ladies. The skies are blue , the sun is shining and we are going up to 65. Today I cleaned the bedroom and vacuumed the house. I guess I will read some and watch some t.v. today.

Carolyn Have a safe trip home. It sounds like you had a wonderful time. I think I would enjoy tubing also.
Carolyn, sounds like you had a great time (except the knee part of course). A couple of years ago we had a work outing to tubing place in Amesbury, and 4 of us held our tubes together as we went down. Lots of fun!

I did GS B-Sh-Bis this morning. I think this is my favorite weight workout, she really works all the muscles but it doesn't go on forever! I had forgotten the slow concentration curls, those really got me. I think I will have Doms tomorrow.

The PT yesterday was good. It was an eval appt. so she actually examined me and watched me walk (the other PT I went to did not do that). Both PTs have said I'm really strong in my legs, but I know I have lost alot of strength in the past year so they must be used to seeing out-of-shape people. She feels confident that she can help me but we are starting over from scratch. She also told me to stop stretching. And to get back to my foam rolling, which I stopped doing. I am impatient to improve and I will try to stick to what she says and not do too much.

I took dd to the mall for some clothes shopping, as a treat because she has been through so much the past couple of months. There were some good sales but we went into so many stores I am wiped out.

DD has a volleyball game in CT tomorrow so I will be gone all day, probably no workout either.
Hi guys, it's good to hear your voices. Today was on and off sunny, 50. So nice to get a break from winter.
We had French toast for brunch, then dh took us to his office, which none of us have ever seen. It was fun for us. Then we stopped off at a Costco to pick up sweets for tomorrow since we're having dh's family over desserts & coffee/tea after we all meet for lunch. I am wiped out too.:confused:

Mary, so great to hear that you found a compatible PT. You're on the road to recovery! Hooray! How is she able to tell your legs are strong? I mean I know they are but how does the PT assess it?
I was using my bro's foam roller on my arm last week but I don't think I'm doing it right. It's not like for the body parts where you can put the roller on floor and lie over it.
How wonderful you and dd had some mother-daughter time, and shopping at that. (I for one find retail therapy very therapeutic!;)) You do both deserve it.
I really did enjoy the GS UB series when I was doing them with the January rotation.

Carolyn, that was so sweet of dh to offer to drop you off at the TJM. I haven't been up there in so long I could have a blast there. What willpower that you didn't buy anything.
Definitely give your knee a rest. That conveyor sounded bad for your knee.
Tubing sounded so much fun! I bet I would even enjoy some skiing on practically level slopes. Oh wait, is that cross-country?;)
Hi Everyone. Today is cold and cloudy. We are expecting 3 to 6 inches of snow. What a weird winter we have had. Today I went to the grocery store. Today's movie was "Dallas Buyers Club". It was pretty good.

Time to feed the cats. I sure hope this forum isn't disappearing like some of the others have.

Carolyn I set up "Resurrection" to record.
Vacation was amazing! Lots of beach time and long walks. The weather was amazing :) :) It was great to spend time with family. Great food too. I just love fresh seafood. We got back yesterday. Just relaxed last night and had the full day off today with my boys. I ate pretty well on vacation thanks for the motivation of a bikini :) Unfortunately last night and today I've been eating like a pig. I must get back on the wagon before I let myself go too far. Back at it with workouts and healthy eating tomorrow. I think that's all for now. Hope everyone had a great weekend. Carolyn- Sounds like you had a great little vacation :)
Hi ho. Any get-together with dh's family takes ALL day, though today not as long, but I had to clean after, then do laundry which I've not done in a long while.
It was sunny and gusty and cold today, a typical March day, I guess.
Here you gals are talking about your shape in your bathing suits, and here I am downing a bunch of whipped cream cake. :confused: Oink oink.
Dh is going to CA again tomorrow. Hate it.
Jean, what did you think of that movie? McConaughey and Leto won Oscars for it.
Carolyn, I loved Lost and was hooked on it beginning in season 2. (That's where we joke that Malaysian airline is.) Those middle seasons were SO good, especially the ones with Charlie's power and the story of Penny and that Scottish guy. I could watch it again on Netflix, but who has time?!
Marie, so great for you to take a break from that extreme winter you've had.
Good morning! Where are the early birds, Missy and Carolyn? I had a late aft coffee yesterday so my sleep last night wasn't great.
Maybe GG before work.
Good Morning....was really busy saturday!!! And yesterday I got up early squeezed in CSS and then off to get 20 bales of hay! We came home and unloaded it....and then the storms was terrible....wind and pooring rain, thunder, lightening...all rained and never stopped till about 9 am this morning....its is soppy wet! So I actually took a nap yesterday....

Today I got up and hit the treadmill....and off to work I came!

So glad Marie and Carolyn had nice trips!!! Yes the bikini will kick you in high gear.... I had mine on saturday! It was high 70's and sunny so I layed out for about an hour! The hot sun felt so good!!!!

I have a 5k race walk this saturday and a 5K run next saturday!!! YEAH!!!!! :eek:

I have been running outside a bit! And my leg is getting stronger....yeah!!! :)


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