STS first time!

Hi Everyone. Today is sunny and cold , low 30's. My w/o today was UY Detox. I am going to the grocery store and Walmart today.

Missy Good Luck with the weight loss. I know you can do it. Are you doing cardio twice a day?
Congratulations Missy on the weight loss and 5K. Very proud of you! Has Tim decided on his job?

DD was sick with the stomach bug this weekend. She is much better today and off to school.

I did p57 on both Saturday Sunday and today. I'm following their March rotation and they had two 30 minutes workouts today and they nearly killed me. It was a hard combo.

We are having a house built. We are so excited! It excited and stressful all at yr same time.

Marie. That is so exciting with work. I hope it works out for you. That has to be hard with the double sifts.
Marie....that sounds so have the time off.... I could never do double shifts....its all I can do to pull my 7 1/2 hour day....LOL....after about 6 hours at this ready to leave..... these people will drive you insane! LOL
But the time....with your boys will be awesome!!!! :D

Jean... I am doing morning cardio, and in the evening I am alternating between Cathe and the occassional outdoor run....but since the pollen is so bad right now.... I am alternating Cathe and elliptical.... Hopefully it will work!!!! It is a work in progress....SLOW WORK IN PROGRESS!!!! But its progress!!!!


Today is suppose to be nice and then a cool front is coming to cool things down....why oh why?????:confused:
Its afternoon

Colleen...thanks....hope your dd gets better. Yes...tim took the we shall see....he made sure if he didn't like it....he could go back on the road!!! Job security!!!

Back to work I go!!!!
Hi ho. Got off work on time today, at 1. Squeaked in Step Blast before. Haven't done that one in eons.
Geez, is it frigid out:confused:. The winter that never ends:confused:. Snow on Wednesday:confused:.

Colleen, a house built! It's beyond exciting! Congrats!
Carolyn, my day isn't complete until I hear your voice.:p Where are you??

Hadn't done Step Blast in 2+ yrs!
I need to get it together. I literally didn't think about what workout to do until the last second. I could have done a better one than SB, like some of the metabolic ones.... But at least I got in 54 mins. (Closer to the one-hour mark makes me happy.:rolleyes:) I need to start working out before 7 am on a workday.:confused:
Thanks guys. It was a tough decision but we are excited. We've never built a home before.

Carolyn I sympathize with DD acting crazy. Mine is at that stage at well. I don't get it and it's totally stressful as well.

Betty. How are you liking your new job?

Remember last year when my boss left and I took on additional responsibilities? Well, I finally I got my promotion! I'm very excited!!
Colleen, CONGRATS! So proud! You deserve it with all your hard work!
My job is going great. I'm picking up the bookkeeping aspect quickly, though I dread eventually having to answer the phones & log the service requests.
Why, oh why didn't I appreciate all my free time more??:eek: I sort of long for the freedom to rewind my workouts.:p

Geez-us, Carolyn! What an insane day! Ab-solutely insane!
Find any more great deals??
If only I could build a new house at this age! I would make it not big, energy-efficient & solar-powered, lots of windows, radiant heating, Craftsman style with tons of wood moulding & wainscoting,... oh I could go on!
Good morning!!!! I'm up and on elliptical today!!!! The pollen count here is 11.2 out of 12.... yes....I feel like my head is going to run/drip away.... allergies!!!! Errr.... and my beautiful black car is yellow! !!! Errrr!!!!

I'm ready for the weekend already!!!

Betty....the phones shouldn't be too bad...right??? I know how you feel...I answer the phones when both of the receptionists are on the phones....and I dont really care too.....but its part of the job!!!! But...glad to here you are enjoying work!

Carolyn....goodness...that was a quick wake up, throw on some clothes and go....done that many times when i was a kid....never fun! Sometimes....I would just miss the bus and stay home....since my parents were already gone to is the devili sh red headed child in me!!!! Lol

Have a nice tuesday!!! Check back in a bit!!! is just Brets program working for u?
Good morning! Haven't been able to shake my cold. I put in GS Ch&tris this morning and barely got through the Chest exercises. I will try to get tris done tonight.

Missy, we are still having winter temps and I can't wait for spring, but that is also when my allergies kick in. But I so want the warm weather now!

Colleen, how exciting about building your new home. I often think about all the little things I would add to my home, like a pantry and mud room, but we have no space. Have fun with that.

Carolyn, I would have freaked out if that happened to me. I hate sudden surprises like that!

Betty, sounds like the new job is going well. Don't worry, you will figure out how to fit everything in and get into a pattern soon enough.

I can't remember who brought it up but I also wonder if Cathe will announce something new during the upcoming road trip. Although I haven't even used some of the dvds I bought in the last release.

I am so looking forward to my PT appt today!
Good sunny, cold morning! It's supposed to cloud up later in the day, then snow starts after midnight.:confused: Cape Cod will get the brunt of it though.

Mary, you nailed it--those things I want more than anything are a mudroom and pantry. Oh, and a master bath!
Sucks about your cold; have you tried Airborne? My b-i-l swears by it.
I need to call the PT office today. I wonder how long before I can get an appt. Enjoy your road to recovery! So glad for you.

I feel for you guys with the allergies.:confused: Have you ever heard of taking a spoonful of local honey daily? Try it. Honey is a superfood anyway.
Good Morning. It is cloudy and cold again. We are expecting some snow around 3 pm but not too much this time. Today's w/o was STS disc 2 back and tri's.
We are getting a paver patio right off of the screened in back porch. Nothing elaborate. It will be 18' X 12' with a 2 foot wall and 3 openings. We met the contractor this morning at the stone yard to pick out the pavers. So I am looking forward to spring to get this started.
My husband is installing the ceiling fan in my exercise room now.

Betty I hope you get a PT appt soon for a quick recovery. :D
Carolyn WD was pretty good this week. I was so happy when Glen and Maggie found each other. What kind of place are that at now? :eek: Some online predict these people are cannibals and they have eaten Beth and that is what they are going to serve them. :eek: Anyway next week's finale should be very exciting. I think a lot of stuff is happening then. Can't wait.
I will be watching The Following today.
Hi all, I luxuriated in Yin Yoga. Well, as much as I could since I'm not THAT flexible, and I can't stretch my left arm all the way.:confused: I should do it more often though.

Jean, your paver patio sounds absolutely perfect. Dh's been talking about one for a long time, and we've had a patio door for almost 10 years.:p

No call back yet from the PT office after I left a message. Ridiculous.
I'm sorry Carolyn. I hope she feels better.

My DD has been the same. We actually had to pick her up early yesterday and today due to stomach pain. She is so emotional. I took her to the doctor this afternoon. She is such a worry wart. She actually had to get an X ray. We are waiting to find out the results.

I did a 30 min p57 workout today. I tried to do another one but wasn't in the cards today. I'm mentally exhausted.
Hi ho. It sure seems trying to have daughters sometimes. I feel for you. Too bad I won't ever experience the agony.:(

This morning I went to TJM for a return and found a beautiful scarf made in India I didn't resist. Then this afternoon my sis called on a spur of the moment, so we went to another TJM and M. it was fun but I didn't buy anything.
Of course the PT office returned my call when I was out!
Rushed home to start cooking at 5:30.:p

I plan to do LL&A in the morning. I already pulled out the dvd.:p Since I loathe the lying-on-the-side floorwork, I'll sub the ?barre portion.

Better go practice.... No amount of practice seems to help me!:p
She is showing severe gas all up and down her stomach. She has to go in tomorrow for blood work. We are hoping it's not celiac. We never had the kids tested after my diagnosis.
Oh no, Colleen, how worrisome. Can you trace it back to anything she ate in the last few days? Could it be lactose intolerance? You describe my discomfort when I do get it. And I'm not sure why sometimes I don't get it.

Jean, speaking of daughters, have you heard from yours any more?:(
That ceiling fan is going to be perfect for those humid days when you're exercising!

Carolyn, I ordered another Lipowheat today. Amazon has them in stock all the time.

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