STS first time!

Good morning!!! Just finished 5k...came in 25th....waiting on results to come in!!!


Carolyn....I hope your knee is doing okay!!! So glad it was pain free after a run!!!

Be back in a minute!!!
Yo gals, wassup? Been slow here.:(. What, you don't actually have a life away from here, do you?;)

Missy, high five!
Carolyn, any progress on the Lipowheat? I just popped my first one. It could get expensive, no? What we wouldn't do for some youth.:eek:
Speaking of which, anyone try any eyelash growing stuff? I have the most pathetic ones, barely noticeable, and even worse now with old age.:confused: I'm afraid to mess with my up-close eyesight though.

Hallooooo, anyone out there??:p
Hello again!!! I'm hete!!!!

Came in 3rd in my age group!!! Whooohoooo!!!!

Now home.....gonna do some chores now!!!
Woohoo Missy! Congratulations!

Colleen, good luck with the house and moving. I dread the thought of ever moving again, we have been here for 20 years and have accumulated so much stuff. DH is a pack rat.

Betty, my sis uses Latisse and I noticed how much thicker her lashes were the last time I saw her. Mine have thinned a bit as well.

I came down with a bad cold on Wed. so have not been doing much. I walked during lunch on the nice days. Hope to get back to it tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend!
Good Afternoon. It is cloudy and 70 today. I am cleaning the bathrooms and whatever else I notice should be cleaned "now". That's really about all new here.

Missy Congrats on the 5K.

Carolyn you sure got some good prices on sheets and comforters. I really need to go to Marshalls and Home Goods with a female instead of my husband. All he does is complain that it looks like junk. He is such a tightwad. You would think he would want me spending money there instead of online. I get so sick of hearing him complain about spending money.

Mary I hope you are feeling better soon.

Betty How do you like that magnifying mirror? :eek: I have one and it really shows every wrinkle and flaw in your face and neck. I thought my neck looked pretty good until I actually looked at it in my mirror. :( Oh my. I won't do that again.
Betty I watched Persuasion today. It was so good. Anne's family was so mean to her. I loved seeing her on the boat with her husband. What a wonderful love story.
Jean! I kept meaning to ask if you've watched Persuasion yet! Boat??? What year was that movie?? I do NOT recall any boat! Sally Hawkins and RPJ?
Anne's family is so vain, selfish, and plain atrocious. It's so comical to watch them. In the version I'm talking about, Anne's older sister looks like an older aunt, Captain Wentworth's sister looks like she could be his mother, and Anne's father and other sister play their selfishness and snobbery very well. They're total buffoons!
I am in the same boat as you concerning our dh. I can't stand it either, which is why I got a job. It's so unpleasant to hear, let me tell you. The stuff in those stores is not junk! I take offense!;)
Yes, the mirror magnifies the wrinkles, but, geez, now I can clearly see those few pathetic eyelashes.:p

Mary, Latisse is too pricey for me to spend on monthly, but I know someone who uses it too and it works!

Carolyn, I'll take dewy.:p

Better go practice.....
Betty The one I saw was 1995 with Amanda Root , Ciaran Hinds , Susan Fleetwood. Yours was 2007. I will keep an eye out for your version. It was good anyway. Now I want to read the book.
Jean, purists think that the 1995 version is the best. Ugh, I couldn't get past the attractiveness (or lack of) of the main characters!:confused::p Mary looked ancient!
Not that Sally Hawkins in the final scene was attractive--poor woman had a close-up of her spit as she's about to kiss Captain Wentworth.:confused:
You should propose the book for your club. Any Jane Austen is a must-read!

Carolyn, how lucky you are with your long lashes. I'd kill for some.;)
Thanks my friends!!!!

Been busy....lots of chores!!!! Now resting!!!! I'm exhausted!!!!

I'm hoping cathe reveals a new series too....hoping every Monday something will be in our newsletter!!!!

One week till my next 5k....yipppeeee!!!!! Can't wait cause this one is a run!!!!!

I made more energy balls today! Yum yum!!!!

Off to bed to watch some TV......check back in the am.......
Good morning!!!! Up and on the elliptical!!!! The pollen is so bad....I can't run outside at my I live in the allergy issues....with everyone! Yucky!!!!

Doing awesome...the scale is now down....5.8!!!!! Whooohoooo!!!!

My knee I a little sore today.....a I was pushing it a few times yesterday!!!! But I rubbed one bio freeze on it feels cool at the moment!!!!

Hope everyone has a lovely Sunday....not much going on here....except chores!!!!

Check back in a bit!
Good morning! Not much going on here. Just woke up.:p
Even though I vow I won't buy any more Cathe, you know I can't stay away!:p

Carolyn, how interesting about your eyelash story!:D
Hi Girls. Today is cloudy and cold. I cleaned the living room and vacuumed today. The place looks nice. Our front door is all glass with the panes inside the glass. Frank put up a one piece thing to the inside of the door that makes it look like you have blinds inside the glass. It is really nice because we have some privacy now. I hated when someone could walk up to the front door and see right inside.
Todays movie was "I give it a year". That was real cute. Thanks Betty.

Missy that is great about your weight loss. How much total do you want to lose? I too made more energy balls yesterday.

Carolyn I bet your eyelashes are lovely. I wish I had such problems.
At work on Geri Psych again. It's going to be a looonnnnggg day. I can't believe it's only 10:30.

So check this brillant plan out.....

I work a .6 now which is 6 days every two weeks right now- every Fri, Sat, Sun. I chatted with dh last night and I'm hoping to drop to a .4 which is 4 days every two weeks. However, one of those shifts I would pick up to be a double, meaning 7am-11:30pm. Every time I work they ask me to double so I know they are always available. I calulated it out and I would be making an additional $26 a paycheck. Every weekend shift we pick up we get a bonus and if it's a double we get time and a half for the first four hours of the double and double time for the last four hours of the double. Anyways too much detail but regardless it would be a bit more money. Other benefits are that I get two additional days off.

Ok I'm back it's now 2:15 so apparently I got a little busy. Took a man to the bathroom and needed 4 people to help me. He is confused and combative. One of the nurses helping me almost got punched by him. Luckily she blocked his punch just in time.

Ok back to my plan. So essentially it's the same amount of money I'm making now but I'll have 2 additional days off because of the one day I'm working a double. Also it's less drive time. My schedule will ideally be every other Fri, Sat and Sun, one of which will be a double and then the opposite week will be only be Sat. I'll have that Fri off with my little B and that Sun off with both my boys :)

Sorry for the long explanation but I'm just so excited! Only thing that needs to be taken care of is having my manager approve the change which I'm pretty sure she will. A nurse co-worker told me that she pretty much *has to because of the nurses union.

No workout this morning and no plan of it when I get home. Chill time with my boys is on the docit. Can't wait!
Marie that sounds like a good plan if you can handle the double shift. That is a lot of hours in one day. But I'm sure you have done it before. I know you would enjoy your extra family time.

Carolyn what do you buy at the Company store? WD tonight.

I think Mr. Selfridge starts season 2 tonight.
Marie, that sounds marvelous if you can swing it! (Pun!) That's a long day.

Jean, I'm craving some English period dramas!
I too would hate an uncovered glass in the front door. So happy it's all fixed.

Missy, you did fantastic in the 5K!
Great job with the weight loss too!

Carolyn, that mother-daughter walk with your neighbor sounded like just the thing for spring.

Good night, all!
Good morning!! Why does monday come so quickly?????

Jean....I'm thinking total 15 pds will have me back to my leanest!!! So I'm going for it!!!! Why not????

Carolyn....I really do think the bc was think....the docs say no...bc doesn't make you gain cause of lack of exercise or bad diet.....well I exercise my brains out.....once again...I have proved the docs wrong!!!! Glad your knee is still doing good!!! That's exciting!!!!

Looking forward to a 5k run....yeah!!!!

gotta get a move on....all warmed up! Be back!!!

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