STS first time!

Betty You are so funny. :D Last week I bought some Puff Pastry and cream cheese to make cheese Danish. I haven't made them yet because I will probably eat them all. That is good that you are doing so well with the M-F w/o's. What a shame that the closet door stands in the way of you getting a new kitchen door. Enjoy that blueberry pie. :p
Ooh, Jean, I love puff pastry! I made apple turnovers with it once. I just cut up one apple, mixed in some apricot jam and cinnamon, filled 4 cut-up pcs of the puff pastry (after rolling it out into 12x12), baked.
Too bad none of you watch Breaking Bad. The series ended last fall but we could discuss since I just watched the entire series since October. I think it was ColleenK who used to watch it.
Speaking of Colleen, where is our CDiMatt???? When's the last time we heard from her??? You ok, Colleen?
Marie, my kids were peanuts. They were never even on the charts! They followed their own curve, so the dr was not concerned. Now I worry dd is too heavy. It never ends!!!


I'm sure I'll be the same way. B doesn't talk much and certain days I'm so concerned. He knows what a lot of animals say and says mama, dada, grandma, grandpa but mostly just babbles. Oh well! I know he's fine. I'm just a worrier.

How smart to put applesauce in the cupcakes. I'm always hiding veggies in DS food. I purée mixed veggies and then freeze them in ice cube trays. Today I added them to his beans and lentils and he didn't have a clue. He loves fruit but veggies I will continue to hide until he learns to like them.
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Good morning!!!! Its thursday!!!! One day closer to the weekend!!! Yipppeeee!!!! Looking forward to saturday!!!! 5k and then going to lunch and shopping with my friend afterwards!!! Fun fun!!!

Have a nice day!!!! Check back in a bit!

Yay! Back to 5k season :) Have fun! Post some pics!
Good morning! Cloudy, mild, sprinkly. Dh landed and came home an hour ago. I have piano this morning, then some food shopping.
I have used applesauce in the past too; cannot tell the difference! I bake so infrequently that I would buy a jar, use it once, then it sits around forever. What was the substitute equivalent, Carolyn? One for one?eek:

Betty- Send your leftover applesauce this way. B eats a jar a week!!!
Happy Spring Ladies. :D Today the skies are blue , the sun is shining and we are going up to 60. It is a most beautiful day. Today's w/o was UY Yin. I hate that one at the beginning but by the time it is over , I love it. We are going to BJ's today and stock up. I hope I can either walk or ride my bike later also. I am feeling fat as a pig.

I'm with you on feeling fat as a pig! Ugh! I must get back in the groove ASAP!

UY Yin sounds lovely!

Again, no workout for me! I'm soooo bad this week. DS and I had ECFE class this morning and then lunch out with a couple girlfriends.
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Wow, the 9th! Time flies. Doesn't seem that long ago. I hope all is well. She's just busy, I expect. Good night!

Don't worry, Marie. B will talk. He hears talking all around him, you read to him. It's everywhere. When he's ready.....
Good morning!!! Froday!!! Yipppeeee!!! Can't wait for the weekend......I need a few days off from work. Today I am working front desk....yuck! is your knee post run???

Marie....B will talk...don't worry....enjoy your little man....snuggle with him... cause time flys and before you know it hw will be running around like a mad man!!! Lol

Betty...I sure wish i was a part would be so nice to come home mid afternoon...I would love it!!! But the bank acct wouldn't!!! Hehehehe

Tim has just been offered a position within the company supervising the mill vs.... being on rd daily....decisions decisions...

Be back soon....
Good morning.

Had it really been since the 9th? It's been crazy lately. Last week I had to travel for work and this week I was in a 3 day workshop. Last week I kept up with workouts this week I've been exhausted and I didn't workout Tuesday and Wednesday.

We also are super busy at home. We decided to buy a new house so we're in the process of selling our house and it's just crazy.

Happy Friday!!!!
Happy Friday working ladies. Today is partly cloudy , the sun is out and we are going up to 60. I started my 6th round of STS today . :eek: I did disc 1 ch , sh , bi. I even did "most" of the pushups on my knees. That is good enough for me. I love STS .

Colleen Congrats on purchasing a new home. How exciting. Have you found a house yet or are you just in the process of getting yours ready to put on the market. This is a good time to sell a house. Will you be buying a new build or one that is already loved and lived in? I'm so happy for you. :D

Carolyn those planks are hard. I remember when you did HC. You should do that again.
One of my neighbors called and asked if I wanted to go to the Ocean and walk the boardwalk so I just got home. It was a tad over 2 miles so I am happy. When I got home a guy was here to give us an estimate on a paver patio with walls. So we go next week and pick out the pavers. My husband is installing the ceiling fan on the back porch. He has never done this before so lets hope all go well.
Hi hi hi!

Just at work and bored. Floated back to my old stomping grounds of Geriatric Psych today and man is it sloooow! It's amazing how much more busy the medical units are. Fun to float here every once in awhile but I'm so glad I don't work on this unit all the time anymore.

I didn't get up early today to workout and I already ate a day's worth of calories. What is my deal?! I'm going to say it again but I just can't get motivated. Ok here's the plan ladies- I am starting Monday. What is it about Mondays?! I just feel like I always need to start on that day. Pathetic I know. Healthy eating and working out starts then.

In other news, DH and I are having a date night tomorrow night. Dinner and a movie. Excited about that although I will be missing my baby.
One of my neighbors called and asked if I wanted to go to the Ocean and walk the boardwalk so I just got home. It was a tad over 2 miles so I am happy. When I got home a guy was here to give us an estimate on a paver patio with walls. So we go next week and pick out the pavers. My husband is installing the ceiling fan on the back porch. He has never done this before so lets hope all go well.

FUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE the ocean! Miss it already!
Happy Friday working ladies. Today is partly cloudy , the sun is out and we are going up to 60. I started my 6th round of STS today . :eek: I did disc 1 ch , sh , bi. I even did "most" of the pushups on my knees. That is good enough for me. I love STS .

Colleen Congrats on purchasing a new home. How exciting. Have you found a house yet or are you just in the process of getting yours ready to put on the market. This is a good time to sell a house. Will you be buying a new build or one that is already loved and lived in? I'm so happy for you. :D

Carolyn those planks are hard. I remember when you did HC. You should do that again.

You are a rockstar with STS! I have started twice but didn't make it to Meso 3 either time. I have even had thoughts of selling it but I just can't part with any Cathe DVD's.
Good morning.

Had it really been since the 9th? It's been crazy lately. Last week I had to travel for work and this week I was in a 3 day workshop. Last week I kept up with workouts this week I've been exhausted and I didn't workout Tuesday and Wednesday.

We also are super busy at home. We decided to buy a new house so we're in the process of selling our house and it's just crazy.

Happy Friday!!!!

Congrats Colleen! How exciting for you and your family!
Hi girls, TGIF!:p It's a blustery March day.
I worked till 1:30 then ran to Marshalls for a return and a look around, to follow Carolyn.;)

Colleen, that's fab news! I love the excitement of a new home but, oh, is it work to pack up and move. Ugh, can't imagine it though--been in the same place for over 25 years.:p Spring is the best time to sell your house. Around here the inventory for homes is insufficient. And things get snapped up quick. You going to a newly-built one? Your present one seems newer, judging from the background on the arm pics you posted many moons ago.

Marie, date night sounds fab. Enjoy! Dh and I only do dinner and a movie once a year, on our anniversary. Pathetic.
No guilt on slacking off this week. Think of it as STS rest week.;)

Jean, what a great way to welcome spring in a walk by the ocean! You got cardio and weights in today!

Carolyn, super that you love SC. Keep at it, and remember you don't have to be wiped!
My workouts are all messed up because of my job. I need to get back to 50-65 min workouts!
I just saw your latest post. OMG, I would have had such a blast buying those sheets and comforters. What a smoking deal!:eek::eek::eek:

Missy, enjoy your 5k tomorrow.
What is Tim leaning to do? Being a supervisor (read: babysitter) is no fun!:p
Marie....B will talk...don't worry....enjoy your little man....snuggle with him... cause time flys and before you know it hw will be running around like a mad man!!! Lol

Tim has just been offered a position within the company supervising the mill vs.... being on rd daily....decisions decisions...

Congrats to Tim! That is exciting! Good luck on that decision.

So true that they grow up so fast. I can't believe he is 17 months already!
I always spend money at Marshalls.:eek: I found a 3-pk of flat bamboo cutting boards (I only needed two sizes, but, oh well) and a magnifying mirror for makeup application (can you say blind:eek:??).
Your sheets and comforters are to die for!:eek:
I VERY often have the buyer's remorse or non-buyer's remorse you're describing!!!:eek:
Know what? I loathe the music era you describe. Sorry.:eek: But how awesome that ds is strumming that!:cool:

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