STS first time!

Yes He watches also. After she spoke , I said was that Clare? I only recognized her voice. We rewound and watched a second time also. It looks like she dyed her hair brown. I was wondering what was up with Mike also. The whole show was exciting.

How many of you guys cook with stainless steel pots and how many still use the "Teflon" type pans that the stuff comes off into your food? I switched to stainless steel about 4 years ago.
Hi ho. I got in F#2. It's a great break for your eyeballs when you close your eyes during yoga. It's a great way to reconnect your mind & body too. Glad I did it. Making smoky split pea soup right now.
I second what Carolyn said on the pots and pans.
Mary, not yet.:eek: But I'm so glad that you're possibly feeling better!
Mmm those cutlets sounds good Carolyn! I'll have to try making them.

The zoo was awesome! We met up with three kids and their moms. One had her dad with. B is the youngest by a few months but still does well keeping up with them all. He is an active little guy that's for sure. We walked the tropics trail. Think monkeys, birds, fish :)

I was craving an Italian salad. They are so not healthy but when you have a craving well you know. We went to Target afterwards and I got lettuce, pepperoni, salami, banana peppers, olives and mozzarella cheese. I used a bit of Italian dressing. It was so good!
Good morning! Where are Missy and Carolyn?
I'm doing OP and will start some Cathe shortly. Maybe kickbox?
Ds has another late school start. Why did my job start already?? I'd give anything to be sleeping in right now:D.
Good morning! I was running on the treadmill this I couldnt here I am at work!

I use stainless....I do have on of the ceramic fry pan...and it is unbelievable!!! LOVE it!

I have been being extremley good since 02/28/14....and im down 4 pds..(lets hope I can continue)(trying not to snack at night).. I think the running is helping me!!! I am super excited to be able to run again....I just have to listen to my leg/knee and take walk breaks...but thats better than not running!!!! I shall see after I run this 5k next I have to remember not to be as competitive....due to my weak hamstring!

OMG, OMG, OMG.... did yall watch Bates Motel????? I am so addicted!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Good Morning. Today is another grey day with occasional sun peeking out. I think we are going up to 50 today. Today's w/o was Gym Style ch , tris. I really don't do well with the slow reps. I think I will go back to STS again. I just really do well with that. For those of you who do Gym Style , are you able to do all of the pushups? My gracious. She certainly does a lot of them.
Tonight is book club.

Missy Bates Motel was good this week. As soon as Caleb was talking to Dylan , I said that is his Father. I feel bad for Norma. She just wanted a nice normal life. Whoever plays Norma is certainly a beautiful woman.
Congrats on your weight loss. I am confident you can get to your goal weight.

Betty Have a nice day at work.
Jean I just did that workout yesterday and I woke up so sore today! My shoulders are really sore, which must be from all those pushups. I did them all but on my knees, and I had done STS before this which didn't have many pushups in M2&M3. I agree, this is one tough workout!

Betty, instead of letting my kids start school late they moved the schedule around to accommodate longer blocks for the test takers. One dd went to her regular class and found it was full of kids taking the Mcas - she just wandered around until she found her class. The teacher probably said something about it and she missed it, but it makes no sense.
Hi all, I worked till 2:30. Can't seem to quit at the appointed hour. My permanent start time is 9 am henceforth. Which leaves me very little time to work out in the morning:confused:, unless I want to get up earlier, which I don't. Rush rush rush.
I did ROKO this morning. Didn't enjoy it since I was super light on my arms. These last two kickbox ones have way too much jumping.

Carolyn, I am with Nia's philosophy.;)
Did you do something else with CSS? It's kind of short for me.

I wonder if I'll ever be able to do pushups again!:p

Congrats, Missy! You're so dedicated that I've no doubt you'll succeed.

Mary, our freshmen will be the first to do the MCAS-replacement tests, ?PARC or something. And will be the first to not have the 2400 SAT requirements any more. Lucky them! Or not, depending how you look at it.
Carolyn, yes, I woke up sore all over today! Upper from GS, and lower from PT appt yesterday. Hamstrings are sore but not painful, so that's a good sign. I think I am on the right track.

I am on Nia's email list as well and I found her latest refreshing. I liked how she said we don't need to be wiped out after every workout, it is tough to remember that sometimes.

Betty my oldest is mad about the SAT changes!
Word of the day.....


We met a friend at the mall and walked and then the boys played in the play area. They are a week apart but this boy is huge. 90% compared to b's 40%.

That was my workout for the day. I'm having trouble getting in the groove post Florida.

Hmmm what can I eat now?!!! Just chowing today :/ oink oink!!!

Missy and Carolyn- Way to go in the clean eating. Send some motivation this way ;)
Marie, the Mall of America will be expanding!? Just saw that on the news. It'll be the size of a state soon!

Mary, I don't blame oldest dd. I don't know if she likes writing but my kids don't!

Better go cook...
Betty- It sure is. So crazy to think it could get any bigger. They recently added a hotel and are now adding another wing the size of a "normal" mall. The place is just insane!!!!
Carolyn, is your bottle of Lipowheat empty-ish?? I just shook it and it feels like there's not the full amount in there. Is that normal?
Your mommy and daughter time is so enviable.
Now you've kicked up my cupcake craving!:eek: How very clever of you to put in applesauce. What do you do for the frosting?:eek: My favorite part.:eek:
Envy you gals your DOMS.;)
Good morning!!!! Its thursday!!!! One day closer to the weekend!!! Yipppeeee!!!! Looking forward to saturday!!!! 5k and then going to lunch and shopping with my friend afterwards!!! Fun fun!!!

Yeah for everyone's doms!!! Carolyn....yeah for sub applesauce....can you taste the difference.....just asking cause I want to try it...but if there is a big diffrrence....tim would not eat them.

Weather man says its gonna be 78 this afternoon....makes me want to take the afternoon off and go for a long walk!!!! Hahahaha. ...don't see that happening...but it sure would be nice!!!

Have a nice day!!!! Check back in a bit!
Good morning! Cloudy, mild, sprinkly. Dh landed and came home an hour ago. I have piano this morning, then some food shopping.
I have used applesauce in the past too; cannot tell the difference! I bake so infrequently that I would buy a jar, use it once, then it sits around forever. What was the substitute equivalent, Carolyn? One for one?

Missy, enjoy your 5K! What a great thing to do!
78 degrees sounds perfect! As long as there's no humidity!:eek:
Happy Spring Ladies. :D Today the skies are blue , the sun is shining and we are going up to 60. It is a most beautiful day. Today's w/o was UY Yin. I hate that one at the beginning but by the time it is over , I love it. We are going to BJ's today and stock up. I hope I can either walk or ride my bike later also. I am feeling fat as a pig.
Happy Spring, indeed! It's blustery now here, with peeks of sun.
Hmm, Jean, maybe I should do Yin too. Maybe not. I keep thinking I should do the shoulder exercises instead of yoga. But I need some form of workout too.

Carolyn, you reminded me that I have one left over from a 6-pk of applesauce cups that is super, super old! Need to toss it.
I remember when I used to work part-time that it's hard to leave when the clock ticks to the appointed hour. Don't want to abruptly drop whatever I'm doing. Also, when you work part-time, there's no time to chitchat. There's so much downtime for full-timers.

First day out food shopping for me this week, or anywhere for that matter.:p
Hi Girls. We went to Lowes and bought 2 ceiling fans , one for my exercise room and one for the back porch. Then we went next door to BJ's and bought a lot of stuff. Nothing worth mentioning. Then we went back to Lowes to look at some shrubs . I want to make a privacy barrier on one side of my property. We also looked at an attachment that you put on your front door that has built in blinds. Our front door is all glass and you feel like you have no privacy. Then we came home. I also bought a paint brush at Lowes for cutting in. I want to paint my laundry room yellow and I am very picky about my cut in brush. So that's about it for me.

Betty There was only one exercise in Yin that hurt by bicep area. I didn't notice any shoulder pain. Have you done this one before? It is just stretches that you hold for 3 to 5 minutes. It is mostly lower body. You should give it a go.
Jean, I have done Yin many times and love it. I didn't end up doing any workout!:eek: (Only my 2nd time this year that I skipped any on a M-F.) Instead, I did some shoulder conditioning exercises from that website you pointed me to. (I printed them out several weeks ago and hadn't done anything!) Now it's too late in the day to exercise since I must start cooking. Ds2 wants cajun boil. I have mussels, shrimp, and scallops for it.
How fun to do home improvements! Love them! I've been wanting dh to change my kitchen door for several years now to one that has built-in mini-blinds inside the glass, but, of course, it's not a simple door swap. My stupid coat closet is so close to it that it would have to be torn apart to get the door out.:mad:

Speaking of getting fat, I'm just eating like there is no tomorrow.:eek: Picked up a blueberry pie at Whole Foods since it was on sale. My stomach is sticking out! And we haven't cut into the pie yet.:confused:

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